Chapter Sixty-Nine The Gods Have Arrived! The battle between mortals and the gods!!

On the way out of the Yotsuya family.

Kitahara Bai Qiu also specially turned around the vicinity and wiped out all the evil spirits around the Yotsuya Miko family!

I didn’t know where Yotsuya Miko lived before, plus I didn’t have the strength to destroy the evil spirits.

Right now……… Hehe.

These evil spirits, one by one, look terrible, and they still run out every day to be scary.

Usually, if he only scares a cat and a dog or something, he doesn’t bother to care.

But if only I had accidentally scared my lovely girlfriend.

It also makes my girlfriend feel scared every day, which is not good.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally would not allow such a thing to happen.

So, since he’s here.

The end of that evil spirit is already predestined.

It’s so unlucky to blame them.

Choosing to wander around the Yotsuya family? If this were somewhere else, Kitahara Baiqiu wouldn’t bother to take care of them.

After casually destroying those evil spirits, Kitahara Baiqiu was also preparing to go back suddenly.

His body was also shocked, and his face showed an unbelievable expression.

Boom, boom, boom!!!

A very violent explosion sounded.

The faces of the people of Chiba City filled their faces with surprise.

Kitahara looked out of Chiba City, the outskirts where the explosion sounded.

Kitahara Baiqiu, who had fought with Parsius and Veleslana, could clearly feel the familiar breath coming from that side at this moment.

God! Coming!!!

“How did it come so fast?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu was confused, but without the slightest hesitation under his feet, he rushed directly in the direction of the explosion.


“What the hell is going on here?” Why was I attacked as soon as I came?!! ”

“Isn’t this the legendary Eurari?” It doesn’t seem to be…”

“When it’s over, I can’t help but use my divine power as soon as I get out of the realm, and I won’t be plotted to go back to the god realm?!!”

“Woohoo, no! It was they who suddenly attacked me, and I couldn’t do anything with my divine power! ”

The goddess of the advent hid in hiding, dodging the attack in front of her, while her eyes were in tears, constantly complaining about something.

She is the goddess who came from another world this time.

And what is now attacking the Goddess Lord is not something else, but the army here!

Countless soldiers were now holding machine guns and firing at the goddess. In addition, there are tanks firing at the goddess. An amazing roar kept resounding from where the battle was fought.

The earth seemed to be trembling at this moment.

“How’s it going?”

The commander of the army also asked with a serious face at this moment.

“Report to the commander! Our attack failed to break through the enemy’s defenses! ”

The soldier saluted and said loudly.

“What about the guys we found who claim to have special abilities!” Let them get on the!!! ”

The commander’s face was ugly, and he said angrily.

“Report! According to the masters, all they can solve is a ghost or something that mortals can’t see, and they really can’t help with such a battle…”

The soldier’s face was a little subtle, and he said in a strange tone.


The commander’s face was full of anger and he scolded directly!

A ghost invisible to mortals? Ghosts that can’t affect mortals? Does that still need you to solve? Is there anything that is not your mouth?!!

The commander did not know where he was being deceived, and those with so-called special abilities were liars.

His face at this moment was also full of ugliness.

The world doesn’t know what’s going on.

In recent times, monsters that should not have existed have appeared one after another

It has attracted the attention of the whole world.

The terrible evil spirits that eat people, they have fought with before.

That terrible speed and inhuman resilience caused a lot of trouble for the army in the first place.

Fortunately, a mysterious man appeared and destroyed all the evil spirits.

Otherwise, I really don’t know what the world will do.

And it was hard to destroy the evil ghosts, and now, such a strong and unspeakable creature has appeared.

Obviously, these things should not exist in this world! Now one after the other.

Sometimes commanders can’t help but wonder what the hell is going on in this world.

“Aaaah, even if I am attacked all the time, I will be angry!” If you don’t stop fighting, I’m going to fight back!” ”

The goddess shouted outside

The commander was trembling, but his eyes were incomparably firm.

Stop, how?

Man-eating demons have already appeared once.

What if the existence of this appearance is a similar guy?

Instead of believing in this unknown creature, it is better to completely destroy her before she is harmful to the world!

And at the same time.

At this moment, Kitahara Baiqiu also rushed to the battlefield.

When he saw the figure fighting with the army, the whole person was stunned.

“System, what’s going on?” Why is Hestia still here?!! ”

That’s right, Hestia!

The god who is coming at this moment is the goddess Hestia from “Seeking Encounters in the Dungeon Is Something Wrong”.

Kitahara Hakuaki thought at first.

Which god who came to this world was a god who did not obey, and he estimated that there would be a fierce battle with him later.

I didn’t expect the result.

The comers are not even from the world of the God Killers! It’s from the ground fault!

[Ding, detecting the host’s inner doubts, is solving the host’s doubts.] 】

[Please note that although the simulated world chosen by the host is the God Killer, at this moment, the God Killer World and the Earth Fault World are both linked to this world.] 】

Therefore, the existence of the two worlds is possible to be teleported to this world immediately. 】


Kitahara Hakuaki was shocked!

He had always thought that only the existence of the simulated world would come to this world!


It is TMD that the two worlds are linked, so when the world is refreshed, two worlds will appear at the same time!

This Nyima is really getting trickier.

However, Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the army fighting Hestia, and there was also a confused expression on his face.

That’s all the way around.

There was no mysterious side of the people who jumped out, but ordinary people fought Hestia.

Was his world really just an ordinary world?

“Not good!!”

And just as Kitahara Baiqiu was thinking, his face changed and he directly joined the battlefield…

“Aaaah, you forced me!”

It has been beaten, and the clay man still has three points of fire, not to mention the gods!

Hestia couldn’t help herself at this moment, wanting to teach these humans some lessons!

Don’t look at the fault of the ground.

Hestia always had a cute look.

But that’s mainly because she has a gentle disposition, and under the wrong rules of the gods, no one can use divine power.

That aside.

Hestia is one of the twelve gods of Olympus! And it is also the holiest and oldest god on Mount Olympus.

Known as the Goddess of Fire! And how can it be simple!

At this moment, Hestia’s obvious little temper had come up.

She herself was puzzled that she had not come to Eurari, and she was a little frightened by her use of divine power in the Netherworld.

As a result, these people, again and again, even dared to take a shot at themselves! As a god! She’s not completely temperamental!


As Hestia’s words fell, a huge fireball appeared in his hand.

The size of the fireball is extremely terrifying, like a small sun, and people can’t help but tremble with fear just by looking at it.


As Hestia threw it forward, the fireball, like a cannonball, shot in the direction of the crowd.

The blazing heat coupled with the speed, the destructive force is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

See this scene.

The faces of everyone present changed drastically.

They’re done.

They couldn’t understand what kind of monster this was, and they couldn’t understand why this monster appeared in their world!

Everyone’s hearts were filled with despair.

But they have given up their resistance at this point.

Because at this moment, anyone can see the huge gap in strength between the two sides.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone, standing in mid-air, facing the terrifying little sun.

The boy did not make any other movements, but just put his hand on the sword.

Draw your sword!

Obviously, it is a mediocre action.

The next second —

A loud rumbling sound sounded, and the air began to shake.

A terrifying sword qi, at this moment, rushed directly towards the small sun.

Everywhere they went, there was an endless gust of wind, someone was blown straight away, and the tank was almost overturned at this moment.


The sword qi and the fireball collided together in mid-air.

The little sun was directly cut in half by the sword qi, accompanied by a strong wind, and it was directly destroyed by the small sun!

See this scene.

Everyone’s eyes widened! The look in my eyes was filled with disbelief! Was that god-like power directly blocked? How is this possible?!!

Everyone felt as if their heads had exploded, and their pupils were shrinking like needles.

There was an uproar at the scene, which shocked the whole audience.

“Hestia, are you crazy?”

After blocking the small sun, people heard the teenager speak.

The tone was full of helplessness.

Then they also saw that there was no match for the existence before.

Hearing the teenager’s words, his face also showed an expression of embarrassment and fear.

In fact, when she threw the little sun out, Hestia had already regretted it, she was too impulsive.

Fortunately, fortunately, someone behind her helped to block it, so that she did not make a big mistake. In fact, this is also the reason why the gods of the wrong world want to seal themselves.

The power of the gods is incomparable to mortals, and there is a seal to remind and warn oneself at all times.

Of course.

These are just digressions.

Most importantly, in this world, there are finally people who recognize themselves!

Hestia was simply so touched and full of surprises.

“I’m sorry, guys, the kids in the family are causing you trouble by messing around, so I’ll take her back to education.”

Seeing that the scene had completely calmed down, Kitahara Baiqiu let out a breath and said to the people below.

Soldier: “…”

Commander: “…”

Wounded tank: “…”

It’s okay for kids to mess around…

The corners of everyone’s mouth cramped, but in today’s situation, you are strong, and everything you say makes sense.

Hestia also had a stiff face.

Don’t look at her short, just think that she is a child, she is not a Lolita god…

However, now she can only rely on Kitahara Baiqiu, so she is only spitting out in her heart.



Kitahara Hakuaki also left with Hestia, who was honest throughout the process.

Everyone present.

Looking at the land in front of him that had been reduced to rubble because of the war, there was also the result of not hurting Hestia in the slightest.

They couldn’t help but fall silent.

It’s too strong.

It’s so strong that it’s desperate.

“Commander, who is the last boy to appear?”

A soldier asked.

The commander took a deep breath and said with a serious face: “You don’t care who he is, you just need to know that he is on our side!” ”

That’s right, on their side! It can only be on their side!


If their teenagers and girls join forces, then what else in the whole world can stop them?!!


The world has become less and less known and stranger to these ordinary people.

It doesn’t matter where those extraordinary beings come from, and it doesn’t matter why those extraordinary beings appear.

But there needs to be an extraordinary presence on their side. Through this battle, the commander has thoroughly understood.

Human technology may be okay against ordinary aliens.

But to deal with such an incomparably powerful being, it is simply impossible!

So they need foreign aid! To beat the extraordinary with the extraordinary.

“Speaking of commanders, did you hear the maiden call the female Hestia just now?”

The soldier suddenly thought of something and spoke again.


The commander was still thinking and casually replied.

“Hestia, Hestia, one of the twelve legendary gods of Olympus!”

The soldier’s tone was full of surprise, some disbelief.


When the commander heard this, the whole person’s head roared, and a chill rushed into his heart, and the gods?!!

And it is also the Lord God?!! Hiss~

Countless people at the scene heard this soldier’s words and inhaled a cool breath!

“Can we say that we have just done something to the legendary gods?!!”

“It turned out to be a god, no wonder it was so strong!!!”

“The boy who blocked the god’s attack is strong!” Oh my God, who the hell is he who is so horrible?!! ”

“The most important thing is that he also said that the god of the church is the child of his own family!” Just unbelievable! ”

“Is he the King of God?!!”

After a brief period of calm.

The exclamation also broke out completely…

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