Chapter 104 The Lord’s Council! Zeus, the King of the Furious Gods!!

For Medusa, you are her closest being. 】

[From birth all along.] 】

In Medusa’s memory, you have been silently guarding her, helping her when she is in trouble. 】

[Let her have the beautiful appearance of the city, but also be able to grow up with peace of mind. 】

[So, Medusa has been looking forward to meeting you]

[And today.] 】

[Her dream has finally come true.] 】

[At the best age, the most suitable time, the most beautiful moment, meet you. 】

[Medusa was so happy that she even directly relied on your arm and looked happy.] 】

Medusa takes you to Scyna and Yuri Ellie and introduces you to her little sister. 】

[Sisina and Yuri Ellie were shocked!] 】

Of course, they had heard of the name of the god of the gods!] 】

[That is to kill many gods and many gods!] It also includes the God King! Known as the strongest main god of Olympus! The existence of countless goddesses admired! 】

[Sisina and Yuri Ellie are also very excited to see you, as if modern fans have met an idol!] 】

[There is admiration, and there is admiration.] 】

At the same time, they are also very shocked that their little sister knows such a big person as you! 】

Medusa looked at the shocked expression of the good sisters and felt very proud. 】

[The beautiful girl’s proud appearance with her hands crossed at the waist made her look even more cute.] 】

[You laugh as you watch.] 】

[I have to say that although they are one, Medusa and Athena are really two complete natures.] 】

After you have spoken to Sisina and Yuri Ellie, you take Medusa with you to Mount Olympus. 】

【Because you killed Poseidon, the god of the sea, one of the twelve main gods!] 】

[Mount Olympus at this moment: also full of vibrations!] 】

Countless gods can’t believe it! 】

I can’t believe that you, as the main god, can actually take a shot at the main god of the same god lineage! 】

[Moreover, obviously the same as the main god, Poseidon, the god of the sea, does not even have the strength to resist in your hands!] 】

[Your strength seems to be more powerful than it was then!] 】

[This made many of the main gods on Mount Olympus begin to tremble at it.] 】

They remembered. 】

[I remember the palpitations I felt when I first saw you for the first time.] 】

During this time, they almost forgot their original feelings. 】

It wasn’t until you killed Poseidon that they thought about it again. 】

[The death of Poseidon, the god of the sea.] 】

[It was an incomparably heavy blow to the whole Greek mythology.] 】

Next, there is the meeting of the Lord God. 】

[At the meeting, several Lord Gods begin to question you!] Ask why you killed Poseidon! 】

[You didn’t bother to explain, but just pushed Medusa in front of the gods and said you would understand it when you looked at it.] 】

Medusa was also a little nervous at this moment, and in the face of so many gods in front of her, the innocent girl had a look of fear on her face. 】

[She never imagined that the man who wanted to take her was the legendary Poseidon, the god of the sea!] 】

Medusa could not imagine what would happen to her if she had been really taken away. 】

When she thought of her tragic fate, Medusa felt a little afraid, and she was also very glad that she could be saved by you. 】

[Just, kill Poseidon, the god of the sea.] 】

Medusa is also worried about you, worried that you will not be punished severely. 】

[The gods watched you push out the Medusa, and at first they didn’t understand it, but after carefully examining Medusa, they finally found that she and Athena had the same root and the same breath.] 】

This made the gods look at each other and frown. 】

After all, if Medusa is really related to Athena, it seems a little reasonable for you to do so. 】

【However!】 】

[In their opinion, even if it is related to Athena!] It’s too much for you to kill Poseidon directly! Isn’t it enough to stop it! 】

【Lord God! How can you say kill to kill! 】

Even if he made a big mistake! Nor should it be killed! 】

【This! It’s the Lord God! 】

[Just for a moment!] The meeting was also noisy again! The Heroes of Steel continue to condemn you strongly! 】

The gods of the earth mother, after learning the truth, are now silent. 】

Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, looked at Medusa with an envious look. 】

There is no doubt that Medusa has a hero who saves herself. 】

[And the original Aphrodite, but did not save her hero appeared]

“I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong by killing Poseidon!] You twitter Nyima twitter! “】

“To be honest, I’ve long seen you bastards force women to be upset at every turn, TMD, what kind of god are you?” Count your fucking god! “】

“I’ll tell you!” Even if Poseidon didn’t look at Medusa this time, it was really just an ordinary human girl, then Lao Tzu would kill him when he saw it! How to drop! “】

“You: Just you! What to see? What to see! Eyes so big! I don’t believe it! I don’t want to touch Lao Tzu! “】

[As the object of accusation, you did not endure, and you also directly broke the mouth at the meeting. 】

Everyone was stunned by your words, they couldn’t believe it. 】

I can’t believe you, as God, could say such a thing. 】

[It’s even more unbelievable that you, as the Lord God, dare to insult other Lord Gods!] 】

[The object of insult even included Zeus, king of the gods!] 】

They are shocked by your arrogance! 】

After the shock, every face showed an angry expression! 】

[And all the Mother Earth gods present.] 】

[At this moment, they are all looking at you sheepishly.] 】

[In the eyes, there is a lot of color.] 】

Although your words are a little rude, they have touched all the earth goddesses.] 】

[Many of them were like Aphrodite at first, and few of them were voluntary.] 】

[However, these so-called heroes of steel, whether they want to or not, directly insult them.] 】

Aphrodite covered her mouth and looked at you with tears in her eyes. 】

At this moment she even felt. 】

Perhaps, her hero did not appear, but she appeared a little late. 】

Aphrodite was very happy, very, very happy! 】

There is no doubt that you are her hero. 】

[The meeting of the Lord God finally broke up unhappily.] 】

[At the end of the meeting, all of the twelve main gods of the earth are on your side, fighting against the heroes of steel.] 】

[This meeting made the relationship between the Mother Earth God and the Hero of Steel drop to the freezing point again.] 】

[And such a relationship, one day, will completely break out.] 】

After the meeting, Athena came to you, smiled at you, and took Medusa with her, and you left side by side. 】

From Athena, Medusa also learned all the truth and understood her origins. 】

“It really is…… It’s so unfair. “】

[The naïve girl, after learning all the truth, said reluctantly.] 】

“What’s not to like?” “】

Athena asked strangely. 】

“Obviously I! I just met the Lord God! Before you can get along with the gods, you will become one with you or something! But you have been with the gods every day! Isn’t that unfair? “】

Medusa pointed to herself and said so. 】

“But aren’t we all one?” “】

Athena’s face was a little red, but she still spoke. 】

“One is indeed one, but it always feels weird…”]

Medusa’s face was a little distressed, and then she looked at you and asked curiously:]

“Your Honor, do you think that you have always guarded me and always protected me, also because of the relationship of the goddess Athena?] “】

[You heard the words for a moment, and then smiled and said:]

“Although there is indeed a relationship on one hand, but, as I said earlier at the meeting, even if Medusa is just a simple girl, I will save you as well. “】

[You are telling the truth, in Greek mythology, Medusa is a tragedy.] 】

[The whole incident was entirely because of Poseidon’s whimsical desires, which led to all the tragedies that followed.] 】

Even if you leave Athena behind, you are more than happy to save the innocent girl in front of you. 】

“Then I’ll be all right.”] “】

Hearing the answer she wanted, Medusa also had a smile on her face. 】

“Three days, as long as you give me three days of the gods, I will be one with you, how about it?” Can the gods be there? “】

Medusa said this to Athena, and at the same time, asked you. 】

You nodded, and Athena thought about it and finally agreed. 】

[Then, for the next three days, you took Medusa and went crazy everywhere.] 】

Everywhere you go, there is the joy and laughter of Medusa. 】

[Just the night of the last day.] 】

[Medusa found you, she said, now that she is the most beautiful time in her life, she should be worthy of the gods.] 】

[She didn’t want to leave any regrets, so she asked the gods to fulfill them.] 】

[That night, you played poker with Medusa.] 】

[You look at the girl in front of you, full of pity.] 】

[The next day.] 】

[Medusa and Athena became one as one.] 】

[The two were originally one, you sighed, and did not stop it.] 】

[After becoming one, Athena, seeing the pity on your face, asked in confusion what was wrong?] 】

[You shook your head and said, It’s okay, it’s just a pity to think that you won’t see Misha in the future.] 】

Athena was stunned, and she said that if you want to see, you can see, Medusa, and she is not dead, but is one with her. 】

[You are stunned when you hear that you agree, and you don’t understand what it means.] 】

[Athena explained that if there had not been the appearance of Kitahara Hakuaki, then Medusa would undoubtedly have been invaded by Poseidon, the god of the sea, according to the plot development of the myth. 】

Athena, as the goddess of virginity, is absolutely unable to accept her unclean self, so she will find a way to use the Eastern God of Light, Mitus, the hero Parsius, to kill Medusa and bring back only her divinity. 】

Medusa itself is not immortal, and after killing, it is naturally impossible to resurrect. 】

Medusa, who has died and essentially only has a divine personality, naturally cannot appear. 】

At this point, Athena paused, thanked you, and continued. 】

But it is precisely because of your presence that all these tragedies did not happen, and Medusa did not die, so of course it can appear again if you want to. 】

[When you hear this, you finally understand, and there is some disbelief on your face, because you suddenly think of something.] 】】

That is, in a sense, if Athena is willing, then she can also be divided into three.] 】

Three, triple happiness? 】

[You are shocked by your own ideas.] 】

At the same time, Athena began to get a little curious that you had been so intimate with Medusa for just a few days. 】

Subconsciously, she began to search all the memories of Medusa in her mind…]

[Finally, Athena’s face was flushed, she bit her lip, tears began to appear in her eyes, and she raised her hand and pointed at you tremblingly:]

“Change, pervert!!! “】

[She and you clearly said good!] 】

[That kind of thing has to wait until it’s all over!] 】

[You don’t keep your promises!] 】。

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