Chapter 230 Leave the Ghost to Annihilate! Go to the god killer!!


When the Ganlu Temple Miri woke up slowly.

She did not see the figure of Kitahara Baiqiu around her, subconsciously in her heart

Then when she was ready to get up and feel the pain in her body, she was relieved at the same time.

Last night, it didn’t seem like a dream.

Then when she slowly calmed down, she also heard a sound coming from the kitchen.

And then not long after.

The figure of Kitahara Baiqiu appeared in front of the honey glass of Ganlu Temple.


Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly and opened his mouth to get out of the way.


Ganlu Temple’s face was slightly red, and she nodded her head gently.

Then she just wanted to get up, but she was stopped by Bihara Bailu.

“Don’t move, come, try the breakfast I prepared for you.”

Kitahara Baiqiu walked quickly to the front of the Ganlu Temple, and after helping her to do it, he also placed the food prepared for her in front of her.

“Morning, breakfast?”

Ganlu Temple Miri was a little shocked.

This seems to be the first time, right?

The first time I saw Kitahara Bai Qiu cooking for others.

Ganlu Temple Miri looked at the exquisite food in front of her and looked at the Northern Plains White Autumn again.

I just feel that my heart is full of warmth.

“Well, aren’t you the most fond of food, and naturally I have to let my little cute taste your people’s craftsmanship.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu pinched the face of Ganlu Temple Miri and said with a smile.

Small, little cute?

Ganlu Temple’s face was full of redness.

Bai Qiu said that I am a little cute yeah, then I must be really cute.

At the same time, there was some joy in the heart of the Ganlu Temple.

She picked up the spoon with joy and ate the food carefully prepared for her by Kitahara Baiqiu.

Just one bite, her face showed a shocked expression: “Good, delicious!” ”

This is not an exaggeration of Ganlu Temple.

It’s really, really great!

Ganlu Temple Miri had never eaten such a delicious thing.

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled slightly, and filmed the head of the membrane Ganya insulting the room glass.

Silently watching the Ganlu Temple honey glass eating.

Halfway north, Hakuhara felt interesting and fed Ganlu Temple honey glass incense.

This made the face of the Ganlu Temple full of redness.

After the Ganlu Temple honey glass is finished.

Kitahara Baiqiu glanced at the door of the room, and also said to the Ganlu Temple: I am leaving.

“Huh? Bai Qiu, are you leaving again? ”

Ganlu Temple Mi Li took a meal and said in surprise.

“Well, this time it’s only for a while, and when we really get together, it will be half a month later.”

Kitahara said with a smile.


Ganlu Temple Honey Glass is somewhat lost.

However, I thought that I would be able to be completely with Kitahara Baiqiu in half a month.

The little bit of loss in her heart was also directly swept away.

“Good! Then wait another half a month, originally we and Bai Qiu you agreed, that is, a month is not it, it is better to say that you can come back this time, we are not surprised! ”

“But Bai Qiu, if you leave, won’t you talk to everyone?”

Ganlu Temple Miri asked curiously.

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard this, looked at the door again, and said with a light smile: “No need, Mi Li, can you help me talk to everyone?” ”

“Huh? I don’t have any problem,” replied Ganlu Temple, stunned.

“That’s going to bother you.”

With this said, Kitahara Baiqiu also directly lowered his head and kissed this lovely young man.

The Ganlu Temple Miri, who had already handed everything over to Kitahara Hakuaki, naturally would not refuse, closing her eyes in response to Kitahara Hakuaki.

For a long time, after the lips parted.

Kitahara Baiqiu also disappeared in place with a slight smile under the gaze of the honey glass of the Ganlu Temple.

Originally, Kitahara Baiqiu was planning to come to the ghost to destroy the world.

Then simulate a new world later.

Try the God World again.

Now that the simulator has fallen into cooling again.

Then, he naturally prepared to go directly to both worlds at once.

Ganlu Temple Honey Glass Eyes look at you as you watch the disappearance of Kitahara White Autumn.

Then there was a slight smile on his face.


Half a month.

And what is gained?

The most important thing is that she is no longer behind the butterfly ninja, but like the butterfly ninja, she is ahead of everyone!

This made the Ganlu Temple Mi Li feel so happy in her heart.

And it was when the Ganlu Temple Mi Li was proud in her heart.

“Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze.”


With the doorway burst the voice of a girl.

The door of the room was also directly squeezed open.

Ganlu Temple Miri looked at the girls with a sluggish look, completely unsure how these hundred people could be here.

She asked, “Why are you here?” ”

“Cough, of course we’re here!” After all, it’s almost noon now! How can we not wake up yet, since we are awake, of course, we are also related to the progress of Baiqiu and Mi Li. ”

As a partner who has been experimented together.

Aoi Kanzaki coughed twice and said in a straight face at this moment.

They had already woken up, and many of them hadn’t slept last night.

It’s just that they haven’t bothered Kitahara Hakuaki and Ganlu Temple

After all, girls know how to measure up.

At such a time, how can the bed hit the two zones?

“That Bai Qiujun is already gone,” said the Ganlu Temple Miri in a daze.

“We all heard it!”

The girls answered in unison.

Ganlu Temple Miri immediately cried and laughed.

No wonder, no wonder Bai Qiujun had been looking at the door just now, it turned out that he had already discovered the Heavenly Home!


Compared to sending Kitahara Baiqiu away sadly, this is better now.

After all, there is only half a month left.

No, and it doesn’t have to be so sad.

Everyone should be looking forward to that day even more.

After all.

For the girls.

Kitahara was able to come back once in the middle of the autumn.

And they also have a deep connection with all of them, as if they can feel the contract of Kitahara Baiqiu at all times.

That’s enough to surprise you.

“Damn! Why can Mi Li eat the breakfast made by Bai Qiu, and can also be fed by Bai Qiu! ”


“Bai Qiu seems to have never cooked before, right?” So this is the first time, Mingmingming, really envious of honey. ”

“I only know that yesterday I still robbed Bai Qiu with Mi Li, and all the young girls looked at the empty plate in front of Mi Li of Ganlu Temple.” At this moment, they all said without hesitation. ”

The condemnation began to ring out continuously.

Ganlu Temple’s honey glass face was full of redness, and the heart was full of lips.

Why not, is it not allowed?

It’s what she deserves, ahem ten!

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