Chapter 204: The Girl Who Can’t Escape! Active girl!!

Naturally, Kato did not really want Kitahara to sign a contract with everyone.

She’s just being shy.

Subconsciously, I just said that the feasibility of another method was just.

After saying that.

Kato also looked at Kitahara Hakuaki apologetically.

Of course.

Even if you know the way to solve your own sense of existence.

Kato Kei could not have agreed to sign a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki so quickly.

The two had not known each other before.

Kitahara Hakuaki may have been familiar with Kei Kato. However, Kato Kei is not familiar with Kitahara Hakuaki.

In Kato’s view.

Although the benefits of signing a contract are many.

But that was tantamount to the two of them making a lifelong private decision.

How can such a thing as a private lifelong decision be hasty for a young girl? At least until the two are really familiar before they can decide, right?

Not to mention, Kato Kei knew.

Present, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Snow Under the Snow, Miko Yotsutani……… However, they all signed a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu and privately agreed for life.

How could she have agreed so easily.

But……… It’s really powerful.

Kasumigaoka Shiba used to hear her daimyō often at Toyonozaki School.

Snow Snow is a cute person who has heard of her even though Kei Kato is not studying at Sotakeka.

As for Miko Yotsuya, in Kato’s view, it was only because the first grade had not yet become famous.

And these excellent girls are willing to choose Kitahara Baiqiu, even if Kitahara Baiqiu has a particularity, this is undoubtedly a miracle.

Kei Kato shook his head.

If it was when she was little.

Because the sense of existence is too weak and confused at that stage Kitahara White Autumn appeared.

Then she would definitely choose to sign a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu without hesitation.

Now the words………

Kato is used to being honest about her weak sense of existence. She couldn’t have hastily decided on her life’s work because of this.

And at this very moment.

At the time of Kato’s thinking.

She noticed that Kitahara Baiqiu’s fingers were actually a little on her forehead.

A chill suddenly came from my fingertips.

In response to this intimate move, Kato asked doubtfully, “Brother Kitahara, are you…?” ”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly and said, “I can see that Xiao Hui can’t make up your mind now.” ”

“However, who said that you must sign a contract to solve the problem of Xiaohui?”

“For me, this is nothing at all, so since Xiao Hui has come to my side, I will help you solve it.”

Kato was stunned and asked in amazement, “Hey, can it be solved without signing a contract?” ”

“Well, I never said I had to sign a contract.”

Kitahara said naturally.

“However, Brother Kitahara, you didn’t say that there was a way to become other than to sign a contract.”

Kato hesitated and spoke.

“That is to say, a certain crumb is obviously thinking that it is best if you can deceive you to agree to sign a contract with him, and if you do not agree, he will use something else as if to solve it for you.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly interjected at this moment, looking at Kitahara Baiqiu with contempt: “After all, Xiao Hui, you are a veritable beautiful girl, with the nature of a certain Junjun, how can you not be moved.” ”

When Kato heard this, his face immediately turned red.

So she was, almost fell into the trap?

“That’s what Shi Yu said, I didn’t say that.”

Kitahara Shiroaki smiled slightly.

Then he withdrew his hand and said to Kato, “Okay, Kei. ”

“Huh? Oh, well…”

Kato Kei’s tone was a little flustered and nodded.

She looked at her hand and didn’t feel much of a change.

Isn’t her sense of existence weak now?

It feels amazing.

“Thank you Brother Kitahara, but the student really surprised me.”

“Generally at such a time, if you are interested in a young girl, shouldn’t you pretend that there is no other way, hang it with a contract, and then wait for the girl to fall?”

Kato said quietly, with some curiosity on his face.

If it wasn’t for that slight redness, it was almost as if he wasn’t talking about himself.

“I’m not the kind of guy who has no taste, obviously it’s easy, but I just pretend I can’t do it.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard this, shook his head and said.

Then he had a smile on his face and said to Kato, “And Xiao Hui, do you really think that since you have appeared in front of me, you can still escape?” I don’t think it’s possible. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu listened with contempt in her eyes, and she knew it would be like this.

“Huh? Does Kitahara students want to use strong? ”

Kato Eun let out an exclamation, but his face still didn’t fluctuate much, and he asked doubtfully.

“Why do you think so?”

Kitahara was even more confused.

“Because there are no absolute things in this world, if Kitahara students are not strong, I think the future is still full of uncertainty.”

Kato said with a serious face.

“Hahaha, that’s not necessarily true, if I don’t want to let Xiao Hui go, then Xiao Hui is absolutely unable to escape, such as you thought before, go to your childhood to sign a contract with you, that is not impossible.”

Kitahara White Autumn Road.

“Can you even do that kind of thing?”

Kato’s eyes were confused and his tone was filled with disbelief.

Back in the old days………

Then she may not have been able to escape from the moment she met Kitahara Baiqiu.

She never had the right to choose, and the right to choose was in the hands of the Kitahara students.

But……… Through brief contact.

Kato E. estimates.

Kitahara wouldn’t force her in a way she hated.

Maybe it will make her unknowing, and start to be willing to it……… In addition to the ending has been predestined, the process, even the unexpected good may not be certain.

Kato’s face was slightly red.

She actually couldn’t figure it out.

What attracted Kitahara’s students to himself was that he was full of attachment to himself just by seeing him.

“No, no, why do you know what I was thinking before?”

“Isn’t mind reading also a very common ability?”

Kitahara said naturally.

“It’s not common, this ability is very, very foul, it’s just too foul.”

Kato Ei spits badly.

“Well, it’s a foul, so I don’t usually use those abilities, only when I want to.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and then nodded his head in acknowledgment.

He had just started reading his mind just to see what Kei Kato thought.

Unexpectedly, the girl directly handed over her own strategy method.

This surprised Kitahara Hakuaki.

Of course, knowing is knowing.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not plan to really go back to the past to deceive a Lori.

This is how unconfident you have to be in yourself, so you can use that method.

“Alas, I’m sorry, Classmate Hui, Bai Qiu is like this, please bear with me.”

Snow under the snow is also at this moment to support the forehead, said to Kato Kei.

“Yes, I’m sorry, Sister Hui.”

Miko Yotsuya also blushed slightly and bowed to Kato to apologize.

They all apologize to Kato Kei as a close friend of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kitahara Baiqiu doesn’t want a face, they still want a face.

At this moment, Ying Li Pear only felt that his heart was beating faster and his face was red.

She today……… Isn’t it time to come?

Or should you not transfer to the General Wu Gao?

Teacher White Night said that he would not let go of the people who came to him.

Also, including her?

Ying Li Li’s heart is very nervous at this moment, nervous, expectant, afraid……… In short, it is very messy.

She is different from Kei Kato.

Kitahara Hakuakimoto is the idol she has always worshipped.

In front of the idol, her heart will be chaotic in an instant, and she does not know how to react.

Regarding the apologies of Yukino and Miko Yotsutani under the snow, Kato was a little stunned for a while.

No way, even her.

This has never happened before.

Kato’s face calmed down again, and he asked with some doubt, “Kitahara Gakushi… If you are so powerful, why are you still in school? ”

School……… and Kitahara apprentices.

Looks like a violation, doesn’t it?

“Then if I don’t go to school, Xiao Hui, what do you think I should do?”

Kitahara asked with a smile.

“Of course it is…”

Kato subconsciously wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he was stuck and did not know how to answer.

“Make money? Walk the organ? Or dominating the world? Or something else? ”

Kitahara saw Kato Kei was silent and asked instead.

In the world of Omnipotence.

The existence of Kitahara Baiqiu itself is a deterrent. He didn’t need to do much in the world of comics.

World domination? Managing the world?

Does that mean anything to him?

“I just have to do what I’m interested in, I think it’s fun to go to school, so I come to school naturally.”

“It’s not that people who are tall must do tall things to meet their status, how tired they must be.”

“On the contrary, it is precisely because you are strong that you can do whatever you want, do what you like, do whatever you want, and be free.”

Kitahara smiled and said to Kato.

Not because he was going to school so he showed up at school.

But because he felt that the life of the school and the girls on the campus were interesting, he would appear at the school.

In the time of the world, it doesn’t make much sense for him to do other things, so why not do what he likes?

It’s really boring to put yourself in a high position at a young age.

There will be many days on high in the future.

“That’s the way it is, I see.”

Kato replied with a confused look in her eyes.


After eating the bento, Kato also voluntarily left the ministry.

She was not so close to Kitahara Hakuaki now.

Naturally, the space of the ministry should be reserved for the maidens who are close to Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Anyway, thank you, Brother Kitahara, later… I will come to serve with my classmates under the snow. ”

Before leaving, Kato said to Kitahara Hakuaki with a reddish face.

Even going back to the past can do such a thing, Kato Kei has already confessed his fate.

Unless Kitahara Shiraaki changed his mind and gave up, Kato knew that he could not escape.

What a foul.

In every sense of the word, it is… Kato couldn’t help but think in her heart.

She understood why the beautiful students at the school were all close to Kitahara Baiqiu.

But……… She didn’t hate it either.

To be honest, the appearance of Kitahara Baiqiu itself.

And the “Blue Talent Innate Favor” that I took when I first got the emulator. ”

The person who will have a bad feeling for Kitahara Hakuaki at the first meeting basically does not exist.

As for whether the follow-up is good or bad.

Then it depends on Kitahara Baiqiu himself.

Ministry of Service.

Kato Kei wisely left early.

But a certain golden retriever did not leave with interest.

Ying Li Pear’s face was full of trepidation.

After seeing Kato Keido leave, she finally couldn’t help asking, “That, that… Teacher White Night, don’t you ask me about the contract? ”

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