Chapter 203 Sage Hui Transfers Reason! The worldview is shattered!!

“Kato, what happened when you transferred schools?” Is it convenient to say a little bit? And just as Kato was thinking. ”

She saw that Kitahara Baiqiu’s gaze had reached her own body and asked herself.

“Kitahara Cadet… Do you know me? ”

Kato looked at Kitahara Hakuaki’s eyes, which seemed to be no stranger to himself.

He blinked and couldn’t help but ask.

“Well, sort of.”

Kitahara nodded without scruples.

“It’s awesome……”

Kato couldn’t help but sigh.

Obviously, she did not have memories related to Kitahara Baiqiu, but Kitahara Baiqiu seemed to be familiar with her.

Let Kato Kei also can’t help but say.

“But Brother Kitahara, shouldn’t you call me Sister Student?”

Kato tilted his head and asked again.

He was in the first grade.

She is in the second grade.

It should be called Xuejie.

Kato thought so.

“I don’t want to bark, so I don’t want to bark, why, Kato, you care?”

Kitahara shook his head and said truthfully.

He even dared to shout in front of Shizuka Shizuka, what happened to Kato Keikato?

As a Chinese person, he really didn’t care so much about what he called.

“Not really…”

Kato shook his head, and his face seemed to show a distressed expression, “It’s just that Kato, Kato or something, if you don’t add a sister, there is always a feeling of being a man.” ”

“It’s really not okay, Brother Kitahara, you can call me Hui or Xiao Hui, or don’t call Kato.”

Kei Kato said softly.

She’s also not the kind of person who cares a lot about names.

At the same time, he didn’t care about Neon’s very strict sister-student relationship.

Rather, her temperament is very easy-going and she is an easy person to get along with.

“As for why I transferred to the school, it was arranged by the school.”

“I grew up… There is something special, well, that is, the sense of existence is relatively weak, but I don’t know what causes it. ”

“No one cared before, everyone just thought it was a small thing, after all, isn’t it common for someone to forget about it?”

“But lately, the school didn’t know how it was and cared about it very much, and even recorded it.”

“Obviously, the sense of existence is thin, and I am often called to talk, which is really a novelty.”

“Then, when Yingli Pear was preparing to transfer schools, the school transferred me too.”

“They said that if I were in the General Military Academy, there might be someone who could solve this matter and help me.”

“To be honest, I was surprised by this, and all of them transferred with the consent of their parents.”

“But they didn’t tell me who the person who could help me was, so I had to find it myself.”

“I think there must be a reason why Young-ri-ri’s classmate suddenly turned to Chief Wugao, so I have been following her.”

“Then I met you Kitahara Student.”

“So, the person who can help me must be you, right?” Kitahara’s apprentice Kei Kato’s tone was very peaceful from beginning to end. ”

But when she said she was surprised, she did feel some surprise.

This is a very magical girl.

She didn’t just make her point clear.

Words from beginning to end also make people feel very comfortable.

Eiri hears Kei’s words.

Subconsciously, I want to refute it.

Ha? Weak sense of existence?

Do you think it’s a light novel? How could such a person exist in the world? But when I thought about how Kato Kei had followed him in the morning, I didn’t realize it.

Ying pear pears just jump straight eyelids.

No words of rebuttal can be said.

But that’s okay.

She couldn’t say it, so many people were there, surely they wouldn’t think this kind of thing was true, right?

Hahaha, after all, how is this possible.

“What? Is there such a problem in Kato’s sister? Sister Xue is obviously so beautiful and cute…”

Miko Yotsuya let out an exclamation and couldn’t help but speak.

In her opinion.

Kato’s facial features are very decent.

The skin is also delicate, the convex place is convex, and the concave place is also quite concave.

Completely worthy of the cute type of beautiful girl.

Such a person can have a weak sense of existence? Miko Yotsuya couldn’t understand it at all.

Is it that everyone’s eyes are not good?

Such a cute student even had this kind of problem: “??? ”

Ying Pear Pear looked confused.

No, that’s… Got it? Believe in something so outrageous?

“Ahaha……… Pretty and cute or something, thank you four valley sister, but I am very ordinary, may be because of the ordinary, so the sense of existence is weak. ”

Kato glanced at Miko Yotsuya, smiled slightly, and shook her head slightly.

“Huh? But Kato Xuejie is really beautiful and cute, ah, like Xuejie, should be able to shine brightly, right? Completely unable to understand why the sense of existence is weak, so……… Wouldn’t that be inconvenient? ”

Shitani was stunned, but he also shook his head and said affirmatively.

She was sure that Kato was absolutely beautiful and cute, and she didn’t think there would be any problem with her vision.

“Don’t say don’t say it, I’ll be embarrassed, Sister Yotsutani.”

Kei Kato’s heart is as calm as ever.

But from the sound of her voice, you can tell that she is indeed a little embarrassed now.

“Since the Kitahara students all call me Hui, then the four valley students you can also call me Hui directly, don’t be so troublesome.”

“As for the inconvenience of Fang or something… At first, it was really distressing and unaccustomed, but after a long time, I would eventually get used to it. ”

Kei Kato said softly.

“Huh? Oh, good Sister Hui. ”

Miko Yotsuya was stunned and nodded hurriedly.

Look at Kei Kato.

The kind-hearted Miko Yotsutani can imagine.

Although Hui Xuejie said it was very peaceful and did not care.

But how uncomfortable is this sense of existence is weak, often overlooked, and forgotten by people.

Hui Xuejie… But I got used to it.

Miko Yotsuya had just arrived in disbelief.

Ying Li Pear: “…”

Ying Pear pear’s face was dazed.

No, such an outrageous thing.

You’ve been seriously discussing, is it really fake?

“But, Classmate Kato, I don’t seem to feel that your sense of existence is weak or anything.”

“Rather, like Miko, in my opinion, your cuteness is indeed far beyond that of ordinary people, and you should not have a weak sense of existence, right?”

Under the snow, Xue Nai had a thoughtful expression on his face, and he also hesitated at this moment.

Ying Li Pear: “…”

Even the first scholar in the class easily believed it and began to discuss it seriously?

Do I have a problem or do you have a problem?

“Ming, everyone calls me Hui, as for this, I am also very strange, why with you I have no feeling of being ignored at all, Ming Ying Li Pear classmates have always ignored my comers.”

Kato looked a little distressed and said confusedly.

Ying pear pear lying gun.

“What’s strange about this, don’t think about it, it must be Bai Qiujun’s relationship, we have signed a contract with Bai Qiujun, even if Hui is really special, it can’t affect us.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu also spoke out loud at this moment. She was referring to Miko Yotsuya and Yukino under the snow.

Miko Yotsuya and Snow Under Snow are enlightened.

Subconsciously glanced at the smile on his face at the moment, and did not speak, Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kei Kato: “Contract? ”

Ying Li Pear: “Contract? ”

Their faces were stunned at the same time.

What is that?

How it sounds, it doesn’t sound like something that reality can come up with.

Ying Pear Pear fainted.

She felt that everyone was abnormal, only she was a normal person.

Kato Kei had only curiosity in her heart.

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled slightly and said, “The so-called contract is… Along with that, he also briefly explained the contract to the two women. ”

Ying Pear heard the words and was even more dizzy.

White Night Teacher……… Is it still a patient with secondary two diseases? Or is this the case with people who write light novels?

And just when her senses for Kitahara Hakuaki began to become subtle.

She suddenly felt empty under her feet.

The body began to rise without warning.

After the Ying Pear Pear reacted.

She found.

At this moment, she and Kato Kei actually flew up.


Ying Li Pear exhaled in surprise, and her face was full of disbelief! Fly, fly?!!

Is this and this true?

What they said turned out to be true?!!

At this moment, the head of Ying Pear has been shut down.

It was completely impossible to understand this supernatural scene.


Kato’s face was also surprised at first.

But when you rise to a certain height.

She suddenly let out a cute exclamation, and then subconsciously covered her skirt.

By, looked at.

Kato’s calm face from beginning to end showed a reddish look at this moment.

Eiri hears Kato’s exclamation.

I was also stunned after seeing her movements.

Then there was also an exclamation, and he quickly covered his skirt.

The flush had crawled all over the cheeks of the Ying Pear Pear.

It didn’t take long.

Kitahara Baiqiu gently put the two girls down.

This demonstration, he successfully harvested two holy rays of light and three white eyes.

But he was innocent.

He just wanted to prove the facts to the two young girls, what bad intentions could he have?

The two maidens who sat down again had red halos on their faces.


The worldview that has always existed in the past has also completely collapsed at this moment.

After finally calming down.

Kato Kei spoke again, “That is to say, as long as I sign a contract with Kitahara students, will my problems be solved?” ”

“Well, you can, after all, you’re not a big deal.”

Kitahara nodded and replied.

Kato’s face was slightly red.

She had not forgotten the terms of the contract.

That kind of thing was still too fast and too shy for her.

“But, but… Since everyone who has signed a contract with Kitahara can notice my words. ”

“Think about it another way, so why can’t it be Kitahara who signs a contract with everyone?”

“So, then, things can be solved, right?” It doesn’t matter if I don’t sign a contract with Kitahara students. ”

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…? ”

With everyone?

Your angle is really tricky.

I didn’t expect you to be such a saint.

No, what about the light of my future taking you to a world that only those who have made a contract with me can go to?

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