Chapter 156 You are such a good sister! Yang Nai!!

Hiratsuka sniffed and his heart was full of speechlessness.

Well, she was already convinced.

The sun under the snow may really be completely broken.

As a sister control.

Is it really good that you hear that your sister is related to other people of the opposite sex and are not in a hurry?

And, as a sister.

Do you even want to take a shot at someone who is related to your sister, maybe even your brother-in-law?

What does it mean that if I fall and you help me, I will help you after I succeed? That’s my student.

Although it is indeed excellent and somewhat excessive.

But I’m not going to get down to the point of taking a shot at my own students, am I? Shizuka Hiratsuka.

She was really confused by the snow under the sun and had nothing to say.

You’re really a good sister.

Snow under the snow is that a sister like you is really down eight lifetimes of mold.

Hirasuka thought to herself.

She even thought it was a little strange to be under the snow today.

But on the surface, she was annoyed by the sun under the snow.

Under the snow Yang Nai must make this agreement with her that sounds very outrageous.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was speechless under the stalking snow, and simply agreed to it.

Anyway she felt.

This kind of thing is impossible to happen.

And just when Hirazuka was silent.

Under the snow the sun is also anxious.

This one by one.

What you really can’t get is always in turmoil, and those who are favored have no fear.

Snow under the snow was invited by the one who issued the contract to conclude, and she even hesitated and Hirakuka Shizuka was even more outrageous, and she was completely out of that direction

The idea of the face.

Forbidden teacher-student relationship?

This is in the eyes of the sun under the snow.

The teacher-student relationship is a fart for someone who wants to graduate and can graduate at any time!

After graduation, does this matter?!! As for the age difference of ten years.

Then under the snow Yang Nai seems to be even less of a problem.

For that one, for the gods.

Ten years old… Is it really something?

The difference between mortal couples is not much more than ten years!

Under the snow Yang Nai is really envious of Snow under the snow is and Tsukasa Shizuka.

She thought about it a lot.

Why can’t I be a classmate of Kitahara Bai Qiu a few years later? Under the snow the sun is in the view.

Love is such a thing, love at first sight is very rare.

You’re excellent, and then I’m not bad either.

Whatever the reason, why can’t I try to chase you?

Love is originally through acquaintance, encounter, and acquaintance.

Then slowly fall in love, and finally completely become the appearance of love.

Not everyone can have love from the beginning through various opportunities like in the TV show.

Love is meant to work its own and fight for it on its own.

If ordinary people don’t even have the courage to know each other at the beginning, where does love come from?

Under the snow, Yang Nai did not feel that it was wrong for him to chase Kitahara Baiqiu.

She had seen Kitahara Hakuaki.

It was a teenager whose appearance alone made people look good, let alone in other ways.

Under the snow Yang Nai although envious of Snow under the snow is Heizuka Shizuka.

But she felt that her luck was not bad.

At least his sister is related to that one, and his friend is related to that one.

Naturally, she was already standing in front of too many people.

Seeing that Hiratsuka Shizuka had agreed to his bet.

Under the snow, Yang Nai’s heart was full of joy, and he even made up his mind.

Be sure to help Kitahara Hakuaki raid Heizuka Shizuka.

This is for Shizuka Hiratsuka! Also for herself!

“Xiao Jing, I tell you, you will never regret it, and you don’t have to worry about other problems, you don’t have to worry about Kitaharajun’s studies, maybe, I mean, is there a possibility, such a thing as academics is nothing in the eyes of Kitaharajun?”

“Huh? Impossible, absolutely impossible, at his age, is the time to study well, now in this society, academic qualifications are very important, how can it not be nothing? Yang Nai, don’t you also think that Kitahara’s love affair will cause his grades to decline? ”

“I don’t mean that… If Kitahara Jun does not want his grades to drop, how can he possibly have a drop in grades, I mean, is there such a possibility, maybe Kitahara Jun has many other ways out besides studying? ”

“Poof, what other way out? Find a rich lady to raise him, hahaha, although I think Kitahara looks really good, it is not impossible, Yang Nai, that person will not be you, right? ”


Due to the obstruction of the rules, it is impossible to disclose the matter of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Under the snow Yang is also constantly hinting, suggesting that Hiratsuka Shizuka Kitahara Hakuaki is not simple at all.

As a result, she was completely speechless.

She really wants to take care of it, but does she have this chance? People are not something you can raise if you want to.

Under the snow, Yang Nai helped the forehead, and decided to temporarily abandon this road and find another way for the unsuspected.

That kind of thing is indeed shocking and unimaginable.

Anyway, under the snow, Yang Nai felt that it was really right for her to come to school today.

It can even be said to be full of surprises.

Because she undoubtedly has such a powerful ally as Shizuka Hiratsuka!

After coming out of the guidance room.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally did not know what was going on.

I didn’t know that Yang Nai under the snow had actually come to the General Martial Heights.

Although, in a sense.

Today’s Kitahara Baiqiu can also be regarded as a pseudo-omniscient all-powerful person.


If everything is omniscient and omnipotent.

How boring and boring it must be.

In life, a lot of fun, including surprises, is not felt. Therefore, Kitahara Baiqiu never put himself in the highest position.

He Kitahara Hakuaki was not interested in omniscient omnipotence.

After returning to the classroom.

Everyone looked at Kitahara Baiqiu in disbelief.

And then they see.

Miko Yotsuya ran over and anxiously asked Kitahara Hakuaki, and Shizuka Hiratsuka told him to go to the office about something.

Kitahara Baiqiu explained a little, and the two began to get tired again.

Miko Yotsuya frequently showed a blushing and shy cute expression in front of Kitahara Hakuaki, and the students were completely desperate for this.

Didn’t even Teacher Hiratsuka sanction this Great Demon King? Then who else can sanction him!

Please come and sanction these two current charges!

Stay in a classroom with them and just feel unwell.

And then.

They learned quickly.

The reason why Shizuka Hiratsuka can’t sanction Kitahara Hakuaki………

“This time the mock exam, your class really surprised me.”

“Honestly, this test was more difficult and it was a surprise inspection, so I didn’t expect much, but what I didn’t expect was that your class had two perfect scores.”

“In addition to Kitahara’s student is expected, there is even a classmate who got a full score, and I am here to highlight this classmate.”

“That’s Miko Yotsuya!” During this period, the progress of Miko Yotsutani in various subjects can be said to be obvious to all, and it is completely said that it is a leap forward. ”

The teacher spoke excitedly on the podium, constantly praising these four valleys.

No doubt.

It was the morning mock exam results that came out.

Like this like raid inspection.

There are also teachers who actively mark test papers.

The test papers were handed down, and countless students looked at their grades and twitched at the corners of their mouths.

It’s not just hard.

All of them have dropped by more than ten or twenty points compared to their normal grades in the past.


To their shock.

In addition to Kitahara Hakuaki, even Miko Shitani got a full score in this simulation.

Be aware.

Although Miko’s grades are also excellent, they are definitely not the top ones in the class.

Now the grades of the top batch of school bullies have declined, but Miko Shitani has gone up against the current?

“In love… Can it actually improve academic performance? ”

There are school bullies who mumble incredulously.

Followed by.

The whole classroom was also in an uproar.

“Sleeper! Such a difficult topic! That Yotsuya Miko actually got a perfect score?!! ”

“Mu Qingdu only got more than seventy ah, you know, she used to get full points from time to time like Kitahara!” You can imagine how hard this exam paper is! ”

“Could it be the Yotsuya classmate tutored by Kitahara’s classmates?” I haven’t seen them studying in the school library or anywhere else! ”

“Envious, I used to think that being in love would only delay learning, who would have thought that learning could be improved…”

“Whoops, no wonder the school and Teacher Hirazuka Shizuka can’t sanction them, what happened to the two of them studying God, and falling in love?”

“Classmate Yotsuya only became a god of learning after being with Kitahara’s classmates, and I don’t know if Kitahara students still lack girlfriends, if I can learn to this extent!” You can do anything! ”

“My man, if you can let me learn to return to the full score, I don’t think I can’t accept it…”

The classroom was noisy.

He was a little shocked by Miko’s performance.

Only Miko Yotsuya himself.

All the while he kept his head down, his face was red, and his face was full of shyness.

Subconsciously looked up at Kitahara Baiqiu.

Yotsuya saw it.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at himself with a smile at this moment, pointed to his lips, and then pointed to her.

Obviously there was no kissing.

But the feeling of kissing Miko Yotsuya made her cover her mouth in a panic, and her face became even redder.

That’s right, the reason why she improved so fast.

It was all exchanged for kissing with Kitahara Hakuaki!

I always feel that this is a bad feeling, unfair to other students.

A small sense of guilt and shame in the heart.

Miko Yotsuya didn’t dare to look at Kitahara Hakuaki at all.

“Miko, do you want to experience what it’s like to be a god?”

“Miko, you don’t want to be bullied by evil spirits either, do you?”


Think back to the original scene.

Yotsuya groaned, as if she had fallen on her own table and couldn’t get up again.

That was when she had just signed a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu.

As a result, the contract is completed.

Kitahara Baiqiu always used excuses not to let her go.

Came with her again and again.

Miko Yotsuya didn’t believe that Kitahara didn’t have a way to give her everything at once.

He just wanted to bully her!

Miko Yotsuya was thinking wildly throughout the lesson, her head groggy.

I have no idea how this lesson has passed.

All she knew.

After class, Kitahara Hakuaki came to his face………

“Miko, how’s it going, get a full score, how do you thank me?”

Miko Yotsuya was shocked.

An incredibly cute look looked up at Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kitahara Baiqiu pointed to his lips, the smile on his face, the meaning he wanted to express was self-evident.

Also, come back?

After the two men came to the ministry. Miko Yotsuya snorted directly. His face was flushed, and he only felt weak.

She couldn’t refuse him at all.

Kitahara looked at Miko Yotsuya, who was very shy no matter how many times he came

I just think the girl is really cute enough to foul up.

When the snow came to the ministry. What she saw was a flushed face, very restrained.

Sitting far away from Kitahara Hakuaki, Miko Shitani.

It was as if the girl was afraid of the teenager and deliberately avoided him.

However, Kitahara Baiqiu’s face did not care.

This behavior of the girl is even full of laughter.

Snow under the snow is very strange about this situation.

But it didn’t seem like a fight anymore, so she didn’t bother to take care of it.

She has no habit of spying on other people’s privacy.

Sit down between the two.

The three of them didn’t speak the whole time, just eating a bento.

Miko Yotsuya didn’t speak because she was shy, and she felt that her mouth was numb now.

Under the snow Snow did not speak.

Just when eating a bento, from time to time to sneak a glance at Kitahara Baiqiu, his face was red, and he quickly shifted his gaze.

Then I couldn’t help but sneak a peek at it again, red again, to divert my gaze.

And so on.

In an eerie atmosphere.

The bento of the three of them was finally finished.

After eating the bento, Miko Shitani fled directly from the fleeing ministry.

Snow under the snow is stunned.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of smiles.

After Miko Yotsuya left, the ministry was left with only Kitahara Hakuaki and Snow Under the Snow two people.

Under the snow the snow is looking at the northern plains white autumn.

Although the eyes were still a little evasive, they seemed to have made up their minds.

After taking a deep breath, he said to Kitahara Hakuaki, “Brother Kitahara, about the last time, I, I agreed…”

When the girl finished, her face was full of redness…

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