Chapter 221: The Female Emperor Ascends the Throne! The Imperial City of the Imperial Capital rises from the ground!!


And just when Kitahara Baiqiu finished collecting the reward and turned off the system screen.

Next to him.

There was also a voice.

Mrs. Elsa also woke up from her bed at this moment.

She just woke up.

The look in his eyes was still a little confused.

Looking around, after seeing Kitahara White Autumn, consciousness instantly returned.

Kitahara Baiqiu also laughed when he saw Lady Aisha wake up.

He was fully immersed in the simulation of the time.

Except for the simulated world, the world he lives in is all static.

So for Mrs. Aisha, she had just woken up.

Lady Aisha heard Kitahara’s laughter, and a flush began to appear on her face.

This made Mrs. Aisha look unusually cute.

“Let’s take it slowly, we have time.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu touched the lovely Lady Aisha and Rubi opened her mouth.

“Hmm, um…”

Mrs. Aisha’s face was flushed and she nodded her head in response.

Although it was difficult to realize the agreement between the two, she was not very resistant.

If it weren’t for his liking, he wouldn’t have been able to make that kind of agreement between the two of them in the first place.

And at this very moment.

At the end of the simulation.

Accompanying Kitahara Hakuaki to the world of the Crimson Pupil, Ace also appeared in human form.

As soon as Ace came out, he looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and then at Lady Aisha

Lady Elsa was also stunned by the sudden appearance of Ace.

“Bai Qiu, is it over?”

Pister asked softly.

“Well, that’s it.”

Kitahara replied in this way.

Don’t look at a lot of things happening in the game life world.

However, the Northern Plains White Autumn had directly attacked the Yellow Dragon at the beginning, and the time had not actually passed for long.

During that time, Esther spent most of the time in the state of the Demon Slayer Sword accompanied Kitahara Baiqiu, or was stored in a different space by Kitahara Baiqiu.

This is also the reason why Esther rarely appears in the game life world.

“I really didn’t expect that since autumn, you have known so many young girls.”

Ace looked at Kitahara Baiqiu strangely.

Although she is very sensible, in the game life world has not appeared to fight against Kitahara Baiqiu.

But what happened, she still knew.

That’s why the look in her eyes now is very strange.

“Didn’t expect that? Then Esther you will get used to it later. ”

Kitahara laughed softly and touched Ou Shi’s small head.

His harem was open with no scruples.

Nature doesn’t shy away from anything.

Esther shook her head and had nothing to say.

“Bai, Bai Qiu, who is this?”

Lady Aisha was a little surprised by Ace’s appearance.

Because Esther was a man turned into a sword.

Even for Madame Aisha, this is a surprising thing.

“Her name is Esther, and she is living in our house and is also my sword.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu introduced with a smile.

“It’s an exclusive sword.”

Esther suddenly added at this moment.

“Yes yes yes, exclusive sword, exclusive sword.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu suddenly cried and laughed, and opened his mouth.

Esther nodded satisfactorily.

Although Kitahara Bai Qiu knew many young girls, as a sword, he was the only one himself.

This is also one thing that Esther is proud of.

“As for this person, it is Aisha, who used to live in our house, but then she wanted to travel and left temporarily.”

After Kitahara introduced Esther to Lady Aisha, he also introduced Lady Aisha to Ace.

“Not a trip! Not a trip! Is to help the world in need! ”

At this moment, Lady Aisha also corrected Kitahara Bai Qiude’s statement and said disapprovingly.

Travel or something.

It will look as if she is playing. She’s not the kind of person who likes to mess around.

At the same time, the two looked at each other with curiosity.

In fact, if you have to say something, the two can be regarded as just missing out.

It wasn’t long before Madame Elsa had just left.

Esther and Esther appear in the world of comics.

After the two became acquainted.

The three of them also went out together.

Today’s world of Crimson Pupils.

It is also the enthronement ceremony of Aka Hitomi as a female emperor.

When the three of them find Akatsuki.

Today’s red pupils.

It’s not the same as the simple clothes used to be.

Instead, he wears a set of gorgeous and noble clothes that conform to his identity.

Red Hitomi was obviously not used to such clothes.

After seeing the arrival of Kitahara Bai Qiu and the others, his face was also full of redness: “Lord White Night, Lord Aisha…”

“Yes, Red Hitomi, you are even more beautiful in this outfit.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the unprecedented red pupils, and his eyes were also bright, appreciative of the opening.

“You, you laughed, I’m not used to wearing it that way.”

The redness on Red Hitomi’s face was even worse, and he said unnaturally.

You can see that she is really not used to it.

“If you are not used to it, you are not used to it, but the decoration required for the enthronement ceremony is relatively prosperous, and such occasions will be quite rare in the future.”

Kitahara smiled and comforted her.


Red Hitomi nodded slightly.

“Red Hitomi, this time I came to you, I also want to tell you that I am leaving.”

Kitahara smiled and said, “Oh, of course, Aisha, she will stay for a few more days before leaving until the world is completely settled.” ”

“After all, the world has become like this and she also has a certain relationship, with her nature, she also wants to see the new empire completely established before she can leave with confidence.”

Red Hitomi’s face was suddenly a little flustered.

Going away, so fast?

Feeling the deep connection between herself and Kitahara Hakuaki, she… I am a little reluctant to Kitahara Baiqiu.

“So will we see each other again?” Lord White Night. ”

Red Hitomi asked in a somewhat anxious tone.

Kitahara smiled slightly, “Of course.” ”

Then, Kitahara Baiqiu also raised an index finger to signal to the red pupil.

Red Hitomi blinked, a little confused in his eyes, not understanding what this meant

Kitahara smiled and explained.

“One hundred years, Red Pupil, you female emperor, I only allow you to be a hundred years, as for a hundred years later, whether you like it or not, I will take you away.”

Red Hitomi’s face froze for a moment.

She didn’t expect that to be the meaning.

A hundred years…?

This time has been a long time for mankind.

Many people live less than a hundred years from birth to death. However, Red Hitomi knew that he was now different from the former Tongren.

How long she could live she didn’t know herself.

With the wisdom given by Kitahara Hakuaki, a hundred years is enough for her to do a lot of things, and a hundred years later, Lord White Night will come to pick her up.

Red Hitomi blushed slightly and said, “I do.” ”

She was willing.

Be a hundred years female emperor.

Her duty has been accomplished.

Nor does humanity need an eternal reigner.

By that time.

She faded her identity as a female emperor.

Went to Lord White Night and Lord Elsa to serve them.

“Okay, that’s it.”

Kitahara Baiqiu said, and also kissed this noble and gorgeous female emperor.

Then he said to her, “Go, go to the throne, and before you leave, I’ll give you another big gift.” ”

Red Pupil blushed and nodded slightly.

And then………

Her sister, Black Hitomi, also walked out from the side.

Black Pupil was not actually in the Imperial City before.

However, after Akahito gained power here in Kitahara Hakuaki.

The first time was to use this god-like power in his body to find his sister Black Pupil.

Then something a little happened between the two sisters.

Black Pupil obediently stayed by Red Hitomi’s side.

Black Hitomi looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu curiously, came to Red Hitomi, and asked, “Sister, is he the White Night Lord?” ”


Red Hitomi nodded slightly.

“Really handsome, and the strength is still strong, sister you earned.”

Black Hitomi said with a grin.

“No, no, I’m not in that relationship with Lord White Night.”

Red Pupil blushed and began to retort.

Black Pupil shook his head.

Then he began to help the red pupil dressed in a gorgeous and noble service out of the door.

After walking out the door.

A bunch of palace ladies also greeted them at this moment.

The girls of the night attack are also waiting for Red Hitomi.

Today, it is the enthronement ceremony of the red pupil.

Red pupils are supported by countless people.

Step by step.

He began to walk toward the high platform, and began to walk toward the throne.

The imperial capital at this moment.

Because of the great war, it has long been dilapidated.

Lady Aisha acts as a god killer, as a wanton demon king.

She didn’t know what convergence was.

Rather, even convergence, this is unavoidable.


The imperial capital was dilapidated.

But because the female emperor ascended the throne.

Imperial Palace, there is still an urgent treatment. People watched as they walked step by step toward the throne.

The female emperor of the new empire.

There was curiosity, uneasiness, and doubt in the eyes.

Because, Red Hitomi is really too young.

Red pupils silently bear everyone’s gaze.

There is no stage fright.

In the end, the new female emperor.

He walked to the highest platform and sat on the throne representing the highest position. ———Boom!!!

And just when the female emperor sat on the throne of God.

This empire suddenly began to shake the mountains and mountains.

Everyone was flustered and didn’t understand what was happening.

Even the other members of the Night Raid were alert at this moment.

Only red pupils.

Sitting on the throne, watching this scene calmly.

Because she remembered.

Lord White Night said that he would give her a big gift.

“So, what’s that?!!”

“This, how is this kind of thing possible!”

“Unbelievable! It’s unbelievable! ”

In this moment.

Countless exclamations also rang out in the crowd.

Because people see.

Because the great war has long been a dilapidated imperial capital.

At this moment, it began to be rebuilt out of thin air! The imperial capital of the imperial city rose from the ground.

It didn’t take long.

The dilapidated imperial capital became more and more powerful.

The level of prosperity is even more prosperous than ever!

People looked at this scene with disbelief on their faces! Miracles!

This is a miracle!

It’s hard to imagine how this could have been done.

Only… Miracles can be explained!

“The female emperor ascends the throne!” Skyfall Vision! ”

“The female emperor ascends the throne!” Miracles appeared! ”

The palace maid shouted.

At this moment, it also sounded in the imperial capital.

When people heard this, they all took a breath of cool air.

Then with a look of amazement and shock on his face, he involuntarily knelt down.


It did appear after the female emperor ascended the throne.

Except for the female emperor, people can’t think of anyone who will be related to this miracle.

Among the imperial capitals.

All the people who saw this miracle also served the city with a heart of Red Pupil.

Even if you have just ascended the throne.

At this moment, the majesty of the red pupil as a female emperor also reached its peak.

This is the trend, the general trend of the world.

Kitahara Hakuaki gave Akahito the momentum!

“Is this your gift to me, Lord White Night…”

There was some confusion in Red Hitomi’s eyes.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his face and he whispered, “Thank you, I like it.” ”

Except for the rise of the imperial capital.

At this moment, other visions were also continuous, as if the whole world was congratulating the female emperor on her ascension to the throne.

This made Black Pupil’s eyes full of surprise.

She had never imagined that her brother-in-law, could be so powerful.

Isn’t that just……… Is it equivalent to being like a god? A female emperor born from a miracle.

The female emperor ascended the throne, and all things were congratulated.

Such rumors.

It also began to sweep the whole world.

Countless people were in an uproar about this…

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