Chapter 105 Slay the God King Zeus! Tear down Greek mythology!!

“Cough cough cough cough…”

Kitahara saw the contents of the simulation.

For a moment, I couldn’t help but cough violently.

A young girl told you she didn’t want to leave with regrets.

Can you bear to refuse?

The world knows that I am soft-hearted, and I certainly cannot refuse! So!

Isn’t that something that can be understood! How can it be called a pervert!

Wait, oh.

The person who scolded me was a beautiful girl who liked me, and she was also a real goddess.

That’s fine.

Thinking of this, Kitahara Bai Qiu realized.

Immediately, I continued to look at the emulator.

[In the following days.] 】

Athena also began to hide from you, and every time she met you, her face was full of red.

[As a virgin goddess, she is very serious about her own purity, for her chastity, for the first time, she actually looks at it.] 】

For this reason, in her original plan, she would not even hesitate to kill herself as a Trinity Medusa. 】

[Even more because of the importance of this matter, she once made an agreement with you.] 】

Your first night, your most holy night. 】

[It will be held after the overthrow of the god king Zeus and the grand wedding.] 】

[As a result, she didn’t expect that you would actually be with Medusa, and you would actually be with Medusa…]

[It’s not her, but it’s her!] 】

[The most important thing is that the whole thing, the whole process, is still Medusa’s initiative!] 】

[This made Athena feel a little self-conscious, and she was always in a state of shyness.] 】

[The goddess became shy.] 】

[That’s very cute!] 】

[You have naturally admired the lovely Athena all this time, and sometimes even deliberately appeared in front of her to tease her.] 】

[The goddess Athena’s cute reaction can always make your heart beat faster, it is simply heartwarming.] 】

[Worthy of being a goddess, it made me addicted to it.”] “】

[You said this about Athena, and Athena blushed even more, punching and kicking you in protest.] 】

[It’s just that strength, even a mortal girl is not as good, more like flirting]

[And just when your Athena is warm:]

With the end of the meeting of the Lord God. 】

[The contradiction between the Mother Earth God and the Hero of Steel is aroused.] 】

During this time, it also began to intensify!] 】

The whole of Mount Olympus began to fill with the smoke of war. 】

The heroes of steel have finally realized the seriousness of the problem. 】

[What they used to take for granted, but now because of Poseidon, but because of a mortal girl?] Completely exploded! 】

[And the reason for all this is because of you!] 】

The heroes of steel began to seek transformation. 】

[But!] No doubt! They will not let you go as the original author! 】

They can make a partial compromise with Mother Earth! But! In their condition! 】

【You! Must die! 】

Not only because of this incident, but also because, because you killed Poseidon, they reminded them of the horrors and palpitations that first saw you. 】

[They can’t tolerate you anymore.] 】

However, the conditions of the Hero of Steel, the Mother Earth Gods naturally will not agree!] 】

Now that you are the beloved being of all the Mother Gods, how can they agree to such a recommendation!] 】

[As the contradiction begins to excite!] 】

[The war has also broken out completely!] 】

As the leader of the Mother Earth, you stand directly in front of the Mother Earth God, facing away from the god king Zeus. 】

Zeus, the king of the gods, at this moment, the look in your eyes is also full of murderous intent, how could he not have imagined that you would bring him such a big trouble. 】

[In Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Hera, the queen of heaven, the goddess of agriculture, Demeter, the goddess of the moon, Artemis, the goddess of beauty, and……… Headed by Hestia, the goddess of the fire, the goddess of the earth led by the goddess of the earth. 】

[At this moment, they are also confronting the gods named Heroes of Steel on the other side]

Once upon a time, they lost, they lost everything. 】

[But today! They can’t lose! They want to get everything they have back! 】

[Countless gods, countless gods.] 】

[For Greek mythology, for the divine battle that broke out on Mount Olympus is full of shock!] 】

[No one expected that as one of the strongest gods, the Greek gods would now break out into such a large-scale civil war.] 】

Countless gods began to pay silent attention to this divine battle. 】

[However, they had no intention of interfering, because this was an internal matter of the Divine Lineage.] 】

“Sure enough, when I first saw you, I should have killed you!” “】

[God King Zeus looked at you in front of him, his eyes were full of killing intent, the thunder on his body exploded, and the surging terror breath like the sea was even more overwhelming, making people suffocate.] 】

“Up to now, you still haven’t reflected. “】

[You hear Zeus, shake your head, and say:]

“In your indulgence…… No, it should not be said that it is indulgence, after all, you are not a good bird, under your wanton behavior, Mount Olympus, has long been a grudge! “】

“There are many gods in the world, but few of them are like your god king Zeus!] It’s as chaotic as your Greek mythology! The Mother Earth Gods have long had a grudge against you, but they did not have the courage and self-confidence to resist when they were defeated! “】

“Even Athena lacked a certain amount of self-confidence! My appearance only gave them courage and confidence! “】

“And the real reason for this situation, Zeus, don’t you tell me I don’t understand?” Is it my reason, or is it your own fault? “】

[You generally say, usually you also glance back at the many goddesses behind you]

[Queen of Heaven Hera, Luna Artemis, Beauty God Aphrodite…… What is not full of perseverance in the eyes now? 】

[When you swept past Athena, there was a slight pause, and Athena smiled at you.] 】

When Zeus heard your words, his face was extremely ugly. 】

[He didn’t speak, just the killing intent in his eyes, even stronger!] 】

【Words do not speculate!】 】

[Naturally, there is nothing to say!] Go straight to war! 】

You have met Zeus, the king of the gods! 】

【Athena! Hestia: Artemis! Hera! Aphrodite! 】

[I also met Apollo, the sun god who was once the twelve main gods!] God of War Ares! Vulcan Hephaestus! Hermes, the god of animal husbandry! 】

[Undoubtedly, in the Mother Earth!] 】

[The strongest are Athena of the Trinity and Hestia, the goddess of the fire!] Then there is the moon god Artemis and the queen of heaven, Hera! 】

[War has broken out completely!] 】

【The Great Battle of the Mother Earth God and the Hero of Steel!】 Let the whole myth seem to be vibrating! 】

[A series of angry voices: shouting to kill!] At this moment is also completely released! 】

Countless gods looked at such a large-scale divine battle, and their hearts were full of shock. 】

[Any one of the twelve main gods on Mount Olympus is already equal to the king of the gods among many gods!] 】

[And now they are fighting each other.] 】

Of course, what shocked them the most was not the twelve main gods. 】

It’s your battlefield with Zeus! 】

【No doubt! 】

【Zeus is strong!】 】

【As the God of Thunder!】 As the god of the sky! As a being who is known as one of the strongest god kings in the outside world! 】

[The power of Zeus is beyond doubt!] 】

[But!] 】

[Compared to Zeus, you are stronger!!! 】


You will overthrow Zeus once and for all! 】

【Establish a new order! 】

[Countless gods, countless gods.] 】

Seeing that your strength is actually above Zeus, the king of the gods, the look in your eyes is full of terror! 】

【You are stronger than you were then!】 】

When you first broke out of the name of the god of the gods, your strength was already incomparably strong.] 】

As a result, after all these years, your strength has improved even more than it was before! 】

[This great battle is a battle for the gods.] 】

[Nature also lasted a long time:]

[Throughout the Mount Olympus, the blood of the gods flowed out, staining the earth with the color of red, and countless gods watching the battle were shocked.] 】

[There is no Zeus, the strongest god king.] 】

[On the side of the Divine War, it is naturally the Mother Earth Gods who have the upper hand.] 】

[When the sun rises again.] 】

[The Trinity, once also the ancient god of King’s Landing, ruled the sky and the earth, ruled the underworld, and had the highest authority, the queen of the gods.] 】

Athena. 】

[In the end, the head of Ares, the god of war, was also cut off.] 】

Athena looked up at the sun and gasped, her long silver-white hair moving with the wind, making her look a little embarrassed, but there was a strange beauty. 】

[The sun god Apollo was also killed by the moon god Artemis and the fire goddess Hestia joined forces.] 】

[Hephaestus, the god of fire, and Hermes, the god of animal husbandry, ultimately failed to sustain themselves in the hands of the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, the queen of heaven, Hera.] 】

【Boom———!!! 】

And just at the end of the War of the Twelve Lords, a head fell from the sky. 】

[Shock everyone!] 】

[Many gods and goddesses watching the battle are also pupils shrunk!] 】

[Because that head is not someone else’s.] 】

[It’s the king of the gods: Zeus!] 】

[The face of this head is also full of disbelief at this moment.] 】

【God of God! 】

[Kill the strongest god king of one of the strongest god lineages?!! 】

[Everyone’s mind was shocked by this news.] 】

[At this moment.] 】

[Even if it is Odin of Norse mythology, the three-phase god of Indian mythology, the sun god Ra of ancient Egyptian mythology, the Buddha of Western Buddhism…… These supreme beings. 】

[The moment I saw Zeus’s head, I fell silent.] 】

Your figure also appears slowly after Zeus’s head falls. 】

[Except for the surviving Mother Earth God on Mount Olympus, the gods of other gods are all terrified to see you!] 】

You ignored anyone’s gaze, came to Athena, and helped her wipe the blood from her face. 】

Athena smiled and asked you. 】

“Won? “】

[You paused, and then a smile appeared on your face.] 】

“Well, I won.] “】

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