Chapter Seventy Blue Ribbon Goddess! Terrorist attacks!!

Kitahara Hakuaki left with Hestia.

However, they have brought an unparalleled shock to everyone present and to the whole world.

It is different from the evil spirits at the time when the ghosts destroyed the world.

The ghosts that killed the people in the world were equally terrifying and powerful.

However, under the suppression of strong firepower, it is not impossible to solve it.

But now.

Today, when they fought with Hestia, they only felt a deep sense of powerlessness, and their cognition was violently impacted.

Such a powerful presence!

Enough to make the whole world start to change!

Although everyone in the world today still does not understand.

Why is there such a succession of things in the world that are obviously not in line with common sense?

But there is no doubt about it.

They appear and they appear.

Even if it is unbelievable! But these are all realities that can never be refuted! And the whole world has to do!

It’s to defend against the invasion of these beings! Meanwhile.

Kitahara White Autumn this side.

“Tell me, what’s going on?”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s tone was a little helpless, looking at the cute goddess who honestly followed him behind him, wearing a double ponytail, and asked.

“Me, I don’t know.”

Hestia’s expression froze, and an embarrassed expression appeared on her face.

Obviously, his appearance and figure were very young, but the body that was obviously fouled also began to twist.

Is it fair to say that she is a goddess?

A faint temperament came out of her, and it seemed that after watching for a long time, she would unconsciously become obsessed with it.

Lovely, beautiful, pure, feminine, noble, noble, supreme, unique, countless words popped out of the mind.

As if to confirm Hestia’s infinite charm as a goddess as a woman.

“I was just a little bored in the Divine Realm, and then many of my Divine Friends went to a place in the Netherworld to go to a place where Eurasia was.”

“So I thought, too, go down and have a look, but I don’t know why I’m here, I seem to be lost…”

Hestia was very weak-hearted, but still answered Kitahara Baiqiu’s words honestly.

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard that there were also some supports.

This is actually not difficult to guess, it is estimated that this is when Hestia netherworld.

Because of the turmoil of the two worlds, she did not succeed in coming to Eurari, but was suddenly sucked into this world.

But then again.

In the timeline of the wrong world, even Hestia has just arrived at Eurari?

Although in the wrong place, compared to other gods, Hestia was indeed relatively late in the netherworld, which is one of the reasons why Hestia has not been able to receive dependents.

But if compared to the beginning of the original book, the timeline of the wrong world at this moment is still quite early.

“When it was over, I used my divine power in the Nether and almost killed mortals!” I won’t be asked to return to the Divine Realm?!! ”

At the thought of this, Hestia burst into tears and obviously began to be a little anxious again.

Due to the limitations of the Wrong World, the gods are not allowed to use their divine powers in the Netherworld.

Once violated, it must be repatriated to the Divine Realm.

This is the rule made by the gods together.

“Whoops, I can’t help it, I’m forced to be helpless, special circumstances, yes, this is a special situation.”

“That, that, this god friend, can you please come with me to Eurari to help me explain, I wonder if you can try to struggle.”

Hestia was very anxious and even pleaded with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kitahara Bai Qiu raised his forehead and replied, “Rest assured, you will not be sent back to the Divine Realm, and you don’t need to go to any Orali, because this is no longer your world.” ”

“Besides, I’m not a friend of God, I’m an ordinary human being.”


Hestia was dumbfounded! Another world? Not a friend of God…?

Both of these events undoubtedly filled Hestia with shock.

Hestia didn’t think anything of it.

This is not her world anymore!

Myself……… Have you been lost in another world?!!

Moreover, Kitahara Baiqiu was not a god and Hestia did not expect it.

Obviously there is such a strong strength! But it wasn’t a god?!!

How is this possible!

Although Hestia did not feel the divine power in Kitahara Hakuaki.

However, the gods of the nether realm had sealed their own divine power, and it was normal not to perceive them.

Kitahara Baiqiu is powerful, and he also knows himself, obviously he should be a god!

You know, many of the sword gods that Hestia knew, the sword skills could not reach the level of the Northern Plains White Autumn.

A single row of swordplay can withstand my attacks, and you tell me that you are not a divine?!! Hestia was confused.

The impact of these two events on her is not insignificant.

At this moment, a dumb expression was already on his face.


Kitahara looked at Hestia and sighed.

As a goddess, Hestia does have the cuteness and charm that a goddess should have.

But her character, I have to say, makes her not have the power and dignity of the gods, but this is also the cute point of Hestia.

“At the moment I have no way to send you back to your world, if you don’t have a real place to go, do you want to come to my house?” My house is quite big. ”

Kitahara Shiraaki smiled and sent out an invitation.

The deity who came this time was not the disobedient god of the god-killer world, but the erroneous Hestia.

To be honest, it was indeed quite a surprise to Kitahara Baiqiu.

However, this is always a good thing.

After all, compared to the unscrupulous gods of the godkiller world.

The Blue Ribbon Goddess is undoubtedly much better at talking.

Even if the former was killed by Kitahara Baiqiu in the end, it was destined to bring great harm to the world.

And the latter, as long as you don’t provoke her too much, she will always be a cute and very cute mascot.

Goddess version of the mascot, who doesn’t love it?


Hestia was full of surprise!

She was now confused, inexplicably coming into this world, and the world did not seem to be very friendly to her.

Hestia had no idea what to do next.

And Kitahara Baiqiu’s words were simply a blessing in disguise for her.

“That way, it won’t bother you too much.”

Hestia’s body began to twist a little again, and she said with a red face.

It’s not shyness, it’s embarrassment.

“It doesn’t matter, if you want.”

Kitahara said.

“I do! I do! ”

Hestia nodded frantically, her face full of emotion.

After coming to this world, everyone has been attacking her, and obviously she has not done anything.

Only Kitahara Bai Qiu had no malice toward her at all.

Or rather, even with great kindness to her.

Hestia sensed it at the beginning, although she didn’t understand it, but this was one of the reasons why she was willing to go with Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Thank you, thank you, that…”

“My name is Kitahara Hakuaki.”

“Mm-hmm! Thank you! Bai Qiujun! ”

The goddess is very familiar with herself, with an incomparably bright smile on her face.

This smile is full of youthful vitality.

It was as if all the troubles in the world would be swept away just by seeing her smile.

“Bai Qiujun, my name is Hestia, oh, and my identity is a god.”

“I know……”

“Yes ~ before Bai Qiujun directly called my name, I forgot, hehe…”

And just as Kitahara Hakuaki and Hestia were leaving.

At this moment, Chiba City, hearing the roar of artillery fire finally ended, and it completely exploded the pot.

Fortunately, the place where the two sides fought was really a suburb and was rarely populated.

Otherwise, the casualties are estimated to be unimaginable!

And the reason why it is in the suburbs.

This was the result of the army’s deliberate action, and it was also the result of Hestia’s deliberate work.

Neither side wanted to cause too many casualties in the crowd.

But Rao is.

Everyone in Chiba City also had a look of panic and uneasiness on their faces.

“What the hell is going on over there?” Fight??? ”

“How could it be! Will the war hit our place?! There’s obviously something wrong with that! ”

“In my opinion, it was the matter of the evil ghosts eating people a few days ago, and I heard that the army had exchanged fire with the evil ghosts, and the world has definitely become unusual!” I haven’t been hiding it for long! ”

“Hahaha, laugh to death, God especially eats people and evil ghosts, the world has become unusual, upstairs less to see more comics, too many elements, do not know how to spit up.”

“What an ignorant opinion, so how do you explain tonight’s events, to know!” Many people have seen it before the evil ghosts eat people! There have been similar videos posted online! ”

“Isn’t that a PS effect?”

“PS special effects? So why did the official delete? ”

“Of course, it is too bloody and violent, it is not good to teach bad children, it is the twenty-first century, we must believe in science, children.”

Because of Hestia’s business.

Nowadays, the Internet is also directly open to the pot.

Some have already guessed that it must be related to the last time the evil ghost cannibalism, but this is mostly young people.

Some people think that what God and God are talking about is impossible to happen in this world.

They are even more inclined to terrorist attacks than those of evil spirits.

This statement is also widely recognized.

After all, if it wasn’t for a terrorist attack, how could there have been such a big movement?

But there’s no denying it.

Strange things have come up in this world one after another. The seeds of doubt have begun to be planted in people’s hearts.

Except for these people.

The whole world, the top brass of various countries, but they all learned the truth of the matter and they were silent.

It is impossible to understand why the world has one unknown situation after another.

It was a demon before.

Nowadays, even the existence of suspected gods has appeared.

They even began to wonder if there really was a mysterious side of the world.

But there is no doubt that at the moment they are full of attention.

Snow under the snow, Kasumigaoka Shiba, and Miko Shitani are the girls who know the truth.

The heart is also full of worries about someone.

After the movement in the suburbs calmed down, one by one could not wait to send messages to inquire about the safety of Kitahara Baiqiu.

After Kitahara Hakuaki replied that it was all right.

One by one, the girls were relieved, and a beautiful smile appeared on their faces.


People see it as promised.

The news of the terrorist attack in Chiba City is big…

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