Chapter 241 VS White Night Fork! Battle between the strongest species!!

【Invincible——! 】

Just when White Night got the gift card again.

Sixteen Nights Against the Clock, the Birds of the Long Distance, the Shine of Kasuga and the Black Rabbit.

The first time was naturally also put together.

They were also very curious about the gift of Kitahara Baiqiu.


After seeing the two big words on the top, the expressions on everyone’s faces couldn’t help but be stunned.

Sixteen nights back to God came back to the god haha laughed: “Hey, I originally thought I was arrogant enough, I didn’t expect that the little brother you are more arrogant than me, invincible are all out?” ”

Hisato and Kasuga glanced at each other.

It was also a helpless smile, and did not pay too much attention to the two words on the gift card.

“No, Mr. Sixteen Nights.”

Black Rabbit looked at these two words but was full of shock, and his tone was full of shock: “The gifts that appear on the gift card are absolutely infallible, and this is not written by Lord Bai Qiu himself.” ”

“Rather…… Lord Bai Qiu himself really has the concept or gift of invincibility! ”

What the?!!

Sixteen nights back, the spring sun shines, the birds of the long distance hear the words, and the faces are all stunned

Looking at the gift card in White Night’s hand, my heart was filled with disbelief.

Invincibility……… Is it a gift?

Can this be considered a gift! They thought so.

This is Kitahara Baiqiu’s playful deliberate attempt to make the two words appear on the gift card, but now the black rabbit tells them that it is not………

But if it’s true. If it is a gift.


“That’s a foul on that too!”

Sixteen nights of vomiting.

Yes, if invincibility is a gift, that’s a foul!

“Of course, fouls are fouls, but there are not a few gifts or concepts of fouls in the box.”

White Night sighed again.

At this moment is also the words of the Sixteen Nights.

After explaining, she looked at Biyuan Baiqiu and said with some displeasure: “The key is that this guy has many gifts besides invincibility that have not shown the ugliness of rice.”

“If nothing else, let’s just say that people are born to feel good, and there are also hidden abilities that can also be called fouls, which are not shown on the gift card.”

“In addition to the gift of invincibility for this foul, who knows how many hidden foul abilities and gifts he has.”

“Damn, deliberately showing invincibility alone, what is this?” Apparent? ”

Invincibility is naturally a foul.

But White Night Fork didn’t believe that Kitahara Bai Qiu only had the ability to be invincible and such a foul.

Look at the gift card in your hand.

White night gritted his teeth again.

Either you don’t show any of them, or you just show a few more meanings so that it really means that she is really interesting?

Even the White Night Fork couldn’t help but feel a grudge against Kitahara Bai Qiu at this moment.

“No, I’m not a pose.”

Kitahara smiled lightly, shook his head, and said, “I’m just answering your previous question, White Night Fork.” ”

“After all, if all my gifts are manifested on the gift cards, there are too many, and it is enough to be invincible.”

“White Night Fork, how?” Seeing the tip of the iceberg of my strength, do you still want to compete with me who is invincible? ”

“Is this a challenge of trials or an equal duel?”

Everyone was stunned at this moment.

This is the question of children who have asked three more questions in White Night before.

Children who have seen the three major problems of the White Night Fork Greatness.

In the end, I chose the challenge of trial.

At the beginning, White Night Fork also asked Kitahara if Bai Qiu wanted to participate.

Kitahara Shiraaki just smiled and answered without saying a word, until the Sixteen Nights of Reversal and others were finished.

And now, the trial is over.

Kitahara Baiqiu was undoubtedly also mentioned to the White Night Fork again.

It’s just that the object of the inquiry has now become the object of questioning.

It really feels a little subtle.

Bai Ye first froze for a moment, and then his face was full of smiles.

Looking at Kitahara Bai Qiu replied, “That is naturally…… Duel!! ”

As a double-digit being, the most carefree existence in the box court.

Even if the White Night Fork was not in its heyday at this moment, how could she possibly choose to test!

Nature is the choice of duel!

It just so happened that she was very curious about the original Bai Qiu.

She also wanted to see the gifts and strength of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Since you can’t ask.

The all-knowing gift card is also undetectable.

That’s……… Try it for yourself!

The rest of the people’s faces were also full of shock at this moment.

Battles between stars and gods.

At this moment, is it still a fight?

[Star Spirits.] Even among the three strongest races in the Hakonoyama world. 】

[It is also extremely special.] 】

[Cain is the existence of the strongest race.] 】

[Because the birth of every star spirit has nothing to do with the birth of mankind, it is an existence that will inevitably be born.] 】

[If you want to completely kill the star spirits, it is basically impossible to do.] 】

[And the divine beings, except for a very small number of powerful divine systems that have escaped from human beings, most of them have a certain relationship with the origin of human beings.] 】

[This also led to the fact that except for a few gods, most gods were not as strong as the star spirits.] 】

[And although the White Night Fork has now accepted the ‘Night Fork’ divinity to reduce her personality, she is still the existence of a star spirit in essence.] 】

[The strength of the White Night Fork is indeed not as good as its heyday, and it is still far behind]

[But as the peak of the two-digit number, she can still do it if she wants to exert her three-digit strength!] 】

Of course, as a divine species, Kitahara Baiqiu is also not the kind of god king who relies on human beings to be born, and naturally he will not weaken the white night fork in the slightest. 】

[This is a battle that is doomed to be unpeaceful.] 】

[The battle begins.] 】

[Kitahara Baiqiu used his own ability to create a different space again on the basis of the White Night Fork game venue.] 】

[This provoked to send back sixteen nights, Kasuga Bu Yao, long ago birds are full of shock.] 】

[What the white night can do.] 】

[Sure enough, Lord Divine Spirit could do it too.] 】

There are too many perverts in this world. 】

[Sent back to the sixteenth night, Kasuga shines, and the long-distance birds sigh in their hearts.] 】

But at the same time they are also very interested. 】

[Because they will soon be able to see the battle between the strongest races.] 】

[When the battle has not yet fully broken out.] 】

[Sixteen Nights Back, Kasuga Shine, Distant Birds, Including Black Rabbits.] 】

[With a stunned expression, he was directly sent out of the alien space and the game venue.] 】

【Watching?】 】

[The battle between the three digits, back not everyone can watch the battle…]

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