Chapter 25 Back to the Marine Branch

How dare a Marine come to their territory alone? And it's so blatant, doesn't it take Roger Pirates too seriously?

After Murphy's Reiatsu is gone, the people on Roger's pirate ship can also start to move freely.

But they all stared dumbfounded at the scene of Murphy slowly leaving, the horror on their faces was undisguised.

And when Murphy returned to his boat and sailed towards Garp, everyone came back to their senses.

"That kid is really Marine! And he sailed alone in New World for nearly three months?" Among the crowd, Rayleigh slowly walked out, looking at Murphy with a strange expression on his face.

After all, there are still more pirates in New World. Although Marine will sail here, many people go together to avoid endless sneak attacks by pirates.

And Murphy, as a Marine, and just a Marine student, actually wandered in New World by himself. This is too exaggerated!

"It seems that Marine is very optimistic about that kid's future! He actually let Garp follow him to protect him at any time. But..." Thinking of the scene where Rayleigh and Murphy fought just now, Roger seemed to understand something.

To be able to learn Rayleigh's swordsmanship in an instant, and to use it in practice so quickly, although there is still a big gap with Rayleigh, this talent is already shocking enough.

If nothing else, Murphy must be Marine Admiral in the future, and may be the strongest Marine Admiral in history.

Coupled with that gentle and irresistible personality, Roger thinks Murphy is the perfect candidate for Marine Marshal.

So it's no wonder Garp was asked to protect Murphy.

"Roger, what should we do now, leave?" Seeing Roger's expression, Rayleigh walked up and asked.

"Of course, besides, that kid has nothing to do with us, let's go! We're sailing!" Roger smiled lightly, and he also understood what Rayleigh meant.

But he didn't intend to do this. First, Garp was next to him, so he would suffer a lot in the fight.

The second is that Murphy's strength is not weak, even if it is a sneak attack, it may be difficult to succeed in one go.

Of course, it is undeniable that Roger and Rayleigh have no malice towards Murphy in their hearts. On the contrary, they feel that Murphy is very courageous, and even have some admiration in their hearts.

After comprehensive consideration, Roger naturally chose to let Murphy leave directly.

As for whether Murphy will become their threat in the future, as the three big pirates of New World, they still have the confidence to deal with it.


"Vice Admiral Garp." Walking to Garp's boat, Murphy greeted Garp very casually.

"Boy, what's the matter, New World is not such a simple place!" Seeing that Murphy came back safe and sound, Garp didn't continue to be pursued by others, and he gave up the idea of ​​fighting Roger.

Garp was also relieved to see that Murphy was safe and sound.

However, with Garp's character, it will not be so obvious.

"It is indeed a very interesting place, and my strength has also improved me very quickly." The gentle and jade-like young man smiled softly and replied in a calm voice.

He has indeed improved a lot of strength here.

He has improved so much in only three months. I am afraid that after returning to the elite camp in a year, Marine Vice Admiral may not be his opponent.

As for the Admiral level, it is still a bit difficult to upgrade within one year.

"By the way, I heard that your kid is killing all directions in New World. It seems that you have provoked the Golden Lion and Whitebeard in succession. Recently, you have been active in New World as little as possible. The confrontation between those two monsters has already turned the entire world The situation in New World has been stirred up, wait until their business is over and you continue."

Garp also reminded Murphy that the situation in New World is chaotic now, and it is better not to be too active.

As for the influence of the Golden Lion and Whitebeard that Murphy provoked, he is not particularly worried. As a Marine, this is a normal thing in itself. There is no way to do anything to the Golden Lion and Whitebeard themselves, but it is only natural to do something to their subordinates. things.

"I see, Vice Admiral Garp." Murphy nodded.

He really does not intend to participate in this conflict between the big pirates. The target characters he mentioned before have also shrunk during this period of time, not wanting to be affected by the conflict between these two monsters.

It doesn't make any sense for Murphy to directly participate in the battle of these monsters. After all, he can't beat Whitebeard or Golden Lion.

As for those subordinates of Whitebeard, although Murphy can defeat them, I am afraid that the captains at this time are not the future batch. After all, there are more than 30 years before the plot begins. Intern crews and the like are not very strong.

So it's better to take this time to comprehend your own swordsmanship. Anyway, Golden Lion and Whitebeard are not stupid, and there is Marine who is staring at each other. Naturally, it is impossible to confront each other for too long. Although the conflict looks terrible, there are nine out of ten It is impossible to fight.

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect you to be quite talkative, let's go! Go back to the Marine Base first, Sengoku and the others have already set off, and we just went to guard there."

Seeing that Murphy was so easy to talk to, Garp was also very happy to pat Murphy on the shoulder.

But in the words, Garp clearly regarded Murphy as a very strong fighting force.

And it is a combat force capable of guarding the New World Marine branch.

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