People In Pirates: Get The Aizen Template At The Start!

Chapter 26: The Realm Of The Great Swordsman

Chapter 26: The Realm of the Great Swordsman

time flies

two months passed quickly

Since the last time the Whitebeard Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates faced off, Murphy has been guarding Marine Base with Garp.

The days in Marine Base are naturally quite boring.

Some nautical basics are interesting at first, but Murphy gets them all quickly.

In less than a week, he learned some things that no navigator could master in his life.

But it also made Murphy extra boring. So all he has to do every day is eat three meals a day, practice Reiatsu, Kidō, and swordsmanship!

Especially in terms of swordsmanship, since that fight with Rayleigh, Murphy has gotten closer to the realm of a great swordsman. Although it is an improvement in swordsmanship, Murphy can also feel that his strength is growing rapidly.

sitting in the training ground

"It's so quiet..." Sitting there, Murphy seemed to be able to feel that the world today is completely different from the past.

Everything around became quiet, as if all sounds stopped abruptly, as if he had fallen into another different world.

But then, Murphy felt something different again!

It came from the outside, it was the sound of breathing!

It wasn't the breathing of a person or some kind of animal, but a wooden stake in front of him!

And this breathing sound didn't weaken, but was continuously amplified, amplified, and became more and more clear.

Murphy stood up and stepped forward, this time not using his Zanpakutō, but a simple wooden knife at random.

brush--! ! !

The crisp sound of piercing the air suddenly sounded, which was particularly harsh in this silent world.

Immediately afterwards, a blue light flashed suddenly.

The simple wooden knife went straight from top to bottom, and easily cut the wooden pile in front of it.

The extremely flat scratches fell directly along with a thin line of the stake.

[Congratulations to Host for taking the initiative to promote to the realm of Great Swordsman! Reward Host increased to 10% template unlocking level! 】

Hearing the voice in his ears, Murphy can be completely sure this time that he has indeed directly stepped into the realm of the Great Swordsman.

But what surprised Murphy even more was that after he was promoted to the strength of the great swordsman, the template system was also unlocked.

This really surprised him!

Aizen with 10% combat power, this combat power is probably quite powerful. It is no exaggeration to say that this strength already has sufficient self-protection ability in this world.

"Although the great swordsman does not mean that he has the combat power of Admiral level, but at least Admiral has supplemented the combat power of the level of Foil Vista. Is this only 10% of Aizen's power?"

Thinking of this, Murphy couldn't help frowning.

It is undeniable that Aizen is indeed very powerful, but the great swordsman should have reached the strongest level of combat power in the world. This is only one-tenth of Aizen's power, which is too exaggerated.

【Ding! Answering Host, the unlocking level to 100% is not the stage of fusion of Aizen and Hōgyoku, but the strength of Aizen during the Millennium Blood War. 】

Just when Murphy was wondering, the system suddenly answered Murphy's doubts.

During the period when Aizen was sealed and imprisoned, Reiatsu was still produced continuously. By the time of the Millennium Blood War, it was clear from Urahara Kisuke’s evaluation that Aizen’s strength at that time had far surpassed that of Aizen who evolved from the fifth stage of Hōgyoku. .

Even during the period of being sealed, Aizen's heart is constantly improving his strength, and he can even smash the palace of the spirit easily!

"Didn't you expect it to be the Aizen of that period in the end? This is really..." Feeling the current power in his body, Murphy slowly opened his eyes, and sighed involuntarily: "I can only say that it is indeed Aizen!"

It doesn't need too much explanation, the name Aizen already represents everything.

Only 10% of the strength has been unlocked, and Murphy can already use all the Kidō at this time. This level is completely different from other Shinigami.

Murphy can clearly feel that maybe he only needs to unlock about 20% of his strength, and he may already be able to fight Roger and others.

"Hadō no Ninety · Black Coffin!"

As Murphy's voice fell, dense black glossy thin lines rose directly around an iron pile not far in front, covering the entire iron pile in the blink of an eye, and then formed a huge and incomparably black The coffin stood before him.

But Murphy didn't release it with all his strength, but narrowed the range of Black Coffin as much as possible.

But even so, the height of the huge Black Coffin can still be seen in the entire Marine branch.

The Marines, who were performing daily tasks or doing various things, saw the huge coffin suddenly appearing on the training ground, and each of them showed panic and puzzled expressions on their faces, staring blankly at the huge coffin .

After a pause for a few seconds, a creepy sound suddenly came out from inside the black coffin.

Hiss hiss! ! ! !

The terrifying cutting sound resounded continuously in the Black Coffin, as if there were countless thin knives dancing inside.

"Has the kid thought about developing any strange abilities?"

Sensing the unique aura emanating from the Black Coffin, Garp glanced this way, looking at the huge Black Coffin with some curiosity.

The only person in the world who can use Reiatsu is Murphy, so Garp immediately felt that it was something Murphy did.

After a while, the black coffin suddenly burst, turned into fragments and disappeared into the air.

And the huge iron pile just now has completely disappeared.

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PS: [2/4]

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