Chapter 207 Red Pupil! I order you to become a female emperor!!

Don’t let Mrs. Aisha go.

In fact, this does not mean that Mrs. Aisha really can’t leave.

With the strength of Lady Aisha.

In the world of “Chop Crimson Pupil”, you can still come and go as you want

Just by the nature of Lady Aisha.

I killed so many people myself.

Even the two great elites of this world were killed.

And then she just walked away with this kind of thing, and she really couldn’t do it.

That kills all the bad guys and runs away.

It seems heroic, but the hidden dangers in this are surprisingly large.

Not to mention what other people’s bad intentions are?

Others just want Lady Aisha to be the empress.

Kitahara White Autumn Support.

He understood why Madame Elsa had called him over.

Simply put.

It was Mrs. Elsa who saved a world and then didn’t want to be responsible for it.

Then he could only rely on Kitahara Baiqiu, who was closest to him.

Is it worthy of Madame Aisha?

In the world of the God Killer, he is known as the most troublesome God Killer.

It’s only been a few days, and I’ve done such a big thing.

“I see, rest assured, I’ll take care of it.”

Kitahara played Lady Aisha’s forehead.

Causing Lady Aisha to cry out in pain again, she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu pitifully, but Kitahara Baiqiu was ‘iron hearted’ this time, ‘unwavering’.

It was a little punishment for Mrs. Aisha.

Lady Aisha was not moved to see Kitahara Hakuaki.

Suddenly, he stopped pretending to be pitiful, and he giggled and hugged Kitahara Baiqiu’s arm and bounced it.

This is his husband, what does it matter.

The most important thing is that the husband’s willingness to help solve this matter is what makes Mrs. Aisha happiest.

“I just knew, knowing Bai Qiu, you will definitely help me, and I like you the most.”

Mrs. Elsa first coddled herself intimately, and then she said angrily, “Those people are still outside, so I’ll call them in first.” ”

The lively and lovely Mrs. Aisha always makes people look tired.

And then.

Kitahara saw Lady Aisha walk in with a group of beautiful girls.

Red Pupil, Mayn, Leonay, Hill, Najiehitan, Chelsea… As a member of the Night Raid.

Most of them were known to Lady Aisha when she was dragged into the night raid.

It is also the person who most wants Lady Aisha to become a female emperor today.

After bringing people in, Lady Aisha hugged Kitahara Bai Qiu intimately.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at these once familiar girls in front of him, and his heart also had some feelings.

Although there are many girls, each one’s style is really different, each with its own characteristics.

And it was when Kitahara Baiqiu was observing the girls.

The girls were also full of shock when they saw Kitahara Baiqiu.

Source of shock.

In fact, it is not from the Northern Plains White Autumn.

It is Lady Aisha from Kitahara’s side.

Be aware.

Within a few days the world had destroyed the Empire and the revolutionary army.

Eradicate all the darkness of this world, Lady Aisha.

In the eyes of all.

That’s God! And a beautiful goddess!

As a result, this high goddess was so intimate and intimate with another person.

And how not to shock.

At this moment, the aura on Lady Elsa was so great that even anything related to her would be valued, let alone the other half of the goddess.

But……… After the shock.

All the girls looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

I only felt a trance in my eyes, as simple as this person was more noble and sacred than Madame Aisha.

Obviously, they had not seen Kitahara Baiqiu before.

But the appearance of Kitahara Baiqiu made their anxious hearts slowly begin to calm down.

This is what the Terran Saint Emperor Personality brought to Kitahara Baiqiu.

He possesses the status of Terran Holy Emperor.

No matter what world he was in, in the eyes of the Terrans, he was the supreme being.

Even if it is a God who claims to be omniscient and all-powerful.

In the hearts of the Terrans, they will not be as good as their own Holy Emperor.

“Lord Aisha, have you decided to become the female emperor of the new empire?”

Red Pupil looked at Kitahara Baiqiu sheepishly for a long time.

Only then did she look back at Madame Aisha and say respectfully.

“Female Emperor? I said I was improper, too much trouble. ”

Madame Aisha had a look of disgust on her face.

Then he proudly signaled to the Kitahara Baiqiu who was hugging him, and said, “This is my husband, if you have anything to talk to him, if she agrees to me to be the female emperor, then I will do it.” ”

Lady Aisha said this on the surface, but in her heart she thought that Bai Qiujun was reluctant to let me be the female emperor.

Everybody hears it.

Suddenly, he looked at Kitahara Baiqiu again.


Although unfamiliar, although not recognized. But the first glance at seeing Kitahara Baiqiu.

Everybody just thinks.

Kitahara was more suitable to be the new ruler of the Empire than Lady Aisha.

This feeling came inexplicably.

I can’t say why, and naturally no one will say it.

“That… That…”

The beautiful girl with black hair and red eyes spat and vomited.

Facing Kitahara Baiqiu, she was inexplicably a little nervous.

“My name is White Night, and if you don’t want to give it up, just call me White Night.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly, and took the initiative to ask, “Can I ask you why I want Lady Aisha to become the female emperor of the empire so much?” ”

The crowd looked at each other.

“Because, because Lord Elsa is very powerful.”

The timid girl, the natural glasses lady Hill, raised her hand and whispered at this moment.

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked over.

The eye-eyed lady only felt her heart beat faster, withdrew her hand, lowered her head and did not dare to speak again.

“There is such a reason, but the most important thing is that most of the high-level forces in this world have almost been killed by Lord Aisha.”

“In my heart, Lord Aisha is the most suitable candidate for the new female emperor of the empire, isn’t it more suitable now?”

The beautiful girl with two ponytails Ma Yin also said at this moment.

“Well, Chelsea is also very much in favor, but I like Sister Aisha very much, and if Sister Aisha becomes a female emperor, she will definitely make the world a better place.”

The cute girl Chelsea with headphones is also in line at this moment.

She actually spent the shortest time with Lady Aisha.

However, due to her familiar nature, she has a friendly relationship with Mrs. Aisha, after all, Mrs. Aisha is also a gentle and kind girl in nature.

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at them and smiled on their faces.

These teenage girls……… In the original book, they are all dead.

They can stand here now.

In a sense, Lady Elsa is also their savior.

After all the girls had finished answering the questions.

Red Hitomi, who had been silent all along, finally spoke: “A long time ago, knowing the darkness of this world, I had decided to dedicate my whole life to justice and make up my mind to overthrow the corrupt empire, even if it was everything.” ”

“And Lord Aisha undoubtedly helped me realize this wish, and since this is the case, as a reward, from now on, I will naturally serve Lord Aisha all the time.”

“After Lord Aisha becomes the female emperor, I will be the sword of Lord Aisha, the sword of Lord Aisha, follow all the orders of Lord Aisha, no matter what I ask I will agree, and Lord Aisha is my master.”

The girl said so.

Her words also made the many young girls behind her nod seriously.

How could they not have dedicated their lives to Night Raiders.

The appearance of Lady Aisha will fulfill all the wishes of the night attack, then they will naturally pursue Lady Aisha for a lifetime.

“Of course… That one……… Lord White Night, you, as the husband of Lady Aisha, will be my master in the future. ”

Red pupil’s face was slightly red.

But he still said seriously to Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Oh, master? Whatever the requirements, you will agree? ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard the words, looked up and down at this beautiful girl with black hair and red eyes, and said with great interest.

“Dang, of course.”

Red Hitomi blushed slightly, but said firmly.

In the crowd, there was some commotion.

The girls were all slightly red in the face, and the eyes of the white autumn of the Northern Plains were different.

They took one look at Mrs. Aisha, and when they found that Madame Aisha was completely concerned, their hearts became even more flustered.

No, it won’t, right?

Wouldn’t that really make that kind of request from them?

So if it is proposed, do they want to agree or refuse?

And just when the girls were thinking wildly.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and spoke again: “Well, since you agree to everything, then I will order you to become a female emperor!” Red Pupil! ”

Everyone froze at this moment.

Red Pupil……… Become a female emperor?

It’s not that weird command, but it feels even weirder what it’s like?!!

“Huh? Me, I can’t, that… I can’t be a female emperor. ”

Red Hitomi was also suddenly flustered at this moment and quickly refused to arrive.

She didn’t think of anything at all.

Kitahara Baiqiu would give her such an order.

“Huh? Doesn’t it mean that all orders will be obeyed, and all kinds of orders will be granted? ”

“Being a female emperor, this is the master’s order, why can’t it be done?”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the panicked girl and continued to tease.

“Uh-huh… Yes, I’m sorry, master, but, this is the only thing I really can’t do, I, I’m not the material of the female emperor. ”

Red Pupil was immediately defeated.

He blushed and said weakly.

Obviously, she represents the supreme position and noble female emperor.

At this moment, one after another was rejected.

But there is no way, responsible people know.

The position of female emperor represents not only status, she also represents responsibility.

If the female emperor is incompetent, what is the difference between that and the previous empire?

Red Pupil has self-awareness and knows that she really can’t be a female emperor.

She was really worried.

Worried that this White Night Lord really chose her as the female emperor: “What can not be done?” I said if you can do it, you must do it. ”

Kitahara smiled.

Speaking to the ‘true heroine’ in “Chopping Crimson Pupil”.

In the original book.

Akatsuki was the only girl who survived to the end, in the eyes of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Lady Aisha did not want to be responsible for the situation.

This young girl is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate in this world to be a female emperor…

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