Chapter 118 The World Shakes! Lady Aisha, who loves to kneel!!

The ending is a little too peaceful.

Before Kitahara Baiqiu did not appear, no one thought of it.

This battle.

It would end in such a strange way.

But it is also such calm.

On the contrary, it made all the strong people present palpitate even more in their hearts at this moment.

Whether it’s the people of the wrong world.

Or the people of the God Killer World.

They never imagined that their world could be called the strongest being.

It would actually be in the hands of Kitahara Baiqiu, without even the slightest resistance at all.

How is this possible?

At this moment, however, the facts are in front of us. The strength of the Northern Plains White Autumn made these people feel chills in their hearts.

Got it.

The original Kitahara White Akira’s casual warning.

What exactly does it mean.

“Fortunately, fortunately, this being is not that kind of murderous nature, otherwise…”

Someone muttered to himself, his heart full of fear.

Oh, yes.

If Kitahara Hakuaki is a murderous child.

Kill all those who come to their own world, regardless of all.


None of them are expected to survive.

Although they will be very wronged at that time, after all, they did not come to this world out of their own will.

However, in the face of great power, is it important to be unjust?

These people looked at the sky, only to feel as if they had walked up to the ghost door and looked at each other.

These people also retreated silently.

They are completely no one dares to mess around in this world.

This world is guarded by the mighty.

No one dares to mess around in this world anymore.

Compared to these people.

All the people in this world who see the beginning and end of things.

Undoubtedly crazy, no doubt ecstatic!

What a blessing it must be to have a supreme guardian at the end of the day!

There is no doubt that in the eyes of the whole world.

Kitahara Hakuaki is this supreme being!

And all the people of this world! It is the existence that is fortunate to be guarded by the most powerful!

“I really didn’t expect that that being to be so powerful!” It’s unbelievable! ”

“Invincible! What a real invincible! I originally thought that the strength should be similar to that of the gods, at most stronger than the gods, but I never expected that it would be so strong! I was shallow! ”

“It was unbelievable! We are fortunate to be protected by such a being! ”

“It was amazing! The mighty one! ”

“The gods and the god-killers are strong enough, but in front of that one, they are nothing.”

Countless fanatical voices resounded all over the world.

To show respect.

These people did not even dare to call Kitahara Baiqiu by his name.

Instead, honorific titles were used.

The tone was full of respect.

For the first time, Kitahara Hakuaki truly demonstrated his strength in the world.

It succeeded in convincing everyone in the world.

Most countries have even decided to offer this one! Everything he did.

It’s worth it for everyone!

And just when the whole world was shocked by the strength of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Lady Aisha and Artemis were also looking at Kitahara in shock at this moment.

Strong! It’s so strong!

It is no exaggeration to say that Kitahara Baiqiu is currently the strongest existence they have ever seen.


That doesn’t mean that! They’re going to sit still!

The two also exploded with all their strength and began to try to break the cage that imprisoned them.

Kitahara Baiqiu felt the movement of the two and also looked back at the two.

The lunar god Artemis ignored for the time being.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Madame Aisha, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Without hesitation, he threw the talent of ‘remembering the grandfather’ to Mrs. Aisha. – Poof!

In this regard, Mrs. Aisha’s face was first stunned.

Then after seeing Kitahara White Autumn, he directly knelt down again.

“The Strongest King?!!”

Madame Elsa remembered it all and cried out in panic.

Artemis was on the sidelines, and everything that was watching was frozen.

She didn’t think of anything at all.

This one is still fighting with himself just now.

Even those who dare to shoot at the gods!

At this moment, Bai Qiu, who had no image, knelt down towards Beiyuan, and even the whole person was about to cry.

Artemis felt messy in the wind!

A man who is not afraid of even the gods! People who dare to shoot!

Anyway! It should be the heroic and fearless legendary heroes!

What’s going on now!

It’s not just Artemis in the wind.

Even Kitahara Baiqiu, watching Madame Aisha kneel down to herself as she did last time in the simulation, the whole person was speechless: “Aisha… No need, no need, I’m not a devil. ”

It’s not the devil yet!

Lady Aisha wanted to cry without tears!

She died twice because of Kitahara Baiqiu! Every time she encounters Kitahara Baiqiu, she has to die!

The first time was killed by Kitahara Baiqiu, and the second time was killed by a large number of gods.

That’s not a great experience!

If she could, Madame Elsa really didn’t want to think about it.

However, knowing Kitahara’s identity as Bai Qiu, she also understood! Why is Kitahara Hakuaki so strong!

This guy is strong, even strong pervert.

In Mrs. Aisha’s view, that was taken for granted!

“That… The strongest king, can you allow me to ask, why are you here? ”

Mrs. Aisha felt a little unlucky.

Why did he first come to the parallel world and meet the strongest demon king! This time… Wouldn’t you die again?

Even if you can be resurrected, you don’t want that kind of thing.

“Why is it here? Because this is my world. ”

Kitahara replied.

The strongest king of the world?

Mrs. Aisha was stunned, somewhat incomprehensible.

In his eyes, a puzzled expression appeared.

And just when Mrs. Elsa wanted to continue asking something.



The cage that trapped Artemis was the god of cracking.

The gods of the wrong world.

Compared to the God Killing World, it was already a line stronger.

As for Artemis to be able to break the cage, it was not surprising that Kitahara Bai Qiu had no intention of trapping them.

Just to stop the war and take them out of there by the way! Finally!

Artemis after breaking out of the cage! Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and tried to escape.

She had no idea of fighting with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Because she knew that she would not be the opponent of Kitahara Hakuaki.


Just when she was ready to fight to the death.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s words made her face full of surprise, stop her steps, and look back at Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Artemis, Hestia is at my house now.”

Kitahara said.

Subsequently, he also revealed his eternal pact with Hestia.

His power is too great.

On weekdays, if it is not deliberately revealed, it cannot be seen at all.

And Kitahara’s eternal pact between Hakuaki and Hestia.

It also shocked Artemis.

Because this represents the extremely close relationship between Hestia and Kitahara Hakuaki! That and yourself.

Hestia, also the goddess of virginity.

Nowadays, have you found your partner? This made Artemis simply incredible…

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