Chapter 217 The Child Mother! Shinku Nirbaren!!

Returning from six thousand years later.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was also full of smiles.

To tell the truth, this time he was only out of curiosity to roughly understand the world of game life six thousand years later.

Didn’t dig deeper.

Nor much was done.

After all, after six thousand years, then wait for six thousand years to understand it later, for the current Kitahara White Autumn.

Six thousand years.

In fact, it doesn’t grow much at all.

Look below is a new and beautiful new world. As soon as Kitahara Baiqiu’s body flashed, he disappeared directly in place.

He returned to the Sen Essence Seed.

After seeing Shinku Nirbaren.

Without the slightest hesitation, Kitahara took her away and kissed her directly.

“Huh? Ay? ”

Xinku Nirbaren’s face was full of surprise at the sudden appearance and surprise attack of Kitahara Baiqiu.

But he still closed his eyes and silently responded to Kitahara Baiqiu.

After a kiss.

Xinku Nirbarencai, with a red face, gasped and asked, “Lord White Night, what’s wrong?” ”

“Just call me White Night, Xinku.”

Kitahara Baiqiu touched Xinku Nirbaren’s beautiful long hair and said with a smile: “Nothing, but seeing the child and her mother, a little can’t help it.” ”

“Baby, child?!!”

When Xinku Nirba heard this, his face suddenly became redder.

She didn’t understand what Kitahara White Autumn meant, it was… Are you thinking about having a child with her?

Shinku Nirbaren’s face was flushed.

Although she gave everything she had to Kitahara Hakuaki. But the word child, it still feels too far away.


“If it’s a white night, it’s okay, whether it’s a child or whatever.”

Xinku Nirba Lian looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and said softly.

Kitahara Shiroaki smiled slightly.

Then, he stroked Shchenku Nirbaren’s face.

The birth of a child is undoubtedly long.

Kitahara met his daughter Phil Neilbarian six thousand years later. He could sense that Phil Neilbarian was only a few decades old.

This is a young age for any immortal race that cannot be younger anymore.

The warmth and passion of Kitahara Baiqiu and Xinku Nirbarian have also passed in a long time.

Xinku Nirbaran leaned weakly into the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu, and on his forehead, there were small beads of sweat.

Her eyes were full of longing and yearning: “I don’t know… What would I be like with the children of the White Night. ”

O child of the Divine Spirit Seed and the Forest Spirit Race.

In the past, Shinku Nilba didn’t even dare to think about it.

Now, how could she not be curious?

“It was a very beautiful and powerful child.”

Kitahara Baiqiu kissed Xinku Nirballian again and said softly.

Phil Neilbarin.

A very beautiful and powerful and gentle child indeed.

After all, she is a daughter, and she naturally inherits all the advantages of her mother.

Unfortunately, there are probably thousands of years before the time of her birth.

Thinking of this, Kitahara Baiqiu is also a gentle helper to help Xinku Nirba to straighten out his long blond hair.

Feeling the tenderness from Kitahara Hakuaki, Xinku Nilba even has a beautiful smile on her face, and she is very fascinated by the gentleness of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Her Majesty the Empress of the Forest Essence felt at this moment.

Kitahara Hakuaki was her god, and it was wonderful to be the object of her life.

However, the time of temperature storage is long.

But there’s always an end.

When Shinku Nirbarian walked out the door again.

The expression on his face was frozen.

No wonder!

No wonder the Great War has just ended.

But no one had come to disturb her and Kitahara Baiqiu, and the world was so quiet.

It turned out to be because, the whole world of time… It was all static?!!

Xinku Nirbarian looked back at Kitahara Baiqiu in shock, and Kitahara Baiqiu smiled at him.

Seeing Kitahara’s white smile, Xinku Nilba didn’t even know what to say.

Time stands still.

Such a great power is what you want to do?

Kitahara Bai Qiu could not care about Xinku Nirbaren’s inner vomit.

In this moment.

Only then did he lift the time standstill.

Let the time of the world flow again.

“Hahaha! God of God, you win, it looks like you have won! ”

In the moment when the contact time is stationary.

[Conglong] Lai Jin Lev also laughed, and came to the front of Kitahara Baiqiu The others at this moment, also full of excitement, gathered here.

“Aaaah! I knew, I knew you would win the White Night. ”

Arram, the god of love, hugged him directly, jumping and jumping, and his face was full of joy

The same is true of Huby and the fox suspicious god Fan Lou, who came to Kitahara Baiqiu’s side and both smiled at him.

This scene seems so natural.

But in the eyes of Shinku Nirbarin, it was so weird.

White Night He……… White Night he had already won.

Shinku Nirbaren’s face was full of redness, and she felt that the excitement of the crowd so long was really full of separation.

“Congratulations, Lord White Night.”

At this moment, the god of forging, Okan, also smiled at Kitahara Baiqiu: “At this moment, you are the co-lord of our entire world, a veritable co-lord, the only god!” ”

In the original book.

The god of the game, Tetu, because it is a leak.

Picking up leaks has become the only god in the game life world.

Therefore, many races and gods are extremely disobedient to Tetu.

However, Kitahara White Autumn is different.

Kitahara White Autumn defeated the strongest man head-on from the frontal battlefield.

Nature is able to gain the respect of all races from the heart.

The rest of the gods also sent blessings to Kitahara Hakuaki at this moment.

The war is over.

This is a good thing for many gods.

Otherwise, the god of war, Artexiu, pressed against their heads like a sword hanging high in the air, making them feel bad.

After congratulating Kitahara White Autumn.

The god of forging, Okan, also began to bear the guilt of Jing, “Lord White Night, I’m sorry, last time I leaked your affairs to [Satoshi Dragon] Lai Jin Lev without your permission.” ”

“I said that I will make amends to you next time, so I can accept whatever punishment I am, please order it from Lord White Night.”

Okan, the god of forging, said that he had told [Satoshi Long] Raikin Raveu about the last time he had been able to return to the original point of Kitahara Hakuaki.

[Conglong] Lai Jin Lev will bring many divine species to the North Plains White Autumn, so that all the god species will dedicate their power to the North Plains White Autumn.

Although the ending is good.

But revealing the matter without permission is also without permission after all.

The decision on whether to forgive or not is in the hands of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Okan, the god of forging, never felt that the ending was good, and he could judge for himself.

“It’s okay, it doesn’t matter, I don’t care.”

Kitahara shook his head and spoke.

Don’t say that he is now the only god, and what happened before is irrelevant.

It is said that the ending of the matter is also good, and the god of forging, Okan, himself also gave all his strength to Kitahara Baiqiu.

If you still care, what a chicken belly.

“Thank you Lord White Night.”

Okan, the god of forging, respectfully replied.

“Compared to this, which of you is a vampire deity?”

Kitahara gritted his teeth and asked.

Well, he admits to being a bit of a chick.

The gods present were all stunned, not understanding why Kitahara Baiqiu suddenly asked this question.

However, they still gave way to reveal the vampire gods.

“I, I’m a vampire deity, what’s wrong?” Lord White Night! ”

The god asked in doubt at this moment.

And then……

“Ah! Lord White Night, why are you beating me! ”

“Nothing, just want to teach you a lesson.”

“It is my honor that Lord White Night can teach me a lesson, but, but Lord White Night must at least tell me a reason!”

“Sorry, there’s no reason, just ask yourself!”


The scream suddenly resounded throughout the sky.

Many of the gods present were terrified.

After stopping in Kitahara Hakuaki.

The blood-sucking gods already looked miserable.

Just like that, even if it is a god, it is estimated that it will not come to bed for three days.

The blood-sucking deities had tears in their eyes.

He was wronged.

In the end, he didn’t know why he had been beaten so badly.

This scared all the gods and spirits.

One by one, they hurriedly asked Kitahara Bai Qiu to resign, and fled away from the Sen Seizu.

I am afraid that like the blood-sucking gods, I will suffer from the calamity of innocence.

After teaching a lesson to the blood-sucking gods, Kitahara Baiqiu only felt that the whole person was comfortable.

Naturally, he did not refuse the request of the gods.

By the way, they also told them to take away the vampire gods.

The encounter of the blood-sucking gods also made these gods make up their minds, or they had to find a way to have a good relationship with Kitahara Baiqiu.


Even if it doesn’t kill them.

If this is the first time the interest comes to teach them a lesson, then who can bear it? They are the gods and spirits, the creators of many races.

[Conglong] Legin Reef also laughed and left after the divine species left.

Before leaving, he also invited Kitahara Baiqiu to come to the Dragon Essence Seed at any time to be a guest after everyone left.

Only the girls who were close to Kitahara Baiqiu were left at the scene.

Arram, the god of love, has been happily hanging on Kitahara Baiqiu from beginning to end.

After the appointment was completed, she let go too much.

Huby, Fan Lou, Xinku Nirba Lian are also around Kitahara Baiqiu…

“I may need to be away for a while, guys.”

Looking at the girls in front of him, Kitahara Baiqiu said with a smile.

“What? Leave? ”

The girls were stunned when they heard the words, and looked at the Northern Plains Baiqiu with puzzled faces.

“Well, I’m not actually from this world, and in another world, I also have some obligations, all of which I may have to leave for a while.”

Kitahara looked at the girls with a smile.

No……… People of this world.

All the girls were stunned at this moment, and there was also some shyness in their eyes.

But more than this, they are more looking at the reluctance and gloom of the Northern Plains White Autumn.

“Rest assured, this time will not be too long.”

Looking at the lost girls, Kitahara Baiqiu comforted: “At most in a month, I will solve everything and be with you forever, and I can return to this world again at any time.” ”

When the girls heard this, their eyes lit up.

“What, scared me to death, I thought you wouldn’t come back when you left in the middle of the night.”

Eros Alam patted his chest and said with a sigh of relief.

“How can it be, but we have made an eternal contract, and no matter how many worlds apart we are, we cannot cut off the connection between us.”

Kitahara Baiqiu watched the goddess of love, Arram, with cute movements, and couldn’t help but say.

Arram, the god of love, spat out his tongue.

“Fu Jun is really, talking and panting, I almost planned how to unite everyone to force Fu Jun, after all, what other worlds have to do with me, Fu Jun is the most important thing for me.”

Xinku Nirba glanced at Kitahara Baiqiu.

She had been silent just now, as if she were thinking about something.

I didn’t expect to think about such a thing.

“Will come back, just fine, a month, not long.”

Huby held Kitahara Baiqiu’s hand and put it on his face, looking at Kitahara Baiqiu with clear eyes.

Kitahara Hakuaki also touched the cute Huby with the trend.

Fan Lou, the god of doubt, did not speak at this moment, but just kissed Kitahara Baiqiu

Then he said with a curious and cute face: “This mood is so strange, do you know why it is in the white night?” ”

“Because I like, I don’t give up, I love it… Sail House Do you know what these are? ”

Kitahara answered and asked rhetorically.

Fan Lou was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

“You’ll understand later.”

Kitahara said with a smile. Fan Lou heard the words, looked at the Northern Plains White Autumn, and nodded gently.

After that.

Kitahara Baiqiu said goodbye to the girls.

Looking at the departure of Kitahara Baiqiu, the girls were all worried about it.

However, a month is not a long time!

For the immortal seeds, it was even just a blink of an eye.

So, they can accept it too.

Wait until Kitahara White Autumn is gone.

Hughby’s eyes were firm, and he also found Fan Lou and said, “Lord Fan Lou, I have one thing I want to ask you.” ”

Fan Lou was stunned when he heard this, blinked and looked at Huby and asked, “What’s the matter?” ”

“I think… I think……… You have given me the ability to reproduce and act reproduce. ”

Huby’s face was flushed, but he still asked Fan Lou for help.

As the Ji Kai species created by the Fox Suspicious God Fan Lou, they actually did not have the ability to reproduce.

Every time Huby saw Kitahara Baiqiu intimate with others, there was always an inexplicable touch and loss in his heart.

So…… She hopes that she can also and can truly become the closest existence with Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Reproductive ability…?”

Fan Lou was stunned when he heard this, and said, “If it is that, you already have it.” ”


Hughby’s cute face froze at the sight of this.

“After signing the contract with Bai Qiu, didn’t you feel the change in your body?” So, the ability to reproduce, you now have. ”

Fan Lou looked at Huby curiously, not understanding why Hugh Bei would come to make such a request to her.

At this moment, Hubi, hearing Fan Lou’s words, the expression on his face was also completely stunned.

“Now, Hughby, why do you care about this?” Can you tell me? I’m curious. ”

Fan Lou leaned over to Huby and asked against her face.

Because of the same petite and cute, the two really look like sisters at this moment.

“No, I won’t tell you!”

Hubby’s face turned red at this moment.

After breaking free of the Fan Building, he fled and left.


Fan Lou watched Huby escape, and his eyes were full of surprise.

She could feel many emotions in Huby’s heart, the most obvious of which was joy.

But……… Why? Fan Lou couldn’t understand it at all.

Or good white night, will answer all her questions.

Thinking of this, Fan Lou felt that it was better to ask about the white night later…

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