Chapter 236 The Sun and the Star Spirit of the White Night! White Night Fork!!

After getting the consent of all of you. 】

[The black rabbit also gleefully led you to the outer gate of the East 2105380 where your community is located.] 】

[Halfway through, the active reverse sixteen nights is also a direct departure from the team.] 】

[Except for the black rabbit who did not notice, you and the long-distance flying bird, Hinabe Yao have found out.] 】

You shook your head at this, and smiled lightly but didn’t stop it. 】

[The black rabbit did not know it, until she came to the door of the outer door of the 2105380, she found that the return of the sixteenth night was gone.] 】

[The black rabbit was as stupid as a wooden chicken, and immediately said that he would send it back to the Sixteen Nights.] 】

[You grabbed the black rabbit’s ear, let her stop her steps, and told her that when the sixteen nights of the reverse had been enough, you would be responsible for bringing him back, and there was no need for her to find it.] 】

[You pulled your ears again, and the black rabbit looked at you with tears in his eyes, but in the end he could only complain and obediently Oh.] 】

[Wait at the outer door of the 2105380.] 】

[The leader of the ‘NoName’ where the black rabbit is, a child named Jen-Russell, who looks only eleven or twelve years old, is stunned to see this scene.] 】

[Ren and Black Rabbit led you into the outer door of the 2105380, and Black Rabbit undoubtedly introduced you to each other. 】

When he heard that your identity was a god, the expression on Ren’s face was even more stunned. 】

【God! 】

“This is God! 】

[Ren looked at you, at this moment there was a lot of questions he wanted to ask Black Rabbit, but for the time being, he suppressed the shock in his heart and began to introduce the box court in more detail to Hisato Asuka and Kasuga Hideyoshi. 】

After all, the black rabbit was only a rough introduction to one side, and there were naturally many puzzles about the long flying bird and Kasugabe Yao. 】

[You found a place to sit down and have a cup of tea while talking.] 】

[When you are chatting, it is also true that someone is not there.] 】

[The man who came was Jard Gaispar, the leader of the community ‘ForesGaro’, an orc of the tiger.] 】

[Jurd unceremoniously sat down in front of you, directly revealing to you the current form of ‘NoName.’] 】

[And with an extremely arrogant attitude, he invited Hisato Asuka and Kasugabe to join his community.] 】

No matter what kind of community, talent is extremely scarce, not to mention people who are summoned from the outside, and generally there will be no mediocre people. 】

[The current situation of “NoName” is not an exaggeration to say that anyone can step on it.] 】

[Naturally, Jard also had no scruples in his teeth to you.] 】

[You are very calm about all this, calmly drinking tea.] 】

[And when Jurd saw you, the expression on his face was sudden, and even Su Zhang’s tone was much calmer.] 】

[Jurd said to you somewhat respectfully that ‘NoName’ doesn’t deserve you, and that you can come to his community if you want.] 】

[You don’t even look at Jard for a moment.] 】

[Jurd is immediately ashamed of your attitude!] Although he doesn’t know why he subconsciously has respect for you, it doesn’t prevent you from making him feel deeply ashamed. 】

[As a regional ruler, Jurd feels that he is a big and small person, and what right does the new guy have to look down on him!] 】

[And!] He was also humiliated by the fact that he had developed a knee-jerk respect for a new guy! 】

[What happened next.] 】

[Same as the original book, which did not win over Jard and burst into anger, and then was blocked by long-ago birds.] 】

Under the power of the long-ago birds, Jurd was forced to say what he had done. 】

[The darkness inside shocked both the two maidens of the long distance Asuka and Kasuga Yoshimoto.] 】

[No doubt. 】

[Hisato Asuka and Kasugabe launch a game of gifts to Jarder.] 】

[Jurd couldn’t refuse, he had to agree.] 】

“Huh? Ay? Ay? “】

[A rabbit exclaimed from beginning to end.] 】

[Watching things develop into a game of gifts between communities in just a few moments, I only feel a little dizzy.] 】

Black Rabbit didn’t stop it, after all, even she felt that Jurd was too much! 】

[Say it again!] 】

[Now that ‘NoName’ is a god, how can you lose a game of gifts with ‘ForesGaro’?] 】

There is no need to stop it! 】

Maybe ‘NoName’ can still make a lot of money with this gift game.] 】

[The black rabbit laughed in his heart, and then looked at you with expectant eyes.] 】

[You are silent about this.] 】

[The black rabbit looked at you and didn’t show it, just smiled, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and his face began to stiffen a little.] 】

[The black rabbit began to look at you with pitiful eyes, as if he was selling cuteness.] 】

[However, you are still silent.] 】

[The black rabbit only felt that his eyes were black, and suddenly he was a little desperate.] 】

“White, wouldn’t Bai Qiu’s great population be prepared not to meddle in this matter?”

The black rabbit’s face was full of trepidation.

Looking at Kitahara Baiqiu, he couldn’t help but ask the terrible conjecture in his heart.

“Naturally, I didn’t intend to intervene.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and drank tea.

“Huh? Ay? ”

The black rabbit couldn’t help but exclaim, and his face was a little flustered.

“What’s surprising?”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and said, “A guy of that level, don’t you want me to shoot?” ”

“But, but…”

The black rabbit’s face was full of entanglements, and he didn’t know what to say.

Ren’s face was also full of worry, and he knew the black rabbit’s concern. Because the current ‘NoName’ can’t afford to lose at all.

If Kitahara Hakuaki does not participate and loses.

Well, for ‘NoName’, it is undoubtedly falling into the abyss again.

“I said, Black Rabbit, the reason why I won’t shoot is that I don’t need to shoot, and some people don’t want me to shoot.”

Kitahara looked at the panicked rabbit and said with a cry and a smile, “Miss Hisato and Miss Kasuga will also be members of the community in the future, can’t you trust them?” ”

“That’s right! I don’t want Lord God to take a shot! ”

The long-distance bird stood up and said confidently, “Or the god lord has vision, stupid is a stupid rabbit, don’t think that I and the realm can’t solve that barbarian, right?” ”

“Well, no problem…”

Kasuga also nodded lightly at this moment.

Then, she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and said seriously, “That, Lord Spirit, you are like a bird, just call me Yao, don’t be so troublesome.” ”


Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the cute girl holding the cat and also smiled and nodded.

“Since that’s the case, then the gods and spirits can also call me Asuka, and in exchange, can I call you Bai Qiu?”

The tone of the long bird was very casual, and it seemed as if he had said it casually.

“No problem.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and naturally agreed directly.

Then he said to several people again, “Since that’s the case, Na Yao, Black Rabbit, Ren, you also call me Bai Qiu.” ”


Kasuga nodded lightly at this moment.


The black rabbit looked at Kitahara Hakuaki in surprise at this moment, and then looked at the two of them, the long bird and the Kasuga Yoshi.

After thinking about it, he still covered his face and said, “I, I still call Lord Bai Qiu.” ”

“Me too.”

Jen said the same thing at this moment.

Just facing the gods already made Ren very nervous, and it was not to say that he was calling the gods by their names.

Solve the salutation problem

The long-distance bird naturally looked at the black rabbit again and said confidently, “Stupid rabbit, you wait, I and Yao will solve this matter.” ”

“Let you have a good look at our strength, and then bring victory to the community!”

Kasuga Yao was holding a tricolor cat on the side, and he also firmly ordered to buy it again.

The black rabbit had a stiff expression on his side.

It’s not that she doesn’t believe in Hisato Asuka and Kasuga Hikari.

It’s just that ‘NoName’ is in this situation, and it’s normal to be worried.

She hadn’t seen the strength of Asuka and Kasugabe Hideyoshi, and of course she would be worried.

[You don’t really care too much about this vignette, but Hisato Asuka and Kasuga are undoubtedly happy about the trust they have in you.] 】

Although Black Rabbit is helpless, she also chooses to accept, she is not the kind of free son who does not trust her companions! 】

[The game of gifts with Jurd is tomorrow, today is naturally no hurry]

Black Rabbit also wants to take all of you to the ‘ThousandEyes’ of the large business alliance community first to do the gift of firmness.] 】

[As a community under the two-figure goddess, the large business alliance community ‘ThousandEyes’ has a great reputation even in the entire box court. 】

[You have finally brought up interest in this.] 】

And just when you come to ‘ThousandEyes.] 】

[You also met the leader of ‘ThousandEyes.’ 】

【The Star Spirit Who Controls the Sun and the White Night】

【———White Night Fork!】 】

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