Chapter 117 There is no big war! So calm!!

How can it be so strong!

How can it be so strong?!! After the appearance of Kitahara White Autumn.

Countless people looked at the sky with shock on their faces and in disbelief, and the slender figure slowly walked out of the void.

This figure could not see the specific face, and the darkness of the night covered his body.

I can only roughly see that his posture is slender, his limbs are strong, his waist is straight, and he is striding towards this place, with a unique temperament!

Countless people’s hearts were filled with shock and fear.

This is undoubtedly because Kitahara White Autumn is too powerful.

So powerful that it is even beyond their previous imagination of the strong!

This is already, not a level at all, not a conceptual existence at all!

No one thought of it.

This seemingly ordinary world has such a strong person.

Does it exist supremely?

Everyone remembered this name in their hearts, and instantly sounded the alarm bell in their hearts! Albeit.

They had already tried to overestimate the Northern Plains White Autumn in their hearts in the past.

However, no one expected it.

Or rather, no one expected it.

Even so, the result is still underestimated……… This shocked them to the extreme.

For a moment, the crowd was also blank in the brain, silent.

This is also the first time that Kitahara White Autumn has passed.

In this world.

Truly unreserved.

Show your full strength in front of everyone! As for the purpose, there is no doubt.

In addition to giving people in the native world a little self-confidence.

I also want all the people from other worlds to have a good look! What a being he really is.

After all.

A warning is only a warning after all.

Without truly showing invincible strength, others are at best jealous

And when you show invincible strength.

Well, whoever it is.

What you want to do in this world, you have to weigh it.

Kitahara White Autumn is to make the whole world!

Let all the mighty from the other world know of his existence! So!

It’s impossible to keep a low profile.

From the original decision to protect this world at the center of chaos under the fusion of many worlds.

He, Kitahara Hakuaki.

There is no such thing as a low profile.

And it will only be the person who stands at the forefront of the wind and waves.

As for the current results, Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly.

It speaks for itself.

Start today.

In the world, he has been completely remembered.

He will always hang high above the heads of all those who come from another world.

“Didn’t you expect that it was Madame Elsa and Artemis who came this time?”

Looking at the battlefield not far away, Kitahara Baiqiu also said with some emotion.

They are all acquaintances.

Madame Aisha naturally needless to say.

In one of the simulations.

Kitahara Baiqiu already knew and knew her.

Moreover, Lady Aisha also died in battle to protect the Northern Plains White Autumn.

As for Artemis, the lunar god of the Wrong World.

Kitahara Hakuaki is also aware.

Although he is only a simple understanding.

However, the Hestia and Artemis in the family were real friends.


Kitahara shook his head

Whatever the reason the two of them fought.

After all, Kitahara Baiqiu didn’t want to hurt them.

Not to mention that the two seem to be fighting fiercely.

But there is a measure from beginning to end.

It did not affect mortals, but deliberately found a place where few people were involved in the war.

Then just lock them up.

Come to think of it.

Kitahara Baiqiu slowly raised his hand.

Immediately, it was shot.

Countless people around the world who are concerned about this battle.

After seeing Kitahara Baiqiu’s hand, his eyes widened one by one.


And after Kitahara Baiqiu shot.

Next second!

The two men who were fighting at the same time exclaimed! Lady Aisha’s terrifying blow.

On the eve of arriving Artemis.

But it suddenly hit a transparent barrier, allowing her attack to dissipate directly in mid-air without waves.

This made Mrs. Aisha’s pupils shrink and her face was full of disbelief!


The same is true of Artemis.

The terrifying arrow containing divine power actually directly hit a transparent barrier after Kitahara Baiqiu struck, allowing her attack to dissipate directly.

Artemis was shocked!

How I didn’t expect that someone would actually block this blow in this way! It’s not until they come back.

The two found out at the same time.

Now, without warning, he was surrounded by a transparent spherical barrier!

I couldn’t continue to move at all, and I was trapped inside!


It’s not just them.

At this moment, everyone is in an uproar! Gods! God-killers!

In their respective worlds, they are the strongest beings!

But after Kitahara Baiqiu made a move, they were all easily locked up!

It’s like…… No resistance!

The powerful people of the other world were shocked! The world was also shocked at this moment! Originally, the two were fighting and dying, which was extremely terrifying.

It has even brought despair to people all over the world.

As a result, who would have thought of it.

After the emergence of Kitahara White Autumn, the situation was completely different! God’s War with God-Killers!

How could it have ended so easily?

This is simply a manifestation of several times the power beyond the gods and the god killer!

It’s like treating them like disobedient children, and they are directly locked up, yes!

It’s the kids!

Where is today’s scene not like an adult teaching a child? And after locking up Lady Elsa and the moon god Artemis.

Kitahara Baiqiu just looked at everyone indifferently.

She disappeared with Lady Elsa and Artemis.

This glance.

It made the crowd shudder.

Looking at the figure that disappeared for several days, the scene was dead silent.

Full of shock and shock.

No one thought of it.

Things can end so simply.

No big fights, no melees.

I didn’t even see how Kitahara Bai Qiu made a move! Then, it’s over.

But it is precisely because of the simplicity that people are more full of shock.

It’s just a show up.

He calmly locked up the two troublesome beings, and then directly took them away, you know, that is the god of the hall and the god killer!

Not really a kid! No resistance!

“This is the end of the day… What kind of existence. ”

Someone muttered to himself.

The tone was full of disbelief.


At this moment, no one could answer him.

If the gods are supreme.

So…… What is it to easily solve the existence of gods?

They’re crazy about it.

The whole world, at this moment.

It’s all sensational.

Countless big people who watched this scene, their faces that were originally desperate, were all showing ecstasy at this moment.

They completely underestimated Kitahara Hakuaki!

The power displayed by Kitahara Hakuaki! They felt at ease.

There is Kitahara White Autumn in.

What else are they worried about?

What is powerful? What is Invincibility? That’s powerful! That’s invincibility! This is the guardian of their world!

Just as Kitahara Baiqiu expected, after he showed his invincible strength, the world’s high-hanging heart was finally released.

This night is destined to be unpeaceful.

The whole world went into madness.

Feel crazy for the strength of Kitahara Hakuaki!

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