Chapter 89: The Restricted Whitebeard

"Whether Laozi is a Golden Lion or not, you will be able to tell right away. Slash Wave!"

in an instant

Golden Lion's right hand swung straight out

The famous sword Sakura ten cut through the air

The terrifying slash directly illuminated the sky, aiming at the captain of the first team next to Whitebeard, Hunting Shadow, and directly blasted down.

"What?" The scale and speed of the slash far exceeded Hunting Ying's imagination, and even he couldn't react.

call out--

A scorching and bright slash strikes.

Lightning and Flint


The naginata in Whitebeard's hand was directly erected in front of Hunting Shadow, and Golden Lion's slash directly hit the naginata in Whitebeard's hand, causing huge waves after layer after layer.

"This slash!" Feeling the huge power coming from his hand, Whitebeard's face became a little heavy, and then a white light circle directly passed to the naginata in his hand.

Boom one

The power of the Shock Fruit erupted immediately, and the two terrifying forces collided. Many fish under their feet were broken by the internal organs of the shock and floated on the sea.

The huge Moby Dick also shook violently.

Even the sky darkened immediately.

It makes people feel an indescribable sense of shock.

Just one impact directly changed the climate.

As Whitebeard, who is invincible and known as the strongest, is indeed nothing, but what is even more surprising is that this unknown man who calls himself the Golden Lion actually has power no less than Whitebeard.

"What a terrifying slash. The power of this slash [is probably stronger than that guy Golden Lion." Whitebeard looked at the blond man in front of him with a solemn face.

But this slash also made Whitebeard completely deny the possibility that the person in front of him was the Golden Lion.

He has also seen the Golden Lion's slash. If it was really the Golden Lion, he didn't need to use the ability of Shock Fruit just now, and he could completely block the blow just now with his own strength and Haki.

At this time, the swordsmanship of the blond man in front of him was obviously even more terrifying.

This kind of gap cannot be made up in a day or two, not to mention, in the eyes of everyone, Golden Lion is already a dead person.

"But! This guy can stay in the air for such a long time. Is he the same type as Lion Fruit? Or, did this guy eat Golden Lion's Lion Fruit?" Thinking of this, Whitebeard (bcba probably already had a bottom line up.

In all likelihood, the guy in front of him who calls himself the Golden Lion happened to eat the Lion Fruit of the Golden Lion, so he called himself the Golden Lion.

Of course, Shiki couldn't guess what was going on in Whitebeard's mind, and Golden Lion didn't bother to explain this kind of thing.

"Whitebeard! You really like protecting the weak!"

Suddenly, the field of view turns

Shiki's figure seemed to be teleporting, appearing directly behind Hunting Shadow.

The corners of the mouth are raised, with a playful expression.

"How is it possible!" Hunting only felt a chill behind him, and turned around without saying a word.


Before he had time to turn around, a ferocious kick seemed to pierce the air, covered with a layer of terrifying Reiatsu and skillful Armament Haki and kicked directly down.

Hunting Shadow, who was completely unprepared, was directly kicked fiercely, and the powerful force poured out.


Although he couldn't turn around, Hunting Shadow immediately used Armament Haki. It has to be said that he is indeed the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and his strength is indeed quite strong.

If it were any other captain, I'm afraid he would be killed in an instant.


The extremely sharp sound stimulated the ears to hurt.

A terrible strong wind erupted directly from between the two, blowing the entire Whitebeard Pirates flying everywhere.

The deck under his feet was also shaken open and cracked.

"Huh.....huh..." Hit by the berserk force of the Golden Lion, Hunting only felt that many ribs in his chest were broken, and his internal organs were also shattered.

A smear of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"What a tough Haki!" Hunting Ying clutched his chest [with an extremely ugly face.

But fortunately, he is an awakened Zoan ability user, and he can recover from this minor injury soon.

But facing the blond man in front of him, Hunting Shadow inherently felt a sense of danger.

"Is Zoan awakened? The stamina is really good enough. I don't know if you can still be so calm after removing your head.


As if under the influence of some force

The Moby Dick began to slowly float towards the air.

"This is... Lion Fruit's ability! Did you really get Golden Lion's Devil Fruit?" Seeing the situation of the Moby Dick, Whitebeard almost confirmed his guess.

This ability he has only seen in Golden Lion's Lion Fruit.

"However, if you want to be presumptuous on Laozi's boat, even if the Golden Lion himself comes!"

Whitebeard stood up directly, the white halo directly covered the naginata in his hand, and shot towards the Golden Lion brazenly with an astonishing Haki.

call out--

The figure of Golden Lion flashed away instantly

When it reappeared, it had already moved a distance of ten meters horizontally, and easily dodged Whitebeard's vibrating slash.

"Do you think this kind of small-scale attack can hit Laozi? It seems that you can't use it well on this ship! Whitebeard." Watching Whitebeard's offensive, Golden Lion mocked disdainfully.

For these sheltered pirates, the days are indeed quite great.

But in the eyes of the Golden Lion, Whitebeard is also stupid.

Obviously, he is sure that he is an opponent of the same level as him, but because he is afraid of hurting the people on his ship, he dare not use his Devil Fruit ability too recklessly

Cutting off his own hands to protect the weak, this behavior seems stupid to a self-centered hero like Golden Lion.

PS: 【1】

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