Chapter 155 The Inflated Northern Plains White Autumn! Under the snow is the sun is and the peace of the tomb is quiet!!

After leaving the classroom.

Kitahara Baiqiu soon came to the guidance room on the second floor.

Look at the wooden sign that says ‘In use’ hanging at the door of the guidance room.

Kitahara smiled and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

After Kitahara Hakuaki knocked on the door.

A mature, steady, good-sounding female voice came from within. Reaching out and condensing the doorknob, Kitahara Baiqiu walked straight in.

After closing the door.

Kitahara Baiqiu saw the figure sitting on the sofa, and his eyes were full of laughter at the figure sitting on the sofa at this moment.

It is Kitahara’s class teacher, Shizuka Hirazuka. A beautiful, mature, and very good woman.

When I used to look at spring objects.

In addition to the snow under the snow, Kitahara Hakuaki’s favorite is Shizuka Hirazuka.

“Jing Cute, are you looking for me?”

Kitahara asked.

“Shizuku Cute…?”

The figure on the sofa directly struck, pressing his temple with a headache.

Hiratsuka sighed and said, “I don’t remember having such a nickname, Kitahara.” ”

“And, even if there is, do you think it’s really good to say it in front of me?”

“I’m a teacher, and you’re just my student, when did you become like this?”

With that said, Hiratsuka’s look at Kitahara Hakuaki’s eyes was also somewhat threatening.

She hadn’t called her best student to the office to talk for too long and didn’t know when Kitahara Baiqiu had become like this.

“Maybe it’s been a bit bloated lately, so it’s a bit of a stretch.” Kitahara Hakuaki walked towards Heizuka Shizuka indifferently. ”

Sit down directly next to her, pick up the tea in front of her, and take a sip.


Both have fought a battle between two worlds.

Back in the comprehensive world, can’t he still swell and swell? Then play the music! Then dance!

And there is one to say.

He just called out his love for Jing cute in front of Jing Cute.

I believe that this is also what many people want to do, and it is not an inflation at all.

“You’re not just a little bit arrogant, you’re so arrogant…”

Hiratsuka watched Kitahara Shiraaki sit idly beside him.

Pick up the cup you have drunk and drink it, covering your forehead with a headache.

“Forget it, these things don’t matter, you know what I called you over today, right?” Kitahara. ”

Hiratsuka Shizumi.

“I don’t know.”

Kitahara replied.

“Okay, then I’ll just say, Kitahara, you’re not in love lately, are you?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka asked directly.


Kitahara nodded.

“The object is that Yotsuya Miko in the class?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka asked again.


Kitahara nodded again.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was shocked.

She didn’t expect that Kitahara Baiqiu had no intention of hiding anything, so she admitted it directly in front of her as a class teacher.


How much do you have to swell to? How arrogant is it? You are…… How much did you drink?

“Ahhh… Oh…”

At this moment, Hirakuka was even a little dumbfounded.

She looked at the top student under her hand, no matter what she wanted, she could keep the first student.

She remembered that although this student had often been out of line before, it was not so serious.

Does love really make people change so much?


Hiratsuka breathed a sigh of relief, calmed his mood, and continued, “Kitahara, I think the top priority you have now is to study…”

“Rest assured, I guarantee that I will not have any problems with my studies.”

Kitahara Shiraaki directly interrupted Shizuka Hiratsuka’s words and said with a smile.

Shizuka Hirata: “…”

The corners of Hirazuka’s mouth twitched.

She thought about it and thought that if it was this guy, it didn’t seem to be true.

“Even so, you can’t delay Yotsuya’s studies.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka had to shift the target.

“Rest assured, I can also assure you that Miko’s studies will not have any problems at all.”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of smiles.

Shizuka Hirata: “…”

Could it be that Kitahara Hakuaki has been tutoring Miko Yotsuya recently? Hiratsuka thought about it.

It seems that this is not impossible.

“Even if that’s the case, you can’t affect the rest of the class…”

Hiratsuka said again for a moment of quiet thinking.

“What are they concerned about me?”

Kitahara Baiqiu showed a surprised expression on his face: “If it is so easy to influence, quiet and cute, I think it may not be my problem, but their learning attitude is a problem.” ”

Shizuka Hirata: “…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka was already powerless to spit out Shizuka’s cute love name.

She found that she seemed to really have no way to take Kitahara Baiqiu? Think about it.

What is the purpose of her calling Kitahara Bai Qiulai? What if the teacher is persuaded by his own students?

“I think…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka wanted to talk.

“I assure you, Teacher Hiratsuka, that if my grades with Miko drop even a little, then you will do whatever you want.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu preemptively said again.

Shizuka Hirata: “…”

You’ve said it all, so what else can she say?

“Ah, okay, okay, I know, remember what you said today, if you and Sigu have a drop in grades, I’ll go to you personally.”

Hiratsuka glanced at Kitahara Hakuaki and waved his hand, not bothering to take care of it.

Directly let Kitahara white autumn get out of the egg.

As the students had high hopes, it was impossible to defeat the Great Demon King.

No way.

In neon schools, in the total Wu Gao this deviation value is high in the famous school.

As long as you have good grades, you can really do whatever you want.

Kitahara Baiqiu also smiled and began to walk outside.

He hadn’t been nervous when he was called into the office, because it really wasn’t much for him.

On walking to the door.

Kitahara Shiraaki suddenly turned back and said, “Teacher Hiratsuka, I call you Jing cute because I think you are very cute.” ”

“Get out! Do you think I’m one of those little girls? ”

Hiratsuka stood smiling and scolding, saying nothing more to the swollen Kitahara White Akira.

“Of course not, I just want to tell you that if you can’t find someone in the future, remember to tell me.”

Kitahara said with a smile.

The implications speak for themselves.


Hiratsuka didn’t say anything back, and directly took the pillow on the sofa and threw it at Kitahara Hakuaki.

The pillow carried the sound of breaking the air, and it was known how strong Hiratsuka Shizuka really was, but it was easily taken over by Kitahara Hakuaki.

“To die, how dare you flirt with your own teacher?”

Hirazuka Shizuka’s eyes were full of fierce light, and his fists had begun to click. Don’t look at her pretty, or a teacher, she has learned martial arts.

Kitahara smiled.

Knowing that it is almost over, it can no longer be stimulated later.

I also threw the pillow back gently, closed the door and went out.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is undoubtedly a very beautiful teacher.

And in the comprehensive world, it can still be regarded as a golden beauty.

But I don’t know why, I have been single so far.

As an lsp.

Kitahara Shizuki had been very fond of Shizuka Hirazuka before, so how could he have spared Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka?

It’s just that he’s not in a hurry.

After Kitahara Hakuaki left.

Hiratsuka sat down on the couch and took a deep breath.

She really had nothing to say about the Northern Plains White Autumn that was ‘inflated’ to this extent today.

Subconsciously, he took a sip from his teacup.

I remembered that Kitahara Bai Qiu had just drunk her tea, and now he was drinking it again.

Hiratsuka’s face suddenly turned red.

No way, even if it was her, she had to admit it.

As a student myself, in all aspects, I am really too good.

If it is the same age, it is indeed a existence that no one can refuse.

Come to think of it.

Hiratsuka shook her head and couldn’t help but sigh.

What’s the point of thinking about that?

The difference between them was almost ten years old.

“Oops, who’s it that made our little Jing so upset, say it for me to hear.”

And that’s when it happened.

The door of the guidance room was suddenly opened again.

A pleasant female voice also began to come from the doorway.

“So you came?” Yang Nai? ”

Seeing the comer, Hiratsuka Shizuka also showed a surprised expression on his face, and subconsciously asked.

The person who came was also the sister of Snow Snow – Snow Under Snow Yang Nai.

“Something happened to pass by General Wu Gao, so let’s come back and have a look, you haven’t answered my question yet, Xiao Jing.”

Yukishita Yono said with a smile.

However, she was actually lying, and she had come to the General Wu Gao specifically.

He claimed that he had heard from Snow under the snow on weekends that Kitahara Hakuaki was actually a student of Sobu Gao.

Under the snow, Yang Nai couldn’t wait to come to the school to meet Kitahara Hakuaki.

So as soon as school started, it was only Monday, and she rushed over.

“Nothing, just a student in early love.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka waved his hand and said indifferently.

For the former student of Yang Nai under the snow, she actually still had a bit of a headache.

“Early love? Xiao Jing, do you still care about this kind of thing? ”

Under the snow, Yang Nai had a look of surprise on his face and came to sit down on the edge of Hirazuka.

“The school gave me the task, I am a student a little special, his grades are a little too good, the school is also worried about…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka’s subconscious explanation.

And then……… And she saw it.

Under the snow, Yang Nai actually picked up her teacup and drank it very naturally at this moment.

A cup of tea, three people drank………

Yukishita Yangno undoubtedly noticed the strange appearance of Heizuka Shizuka, and was also stunned, and looked at the teacup: “Just drink your tea, Xiao Jing, you won’t abandon me, right?” Besides, there wasn’t much going on here. ”

“No… I’m not abandoned. ”

The corners of Hirazuka’s mouth twitched.

She didn’t know how to explain it, and she didn’t bother to say it.

“That’s fine.”

Under the snow, Yang Nai put down his teacup and took up the previous topic and said, “It turns out that the academic performance is good, then it is no wonder, but this kind of thing, I think it still doesn’t matter.” ”

“Xiao Jing, you have his good grades too much, how can you delay your studies because of love.”

Shizuka replied, “I feel the same way, so I let him go after a few words, and it wasn’t this that made me sigh…”


Shizuka Hiratsuka is also what Kitahara Hakuaki calls her ‘Shizuka Lovely’.

What else can you find him if you can’t find an object?

“Hahaha, Xiao Jing, Xiao Jing, you also have today!” Have they all fallen, to the point where your students are anxious for you? ”

Under the snow, Yang Naihaha laughed, and the tears were about to fall.

To tell the truth, Shizuka Hiratsuka is now also the age of Ben San, twenty-six or seven.

From beginning to end, she has not even had a boyfriend, and she has not even been in a relationship, and recently she has indeed been forced by her parents to get married.

But under the snow Yang Nai did not think of anything.

Shizuka Hiratsuka had fallen to the point where even her students were anxious about him.

This made Yang Nai under the snow really can’t help it.

Hiratsuka listened to the laughter of Yono under the snow, and his head was also full of black lines.

After laughing for a while.

Under the snow, Yang Nai eased up, and the corners of his eyes burst into tears, before he said, “However, this student has a girlfriend, and it is really a bit of a flower to say this to Xiao Jing.” ”

“Yeah, it’s a bit of a hassle.”

Hiratsuka sighed and continued, “But he is also really excellent, I have never seen such an excellent person, your sister, it is said that she also has some relationship with him, and now she prepares a bento for him every day.” ”

When Yukishita heard this, he was directly stunned and subconsciously asked, “What are you talking about?” ”

Hiratsuka was stunned and suddenly remembered.

This sun under the snow seems to be controlled by a sister.

This made Hiratsuka a little supportive.

How did he say this in front of this sister?


Shizuka Hiratsuka subconsciously wanted to hide it.

“I heard it all, you said my sister, Xue Naitian prepares a bento for her every day, Xiao Jing, what is the name of your student?”

Under the snow Yang Nai suddenly asked anxiously.

“Hey, you don’t mean to take a shot at my students, do you?” You sister-in-law don’t mess around! ”

Hiratsuka looked at the appearance of Yang Nai under the snow, and was even more reluctant to say it.

“Not really! Yes……… Although it is true that I want to shoot it, but it may be a little different from what you think, Xiao Jing, you student, will not be called Kitahara Baiqiu. ”

Yukishita Yono directly denied it, thought about it and changed his mouth, and then asked Hiratsuka Jing expectantly.

“Huh? Do you even know Kitahara? ”

Hiratsuka was surprised.

It’s really!!!

It was confirmed that Yang Nai under the snow only felt that his heartbeat had accelerated.

What kind of fate is this?

Her sister was related to that one, and now even Shizuka Hiratsuka was still that teacher.

I remembered what I had chatted with Hiratsuka before.

Under the snow, Yang Nai suddenly froze and asked uncertainly, “Wait, Xiao Jing, the one you said… The student who is anxious for you will not be Kitahara Jun, right? ”

“That’s him, who else can there be?”

Hiratsuka was puzzled and asked strangely.

“I really am… Too envious of you Xiao Jing. ”

Under the snow, Yang Nai’s face was full of envy, and he excitedly proposed: “I give you a suggestion Xiao Jing, or you should go to him now and tell him that you can’t marry anymore, let him marry you!” ”


Hiratsuka’s eyes widened, and his face was full of surprise, and he looked at Yang Nai in disbelief.

Isn’t this guy a sister?

When he heard about Kitahara Baiqiu, he was not worried about his sister and asked her to marry Kitahara Baiqiu?

And: What does it mean to tell your students that you can’t get married? What is this ghost animal requirement?

“Do you know what you’re talking about? Yang Nai……”

Hiratsuka asked in disbelief.

“I know, I can only say, Xiao Jing, you are so lucky, really!”

Yukishita nodded his head and said to Shizuka Hirazuka.

Hiratsuka’s face was full of disbelief, and he said uncertainly, “However, you were still talking about his heart.” ”

“I didn’t know just now that what you said was Kitahara Jun, people can’t generalize with each other, you believe me, I am all for your own good.”

Under the snow, Yang Naibai glanced at Hiratsuka and said hurriedly.

“……… You told me to take a shot at my own students, and you said it was for my own good, which made me believe it. ”

Hiratsuka’s face was full of speechlessness, and the whole person was confused.

She even wondered at this moment whether the sun under the snow had already broken.

“Aaaah, how come you don’t believe it!”

Under the snow the sun is even more frantic

Regarding the matter of Kitahara Hakuaki, the above has issued an order not to reveal it, and she cannot tell the truth to Hiratsuka.

But this kind of opportunity, absolutely can not let it just slip away!

Under the snow, Yang Nai thought about it, and suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up and he looked at Hirakuka Shizuka: “So, Xiao Jing, let’s make a bet okay?” ”

“What to bet?”

Hiratsuka asked in surprise.

“Just bet you’ll love Kitahara Jun in the future!” At that time, I will do my best to help you! ”

“But relatively! Kitahara Jun likes you later! You have to help me too! Let Kitahara Jun also like me! ”

Under the snow, Yang Nai’s eyes were full of anticipation.

This is the condition that the younger sister Snow Snow is unable to agree to her.

But if it is Shizuka Hirazuka, under the snow Yang Nai feels that it is still very likely…

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