Chapter 6 Kong's Expectations

And just when Sakazuki's thoughts were flying, suddenly, the thick Reiatsu exerted on him suddenly disappeared.


Feeling the pressure off his body, Sakazuki raised his head to look at Murphy in some puzzlement.

At this time, Murphy had already put the Zanpakutō back around his waist, and then stretched out his hand to him and said, "Didn't I say it from the beginning? This is just a discussion."

Looking at the gentle and elegant young man in front of him, the aggrieved and anger in Sakazuki's heart also dissipated a lot.

"Sorry, I was rude." Although he felt a little embarrassed, Sakazuki still held out his hand. Then Murphy pulled him up off the ground with a little force.

Indeed, it was clearly agreed at the beginning that it was only for the purpose of sparring, but he cared about winning and losing, and was narrow-minded. This appearance was really ugly.

"It's a good thing to be victorious. If you don't even have the victorious mind, you won't be able to grow." Murphy shook his head, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and showed a gentle smile.

"But it's too ugly to lose." Sakazuki smiled helplessly.

Just now in front of Murphy's Reiatsu, he couldn't even stand up, the heavy pressure made him completely convinced by Murphy's strength.

Although he is so much younger than himself, but has such terrifying strength, Murphy must have gone through countless efforts and sweat to reach this level.

And the other party was so kind to save face for himself, and at the same time gave him enough respect, but he was so narrow-minded, which made Sakazuki feel a little guilty.

Whether it is strength or character, he seems to be far from Murphy.

He served it!

Completely convinced.

Younger than yourself, more talented than yourself, harder than yourself, stronger than yourself, and even better in character than yourself.

Being crushed in such a way that Sakazuki couldn't even think of competing with Murphy.

【Defeat the future Marine Admiral Sakazuki, the template has been unlocked to 1.8%】

Looking at his own system template prompt, Murphy slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

I have to say that he is worthy of being the future Marshal Marine. Although he is not very strong now, after defeating him, he also brought him a 0.8% unlocking level, which is almost catching up with his years of training.

Meanwhile, outside

"This kid has a very likable personality."

"Indeed, she has a gentle personality like jade, a standard gentleman's demeanor."

"And the strength is so strong, it is really rare to find a gentle and strong person."

The Marine generals on the side were also conquered by Murphy's gentle temperament.

No matter who it is, such a guy can't raise hostility. It's what everyone yearns for, but they can't do it.

Soon, Kong walked towards the training ground, came to Murphy's side and asked, "You are Murphy, right. Was that Conqueror's Haki just now? Or your ability?"

Although Garp just said that this is not Conqueror's Haki, Kong is still not sure, so he wants to ask Murphy to confirm it himself.

"It's my ability. Paramecia's." Murphy didn't have much to unlock.

As for Paramecia's ability itself, there are all kinds of strange things, and there is no way to find out if you want to investigate. As for the Devil Fruit illustrated book, no one can guarantee that all Devil Fruit information is included.

"Paramecia? What a genius." Hearing what Murphy said, Kong also had a look of emotion.

Before mastering Haki, Logia's advantage naturally needless to say, but Murphy used his own efforts to suppress Sakazuki with a Paramecia fruit.

If after contacting Haki, the advantage of Logia's ability is reduced by a part, then I am afraid that Murphy will surpass Sakazuki even further.

But for the title of genius...

Although Murphy relied on Aizen's template to become stronger, he also inherited that incomparably powerful talent. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a genius.

And he can feel the incomparable power of Aizen, which is also very helpful for his growth rate.

It's like playing a game, it's very difficult for you to practice a full-level number for the first time, but when you become stronger, it's much easier to practice the second full-level number.

"I just said that this kid is a rare genius!" Even Zephyr's serious face couldn't help showing a smile after seeing Murphy.

"It's just that I was lucky enough to get a good Devil Fruit." Murphy smiled faintly and said very modestly.

"Luck?" Hearing Murphy's words, Sakazuki and Polusalino looked at each other with strange eyes.

If you want to talk about luck, logically speaking, the two of them should have better luck, right?

On one side is Logia, and the top level is naturally Devil Fruit ability, while Murphy is just Paramecia.

Why are there so many gaps between them?

"Okay, don't be too humble. You guys should leave too." Kong patted Murphy on the shoulder, quite optimistic about this young man who looked gentle, humble, hardworking and powerful.

Then he glanced at Zephyr at the side and said: "Train up this kid well, this kid has the potential to be a Marine marshal." After speaking, Kong left directly.

However, what Kong said just now had a terrible impact on many people.

The potential of Marshal Marine?

What is this concept? Marshal Marine is the highest command of Marine, and Marine is the most powerful violent organization in the world. It is conceivable what this position represents.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect Sengoku, you kid, to be promoted to Marine Marshal, and your next position has already been determined." Hearing Kong's words, Garp on the side immediately laughed.

Now the only Admiral in Marine is Sengoku, and the next Marine Marshal can be said to be well known by everyone.

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PS: [6/10]

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