Chapter 206 is coming! Crimson Pupil!!

The other side.

And as the girls expected.

Something really went wrong.

However, this time it is a little bit special.

It doesn’t happen in the world.

It’s the moment.

Lady Aisha, who has left her home, is contacting Kitahara Hakuaki.

This is also the reason why Kitahara Hakuaki is a little anxious.

However, although he was a little anxious, Kitahara Baiqiu was actually not very worried in his heart.

Because his strength has reached the level of today.

Lady Aisha, with whom he had a contract.

Nowadays, the strength has also reached the level of the game life god species, the last king of the god killer world.

In the midst of many worlds of convergence.

No one else could threaten Lady Aisha, who possessed such power.

【Corridor of the Goblin Realm】

Power can be directly launched.

This power used to be in the world of the God Killer.

It is mainly the power to the underworld or the world of the past. But Lady Aisha signed a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Power is strengthened.

It is also beginning to be able to travel to other worlds.

The only drawback to power.

It may be that it is impossible to determine which world the other world you are traveling to is.

But this is nothing to Kitahara Hakuaki either.

Because this is also one of the powers that Lady Aisha has the deepest connection with Kitahara Baiqiu.

If both of them want to.

Both can use this power to come to each other’s side at any time.

After the power is activated.

A black hole undoubtedly appeared in front of Kitahara Baiqiu. Without the slightest hesitation, Kitahara Baiqiu walked directly inside.

After Kitahara Bai Qiu walked in.

He and the black hole also disappeared in place at the same time.

When Kitahara opened his eyes again.

No doubt he had come to Madame Aisha’s side.

“White Autumn!!!”

As soon as Lady Aisha saw Kitahara Baiqiu, her eyes lit up.

The whole person directly hugged Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Wow, wow, it’s really Bai Qiuye, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I miss you so much!”

Lady Aisha hugged Kitahara and danced excitedly.

I don’t know how much stimulation I have for a man with such an action.

“I haven’t seen each other for a long time, it’s only been a few days, and besides, the connection between the two of us, do you think I won’t go back directly?”

Kitahara Baiqiu was stimulated, knocked on the head of the energetic Lady Aisha, and said without anger.

“Well, that’s not because we’re trying this for the first time after all, I’m a little excited.”

Mrs. Elsa was knocked on the head, first with a pitiful and cute expression.

Then he even hugged Kitahara Baiqiu’s arm and said coddled.


Kitahara Baiqiu looked at such a seductive Lady Aisha, and her heartbeat couldn’t help but speed up a few points.

“All right, first tell me what I’m called to do.”

Face such a lovely Lady Aisha.

After Kitahara Bai Qiu kissed Lady Aisha for a while, he said to her dotingly.

This made Mrs. Aisha’s face rise even more with a lovely red glow.

Kitahara said.

At this moment, the divine power also began to be released without reservation.

Just for a moment.

He understood which world it was.

At the same time, his face was also stunned.

“Chop Crimson Pupil”?

It turned out to be the world of Esthers.

Didn’t expect that.

Did Lady Elsa actually come into this world?

“That, that, Bai Qiu, the empire of this world is really bad and bad.”

“It was after I came into this world… Discovering the rulers of this world, the strongest empire is simply too bad, too terrible. ”

“There were even people who tried to take a shot at me, and then I didn’t hold back and wiped out the whole empire.”

“Emperors, ministers, generals or whatever… I’m all killed. ”

Mrs. Elsa twisted and squeezed, with a slight redness on her face, and said embarrassedly.

Kitahara Bai Qiu nodded.

There is nothing surprising about this.

Just as man decays.

In the world of Crimson Pupil.

With a thousand years of prosperity in the empire, it is just a corrupt hell on earth, cloaked in human skin, and arrogant and arrogant!

Lady Aisha’s nature is gentle and kind.

Naturally, it is impossible to get used to such things.

She was gentle though, though kind.

But that doesn’t mean she won’t destroy evil.

And will destroy evil at the same time.

She also happens to have the ability to destroy this evil.

Normal, just too normal.

“If it is extinguished, it will be extinguished, this is not a big deal, is there not a revolutionary army in this world?” The Empire was destroyed, and it would be nice if they came to receive it. ”

Kitahara said indifferently.

At his level, he really didn’t care about the demise of one of the world’s most powerful empires, let alone the empire that deserved it.

“Huh? Do you still know about the revolutionary army? It was so powerful, it was worthy of Lady Baiqiu Aisha who heard the words of Baiqiu Kitahara and couldn’t help but exhale. ”

In fact, if Lady Aisha wanted to destroy the Empire, it wouldn’t take a few days.

No doubt.

With her strength.

An entire empire can be destroyed in an instant.

But Mrs. Aisha is gentle and kind after all.

Even if it is offended, it will naturally give the erroneous empire a chance.

It is precisely because of this opportunity.

Let Lady Elsa meet the night raiders who lurk in the Empire to assassinate and do justice in this way.

The members of the Night Raid brought Lady Aisha back.

Madame Aisha also began to have contact with them and learned about the existence of the revolutionary army.

Actually at the beginning.

The members of the Night Raid did not know the true strength of Lady Aisha. Just see that she has special abilities, as if she is the owner of the imperial tool.

He wanted Lady Elsa to join the Night Raid.

With her gentle and kind wife, Lady Aisha began to see the darkness of the imperial capital.

And with the night raid saw many dark Aisha ladies of the empire.

Finally, he was completely disappointed in the empire, and directly opened up, crushing the entire empire

What is one of the strongest generals of Budd, what is the mighty Minister of Ernest, what is the emperor with the strongest emperor with the “supreme throne” of the protector of the country. ”

Tongtong is not the enemy of Lady Aisha’s union.


Destroyed overnight.

This stunned the entire Night Raiders.

They swear.

At first, I really just wanted Lady Aisha to join the night raid and be an assassin like them……… Who would have thought.

How could this beautiful and gentle girl be so strong? Rather, it’s simply strong and terrible!

It’s not like this world exists! It also shocked everyone.

Originally just wanted to recruit a new member, but there was such a windfall? The fall of the empire.

For the whole world.

It is undoubtedly a good thing, a great good thing! The ecstasy of the revolutionary army…

And then……

“I accidentally killed most of the top brass of the revolutionary army, because I found out that they were not good people.”

As Mrs. Aisha spoke, she also looked anxious to defend herself.

Killed most of the top brass of the revolutionary army…?

Kitahara Baiqiu suddenly twitched at the corner of his mouth, and there was nothing to say.

However, since Mrs. Aisha said that they were not good people, it is estimated that they are not good people.

For Lady Elsa has the power to distinguish between good and evil.

No one could hide from her.

“Also, besides the revolutionary army, I have killed many people from other forces.”

“Bai Qiu… This, really does not concern me, I walked around this world and found that there are too many bad people in this world! ”

Mrs. Aisha was about to cry.

She really didn’t mean it, but there was no way.

The world……… The world……… Maybe it’s weird! For Mrs. Aisha.

The distinction between good and evil has always been very vague.

In the face of uncertain existence, Mrs. Elsa often chooses to let him die.

But……… But……

The world doesn’t know why.

Evil is really surprisingly much!

Stunned is to force the gentle and kind Mrs. Aisha to the point where she is now.

Kitahara looked up at the sky.

Good guys, really good guys. This is killing the sky, killing crazy. But Kitahara Hakuaki knew. Nor is it to be blamed on Lady Aisha.

Because of this world.

We are already in a time of extreme distortion.

Breaking the sky is also a very normal thing.

If only Esther hadn’t crossed.

Maybe she’ll be killed by Lady Aisha?

No……… No, Estes has a high chance that it won’t. Because Esther was warlike though called Queen.

But she was known for her kindness to civilians and her men.

There is very little black history other than their own battles.

With the nature of Lady Aisha, it is estimated that she will not regard Esther as an evil person.


If Esther himself died.

When Lady Elsa came to the door, she chose to stand with the Empire, and it is estimated that she is already in a different place, right?

And with the nature of Esthers.

Without knowing Lady Aisha’s strength, she could have helped the Empire say so.

Is it lucky that Esther was able to cross? Thinking of this, Kitahara Bai Qiu felt.

Esther should probably be thankful.

“So… What is the situation now? ”

Kitahara asked.

Killed so many people.

Kitahara Hakuaki was a little curious.

What the world of Crimson Pupil has become now.

“They, they all want me to be the female emperor and won’t let me go!”

Mrs. Aisha heard the words and said without love.

PS: The previous chapter is not wrong, Erromana is a professional name, not just a reference to Izumi mother and daughter, it refers to the name of the entire industry, and Hideri Kashiwaki is the pen name.

In layman’s terms, Elomana is the entire industry, and Cypress Hideri is the personal pen name of Eiri Pear.

Writing directly out that industry is definitely not going to work, so I used Erromana instead.

I always thought it was common sense, I didn’t expect so many people not to know, sorry, mine, here to apologize…

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