Chapter 224 What? The Empire is dead?!!

After leaving the Zephyr Cafe.

Kitahara Baiqiu also chuckled twice when he saw the news from Nishiki Kanebo.

Accidentally meeting two young girls is a little.

Another point is that it is really unfortunate that Jinmu Kanshu can talk to him with a smile and a smile.

In this world.

In the eyes of outsiders who basically knew that he existed.

Kitahara Bai Qiuke had already been deified.

Under knowing the identity of Kitahara Baiqiu, it is really rare to see someone who can smile and communicate with Kitahara Baiqiu.

But I remembered the girl’s nature.

And I am not the kind of personality who likes to be facetious.

This is also a forgivable thing.

Kitahara smiled and shook his head.

Meeting two young girls was just a small episode for him, and he didn’t pay too much attention to it.

I’ll see you again later.

After Kitahara returned home.

What he saw was that all the girls in the house were sitting politely.

It was as if they were all anxiously waiting for something.

“So slow!”

I saw the figure of Kitahara Bai Qiu appear.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he spat out with a complaining expression on his face.

“Wow! Bai Qiu, are you okay? Surely it’ll be all right?!! ”

If it is Kasumigaoka Shiyu just complaining.

After seeing Kitahara Baiqiu, Hestia rushed straight up and hugged him, and kept asking worriedly.

The rest of the girls were when they saw Kitahara White Autumn.

No doubt not relieved, a smile appeared on his face.

“What can I do, pickaxe such a big position, you are dry.”

Kitahara caught Hestia and touched her head and said with a smile.

“Because, because even Ace was summoned by Bai Qiu, doesn’t that mean that you are in danger and in trouble?”

Hestia looked up at Kitahara Baiqiu and said pitifully.

With this said, another figure of Hestia also appeared from Hestia

The holy goddess hugged both at the same time, as if she was also relieved.

“Yes, Bai Qiu, everyone is very worried about you.”

Esther was summoned to the game world by Kitahara Hakuaki while playing games with Hestia, Fallen Hime, and others.

It is conceivable that there are many reasons for the impact on everyone.

With the strength of the Northern Plains White Autumn and the use of Esther, what kind of enemy must be encountered.

Hestia at the moment Esther disappeared.

The whole person froze.

Even the light game novel she had in mind didn’t care at all, and only panic remained on her face.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was also dumbfounded when she heard the news after returning from school, which was unbelievable.

No one hesitated.

The goddesses also all set out to start searching for Kitahara Baiqiu all over the world.

Even if they are not as powerful as Kitahara Baiqiu.

In the face of encountering strong enemies, they also want to help Biyuan Baiqiu.

Outcome……… Not found.

The whole world has not found the figure of Kitahara Baiqiu. This makes them how not to be shocked, such as Ah not flustered.

Feelings of worry naturally arise.

If it wasn’t for the contract in the body, it wouldn’t be a big deal to tell them that Kitahara Baiqiu wouldn’t be a big deal. They all estimated that they would all have to go crazy and run to other worlds to find Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara looked at the two Hestia looks.

Then I watched everyone look at him at this moment.

Where do not understand what is happening.

“Sorry, this… I was negligent and worried everyone. ”

Look at the girls in front of you.

Kitahara realized that it was indeed hasty to summon away Ace like that.

He also apologized to the girls who were worried about him.

“Is it enough to just apologize? Bai Qiujun I was terrified. ”

“It’s all right, Bai Qiu, you’ll just come back safely.”

“The master is no problem, the master is no problem, the master must be no problem no matter what he encounters, I believe in the master.”

“Just a sword can defeat me, how can something happen, I have never worried.”

Faced with Kitahara’s apology.

One by one, the girls also responded hurriedly.

A false alarm.

It was indeed a false alarm.

Just a false alarm.

“But… Bai Qiu sees, if you really encounter a strong enemy that even you can’t deal with one day, I hope you don’t leave us behind. ”

“We are not flowers in the greenhouse, although we are not as strong as you, but we can also help you.”

Lunar god Artemus said with a serious face.

At this moment, she was not shy, but just looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with great seriousness.

Artemis also emerged from her body at this time and said, “Well, the other one I said is right, king, even if you treat me as a vase, I will be angry.” ”

“We have made a pact with the king, and although we cannot find the king, the king can summon us to come to us at any time, right?”

“So, please don’t skimp on using our calendar.”

The two beautiful moon goddesses also expressed their voices at the same time at this moment.

The rest of the girls also nodded their heads at this moment, their eyes firm.

Can they help Kitahara Hakuaki?

Of course it helps!

After all, they who had signed a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu, as Kitahara Baiqiu’s strength increased, they did not know how much stronger they were.

Not to mention, they are goddesses, supreme beings.

Although their strength has always been inferior to the North Plains White Autumn Line, it is only a line.

These young girls who signed a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu had already formed an extremely large force.

Just all the time.

Kitahara Hakuaki didn’t think about asking the girls to help.

Not to the point of getting the girls to help.

Looking at the girls in front of them with firm eyes, Kitahara Baiqiu nodded, smiled and said, “Okay, if you really encounter a strong enemy that even I can’t refuse, I will definitely ask you to help.” ”

“But I think that with my strength, it is basically impossible.” Kitahara said. ”

There was also a smile.

“Stinky fart!”



Hear the words of Kitahara Hakuaki.

One by one, the girls couldn’t help but move a blank stare and began to spit out the green road.

But it was guaranteed.

One by one, the girls also relaxed, and a smile appeared on their faces.

“Then Bai Qiu, what the hell happened when you summoned Esther this time?”

Hestia looked up in Kitahara’s arms and asked curiously.

“Yes, Junjun, you’ve been transferring me to the General Wu High School for two days, and you said you would go to school with me.”

“It turned out to be two days, two days I walked home alone, but I will have an opinion.”

“So, don’t try to hide it, just tell the truth.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu reached a blank eye and said unceremoniously to Kitahara Shiaki.

That’s why she said that.

It was also afraid that Kitahara Baiqiu was unwilling to say the dangers he encountered, so he deliberately said so.

“I didn’t want to hide it.”

Kitahara laughed softly.

If it is really dangerous, he may also think about whether to hide it. But now he is the only god of the game life.

What’s there to hide?

“I’m just taking Ace to save a world, from bottom to top, after killing the strongest man in the world.”

“By the way, he became the only god of that world, and by the way, he became the supreme being of that world.”

Kitahara Shiroku refers to the Mori god Kainas.

And on top is the god of war, Artexiu.

The girls were all shocked when they heard Kitahara Baiqiu’s words.

They did not expect that in a short period of time, Kitahara Baiqiu had actually done such a big thing

After hearing the concept of the invincibility of the god of war, Artexiu.

They were even more shocked.

No wonder even Kitahara Baiqiu needed Aishi’s help.

“It means that he is invincible, but in fact, it is only a certain degree of invincibility, he is not my opponent and Esther at all, if you don’t believe me, you can ask Esther.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the girls’ faces and began to show a look of shock again, and opened his mouth to comfort them.

The girls heard the words and walked towards Pister at the same time.

Esther nodded at this moment and said truthfully, “Well, that God of War Arthur is very strong, but he is not my opponent and Bai Qiu’s opponent at all, and he has been beaten by us all the time.” ”

The girls were completely relieved and let go of Bihara Baiqiu.

I’ve been beaten all the time.

It seems that there is no danger in sight.

“Oh, yes, Pisdes.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu suddenly thought of something, suddenly called Esdes Road.

“Huh? What’s the matter, Lord Bai Qiu. ”

Esther was stunned and asked.

Look at Esther in a maid outfit.

Kitahara said, “Your world, the Empire has been destroyed.” ”

“What? Who did this to you? Revolutionary? ”

Esther had a look of shock on his face.

The girls also showed a curious look at this moment.

After a day together.

They already knew the identity of Estes, a great general of the Empire.

And now, is the empire destroyed?

“No, the revolutionary army has also been wiped out.”

Kitahara shook his head and replied.

Revolution, the revolutionary army was also wiped out?

The look of shock on Estes’s face grew even stronger, and he didn’t understand what was going on.

“The Empire is gone, the revolutionary army is gone, who destroyed them, are you the master?”

At this moment, Fallen Ji showed a curious expression on her face and couldn’t help but ask.

“No, it’s Lady Aisha.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at Fallen Ji and replied.

All the girls were stunned at first.

Then a clear expression appeared on his face. Oh, it’s Mrs. Aisha, it’s all right.

Very normal, very normal.

“Lady Elsa is…?”

Only Esther asked subconsciously, with a confused look on his face.

“Aisha, she used to live with us, and her relationship with Bai Qiu is the same as ours.”

Hestia hears Estes’s question and is kind enough to help her solve it.

“But she prefers to play outside than we like to play games and read novels at home, so in the previous paragraph.”

“Then she left the house.”

“Since those people were killed by Aisha, they must have deserved it.” We still know Aisha’s character, so Esther you don’t have to be too sad.”

If Madame Aisha had heard Hestia’s assessment of her also going to play, she would have to vomit blood at this moment.

When Estes heard Hestia’s words, he only felt more confused in his heart

It’s not a matter of hurting or not being sad.

But……… Originally, Estes was still ready to have a chance to return to the Empire to see it.


Although Esther had already confessed his fate to becoming a maid of the Kitahara family, he was not ready to rebel.

But……… This does not mean.

If one day it was possible, she couldn’t go back and see it.

It didn’t wait for her to go back.

The Empire is dead???

The Empire was fine when she came.

As a result, she had only been here for a few days, and the empire was already dead.

The corners of Esther’s mouth twitched slightly.

Only when I heard that Lady Elsa was one of the goddesses, I thought about the strength of the goddesses.

She didn’t feel strange.

Well, I have to say.

Although shocked, but indeed limited to normal…

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