Chapter 218 After the War! The choice of the Celestial Wing Girls!!

After leaving from the Sen Seizu.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally also came to the gathering place of human species.

Just came to the human race.

He was called by everyone!

Countless people were looking at the Northern Plains White Autumn with great excitement.

Even Rick is no exception.

For such a gaze, Biyuan Baiqiu naturally responded ———.

Meet Colony Dora.

After some warmth with it.

Kitahara Baiqiu also told her the news of her temporary departure.

“What? Are you going to leave on a white night? However, now that the human race is just getting started, we need you in the White Night…”

When Colony heard this, she was full of panic and hurriedly said.

“Well, it’s only a month, don’t be so nervous.”

Kitahara soothed Cloney and spoke.

“A month……… That’s a long time coming. ”

Colony shook her head, her eyes moist as she looked at Bihara Baiqiu.

For humans, a month is indeed a long time.

Even though Colony had become an immortal seed at this moment, she was not used to everything that the immortal seed brought to her.

“That’s not a month, and I promised to come back to see how you were?” Kitahara touched Colony’s head and said so. ”

Colony’s face suddenly turned red, and she said embarrassedly, “So, that won’t cause you trouble in the white night, right?” ”

“Of course not.”

Kitahara smiled.

He now had a new Purple Talent Time Shuttler, and this little thing was nothing.

“That’s fine, thank you White Night, you’ve been so nice to me.”

Colony breathed a sigh of relief and kissed Kitahara Bai Qiu again.

And in Colony’s opinion.

Kitahara Baiqiu was really good to her.

At the beginning.

Cloney never even thought about it.

A human being of his own will be answered by Lord Shen Gen.

Not to mention that now her god lord was so good to her.

It was like being in a dream.

“You’re mine, isn’t it natural to be good to you?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu pinched Colony’s face and said to her in a bad mood.

Then Kitahara smiled and said, “Besides, didn’t you ever say that you wanted our children to be the heirs of the kingdom?” ”

“Huh? Is this really okay? ”

Colony was surprised and asked questions.

“Of course you can.”

Kitahara nodded naturally.

It’s not just okay.

You must know that in the future, he not only has offspring with Clonie, but also has offspring with little Lolena.

Merely……… This time is also estimated to be long.

Because Kitahara Bai Qiu listened to Krami.

The second queen of the human race is Nonna Lori.

This is a big chance because Ina has grown up and neither of them has children, so Nonna has become the queen of the kingdom.

Although in the future, Kroni and Nonna will be immortal species, it is not impossible to be queens forever.

But neither Klonnie nor Nonna really had any intention of being queens for the rest of their lives.

At most, it will take a little longer than the average person.

After a while of being with Colony Wen.

After playing with little Lorennonna for a while.

Kitahara Baiqiu was under the expectant gaze of the two men.

It is also the human race that has left again.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not do anything to Nonna.

Because Ina is so small now, everything will wait until Ina grows up.

That’s not a long time, at most a few years.

After leaving the human race.

Kitahara White Autumn has undoubtedly come to the last place – Abangzhi Heim This is the sky city where the Celestial Wing Maidens are located!

It is undoubtedly also a place for Kitahara Baiqiu to visit.

And one came Abant Heim.

Kitahara Hakuaki received a warm welcome “Sisters! ”

“Lord White Night has arrived!” All ready! ”

“—Sky Strike!!!”

Under the stunned gaze of Kitahara Baiqiu.

At this moment, all the Heavenly Wing Species exploded with their full strength and launched their strongest blow at the Northern Plains White Autumn.

It is also the strongest Heavenly Strike representing the Heavenly Wing species!

Even Cyril joined Xingyu.

Face the Sky Strike of all the Celestial Wing species.

Even God has to avoid the sharp edge for a while.

But how could it be so difficult to resist the Northern Plains White Autumn, who had even defeated the God of War, Artexiu?

Kitahara Baiqiu just held out a hand.

It was easy to block the attack of the entire race of the Celestial Wing Race.

“Ah, I can’t.”

“I can’t do it anymore, help.”

“Weak and exhausted.”

“Ah, I’m dead, pour.”

Under a burst of funny sounds.

The Heavenly Wing Breed girls were also depleted of energy in their bodies, and one by one they became the appearance of young girls.

Have to say.

The species is very magical.

Can be Yu Ke Luo.

Sufficient energy is a beautiful royal sister, and energy exhaustion is a cute Lori.

After the energy is exhausted.

The young girls of the Heavenly Wing Species, who had turned into young girls, also heard a burst of laughter.

“Lord White Night!”

“Lord White Night!”

“Lord White Night!”

At this moment, all the young girls of the Heavenly Wing Species also intimately flew towards the North Plains White Autumn.

The fastest of them flew in, of course, to Lill.

The young girl, she was loaded into the arms of Kitahara Baiqiu, and she was very intimate.

“How’s it going? Have you been frightened, Lord White Night~”

“Scared, must have been scared?”

“If you are scared, even if you succeed, after all, we just want to scare the White Night Lord.”

“But how do I feel that Lord White Night is not frightened?”

Except for Cyril.

Countless young girls of the Heavenly Wing Species gathered around and whispered around the White Autumn of the Northern Plains.

Kitahara Bai Qiu suddenly felt that he was full of young girls.

This creature is cute, but it is also because of it.

“So, what the hell is going on?”

Kitahara said helplessly.

He didn’t think the Celestial Wing Maidens wanted to do anything to him.

You must know that the future Celestial Wing Breed girls are hidden in the sky city, but they are very happy.

Not to mention how such an attack could hurt her.

Kitahara Bai Qiu knew this.

The Celestial Wing Maidens knew better.

“Hey hey, this is everyone being kind together, Lord White Night.”

Gilsil lay in Kitahara Baiqiu’s arms, occupying the c position, and explained to Kitahara Baiqiu with a smile: “This blow, all the dissatisfaction of everyone with you, at this moment all vented. ”

“Then, after a single blow, you are the master of our Heavenly Wing Species, and the object of our Heavenly Wing Species’ future allegiance!”

Cyril’s words had just fallen.

It attracted the support of all the young girls of the Heavenly Wing Species.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s it.”

“Sure enough, we still like Lord White Night very much, and we don’t want to be separated from Lord White Night, nor do we want to be enemies of Lord White Night.”

“Hmm! Lord White Night, are you angry? If you are angry, you can also punish us, but after punishing us, the superior will accept us, right? ”

“What are you talking about! White Night Lord so good! We will definitely accept our young girls of the Heavenly Wing Species at this moment, and they are also looking forward to the Northern Plains White Autumn.”

In fact, they are also very scared and confused.

When Kitahara Baiqiu heard the words of the young girls, the expression on her face froze.

He hadn’t thought that the young girls would think like that.

Making this decision, for them, must also be limited to suffering.

“Well, I’ll accept you, and I’m not going to punish you.”

Kitahara Baiqiu nodded and touched the heads of many young girls around him.

“Yay! It’s so nice! ”

“Lord White Night, I like you the most!”

“So are we! So are we! ”


Suddenly, it was heard from the young girls of the Celestial Wing Species.

These are the same as the Kitahara White Autumn day and night.

A young girl who was once intimate with Kitahara Hakuaki.

At this moment, a bright smile appeared on his face.


Kitahara Baiqiu glanced around, but found that among the girls, there was a familiar figure missing.

“What about Azriel?”

Kitahara asked. That’s right, the less Celestial Wing Maiden.

It was the leader of the Celestial Wings, Azril.

As soon as these words came out, all the young girls of the Heavenly Wing Species present suddenly fell silent and fell silent.

“Ahem! Lord White Night! You don’t care about that stubborn guy, you have us enough! ”

Kysil snorted coldly and spoke.

It seems that she is also very dissatisfied with Azriel.

Kitahara knocked on Kysillier’s head.

How could he not care about Azriel.

Among the Celestial Wing species.

Except for Gyschelli, the ultimate individual.

The person who had the best relationship with him was Azriel, the original individual.

It is the strongest being of the Celestial Wing species.

Once, she was also the person who helped Kitahara Baiqiu the most.

“What about Azriel?”

Kitahara ignored Kysilyl and asked again.

Gilsil was knocked on the head, and with a grievous mouth, she obediently shut up and the rest of the young girls of the Celestial Wing Species looked at each other.

In the end, the young daughter of the Zhiqing Xiamen Seed came out of bed and said, “Lord White Night, Lord Azriel is different from us, she, she is the first Heavenly Wing Seed created by Lord Artexiu.” ”

“We all know that defeat is Lord Artexiu’s long-cherished wish, and as you who defeated Artexiu in the frontal battlefield, we naturally have no resentment.”

“Not to mention that the mission that Lord Althusher has finally entrusted to us is to be loyal to you, but…”

“But… Azriel is different after all, and she knows this, but she can’t accept it, can’t accept that the two of you must share a victory or defeat. ”

“I think that if Lord White Night had you lost to Lord Artexiu, Lord Azriel would have been unable to accept it.”

“Whoever you lose, she can’t accept it… So she shut herself in the room and didn’t come out. ”

Speaking of which.

All the young girls fell silent.

Who among them had not been confused before? It’s just compared to Azriel.

They all figured it out and were relieved.

Azriel, as the original individual, would not let go as easily as they were.

“Ahem! It’s stubbornness after all! A sucker! No brainer! ”

“Obviously, that is the long-cherished wish of Lord Altainer!” Lord Al-Dhyat is with satisfaction! Left with a smile! ”

“Before Lord White Night appeared, Lord Algisa was not happy! This kind of thing, this kind of thing, we should obviously be happy for Artexiu! ”

“That stupid guy turned out!” Big idiot! Dead brains can’t figure it out. ”

“Lord White Night, if you want me to say, let’s leave her alone and keep her dead!”

As he spoke, Gibriel threw herself into Kitahara’s arms, her body trembling a little.

That being said.

But how could Gilsil not care about Azriel.

Two of them.

They are also the two people with the best relationship among the Heavenly Wing Species.

But Ji Yin Lier couldn’t help it, she was about to be angry with Azriel.

Kitahara Pao patted Gysillier’s back as if comfortingly, smoothing her wings.

“Leave it to me.”

With that said, Kitahara Hakuaki also gently put down the trumpet Cyril.

Giyin Lil is very well-behaved.

Then, Hihara Hakuaki began to walk towards Aziz’s room. The young girls of the Heavenly Wing Species also silently gave way to a path at this moment.

Looking expectantly at Kitahara Baiqiu who walked into the room.

PS1: Thanks for the 1000 coin tip of the ringing night! Thanks thanks! Owner atmosphere!

PS2: In addition, the protagonist is unique from beginning to end, I did not say that the protagonist is not the only sex, but that it is normal for the protagonist not to see the girls who are close to him after six thousand years.

Even if it is to cross to the future, parallel world, the protagonist is also the only protagonist, but his existence is to have a certain impact on the future or parallel world.

Do you see I wrote two protagonists appearing at the same time? What future protagonist to the current protagonist to hand plug-ins? Nothing, right? If there really is a future protagonist, then it is not allowed to send a plug-in sage?

I don’t know why anyone would imagine that the protagonist is not unique, and I don’t express it clearly enough? What is not written is not ah, this still needs to ask? Headache, apologies, anyway the protagonist is the only sex! Well!

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