Chapter 223 Nishiki Thousand Bunches! Inoue Takina!!

The two girls played with each other after a while.

Nishiki’s mobile phone was still snatched by Inoue Takina.

It’s just that Inoue Takina got her phone later.

There was no next move, just looking at the phone screen, the expression on his face was full of nervousness.

“But then again, Lord Kitahara is really good at talking.”

“Oh, how to say it, it’s very different from the majestic uncle I imagined.”

“It always feels more like the ideal type of person in the world who has successfully stolen his mobile phone and is lying on the ground looking at the ceiling.”

I couldn’t help but sigh subconsciously.

Then she climbed up.

Looking at Takina Inoue, who was holding a nervous face with a mobile phone.

He blinked, and then he was stunned again.

Kanshu asked puzzledly, “What’s the matter, Takina, Lord Kitahara didn’t reply to the news?” ”

“Wait, is it because Lord Kitahara gave it to me because of the fake contact information?”

“No, it won’t! Let me see, let me see. ”

Nishiki Kanshu exclaimed, thinking of a possibility, and couldn’t help but rush up to ask.

And then………

She saw that the phone was blank, and the dagger was not straight.

Chishu looked wordlessly at Inoue Takina.

Engage in half a day… This man hadn’t even sent the news yet.

“No, it’s not…”

Feeling the strange look in’s eyes, Inoue Takina blushed and shook her head hurriedly, “I am a little afraid to chat with Lord Kitahara…”

“Huh? So what are you doing snatching my phone? The meaning of grabbing the mobile phone is gone, Jinmu dry bundle the forehead, said helplessly. ”

“Who said there wasn’t? I wrote down the mobile phone number and line number of Lord Kitahara. ”

Inoue Takina had a positive expression and answered seriously.

Chihiro Nishiki: “…”

The corners of Nishiki’s mouth twitched, and he had nothing to say at all.

After thinking about it, Chishu spoke again.

“It’s all right, it’s okay.”

“If you have something to tell Lord Kitahara, didn’t you see it just now, Lord Kitahara is very good at talking.”

Nishiki Kanshu encouraged Inoue Takina.

Inoue Takina was a little impressed, but still shook her head: “No, don’t fight, it’s good to see it once.” ”

So humble?

Although Lord Kitahara is indeed a big man who can’t be bigger, it’s normal to be humble.

Nishiki Chishu sighed.

He took back his phone from Inoue’s hand.

Inoue Takina did not stop this time.

Because she had already written down the phone number and line number.

“Since that’s the case, tomorrow, I’ll accompany Takina to Sobu Takashi to find Lord Kitahara once.”

Nishiki said so.


Inoue Takina exclaimed in disbelief as she looked at Nishiki Kanebo.

“Oh what, isn’t Lord Kitahara your savior?” Since this is the case, it is too pitiful not even to have the opportunity to communicate. ”

“Anyway, I already know that Lord Kitahara is studying at the General Armed Forces High School, we just went once, what does it matter?”

Chishu took a look at the phone and said indifferently.

“Yes, but this, but that’s Lord Kitahara…”

Inoue Takina was a little flustered and said incoherently.

Yeah, that’s Lord Kitahara, is it really good to bother him for this little thing?

Don’t say it’s them.

Even their superiors, their superiors’ superiors, didn’t dare to disturb Lord Kitahara, right?

“Lord Kitahara is naturally respectable and cannot be hastily disturbed, so let’s ask Kitahara Baiqiu in advance, isn’t it?”

fiddled with his phone and began to send messages to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Is she really thinking that Kitahara is good at talking, or is she a person who cares about this kind of thing.

Although it was only a brief contact, it was completely clear that Takina was too nervous to feel it.

Under Inoue’s sluggish gaze.

Nishiki Kanshu also sent a text message directly to Kitahara Hakuaki, who had just separated.

【Nishiki Kanboku: Kitahara Lord】Kitahara Lord! Can I and Takina go to Sobu Takashi tomorrow to meet you? 】

[Nishiki Kanshu: Ah, Takina is a beautiful girl who was very nervous in front of you just now, oh, she has something to say to you. 】

[Nishiki Kaneshu: By the way, test the authenticity of the account, Lord Kitahara, you will not lie to me with a fake number (whispering bb)]

After Chihiro finished his hair, he handed his mobile phone to Inoue Takina to show her.

Inoue’s eyes grew even more sluggish, and the whole person had completely stiffened.

And then not long after.

A text message appeared on the phone.

“It’s not a fake number, but I suggest we don’t go to Sotakeoka tomorrow to find him, he may have to take a few days off next, that’s what Lord Kitahara said, Takina.”

Nishiki Kanshu looked at the reply letter above, and quickly took it to Igami Takina to see that Inoue Takina saw the above information, and was also relieved.

Because Lord Kitahara really didn’t seem to have the feeling of being beaten up and angry.

But while relieved, she was also a little lost.

When Nishiki Kanshu said to accompany her to the General Takedaka, she was nervous and nervous. But why not expect anything?

Take a few days off?

This one……… Is that a refusal?

Chishu looked at the look of loss on Inoue’s Takina’s face and held the phone as he typed it again.

Then he said to Inoue Tsuna, “Give me the phone!” ”

“What for?”

Inoue Takina was stunned when she heard this, but still took her mobile phone out of her pocket.

“Just give it to me, why, you can grab my phone, I can’t rob your phone!”

Kanshu Nishiki snatched Inoue’s phone directly, and after typing it on it, she threw it back to Inoue Tsuna: “Okay. ”

Inoue Takina took the phone in a panic.

Then she found out that she had also added the phone number and line account number of the Lord Kitahara.

This made her even more overwhelmed.

“Dry, dry bundles… What are you doing? ”

Inoue asked nervously.

“Help you and your savior, rest assured, I have already told Lord Kitahara in advance.”

Nishiki Chishu said indifferently.

Then she showed the chat history of her mobile phone to Inoue Takina.

Inoue Takina did see the record of Nishiki Kansuke asking Lord Kitahara, and then Lord Kitahara agreed.

Then Lord Kitahara also said that there was something to find him in the future.

This made Inoue Takina very happy, and her heartbeat couldn’t help but start to accelerate.

“Although we can’t go to Sotakeoka to meet with Lord Kitahara now, there will definitely be a chance in the future, Takina, you can rest assured.”

Nishiki said cheerfully.

“Hmm, um…”

Inoue’s eyes were filled with hope.

Even she, at this moment, is a little convinced that it will definitely hurt to meet in the future.

Although she was only accidentally saved by Lord Kitahara once.

Lord Kitahara did not know or remember her.

But she knew, and kept it in mind, that was enough.

Sooner or later, she would say thank you to Lord Kitahara in person.

Inoue Takina thought so in her heart.


Cafe outing staff Nakahara Mizuki.

As soon as I returned to the café, I let out an exclamation.


“You all saw that one today, but I didn’t see it?!!”

“No, no, no.”

“How can this be? What am I missing! ”

“What a chance to meet that one!” This is something that many people can’t ask for!!! ”

“What? Chishu and Takina still have that contact information? ”

“Aaaah! Let me die! ”

A scream suddenly rang out throughout the café.

Nakahara Mizuki even felt that there was nothing to remember in life.

Even the opportunity to meet with that being could be missed.

It’s no exaggeration.

For those who know that that there is.

That One is God! True God!

Missed meeting him.

It’s like missing out on a meeting with God…

“I have a video here, do you want to see it?”

The hacker girl Kuyumi listened to Nakahara’s screams and couldn’t help but say with disgust.


Mizuki Nakahara answered without hesitation.

And then………

The sound of despair came out again.

“Aaaah! Walnut, what a video you are! I couldn’t see it clearly at all, and Hisahito was stunned when she heard this. ”




Unless……… There was something undetectable in the adult.

Come to think of it.

Hisayoshi thinks it’s very likely.

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