Chapter 229 New Simulation World! The emulator is upgraded again!!

The next day, early in the morning.

Kitahara Bai Qiu got up and looked at the sleeping Ganlu Temple Honey Glass next to him, and his face was full of smiles.

Girls aren’t stupid.

She just went to the garden with her most direct and simple Fang.

In the world of girls.

Love is love, there is no need to think so much.

As long as it is vigorous and can give everything for the other party, then it is enough.

In the face of love, even if it is stupid, stupid, so what? The person who truly loves you, no matter what you do, he will love you.

Not to mention being a little dumber.

Why not better show your love to each other? Ganlu Temple Miri is such a person.

She is very simple, but also limited to simplicity.

She only knew that she had identified Kitahara Baiqiu and wanted to live with Kitahara Baiqiu for a lifetime, without complaint or regret.

And today, she undoubtedly got her wish.

【Ding, the simulation cooling has been completed, is the new simulation of Wangqi?】 Kitahara Hakuaki heard the sound of the system and was not in a hurry.

Instead, he lowered his head and kissed the sleeping Ganlu Temple honey lightly before he said, “Let’s start simulating.” ”

【Crossing the simulation nightmare open……】

【Game Life World Detected is now cleared and is starting random new worlds… Extraction…]

【Extraction is successful, the current simulation world can be selected.]

1, Box Court World.

2, type moon world.

3, Oriental Gensokyo.

4, dating big battle.

5, pitch-black bullets.

6, the original god.



Kitahara Baiqiu looked at this series of more than a dozen worlds, and only felt that his whole person was not good.

What about Nima’s you put this big fusion?

Is this progress suddenly so much faster??? Kitahara only felt a myocardial infarction.

He felt that the speed of the world merging was really getting faster and faster.

This is also thanks to the fact that he has always chosen the strongest world simulation.

The improvement of their own strength is also huge.


At this fusion speed, the delay in time and the harvest is not large. Not to mention that it is not too late to choose a powerful world simulation now.

Let’s just say that the existence of those powerful worlds has descended on the world of composure.

He probably couldn’t stand it.

Kitahara Baiqiu glanced at these dozen worlds.

First a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, at least it was the world he knew.

And then when he sees a certain world, there is a direct one on his face.

“Box Garden?!!”

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at this world deadly, and his heart was about to vomit blood. Among these worlds, the strongest world is undoubtedly this.

The world of boxes!

The anime “Problem Chapters are from another world” from the fire of the past life.

This is another perverted world where gods and Buddhas gather.

How powerful are the gods and Buddhas inside?

Powerful enough to be more than the God Killer World and the Game Life World can say too much existence!

In the memory of Kitahara Hakuaki.

The world of the box court is already the top one!

Even the current Kitahara Baiqiu, for the top batch of perverts in the box court, at this moment, there is no confidence.

Of course.

None of this is the most critical.

The most important thing is!

Kitahara felt before the white autumn.

To his extent.

This time, I can enjoy it no matter what.

It is absolutely impossible to have a box court.

The result snapped.

The world of the box court is coming.

Kitahara White Autumn only felt outrageous.

“Really… Don’t let people enjoy it, right? ”

The corners of Kitahara Baiqiu’s mouth cramped, and he was also secretly thinking in his heart.

In fact, Kitahara Baiqiu did not think that he would encounter the world of box court before.

After all………

The trend of world integration in the comprehensive world has always made Kitahara Baiqiu have a similar development to the box garden.

It means to be the center of many universes.

As the center of many cosmic fusions, the world is not without this potential.

It’s just that his current development is really too slow, and now he can only see a slim.

I have no idea what the future holds.

It is precisely because the comprehensive world is still too weak that Kitahara Baiqiu feels. Although I will definitely encounter the box court in the future, it should not be so early.

The result is who can imagine.

In the box court.

There are not a few who are stronger than the current Kitahara White Autumn.

The world of the box court merges in.

The world of Omnibus will definitely threaten the center of the Box Court Universe World.

Dare to blend in now.

I have to say that the world is really inflated.

Although in terms of the big odds……

Kitahara Hakuaki felt.

It is estimated that the world itself is not happy to meet the box court so early.

Kitahara Bai Qiu sighed.

Didn’t say.

Whatever it is.

He can only choose the strongest world.

“System, choose “Box World”.”

Kitahara no longer hesitated and spoke.

[Ding, world selection is complete.] 】

【Simulation preparation begins…】

[Ding, detected the host this time simulated the world force box court! 】 This world is dangerous! 】

【The system is in the process of upgrading, the time taken for this upgrade: 36 hours】


Kitahara Baiqiu saw the system screen and was also in love again.

Nima… Can you still enter the upgrade again?

He was ready to start the simulation and have a good look at the box court where the gods and Buddhas gathered.

Outcome…… The emulator feels that its version can’t keep up, and you have to upgrade first? Kitahara White Autumn was silent.

He hadn’t really seen this before.

“Thirty-six hours?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu pondered in his heart.

This time is not short!

You know, he’s been cooling off for twenty-four hours.

“But it’s understandable.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu sighed.

After all, it is a box court, and it is normal to fill in the wall cautiously.

Just don’t know about this upgrade.

What changes will the simulated worm bring to him.

He took a deep look at the world of the box court and glanced at several other counties.

Kitahara Hakuaki shut down the simulator that had once again fallen into gray and white.

Wait a minute… Thirty-six hours.

Kitahara scolded the mother again.

But……… After scolding the mother.

A smile also appeared on his face.

After all………

Box court is difficult, strong is powerful.

But…… And that’s exactly what happened.

It’s more challenging, isn’t it! Kitahara Baiqiu wants to see.

After he cleared the box garden.

What other world could stump him!

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