Chapter 222 is treated as an otherworldly person! Licolis!!

After saying goodbye to Madame Aisha again.

Kitahara Hakuaki took Ace with him.

As the female emperor ascended the throne, the whole country rejoiced.

Back to the world of comics.

As a purifier.

The gentle and kind Lady Aisha wants to see the world of the Crimson Pupil completely settled down before leaving.

This beautiful heart, than the original Bai Qiu naturally will not refuse.

Presented even without Madame Aisha.

He was blessed with strength and wisdom by Kitahara Hakuaki.

The Red Pupil who had signed the contract could not have an accident in the Crimson Pupil World.

Kitahara’s pact with Aka Hitomi is one hundred years.

However, during this hundred years.

Kitahara Baiqiu wanted to come and see the world of the crimson pupil, and naturally he could also come to the red pupil who had a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu.

If you want to find Kitahara Hakuaki, it is also extremely easy.

With the ascension of the Red Pupil Female Emperor to the throne.

The world of slashing the Crimson Pupil is also completely over.

The world is bound to thrive under the leadership of Red Pupil.


At the same time, the world is in full swing.

With a flash of light, Kitahara Hakuaki and Ace held figures.

It appeared in a remote corner.

“Is this the Time Traveler?” Sure enough, it was interesting. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked around and said with emotion.

This time he did not use his own power at all.

Just by using the Golden Talent Time Traveler, the Time Traveler returned to the world of comics.

Have to say.

Golden talent is worthy of golden talent.

This is why Kitahara Baiqiu itself has a certain ability to cross, so the talent is not so powerful.

But judging from the fact that Kitahara Hakuaki could cross to the world he wanted to go to without using any of his own strength.

This talent was given to the Xitong people.

He can also travel freely through the worlds.

That’s pretty perverted.

Worthy of the name of full color talent.

Kitahara Shiroaki smiled slightly.

Just as he was about to take Ace straight back.


Suddenly, a full voice called out to him.

“Hi hi ~ that handsome guy over there, want to come in for a cup of coffee, it’s delicious.”

I saw a man with bright red eyes, short white yellow hair, and bangs just before shaking his head.

The beautiful girl wearing a bright red kimono with a dark blue placket and a wooden clogs on her feet was now smiling and looking at Kitahara Baiqiu with a curious face.

The girl was standing in front of a café at the moment.

Obviously, she is the Kanban lady of this café.

Kitahara Baiqiu saw this young girl slightly stunned.

At a glance, I recognized the identity of the girl, but I did not expect that I would meet him here by chance.

Kitahara immediately nodded and said, “Okay, then have a drink.” ”

Ace listened to the words and looked up at the smiling Kitahara Baiqiu with doubt, but she did not speak, and followed Kitahara Baiqiu into the coffee shop.

“Great! Brother please come in please come in, to ensure that you will not be after each one. ”

The light blonde girl got a response and hurriedly beckoned Kitahara Baiqiu into the coffee shop “Welcome.” ”

Just one step in the door.

Kitahara Baiqiu saw a middle-aged uncle wiping a cup.

And a beautiful girl with black hair tied in a double ponytail.

At the moment, I was wearing a blue shop dress similar to that of a light blonde girl, and I was standing there for coffee.

It was served quickly.

Kitahara took a sip and felt good.

“Brother…… That’s not the people of this world, is it? ”

At this moment, the light blonde beautiful girl looked at Kitahara Baiqiu curiously and asked.

As soon as these words came out, A Nian fell in love with his uncle.

The black-haired girl’s eyes were even more direct, looking at Kitahara Baiqiu vigilantly.

“Why do you say that?”

Kitahara laughed.

“Because little brother, you suddenly appeared there, I saw it!”

The light blonde beauty expressed herself in an exaggerated voice and even with body movements.

“Hahaha, that’s right.”

Kitahara Baiqiu first laughed and then said, “But I’m sorry you guessed wrong, I’m not an alien person.” ”

“Huh? Really fake? ”

“Brother, don’t lie to people, this time fortunately, only I noticed around, otherwise in our world such a sudden appearance and sudden disappearance or something, but there will be a big problem.”

“Oh, by the way, my name is Kanshu, and the one over there is Inoue Tsuna, what is your name?”

The young girl named Chishu asked curiously again.

That’s right.

Nishiki Kanshu and Imagami Takina.

These are the two heroines of the anime “Lycoris Recoil” from the past life fire.

Don’t look at them young.

Still just a high school girl.

But both are very good agents.

In particular, Chibun is known as the strongest among the agents.

In the words of this world.

They are one of the relevant departments responsible for contacting people in other worlds.


The sudden appearance of Kitahara White Autumn.

Let Nishiki Kanshu think that he is an alien and then successfully target him.

“Kitahara White Autumn.”

Kitahara replied.

He knew that he had been treated as an alien by Nishiki Kaneshu.

However, it has to be said.

This feeling is actually quite novel.

It filled Kitahara Baiqiu’s heart with interest.

“Uh-huh… Kitahara Jun? ”

When Nishiki heard Kitahara Hakuaki’s words, he nodded, “In other words, have we seen Kitahara before?” ”

“Why do you ask?”

Kitahara asked rhetorically.

“Because I always feel that Kitahara Jun is particularly familiar with me and Takina, but I don’t remember seeing Kitahara Jun, after all, Kitahara Jun is so handsome, if you have seen it, you must have an impression.”

Nishiki said calmly.

“I’m really familiar with you.”

Kitahara Baiqiu was equally frank, smiling and saying, “You can also rest assured, I am indeed not a person from another world.” ”

“Uh-huh… Since Kitahara insists on saying this, then I can only choose to believe it. ”

Chishu Nishiki looked a little distressed, but said so.

“A thousand bunches!”


Inoue Takina heard’s words and couldn’t help but shout.

She stared dead at Kitahara Baiqiu.

It was as if he was afraid that Kitahara Baiqiu would have the slightest change.

“Ann’an, Takina, this little guy doesn’t look like a bad guy either. Nishiki waved his hand and said to Inoue Tsuna. ”

Then, she took out her mobile phone, handed it to Kitahara Baiqiu and said, “Is it convenient to add a contact information?” Kitahara Jun, you know, even if you are not a stranger to the world. ”

“But you are a special existence after all, so add a contact information~”

“Okay, no problem.”

Kitahara nodded with a light smile.

Then took out his cell phone, and naturally exchanged mobile phone numbers and ines with Nishiki Ganshu.

Seeing that Kitahara Baiqiu was so skilled, Nishiki Ganshu was amazed: “I now believe that you are a person of our world.” ”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly: “Well, the contact information has also been added, and the coffee has been drunk, so we will say goodbye first.” ”

“Poop please.”

Nishiki did not obstruct and bowed and said.

Kitahara nodded at her.

Then with Ace holding, he also disappeared directly in the same place.

The people in the café saw this scene.

They were all dumb and speechless.

“We…… Which puts them away? ”

After the two left in Kitahara Hakuaki.

Inoue Takina’s face was also in disbelief, and she asked doubtfully.

“Ah, the contact information has been taken, and Kitahara Jun is also very kind, what else to do?” Takina, don’t be so nervous. ”

Nishiki Chishu raised his phone and gestured for a moment, saying nothing.

“But these people from another world, isn’t it our duty to control them and prevent them from messing around in this world?”

Inoue Takina hesitated and asked again.

“That’s right… Although there are strong and weak people in the other world, we are not unable to deal with the weak, but what if we are unlucky enough to meet powerful people in the other world. ”

Nishiki shook her head, and the young girl, who was already strong enough to dodge bullets every day, opened her mouth and said, “So we have to learn to be flexible, flexible in order to be happy, besides, didn’t Kitahara Jun say that he was a person of this world?” ”

“People of this world…? Do you think I’ll believe it? ”

Inoue Takina’s face was strange, “Except for that one, everything else in our world is just ordinary people.” ”

“Although I don’t know why that person would call himself a person of this world, that is impossible.”

Inoue’s face was very determined.

“It’s impossible, don’t you know it in a straight face?” Didn’t he tell us the name? ”

Chihiro Nishiki smiled and shouted into a room inside, “Walnut! What do you think! Did you find it? ”

“Found it!”

Suddenly there was another girl’s voice inside.

She calls herself ‘Walnut’, and her real name is actually Hisayoshi’s petite girl.

At the same time, her real identity is also Neon’s strongest hacker “Walnut”

“Kitahara Bai Qiu, male, sixteen years old, a first-year student of Ganye Zongwu High School, has extremely good grades, and is also a well-known white night teacher in the light novel industry…”

“His identity is indeed recorded in this world, and it is extremely detailed, and although it is protected, it was still found by me.”

“Anyway, this person is indeed a person in our world.”

The words came out.

Both the middle-aged uncle and Inoue Takina froze.

Even the Jinmu dry bundle was stunned.

“How is this possible…?”

Inoue Takina was incredulous: “Isn’t the only one in this world who is a supernatural being?” ”

Inoue Takina was filled with vacillation.

“Hey hey, is it possible that Kitahara Jun is the one?”

After Kanshu was stunned, he looked at the shocked Inoue Takina and couldn’t help but laugh.

“How can that be?”

Inoue Takina said loudly, just trying to refute it.

“No… It’s possible. ”

At this time, the figure of Kuyumi also came out of Fang Yan, and the light was full of seriousness: “The girl who was next to me just now, I also found out her identity, she is the sacred sword of Hidechiin before.” ”

“She missed the face when she destroyed the ice-wielding otherworldly person, so this is not difficult to check.”

Boom——! Shaken! It really shook!

Everyone is in disbelief at the moment.

The Holy Sword plus Kitahara Hakuaki is indeed a person of this world.

Really only available

Can it be that one………

They actually met the One.

Inoue’s eyes froze and she rushed out without hesitation.

Chishu was stunned to see this and couldn’t help but ask, “What’s wrong with Takina?” ”

The middle-aged uncle took a look at Kanshu and explained, “Miss Takina was inadvertently saved once by that one before, so Miss Takina is more attached to that one, and it is not easy to meet, so naturally she does not want to give up.” ”

“Huh? I didn’t expect Takina to have such a past. ”

Nishiki Kanshu was amazed, “But Kitahara Jun… Lord Kitahara disappeared directly, how could Takina find it! ”

“Hey hey hey, or I’m strong, I actually got the contact information of Lord Kitahara, Yay, made a lot of money, just made a lot of money.”

Nishiki dried this word came out.

Everyone present immediately looked at the mobile phone in’s hand.

There was a shock in his eyes.

Indeed, the runners almost forgot.

The one who had given his contact information to Nishiki Kanshu was there.

It’s just unbelievable.

And it didn’t take long.

Inoue Takina also returned disappointed, as everyone expected.


When she saw Nishiki’s mobile phone.

Without hesitation, he pounced on it.

“Huh? Takina, what are you doing! ”

“Mobile! Give me! ”

“Don’t! You are robbing! What a robbery! ”

“Give it to me! Otherwise I won’t just rob you! Hit you again! ”

“Well, so terrible…”

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