Chapter 219 Comfort Azriel! Gritting his teeth at Jeeplier!!


Kitahara walked into the most luxurious palace on Abangzhi Heim.

Find Azriel’s room.

Standing in the doorway also shouted inside.

“White, Lord White Night?” I’m sorry, I don’t want to see you now, please forgive me for hearing Kitahara’s voice. ”

Inside the room, all of a sudden he was coming from Azri your voice.

Don’t want to see him?

Kitahara White Autumn can ignore these.

After determining that the maiden was inside, he went straight to the cone door.

Then enter the door.

What kind of girl did he see?

What he saw was a face that was extremely haggard at the moment, and the look in his eyes was full of darkness

Emerald beautiful hair was also unusually messy at the moment, the whole person was cowering together, and there was a tearful girl in her eyes.

This made Kitahara Bai Qiu feel a little sad, and he couldn’t help but feel some pain in his heart.

Be aware.

Azriel before.

But the most lively and cheerful of the Heavenly Wing species.

Even Gilsil is not as lively and cheerful as Azriel.

In Cyrel’s words, it is because he is stupid that there will never be any trouble.


That Azriel is now like this.

“Lord White Night…”

Seeing that Kitahara Bai Qiu still came in.

Azriel was stunned, panicked and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and was preparing to get up.

Kitahara Baiqiu hurriedly took three or two steps to come to Azriel and hugged her.

“It’s all right, it’s okay, don’t bother, Azril…”

Azriel is held by Kitahara Hakuaki.

At the same time, he was stunned, and he also gently hugged Kitahara Baiqiu.

In the godless eyes, there was a rare hint of softness.

“Did Lord White Night also come to persuade me?”

“Rest assured, Lord White Night, I will listen to you in the future, I will not disobey you, I just… Now the brain is still a little messy, and it will be fine after a while. ”

Azriel felt the warmth of Kitahara White Autumn close at hand.

A soft expression began to appear on his face, and he said softly to Biyuan Baiqiu.


And that’s exactly what happened.

It will make Kitahara Baiqiu even more distressed.

The girl in the past was not as gentle and considerate as she is now, she should be that kind, more lively and cute type.

Yet now.

The girl became what she is now.

“No, I’m not here to persuade you, I’m here to let you vent.”

Kitahara shook his head, looked at the haggard Azriel, and said softly.

Azriel was stunned for a moment, and a grin on her face forced to smile: “Lord White Night, what are you talking about?” ”

“I said, I want you to be able to vent the suppressed emotions in your heart, all of them.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu repeated the sentence again.

Azriel lowered her head.

The tears, finally began to flow down uncontrollably.

She asked in a choked voice, “Really… May I? ”


Kitahara replied.

“However, that may offend Lord White Night.”

Azriel said, “It doesn’t matter. ”

Kitahara replied.

“Lord White Night may also be unhappy, and may also celebrate me for it… Azriel’s tears kept flowing down. ”

“No, and I’ll never hate Azriel.”

Kitahara Hakuaki once again assured.


Azriel finally began to cry.

She used her fist to start hammering Kitahara Bai Qiude’s chest continuously.

Kitahara Baiqiu always hugged her and did not let go.

Azriel was crying as the billet on the top vented, “Why are you coming back!” Why come back! ”

“If you don’t come back! Lord Artejou doesn’t have to die! ”

“You can live together!” You can live together! Why do you have to share a win or loss with Artesha! Aren’t we happy when we live together? ”

“Why! Why! Why! ”

“Is the Star Cup really that important?” Be! I know it’s like that! But! But! Compared to the Star Cup! I don’t want anything to happen to you!” ”

“Whether it’s Lord White Night or Lord Altexiu!” I obviously don’t want anything to happen to you!” I don’t want anything to happen to you…”

Azriel raised her head and shouted at Kitahara Baiqiu, her beautiful face pear blossoms with rain.

She has been suppressing her emotions, not wanting to lose her attitude in front of Kitahara Baiqiu, nor wanting Kitahara Baiqiu to hate her because of this.

However, when Kitahara said that she would never hate her, she still couldn’t help it.

Whether what Kitahara Bai Qiu said was true or not, she couldn’t help it.

“Twice! Lord White Night! You are in front of me! Killed Lord Althusher twice! Do you know how bad I am! ”

“He is the creator of our Celestial Wings!” It is the Lord God of our Heavenly Wing Species! In human terms! He was the equivalent of our father! ”

“As a result, Lord White Night, you have no regard for my feelings and kill Lord Artexiu again and again!”

“Lord White Night! Do you really care about me! Do you care how I feel? Isn’t that in your opinion! It doesn’t matter what I do! ”

“Hate you! Hate you! Hate you! ”

“Lord White Night, I hate you!”

“I know that Lord Altese is very happy that you are here, and I know that Artesha is also very happy that he can defeat you.”

“It’s me… It’s my problem. ”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“Maybe I’m the idiot in Xiao Ji’s mouth, a diehard, and a brainless.”

“But! If you don’t understand, you can’t understand! If you can’t accept it, you can’t accept it! ”

“What can I do!!!”

The girl scolded, but began to apologize again, and even began to self-depreciate.

From the beginning to the end, she never really blamed Kitahara Baiqiu, and did not really resent Biyuan Baiqiu.

Because she knows everything too.

But knowing everything does not mean that you can accept it.

Azriel couldn’t accept all this

As she said, what could she do.

As the first Heavenly Wing Seed created by the God of War, Artexiu, she was so dead-headed.

“Lord White Night, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t hate me…”

After venting for a while.

The girl hugged Kitahara Baiqiu again and cried.

The clothes on Kitahara Baiqiu’s chest had long been soaked by the tears of the young girl.

Azriel is now ambivalent.

She is indeed venting to Kitahara Baiqiu, venting her emotions that she has been suppressing but…

In her heart, Kitahara Baiqiu was also extremely close to her.

So while venting, Yan was also afraid that Bihara Baiqiu would hate her because of this.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not explain this time and directly kissed Azriel.

Under the look of pity and astonishment in Azriel’s eyes, an eternal pact was made with him.

The power of the contract.

Directly formed on the body of the two.

After the light dissipated, it was still the appearance of Kitahara Baiqiu holding Azlil.

Azriel was still pounding Kitahara Baiqiu’s chest with weak words at this moment

In the end, the whole body leaned on Kitahara Baiqiu.

After venting, Azriel has obviously gotten much better.

But you can still see the darkness of Azriel’s eyes.

Even if he signed a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

She also did not fully accept this harsh reality, completely out of the harsh reality.

Holding the young girl who had at least regained her composure, Bihara Baiqiu said, “Once, I actually kept Artexiu and asked him if he would like to stay.” ”

“But he rejected me, saying he was the god of war, and as a natural deity, he would only be interested in fighting.”

“To be able to die in battle is a kind of honor for him.”

Kitahara said so.

The Azriel in his arms was also silent and did not interrupt Kitahara Baiqiu.

Because she knows.

Lord Artehu, that’s it.

Kitahara continued, “From that moment on, I understood that it was impossible to leave the God of War, it was impossible to leave this truly strong man. ”

Kitahara said with emotion. For the god of war, Artexiu.

Even he admired it.

As an opponent, the god of war, Ayou Teshu, had helped him a lot in the first place.

Knowing Kitahara’s ultimate goal, he did not hesitate to teach.

This is a truly strong man and worthy of respect.

Unfortunately, as a natural deity, the sacred garden was born as a concept subject.

He wouldn’t be interested in anything other than fighting.

Even if Kitahara Baiqiu wanted to let him go, he himself could not accept it.

“So, I thought, in another way, to help Alter to restore his life, so that he can feel the other pleasures of the world besides fighting.”

Saying that, Kitahara Baiqiu also took out the essence of the god of war, Artexiu.

As the last time, Kitahara Hakuaki, who already possessed the concept of the invincible concept and divine essence of the God of War.

This time, he naturally no longer needed the Shinto of the God of War, Ayou Teshu. After defeating the God of War, he naturally kept it.

Azriel looked at the essence with shock on her face.

“Lord Althus, can you still be resurrected?” Mouth,” Azriel asked in disbelief.

“Of course I can, but if I wanted him to be resurrected now, he could be resurrected now.”

Kitahara laughed softly and said so.

As the only god of the game life world.

The essence of the God of War was in his hands, and he could naturally do this easily.


“However, there is no point in resurrecting the God of War now, even if it is resurrected, he is only a god who lives purely on war, so…”

With that said, Kitahara Baiqiu also slowly integrated the Divine Essence into Azriel’s body.

Azriel was stunned.

I didn’t understand what Kitahara Bai Qiu was doing.

Flustered, he asked, “White, Lord White Night, what are you doing?” The Divine Essence, the Divine Essence of Lord Argyalpo, has been integrated into my body. ”


Kitahara replied naturally: “The god of war, who lives by standing, cannot let him be born again in the concept as a natural god.” ”

“Otherwise, it will only repeat the mistakes of the past, and the God of War will not be interested in anything but fighting.”

“Therefore, I am ready to let him be born as a post-natural being, and the concept of the god will not have that much impact on him, that is, Azriel, your future child, will be the god of war.”

Child, child?!! Azriel froze.

The face began to fill with redness.

She had never thought of having a child, and this child was still the God of War… This made Azriel simply unimaginable.

“Only, is this the only way?” Lord White Night? ”

Azriel gulped and asked with a red glow.

“Nature is the only way, and although the newborn God of War is also the God of War, she will not have all the memories of the God of War, but will be born as a real baby.”

“It’s not so much that she’s the God of War, it’s better to say that she’s just a newborn baby with the concept of the God of War, and that’s to stop the God of War from having an impact on her.”

“I’ll tell Azriel about this in advance.”

Kitahara smiled and explained again.

The god of war that Azriel will give birth to is also the god of war, but she is not the god of war.

Rather, it exists as a completely new god of war.

When Azriel heard this, her face suddenly froze, and she immediately let go.

For her.

Mars……… It’s the God of War.

The new God of War, who has no memory, is also the God of War, because she has the essence of the God of War.

Merely……… As her own creator, she will now become her future child.

The mere thought of this made Azriel’s face flush.

“One more thing to tell you, Azriel, this child, must be a girl!” This is to get revenge on Althusho for turning me into that in the first place. Not too much, right? ”

Kitahara gritted his teeth.

Who wouldn’t?

Although this child and Argyptics can be said to have nothing to do with each other than the conceptual essence.

But this did not prevent Kitahara Baiqiu from putting this vendetta on this child.

Those few minutes take a lifetime to heal.

Azriel heard the words, and the expression on her face was even more secure.

She remembered……… Lord Althon called Lord White Night a close friend.

As a result, Lord White Night not only wanted to be Lord Artexiu’s father, but also wanted to turn Lord Artexiu into a girl.

That’s right, Father.

Azriel, who had signed an eternal pact with Kitahara Hakuaki, understood.

If she is the mother of the child.

Then the father of the child can only be Kitahara Baiqiu, and it will only be Kitahara Baiqiu, and she is not disgusted by this, and even very happy.

“Me, I see.”

Azriel blushed and nodded.

It’s just women, not a problem.

As long as everyone is together, Azriel feels that this is the happiest thing.

“Lord White Night…”

Azriel looked at Kitahara Baiqiu expectantly.

Kitahara Bai Qiu suddenly understood Azriel’s meaning.

Girlish……… Can’t wait.

Today, it is destined to be another long day.


When Gillian saw that Kitahara Baiqiu had not come out for so long, she looked at the size of her current young daughter and immediately wanted to cry without tears: “Loss… Big loss! ”

“Abominable Azriel! I’ll give it to you this time! ”

She didn’t know what was going on inside…

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