Chapter 7 Teaching Haki

It's just a little funny that Kong has already found the next successor for Sengoku before giving this position to Sengoku.

Of course, this is not a big deal for Garp and his old comrades.

However, it is not a concept at all for others.

Whether it's the battle between Murphy and Sakazuki or Kong's words are deeply engraved in everyone's mind.

Everyone knew that if there were no accidents in the future, the person in front of him would be the future Marine Marshal.

"It's really troublesome." Murphy shook his head helplessly seeing the people around him discussing.

He also never thought that Kong would be so appreciative of his simple sparring with Sakazuki.

Especially since the two of them are still just a student, and Sakazuki is not too strong now, Kong would actually say that.

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand that although there is no actual fight, the level of these people may be seen through at a glance in front of monsters of that level.

Although the current Sakazuki is not that strong yet, Kong can also see that Sakazuki has the potential to be a Marine Marshal.

In the face of such Sakazuki, the younger Murphy showed the strength of crushing.

The most important point is that after a short conversation, I am particularly optimistic about Murphy's character Kong.

But anyway, the end result is that the discussion about Murphy has become more and more heated.

on the way out

Sengoku said with emotion on his face: "I thought Zephyr would put a lot of pressure on Marine after you retreated behind the scenes, but I didn't expect that the elite camp taught by you would directly attract such monsters to join Marine."

"And that kid is only less than twenty years old, this talent is really terrifying."

Other things can be faked to make up for it, but talent alone cannot.

"When the three of us were 20 years old, we probably could have beaten this kid together." Garp thought for a while and said.

The three he mentioned naturally refer to him and Zephyr Sengoku.

"It's hard to believe, but it seems to be the case." Zephyr sighed.

Unexpectedly, they who think they are geniuses will one day feel lonely because they feel that other people's talents are too strong.

"That kid is indeed a monster." There is no way to use the word genius to describe it. Kong also couldn't help but said: "If you give him a certain time and conditions, it's not hard to imagine that he will definitely become a very terrifying strongman, and there will be no accidents."

"Fortunately, this kid was absorbed by our Marine. If he becomes a pirate, he will definitely become a pirate stronger than Rocks."

"You don't have to worry too much about that, you've all seen that kid's character, and he will never get involved with a guy like a pirate."

After the words fell, the others nodded one after another.

In fact, what impresses people the most is not Murphy's strength, but the kind of gentle and elegant special temperament that cannot be picked out in the world, just like a natural good guy, gentle enough to Ultimate, so that everyone is willing to take the initiative to go Get close to him, lean on him.

After that, there's Murphy's incredible talent.

"Zephyr, I will leave this incredible monster to you to teach." Kong said very seriously.

Although it is said that his next job must be Sengoku, but if Murphy does not die halfway, then the candidate after Sengoku must be Murphy.

Kong naturally attaches great importance to the future of Marine.

"Don't worry, I will pay close attention to these boys and teach them the two-color Haki to avoid their premature death." Zephyr smiled.

He was already disheartened after his wife and children were killed, but he did not expect to regain his enthusiasm in the elite camp.

With his strength, at least he can guarantee that he will not decline too much within ten years, and there is absolutely no problem in protecting these little monsters from growing up.

Now that he has accepted this responsibility, he will do his best to prevent these little monsters from dying prematurely.

"It's a good thing to cheer you up again." Of course, Kong didn't say this sentence, but just thought it silently in his heart.

But he can probably predict that Zephyr will start teaching these young people seriously.

If Zephyr is really serious, the training will be quite hard and even harsh.


next day

After a whole day of rest yesterday, the training of the elite camp can also be said to have officially kicked off.

Those who can stay in the elite camp will not have a bad foundation, at least they have reached the physical fitness that can directly learn Haki.

Zephyr didn't think too much, since he wanted to teach these elites, he should start with the most direct, simplest and most important things.

Zephyr, standing in front of the crowd, stared at them with a serious face. .

"Today, what I want to teach you is very simple, that is, the use of two-color Haki. Of course, I don't expect you to learn all of these in one day, but I just want to let you know what to learn and know direction of effort."

"First, you need to understand what a two-color Haki is."

"Armament Haki can enhance personal defense power, acting like invisible armor; it can also evolve into attack power, and then compete with Demon fruit power, and even touch the entity of the "Logia" fruit ability user, in addition to being wrapped around the body In addition, Armament Haki can also be wrapped around the weapon to enhance the attack power. When the move is made, a part of the skin will not only turn black, but also harder than steel.”

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