People In Pirates: Get The Aizen Template At The Start!

Chapter 90 Lion Majesty: Govern Place Earth Coiling

Chapter 90 Lion Majesty: Govern Place Earth Coiling

If it were the Golden Lion, even if he gave up all the people on his ship, he would completely defeat the future enemies!

As for the dead guy, it can only show that their strength is not enough.

That's the way the Golden Lion works.

"To deal with a guy like you, even if Laozi doesn't need to use all his strength, it's more than enough!" Whitebeard sneered, looking at the young and outrageous face of the Golden Lion in front of him.

"Really? I don't know if you will think so when you see this move!" Suddenly, Golden Lion flew to the surface of the sea and threw it.

Seeing this scene, Whitebeard suddenly had a bad idea.

Immediately afterwards, with a sneer on his face, Golden Lion stretched out a hand and went deep into the sea: "Lion Majesty: Govern Place Earth Coiling"

Suddenly, the entire space began to vibrate violently~ Wake up

But the shock came and went just as fast

And after the shock ended, everything that appeared in front of Whitebeard and others completely exceeded their cognition.

I saw that the sea water was completely lifted, and a large number of Sea Kings were drawn in. The powerful water pressure cut many Sea Kings like knives, and the screams were endless.

Even some weak Sea Kings were directly cut into pieces, and the blood stained the corner of the Golden Lion controlling the sea water, making people feel scalp numb.


Immediately afterwards, the sea water gathered into giant lions one after another, appearing in front of the Whitebeard pirates as if covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The bloody mouth opened in unison gives an indescribable sense of shock.

Many people took two steps back in panic when they saw this scene, and even many people were so frightened that they sat down on the ground and looked up at the huge lions.

Even many captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were sweating profusely, their arms trembling uncontrollably, but they still tightly held the weapons in their hands.

Only Whitebeard looked normal, with strong fighting intent in his eyes.

The supreme sharp knife Cong Yunqie held in his hand was covered with a layer of bright white vibration power.

Now that the Golden Lion is not on board, he can also do his best.

With a sudden force in his right hand.


A shocking force spread out directly, and nearly half of the huge lion was directly shattered by Whitebeard, turning into a terrifying current and returning to the bottom of the sea.

However, Whitebeard didn't feel relaxed at all, instead he became more dignified.

Because the lion formed by the other half of the current has rushed in front of them.

"Whitebeard! My current strength is beyond what you can imagine!" Controlling the remaining lions beside him, Golden Lion looked at the dignified Golden Lion.

"The me now! It's so easy to take your son's head right under your nose."

"Stop talking nonsense here! It's a hundred years too early for your hunter guild to step on Laozi's head and become famous!" After speaking, Whitebeard snapped an elbow, and a terrifying shock came across the air.

The roaring air waves directly crashed into the remaining few lions, and the sea suddenly shook violently, as if it was about to submerge the Golden Lions.

The incomparably violent vibrating force directly centered on Whitebeard, and spread out crazily, rolling the ground and smashing the remaining half of the lions.

sky full of sea water

Golden Lion only used one move, and Whitebeard had to take two shots to barely fight back.

Originally, Golden Lion was at the same level as Whitebeard, even if there was a difference in strength, it was only a small difference, but now Golden Lion has not only recovered to his youthful state through Hōgyoku, but also has a higher level of strength.

And with Hōgyoku's power blessing, Golden Lion's power is definitely not such a simple thing as 1+1 [and directly caused a real change.

The control over power has reached an astonishing level. If it was before, Whitebeard might be able to easily defeat Golden Lion's ability with a sea shock move.

"What's the matter Whitebeard? It takes two moves to deal with me. Could it be that protecting these weak people every day has caused your strength to drop a lot?" Golden Lion said provocatively.

Of course he knows that the strength of his current self and his previous self is basically the same.

…ask for flowers………

No matter how fast Whitebeard grows, it is impossible to keep up with the growth rate of his own strength.

"Hehe! Let me see! Whitebeard, you are being crushed. Golden Lion floated in the air. After taking a look at Whitebeard, he turned his attention to the captain of the first team, Lie Ying.

Having just acquired brand new strength, it was hard to find a suitable opponent to fight with, so Golden Lion also fought Whitebeard a little bit.

After all, the guy who once stood at the apex of all pirates was everyone's number one goal.

But he is still very clear that the most important thing now is to get the heads of those hunters and complete the first mission of the Hunter Guild.


"You can't play around like this anymore."

Saying so, the breath of the Golden Lion directly locked onto Captain Hunting Ying on Whitebeard's ship.

The terrifying aura like a tiger coming out of its cage is extremely ferocious, bringing endless oppression to people.

"Lion: Thousand Slice Valley"

Compared with the Slash Wave just now, the slashes with a larger number, wider range, and stronger lethality burst out directly.

It cut open the seawater that collapsed like a mountain, and flew up towards Whitebeard's ship.

"Laozi is Whitebeard!" Seeing that the Golden Lion ignored him and directly aimed at the hunting shadow, Whitebeard's anger was completely ignited.


The sharp and huge naginata Cong Yunqiri swung outward violently

The extremely dazzling slash directly shattered the atmosphere, facing the Golden Lion's slash.

The intensive slashing strikes collided with powerful vibrations, and the aftermath of energy poured out crazily.

PS: 【2】

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