Chapter 237 Black Rabbit Are You Looking for a Master? White Night Fork sees through everything!!

[——— White Night Fork. 】

[The embodiment of the ‘Theory of Heavenly Motion’, one of the ‘final trials of mankind.’] 】

[Once she was the strongest demon king who once ravaged the box court, and her strength was the top existence in the entire box court! 】

Remove the single-digit hierarchy that is almost a mystery. 】

[In the two-figure plenipotentiary realm with only seventeen people in the box court, the former White Night Fork was also nominally the strongest, in fact, the second, only weaker than the Decadent Wind.] 】

[There is no doubt that the peak of the two-digit representative.] 】

[Even if it was later due to three defeats, which led to a decline in Lingge, it also strengthened the combat strength of the box court front.] 】

Although now, in order to interfere with the lower level as a ‘class ruler’, he voluntarily accepted the ‘Night Fork’ spirit to reduce his own foundation, from the strongest star spirit to an ordinary god, his strength has dropped a lot again.] 】

But there is no doubt about it. 】

As long as White Night is willing, she can easily return to the double digit again.] 】

[Even in the box court, it is also the strongest person who stands at the top!] 】

[For you. 】

[Once the strongest white night fork in the world of the box court is naturally your goal]

[That’s one of the reasons why you’ll always join ‘NoName’]

[Because the relationship between the black rabbit and the white night fork is excellent, add “NoName, you can see the white night fork in the shortest possible time and in a reasonable way.] 】”

[And now.] 】

[Obviously. 】

[You managed to meet this once strongest kimono Lori.] 】


“It’s the Black Rabbit! It’s a black rabbit! ”

In the crowd came to the business alliance community ‘ThousandEyes’ (dry eye)

Just when I saw the ‘ThousandEyes’ flag of the two goddesses.

A full of vitality came into the ear.

As the so-called people who have not seen him, the garden hears his voice.

Then the small figure rushed out from inside the dry eye.

Running at great speed, the black rabbit jumped up like a hungry tiger! The unsuspecting black rabbit was directly knocked out of the way.

“Whew! Lord Bai Qiu! ”

The black rabbit shouted, and subconsciously asked for help from the white autumn of the Northern Plains.

Kitahara smiled softly.

Directly one flash, one hand lifting a person.

Let the two of them roll over to a halt.

The black rabbit’s face was full of palpitations, and he looked at you with gratitude.


The White Night Fork was confused, looking at the North Plains White Autumn in a daze, and then looked at the black rabbit.

That’s right, that’s the strongest ever.

Now it has become what it is now.

Or is it that the White Night Fork has always been like this?

“Black Rabbit, when did you find a resident?”

White Night Fork struggled to get down from the black rabbit and asked in disbelief.

“It’s not the master!” Lord Bai Qiu is a new member of our community, Black Rabbit’s face is full of redness, and the loud anti-glue is high. ”

“Huh? Not the master, why did you let him stop us from hugging warmly? ”

“Moreover, in that case, just that kind of normal person can’t react, and you don’t even think about it, so you subconsciously ask him for help.

“I don’t remember raising you to be such a rabbit and actually finding a master behind my back?”

The White Night Fork was unbelievable.

He looked at the black rabbit with a betrayed look.


The black rabbit whimpered, his face full of redness and powerlessness to refute.

She just felt that Lord Bai Qiu would make her dependent, wanted to be close to Lord Bai Qiu, and subconsciously relied on Lord Bai Qiu.

How can this kind of thing be said to be a Zhuang person? She is not a casual child.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly, and also slowly put down the black rabbit and touched the rabbit’s head.

If there really is such a pet as a black rabbit, it seems to be good.

Do you want to use the Master of Beast Taming to tame her?”

Kitahara Baiqiu thought in his heart.

“Hey, that over there, I’m not going to give you the black rabbit!”

At this moment, White Night looked at the intimate appearance of Kitahara Baiqiu and Black Rabbit and suddenly shouted.

However, he had not yet waited for Kitahara Baiqiu to speak back.

Bai Ye Fork looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu but was frightened, and exclaimed in doubt: “Hey.”

Bai Ye Fork looked around Beiyuan Bai Qiu curiously, and the look on his face was full of puzzlement.

“What’s wrong? Lord White Night Fork? ”

The black rabbit saw the appearance of the White Night Fork at this moment, and it was at this time that he asked nervously.

Hisato Asuka and Kasuga also ran over.

Bai Yecha shook his head and looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu, “You boy… Is there anything like a gift that makes people feel good? ”

Black rabbits, long-distance birds, and Kasuga Hikari were all stunned at this moment.

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled slightly and said, “Sort of.” ”

Black Rabbit exclaimed, “Huh? Is there such a gift in Lord Bai Qiu’s body? How did Lord White Night Fork know? ”

“Stupid rabbit, you are so close to this one, didn’t you find out?” What a stupid rabbit! ”

The White Night Fork heard the words and looked at the black rabbit who hated iron and steel.

Then the kimono Lori put her hands on her waist and said without any scruples: “As for why I found out, of course, it is because I have been affected by the gift, and I subconsciously have a little good feeling for this one.” ”

Innate liking, and I am the Dragon King’s talent for Lori’s specialization, and some other talent bonuses.

White Night Fork now as a kimono Lori is naturally also unavoidable.

“Since it is a gift that can make people feel good, isn’t it easy to make friends?” It’s awesome……”

Kasuga held the tricolor cat and looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and said with emotion.

“No, no, no, shouldn’t that be terrible?” Make people feel good, you see what kind of stupid son has fallen? ”

White Night Fork shook his head and looked at the black rabbit and said without anger.

“Is it terrible?”

At this moment, the bird smiled and said, “No? ”

“This should be the kind of emotion that people like the past who see a handsome guy and a beautiful girl will naturally have some good feelings for it, right?”

“And Bai Qiu is to let the special existence naturally have a little good feeling for him, and the good feeling is good, but it can’t affect the mind.”

“As for this stupid rabbit, I think it’s entirely her own reason, if put in reality, it is probably the kind of girl who is too stupid and has no resistance to handsome guys?”

The long-distance bird chuckled softly.

She drew the conclusion of her own situation.

Good feelings are good feelings, but they are not sleeping.

It is as if the people of Xitong will be moved at the first sight of handsome men and beautiful women.

But what kind of result will be obtained in the follow-up depends on what kind of intersection between the two people.

And as a handsome and beautiful woman, it is natural that it is not possible to be loved at first sight.

The black rabbit seemed to be petrified at this moment.

Is she stupid?

Whoops, toes are not healed!

The black rabbit had tears in his heart and silently retorted.

“You’re not wrong to say that, and I really don’t feel the evil breath in this gift.”

The White Night Fork looked at the bird for a long time and nodded in acknowledgement.

But even her level can be affected.

Although it is only an ordinary innate favorability gift, it is nothing among the many gifts of the box.

But at least it can be explained that the level of gratitude is higher than the heavenly goodness that the original Bai Qiu possesses.

White Night Fork looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu curiously.

Kitahara smiled softly.

To be born good is to be born to be good.

Of course, it is impossible to reach the level of confusing the girl, but it really must reach the level of confusing the girl.

Kitahara Bai Qiu estimated that he would not take that kind of talent.

Getting to know each other, knowing and falling in love with young girls through long-term love is also a pleasure for Kitahara Hakuaki.

Fooled by the White Night Fork and the Distant Asuka even a few times.

Black Rabbit’s heart was also full of tears.

She lifted her spirits and changed the subject: “That, that… Worthy of being a white night and an adult! At a glance, you can see a gift from Lord Bai Qiu. ”

“Lord White Night, you must have seen that Lord Bai Qiu is a deity!”

Black Rabbit looked expectantly at the White Night Fork.

She also wanted to wait for the White Night Fork to explain to her, why did the gods come?

“Ha… Is this a deity? ”

White Night Fork asked with a surprised face, his eyes widened.

Black Rabbit: “??? ”

White Night Fork: “??? ”

The two of them stared wide-eyed and had a look of disbelief on their faces.

“Lord White Night Fork… You just watched Lord Bai Qiu for so long……… Didn’t you see it? ”

The black rabbit twitched at the corner of his mouth and asked in disbelief.

“How can I see that? Could it be that this divine identity, you are out of the way? ”

White Night faced the black rabbit’s distrustful eyes again, and said in annoyance.

“It’s not… It was Lord Bai Qiu who told us, but… You’re Lord White Night. ”

The black rabbit looked at the white night and became angry, and his head suddenly shrank, and Fa Sheng said.

“What’s wrong with me! You are not unaware of my current state! If this person had any hidden gifts, I wouldn’t see that it was normal? ”

Kimono Lori White Night crossed her hands and waist, and naturally continued, “Besides, the three invitations I gave you are inviting the owner of the highest gift of mankind, who would have thought that there would be a god among the three people you brought over?” What went wrong with the invitation! ”

“White Night and Lord what are you talking about, what three people, we are obviously four people, the invitation letter is not a problem, Lord Bai Qiu is…”

Speaking of which.

The black rabbit’s voice grew weaker and weaker, until finally it was even silent, staying in place after staying still.

The black rabbit turned around and threw himself on Kitahara Baiqiu’s body.

With tears in the corners of my eyes, I saw Judas shouting with pity, “Aaaah! Lord Bai Qiu! Lord Bai Qiu! Send back sixteen nights, send back sixteen nights! ”

“Me me me… I forgot about him. ”

Hisato Asuka and Kasugabe saw this scene with a subtle look on their faces.

How stupid is this stupid rabbit…

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