Chapter 216: The Descendants of Kitahara White Autumn! Go back six thousand years!!

Got some information from the witch.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked up at the sky and sighed.

For a moment, I didn’t know what to say.

After all, sixteen races because of him.

For six thousand years, the plenipotentiary agents were all queens and empresses.

It’s outrageous.


He still had a headache and stopped the witch from continuing.

After all, he came this time.

I also just want to be a simple spectator.

Witness how the world will look six thousand years from now.

From start to finish.

He hadn’t even thought about what to do, nor had he ever thought of letting people discover his presence and meet the witch, it was just a small accident.

Some things.

He still wanted to see for himself instead of listening to others.

So after stopping the witch, he was ready to say goodbye to her.

At the same time, as seen the witch.

And the witch helped him understand the compensation of the current situation. Kitahara Hakuaki also gave the witch a little benefit.

Let her tail.

Successfully evolved from two tails to three tails.

This made the witch’s expression a little stunned.

“Sure enough, as the rumor goes, Lord White Night, you are a person who pities Xiang Xiang and cherishes jade…”

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled softly at her.

This smile successfully made the witch’s face suddenly turn red again.

In this regard, Kitahara Baiqiu did not think about what to do.

If there is a chance in the future, they will naturally meet again, and they are not in a hurry.

This time, he just came to be a simple spectator.

Under the witch’s red-faced gaze, Kitahara Baiqiu also disappeared in place, as if leaving no trace.

At this moment, no one is in the world.

It was really impossible to discover the existence of Kitahara Baiqiu.

After leaving the Eastern Union.

Kitahara White Autumn is also officially observing this world six thousand years later.

The fifteenth in the sixteenth race of the middle order ——— marine species.

It is a mermaid-like existence.

Kitahara saw their queen, Lyra Lorelai, as she wished, who was indeed a seemingly noble and elegant queen.

Kitahara laughed softly and left.

As expected, he met the queen and queen of all major races.

Have to say.

Can be elected by all major races.

They are indeed extremely beautiful appearances.

In addition to appearance, they also have their own characteristics.

Otherwise, beauty alone will not lead the entire race in this game world.

Six thousand years seems like a long time.

However, as immortal species, the various races do not appear to be long.

There are races of queens and empresses who are even the first to be from beginning to end.

The maiden of the Heavenly Wing Species, Kitahara Bai Qiu, saw it.

But he did not see Azriel and Jeephril.

This is also normal.

These two Heavenly Wing Maidens who were closest to Kitahara Bai Qiu.

Six thousand years later.

I don’t know what world I’m with him.

And most of today’s Heavenly Wing Maidens are also hidden in this world

At the same time, Kitahara Baiqiu also saw the witch’s mouth.

The vampire sole agent – the false lady Brahm.

Have to say… This guy is really prettier and cuter than most women, and at first glance, I really can’t see that he’s a man.

But the false bride is still a false bride after all.

Kitahara Bai Qiu supported his forehead and made up his mind to go back to teach the blood-sucking gods a lesson.

Sen Essence species, Goblin species.

These two races are close to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Harmony as always.

Just a little…… It’s too close.

Kitahara watched the fairy maidens get his love story with Arram, the god of love, from the Mori Essence maidens.

He actually began to be willing to be a cow and a horse to serve the girls of the forest sperm breed.

And then those stories given by the Mori Essence Girls……… Obviously, it can be seen that it is made up.

After all, how could the Mori Essence maidens really know about the affairs between the gods and goddesses.

This made Kitahara Bai Qiu Fu forehead.

Can’t help but think of the scene when Xinku Nirbarian used a love story to coax the god of love, Arram.

This race of love brains is really not saved. I can’t play with the forest essence species that can be called a female fox.

As a spectator.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not come out to stop it.

Not to mention that he could see it.

The Sen Essence Maidens actually did not have any malicious intentions, and the two clans got along very happily.

Rather, in a way.

The Sen Essence Maidens are also protecting this race whose brains are full of love.

After leaving from the Sen Seizu.

Kitahara Baiqiu also came to the human species he cared about most.

Today’s human race.

Kitahara Hakuaki had given them magic and martial arts. In fact, it has been studied by all ethnic groups.

However, after all, it was a race taught by Kitahara Hakuaki himself.

They stand among the sixteen races and do not appear weak at all.

At the same time, as the first time that Kitahara Hakuaki was sheltered, it was also a race that showed its strength in the Great War.

The human race is not discriminated against by other races as in the original book.

Come to the land of human species.

Kitahara Hakuaki’s surprised discovery.

The current situation of the human race is really a bit like the original book.

Come to the top of the Imperial City.

Kitahara Baiqiu heard a surprise sound coming from inside.

“Won! WIN! Sure enough, it is worthy of emptiness and whiteness, which is really too powerful! ”

Stephanie Dora watched the victory in front of her that determined the throne of the human race.

Suddenly surprised, his eyes lit up and he looked at the two figures in front of him and said.

“Hmm, isn’t that a given! As long as we are with White, we are invincible! ”

Empty snorted proudly and said confidently.

“Well, as long as you’re with your sister, Blank will never fail.”

Petite cute white.

At this moment, he also nodded, and his eyes were full of confidence.


Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned.

Seeing the girl with long red hair, good face and very good figure inside was directly stunned.

Girl, who are you? Empty? What’s going on?

Kitahara Baiqiu pondered, he did not expect that six thousand years later, the air that crossed over would actually become a girl.

Kitahara shook his head.

It didn’t matter, and he didn’t really care.


Stephanie Dora heard the words of the Blank Sisters, and also nodded excitedly, looked at the two with adoration in her eyes, and said, “No matter what, I have kept the inheritance left to me by my ancestors, it is very good.” ”

“Ahem! What have you kept! ”

“That’s it! Sooner or later, the human race will lose! Become a vassal of another race! ”

“You might as well give up your place to me, so that at least there is still a little hope.”

Krami Gyre, a young girl who lost the throne, also said extremely reluctantly at this moment.

“What are you talking about! I am a direct descendant of the First Empress Colony and the Holy Emperor Lord White Night! I am the legitimate heir to the throne! ”

Stephanie Dora looked at Krami Gyle in disbelief and said sternly.

“The descendants of the Holy Emperor White Night…… Who isn’t! My ancestors were also Lord White Night and the second Empress Nonna Gyre. ”

Krami Djer gritted his teeth and said with a look of reluctance on his face.

Immediately, she pushed Phil Neilbarian in front of Stephanie Dora and said, “And Phil! Phil’s status is nobler than ours! She is a direct descendant of Lord Sinku Nirbarian and Lord White Night, and is the biological daughter of Lord White Night. ”

“Everyone is a descendant of the Holy Emperor, and I don’t know what you’re proud of!” Lord Colony was extremely holy as the first empress, and I admit that I have great admiration for this. ”

“But look at yourself and the king!” What have you all done! Except for the beauty! Do you have even the slightest advantage of inheriting Lord Colony and Lord White Night? ”

“The throne is inhabited by those who have the power!” If you don’t want the evil situation of human beings to continue to be bad, you should obediently give up the throne. ”

Krami Djer said aggressively.

Now the human race is in a really bad situation, and the last turf may be annexed by other races at any time.

The Holy Emperor White Night Lord as the only god.

Although it favors humans, it does not favor humans.

He would not care about the normal struggle between these races.

In order not to completely defeat mankind, Krami launched the War of Conquest.

Trying to drive the incompetent Stephanie down.

As a result, Krami did not expect that she would actually meet the monster-like sisters of Blank.


Phil Neilbarian was pushed out by Krami.

Her face was also reddish.

But……… Her identity is indeed the daughter of Kitahara Hakuaki and Shinku Nirbaren——— the little princess of the Sen Sei.

She has always been proud to have such parents.

This time she came out with the intention of helping Krami, but she didn’t expect to fail……… Or lost to two ordinary humans.

This made the little princess feel a little sad in her heart.

Kitahara Baiqiu heard the conversation of several people, and a surprised expression appeared on his face

In Krami Jer, Stephanie Dora, Phil Nelbarian couldn’t help but look at it a few more times.

Especially Phil Neilbaren.

He couldn’t resist even gently stroking it, touching Phil Nelbaren’s face.

This turned out to be……

He and Shincu Nirbaren’s daughter.

Descendant……… Do you?

It seems, six thousand years later.

He and Clonnie, Xinku, and even little Lolithona have their own descendants.


Kitahara Bai Qiu felt a powerful unawakened force in Phil Neil Baren’s body.

It wasn’t felt in Crame and Stephanie.

This surprised Kitahara Hakuaki.

But then he also smiled and shook his head.

It seems that in the past six thousand years, it is estimated that a lot of things have happened.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not want to delve into it.

After studying everything deeply, there is no unknown pleasure.

“Huh? Are you actually descendants of the same person? That so-called Holy Emperor still looked quite scummy. ”

Empty heard the conversation of the three people.

At this moment, he also said with a big grin of surprise.

“Shut up!”



Hearing the empty words, the three maidens roared at her at the same time at this moment.

“How dare you insult the Holy Emperor!” Do you know what the Holy Emperor did! ”

Krami’s face was full of anger, and there was even a magic condensation on his side at this moment.

“Even if it’s me! Insulting my father in front of me, I will also be angry! ”

Phil Nirbarian also had an angry expression on his face at this moment, looking at the sky with dissatisfaction.

“This time, even I am on their side, empty, you have no idea what the Holy Emperor has done for the sake of this world, for our human species.”

Stephanie’s face was full of seriousness.

Because she knew emptiness and knew that emptiness was not intentional, she was not as excited as the other two, but she also did not want to let go of the emptiness of saying that kind of words easily.

“Sister… You seem to have said the wrong thing. ”

Bai gently shook his empty hand at this moment, raised his head and said.

“The amount…… Seems to be. ”

There was a cold sweat on Empty’s face, and he couldn’t help but say.

Looking at the three people in front of her who were not good-looking, she couldn’t help but swallow.

“Sorry, sorry, really…”

Emptiness can flex and stretch, and quickly apologize.

At the same time, the madness in his mind was running, and finally he chose to change the topic: “I admit that I was reckless, that I was bad.” ”

“But there’s one thing Stephanie you’re wrong about.”


Stephanie was stunned and managed to be caught up in the air.

“You didn’t keep the inheritance that your ancestors left you.”

“Because from today onwards, as the winner of the game, it is up to me and Bai to be the queens of the human race!”

Emptiness’s face was full of self-confidence, and he said, “A world dominated by games?” Unfortunately, Bai and I are best at playing games. ”

“I am very curious about the only god in your mouth, the Holy Emperor.”

“Sooner or later we will defeat all races!” Then go and meet this Holy Emperor. ”

The empty words made several young girls present all shake.

Look at the void in disbelief, because this is basically impossible to do.

However, Empty and White looked at each other.

The faces were full of confidence and confidence.

Because of the game, they haven’t lost yet!

Kitahara Baiqiu, as a spectator, also laughed twice when he saw this scene.

He felt.

There was no need to look at it anymore.

The future may have changed because of him, but in the same way, not much has changed.

The undefeated void still came to this world, or headed in the direction of the only god.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and the figure slowly faded.

He went back.

Go back to your own time.

This time trip, he was very satisfied.

What Kitahara did not know was after he left.

The fact that the witch’s tail changed from two tails to three tails was revealed to be related to Kitahara Hakuaki.

There was an uproar across all races.

There are constant rumors that Kitahara Baiqiu has taken a fancy to the witches of the Eastern Alliance.

The Eastern Alliance orc races were even more surprised by this.

He even directly regarded his own witch as the other half of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Except for the orc race.

Other races also think so, feeling that witches are recognized by the only god.

To this.

The witch herself was extremely shy.

Clearly……… Obviously, she didn’t even know what Lord White Night meant.

As a result, there were so many strange rumors coming out of the world.

At the same time, this side of the human race royal palace.

“The amount…… Empty, are you and White sure you want to be the queen of the human race? ”

Stephanie heard the empty words and also asked in shock.

“Of course! The throne was won by us, and according to the Ten Covenants, it was deserved by me and White! What, you want to repent? ”

Empty looked at Stephanie and asked in surprise.

“Well, that’s not true, it’s just, emptiness, you may not know that if you become an empress in our world, there is a possibility of being favored by Lord White Night.”

Stephanie shook her head quickly and said hesitantly.

“What? And this kind of thing? Doesn’t that mean I’m in danger right now?!! ”

Empty face full of shock.

“Hmm: Just you? Daddy can’t possibly look up to you! ”

Phil Neilbarian looked at the air and said dismissively.

She inherited the character of her mother, Shinku Nirbaren, and somewhat liked to take revenge.

Nature will not miss the opportunity to strike the air.

“Instead, it’s your sister… She, she and Hughby’s mother are like, I think Dad may pay attention to her instead. ”

Phil Neilbarian looked at Bai with some shock in his heart.

This girl… It’s really like Hughby’s mother.

Empty words, covered his chest, and said: “This person is too hurtful to speak, what is impossible to look at me, I was once a good villain and a veritable beautiful girl.” ”

“Well, the void just stayed up too late, the skin is getting worse, the mental state is not good, the dark circles are a little more, other than that, she is still very beautiful.”

“Sister, how do I feel that your every word stung me deeply?”

“It doesn’t matter, sister, the blank will never separate, if the Holy Emperor only looks at White, Bai will definitely swear to die.”

“At this time, shouldn’t I be moved, whining…”

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