Chapter 231 The Sun Wukong of Not Following! King Arthur Altoria!!

The world of the God Killer.

If the girls of the Ghost Annihilation World and Kitahara Hakuaki are all living in the butterfly house.


The maidens of the God Killer World who have a close relationship with Kitahara Hakuaki.

At present, it is the same as the girls of the Oni Annihilation World who live in the shrine under the responsibility of the Miriya Yuri family.

The maidens of the God Killer World also miss Kitahara Baiqiu immensely, after seeing Kitahara Baiqiu’s return.

They are also like the girls of the ghost world, and their faces are full of surprise.

“King! How did you come back so quickly? ”

“Yeah, yeah, didn’t you say a month?” It’s been less than ten days now.”

“Wow! Wow! Wow! Elektra! Elektra! Pinch me and see if I’m dreaming again! ”

“Sizzle… It hurts!! ”


“Why, why, didn’t you tell me to pinch it?” Hey, it’s too much magic.”

“I told you to pinch it, but I didn’t tell you to trap any!!!”

The girls after seeing Kitahara White Autumn.

One by one, they also suddenly surrounded them, and the expression on their faces was very excited.

Princess Alice didn’t even believe it was true and asked Erica to help confirm

As a result, Erica showed no mercy.

Princess Alice, who could bear the delicate skin and tender flesh, burst into tears at the corner of her eyes on the spot.

“King, look at her, she expects me to whine!”

Princess Alice directly threw herself into Kitahara Baiqiu’s arms with tears in her eyes, and told Kitahara Baiqiu like a child.

But it hurts.

But Princess Alice’s heart was full of surprises.

Because of the pain, that also means that the Kitahara White Autumn in front of you is real.

An indictment against Princess Alice.

As soon as he came back, he saw such a noisy scene, and Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was also crying and smiling.

It’s as lively as ever.

After making a fuss for a while, Princess Alice fell back in the arms of Kitahara Bai Qiude

The body clings tightly to the North Plains White Autumn, as if greedily feeling the existence of the North Plains White Autumn.

Kitahara Baiqiu just smiled at this, and naturally it was impossible to refuse this little princess.

“Alice, Erika, Yuri, Liliana, Huina, Hikaru, Lancelot, Gnivia, and… Luo Hao. ”

“I’m back.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the girls in front of him.

They also called out their names one by one, and finally their eyes were gently fixed on Luo Hao’s body and opened their mouths.

The girls who were called by Kitahara Shiraaki all had a smile on their faces and said in unison, “Hmm! Welcome back! King! ”

Then the girls were giggling.

Shaye Gongxin, who is now the supreme leader of the neon mysterious side.

After learning the news.

He also rushed to Wanligu Youli’s house to meet his master.

She had not forgotten Kitahara’s order.

It is different from the image of a beautiful teenager dressed outside.

She came to see Kitahara Baiqiu, and insisted on wearing a beautiful female costume that could set off her own and came to Biyuan Baiqiu.

Today’s Shaye Palace.

Because of the relationship between Kitahara and Baiqiu, he has also begun to have long hair.

Maybe not long after.

Even if you wear men’s clothes, there will be no trace of a beautiful teenager.

Instead, she has completely become a beautiful girl with a heroic posture.

For Shaye Gongxin, who was specially dressed for himself, Biyuan Baiqiu also smiled slightly at him.

Shaye Gongxin knew that Kitahara Baiqiu had returned.

That means that the neon mysterious side knows that Kitahara White Autumn has returned.

The neon mysterious side knows that Kitahara White Autumn has returned.

That means the whole world knows that Kitahara is back.

The whole world is also an overwhelming sensation at this moment.

After all, the existence of Kitahara Baiqiu is not the same for the world of the God Killer.

The god-killers known as the Demon King had to be afraid when they saw him, and did not dare to speak loudly.

So Kitahara White Autumn only appeared.

But the shock that came to the world was not a star and a half.

But no matter how much of a sensation happens in the outside world.

Kitahara didn’t care. Naturally, the girls didn’t care.


The maidens who signed a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Even Kitahara Baiqiu’s strength was elevated to a terrifying realm. One by one, their strength is now comparable to that of the last king.

Even beyond the level of the last king.

In other words, their strength is already otherworldly in this world

It’s just that there has been no chance of performance.

How could they possibly care about the reaction of the outside world?

“Wang, I tell you, Lily, the novels she has written in the recent period are all scenes of reunion with you, and you don’t know how much she has written…”

“Aaaah! Elektra! You shut up! King! Don’t listen to this female fox talking nonsense! Me, I only wrote a little bit…”

“Brother Bai Qiu! Brother Bai Qiu! Tell you a secret, sister when she sleeps at night, she often calls your name in dreams, and she doesn’t know what she dreams about, and often laughs strangely. ”

“Little light! King, King… Me, I didn’t, uh…”

“You guys are so crumby, like me, the behavior is very normal, hum hum ~ ”

“Oh, I don’t know who is in a daze all day long, please ask a normal young lady, what is she thinking in a daze?”


In this moment.

The girls also revealed themselves to each other in front of the Northern Plains White Autumn, and the black history came out one by one.

Kitahara Baiqiu couldn’t help but cry and laugh when he looked at it.

But he also knew.

The black history of the girls is also a longing for him.

This made Kitahara Baiqiu hold Princess Alice, who was still lying in his arms, and look at the tomb with great tenderness.

Luo Hao had also come to the side of the Northern Plains White Autumn at this moment, and gently leaned on the body of the Northern Plains White Autumn to watch the scene of the girls making a fuss.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The affection in my heart is also self-evident.

“Look, after you left, I killed the monkey that was under neon house arrest Luo Hao leaned on Kitahara Baiqiu’s body and said softly.”


Kitahara nodded, not surprised by this.

Doesn’t it follow Son Goku…?

At first, Kitahara Baiqiu did not care much about Sun Wukong.

So even after eliminating the Last King, destroying the Temple of Destiny.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not care much about him after completing the task.

And with Luo Hao’s nature.

Naturally, it is intolerable that the heroes of the Chinese world should be put under house arrest in a small country like Neon.

Anyway, they all lived in Neon and waited for the return of Kitahara White Autumn.

Since this was the case, she naturally did not hesitate to find time to lure Sun Wukong out and then kill him, helping Sun Wukong to be freed.

Kitahara Hakuaki was very supportive of Luo Hao.

He just knew that there was Luo Hao in Sun Wukong and he didn’t have to worry about it.

This is also the main reason why he did not care about Sun Wukong.

But speaking of Son Goku…… Kitahara Bai Qiu suddenly remembered.

It seems that there is also a Sun Wukong in the box, right? I don’t know if I will meet her in the future.

Kitahara laughed twice.

He lightly kissed Luo Hao’s forehead.

Luo Hao looked up and kissed Biyuan Baiyue’s face in response.

She was the kind of generous girl.

Between them, to this extent, it is naturally completely fine.

Kitahara saw Gnavia, who was still somewhat restrained among the girls.

Suddenly remembering that among the new worlds he had chosen this time, there was also the existence of the type moon world.

Suddenly he couldn’t help but smile and said to Genevia, “Genevia, there is one thing I want to tell you, maybe it won’t be long before you will be able to meet King Arthur. ”


When Genivia suddenly heard this, a surprise suddenly appeared on her face, and her eyes lit up as she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu.

Even Guernavia has been guarding.

Her name is Lancelot, but she is actually an incomparably beautiful girl.

At this moment, they all looked at the Northern Plains White Autumn in amazement.


After the surprise, Genivia slowly calmed down and shook her head: “King, don’t comfort me, I have remembered it all, the so-called King Arthur… It’s just a story that I put an end to myself. ”

“In this world, nature is the story that you put an end to, but in other worlds, it is not, and King Arthur is real.” 」

Kitahara smiled and said again.

Genivia shuddered, but after a moment of silence, she shook her head.

“That doesn’t matter, the king in my heart is the most perfect King Arthur, I have given everything to the king, and I don’t need to see King Arthur of the other world.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard this and said with a chuckle, “Of course you are mine, and it can only be mine, but after all, King Arthur is the existence you have been seeking, and if you want to meet with her, I will still agree.” ”

“Doesn’t the king care…?”

When Gnévia heard this, her expression was dumbfounded, and she couldn’t help asking.

“I don’t care.”

Kitahara replied in this way.

Hearing Kitahara’s answer, Genillia’s heart, not knowing why, was unusually uncomfortable.

King……… I didn’t even care.

Don’t care about yourself to this extent?

She met King Arthur, wouldn’t the King…… Wouldn’t you be jealous? A little bitter cry came out of Gnivia’s face.

Obviously in her heart, her king was already many times more important than King Arthur.

“Your Excellency Kitahara!”

The young girl Lancelot couldn’t look at it at this moment, and couldn’t help but shout Kitahara Bai Qiu shook her head at this and chuckled, “You may have misunderstood, the reason why I don’t care about Gnavia you meet King Arthur.” ”

“That’s because, in that world, King Arthur was a maiden.”

“A maiden named Altoria Pancragun.”

Altoria Pancragun…?

Gnigvia was a little stunned at this moment.

Even she did not expect that King Arthur was actually a young girl.

“How? Didn’t expect that? Even Lancelot, who eloped with you in the story, can be a beautiful girl who is too cute to be beautiful, so why can’t King Arthur be a beautiful girl? ”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Genivia’s dazed expression and said with a sense of interest.

I heard myself being said to be cute again, and I was said to be a beautiful girl.

Lancelot’s face was also flushed.

Genivia was stunned, and when she heard this, she felt that it made sense… Even Lancelot was a beautiful girl.

Why can’t King Arthur be a beautiful girl? Altoria Pancragun?

When Gnigvia knew she was a beautiful girl, she did start to take an interest in her.

In the heart, it is also a relief.

It was a beautiful girl, and it was no wonder that the king did not care that she had met King Arthur.

She also thought… She also thought………

Genivia blushed at this moment, not knowing what she was thinking again.

Hearing that Wang Xuanyu himself could only be his.

Gnigvia was also full of happiness.

The position of Kitahara Baiqiu in her heart had long ago far surpassed that of the so-called King Arthur.

Kitahara White Autumn at this moment.

It is also not forgotten to sign an eternal pact with Gnivia and Lancelot. Last time, he and the two had not had time to sign a contract.

After signing a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

The faces of the two young girls were also full of redness.

As the patron saint of Gnivia, Lancelot even dodged the look in Kitahara’s eyes.

Feel your deep connection with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Genivia was also more relieved at this moment, and Kazuhara said, “King, since that King Arthur is a young lady named Altoria, if I have the chance, I really want to meet her.” ”

“There will be a chance, I promise.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly, touched the petite beautiful girl, and spoke.


Gnigvia nodded at this moment, and began to look forward to it.

After informing Gnavia.

After the existence of Altoria.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at all the girls present and asked.

“Do you want to go to the God Realm with me?”

“For the rest of the time, live in the God Domain.”

The girls were stunned.

They naturally knew the identity of the Kitahara White Autumn Elegant Divine King.

But unexpectedly, Kitahara Baiqiu would actually invite them to the God Domain.

The girls did not hesitate too much, and naturally they all agreed with great interest.

“But King, if I leave, the neon mysterious side will have to be left to someone else, and then the control may be reduced.”

Only Shaye Gongxin hesitated at this moment and said truthfully.

“Do you see I’m the one who cares about this?”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly and asked Shaye Guan’s lips.

Saya Palace heard the words and immediately raised his forehead.

Yes, for the king.

No matter how big the right is, no matter how big the benefit is, what is it?

If the king does not have the right, is there anyone in this world who dares to disobey the king’s orders?

Nor do the God Killers dare.

“Since that’s the case, I’m okay with it.”

Shaye Gongxin smiled lightly and said to Kitahara Baiqiu.

Naturally, she herself had no opinion.

Right? What a thing for her.

With the consent of all the maidens.

Kitahara Bai Qiu took them with him and also went directly to the God Domain.

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