Chapter 242 Three-Digit Invincible! Two-digit potential!!

[The children of the three major problems watched themselves being directly sent out of the battlefield and came to the outside world, their eyes were sluggish at the same time, and their hearts were full of surprise. 】

[The expected outcome of the big battle could not be seen before it began, and the three of them naturally complained for a while.] 】

[Black Rabbit explained on the side that if the three-digit let go of a battle, with everyone’s current strength, it is not suitable for watching the battle, because watching the battle may also encounter danger.] 】

Lord Bai Qiu and Lord White Night Fork must have been in such considerations before sending the Heavenly Family out first. 】

[In this way, it directly makes the three people even more unwilling in their hearts!] 】

[Hisato Asuka and Kasugabe Yoshi are the ones who start bullying the real truth without any scruples.] 】

[Sending back the Sixteen Nights is just a glance, after all, it is the private exemption of a certain god king, not the public exemption, the long-distance bird and the Kasuga Yao bully and bully OK, the distance is still forget it.] 】

[Looking at his own eyes, his heart was full of fighting spirit in the Sixteen Nights.] 】

[Three-digit battle…… Don’t they even have the qualifications to watch the game? 】

[Reverse the sixteen nights and make up your mind, in the future, I will not only watch the battle, but also fight with the three-digit existence.] 】

[The world.] 】

[White Night Fork took a look at the alien space you created, and while laughing, his face was full of appreciation.] 】

[In such a case.] 】

[Your engagement is unlikely to cause too much movement, at most it is only a small movement, and it will not attract the attention of the upper echelons at all.] 】

[The White Night Fork directly compresses the influence of the Night Fork divinity on itself to the extreme, temporarily returning to the three-digit level to fight you!] 】

[It seems that today’s white night has converged a lot, but problem children are problem children after all.] 】

As one of the three major problem children, how can the White Night Fork not be interested in the face of your existence. 】

[The battle just started to break out.] 】

[Even if there are two major spaces at the same time.] 】

But inevitably, the two great spaces still have a violent vibration under your hands. 】

【Strong! 】

【It’s too strong!】 】

The more the White Night Fork fights you, the more frightened your heart becomes.] 】

[She didn’t expect you to be so powerful.] 】

[And.] 】

[Through the engagement, the White Night Fork was also discovered.] 】

[Three digits…… Not even your peak! 】

[Your strength, your potential.] 】

[The limit has not been reached at all!] 】

Once your strength and potential reach its peak and find the opportunity to break through the double digits, then you will inevitably become the eighteenth double digit strong person in the box court! 】 】

O two-figure God King! 】

[And it is also a two-figure god king with the concept of invincibility!] 】

[For his discovery, White Night’s heart was full of shock.] 】

[Even if it’s her.] 】

[At this moment, looking at your eyes is like looking at a monster.] 】

Once you break through the double digits, you who have the concept of invincibility are definitely the strongest of the two figures. 】

[At that time, White Night Fork felt that even in his heyday, it was estimated that he would feel extremely tricky.] 】

[In the two major spaces, I finally can’t withstand your strength and completely collapse]

After your figure appears outside. 】

[You and the White Night Fork stopped at the same time.] 】

“The power in your body, some of it is too chaotic. “】

[The White Night Fork sensed your power and said with a torch-like gaze.] 】

After all, it was once the peak of two digits, even if it was only three digits now, the white night still had vision. 】

[You didn’t speak, you acquiesced.] 】

Can it not be chaotic? 】

The power in you, without exaggeration, can be said to be all the power of several worlds. 】

【The magic of the world of the God Killer, the qi, the elven power of the game life………]

[These powers have all been greatly enhanced by the Lingge Correction of the Box Court Center.] 】

Although these forces are now turning into your divine powers, it is clear that the time of transformation will not be very short. 】

“Next, your main thing should be to thoroughly digest the chaotic power in your body, which will not be very long, but it will not be very short. “】

[The White Night Fork also spoke again at this moment.] 】

Although I don’t know what is going on with you, there are so many powers in your body that can be called change. 】

But thinking of your mysterious white night is also too lazy to ask. It is better to buy you a human affection again. 】

“When you’ve digested this power, you’ll truly become a three-digit invincible, and then just wait for the double-digit breakout.” “】

[Three-digit invincible………]

[This means that even if there are other three digits, or even the same three-digit bracer.] 】

After your power is completely integrated, it will not be your opponent. 】

[If a three-digit invincible is acceptable, once you break through the two-digit number, you also become a two-digit invincible… How terrifying that must be. 】

[Your choice is very good, stay in the lower layer to let your strength reach the peak before going to the upper level, so that there will inevitably be more things that can be dealt with.] “】

White Night Fork looked at you appreciatively, and at this moment she understood why you would use her to temporarily hide her coming. 】

[Don’t look at the box court now looks very peaceful, as if the dust has settled, and the guest god is extremely peaceful.] 】

[But if you turn out of the world and suddenly appear, it will definitely cause a sensation and calculation of many gods.] 】

Even if you bring the entire divine lineage to the world, you will inevitably be tempted and tested by other divine lineages, let alone that you are now alone. 】

In this case, the stronger the better. 】

[Even if the two-digit number is not so easy to break through, the three-digit invincible can already cope with many changes.] 】

After gaining a foothold in the box court, no matter how long the time is, in the eyes of the White Night Fork, it is inevitable that you will break through the double digits. 】

And people like you, the last thing you lack is time.] 】

[Thinking of this, White Night Fork laughed lightly and joked:]

“Of course, if you don’t feel that the power is digested fast enough, you can also go to a supreme being to fight, and you who have the concept of invincibility, when fighting with the supreme being, the power will definitely be quickly digested, reaching three-digit invincibility at the fastest speed.] “】

[This can’t be done by the current White Night Fork, because she can’t give you such a day of pressure if she is not complete.] 】

[And the only one who can give you so much pressure is the one who is currently stronger than you in the three-digit number, or the existence of double digits!] 】

[But this approach is too risky.] 】

[There is a normal method that only takes a little time not to use, with this method?] 】

[White Night Fork only feels a little funny, so I just casually say it and don’t care.] 】

[You smile at this.] 】

[Looking at the smile on your face, the white night fork froze, and his heart was full of shock, and subconsciously asked:]

“Hey, wait, boy, you’re not really going to use this way, are you?” “】

“Who knows? Let’s see it later. “】

[You smile and say with a smile.] 】

[White Night was shocked again, who didn’t know that you really had such a plan.] 】

She shook her head, suppressed the shock in her heart, and felt that there was no shortage of crazy people in this world. 】

“How, do you still want to fight?” Night fork? “】

You looked around and asked. 】

“Don’t fight, don’t fight, now I’m not your opponent.”] “】

[White Night Fork is very frank and casual.] 】

[Now she is naturally not the opponent of Kitahara Baiqiu, and she can’t even put too much pressure on him.] 】

[Anyway, I have already understood some of your ability to foul, so naturally there is no need to fight.] 】

[If you really want to fight, let’s try it when it returns to its heyday.] 】

You nodded, and naturally there was no refusal. 】

And then you’re back to ‘ThousandEyes.]

[I learned that you actually won the White Night Fork.] 】

Black Rabbit’s face was full of shock and disbelief. 】

【Long distance flying bird, Kasuga Bu Yao, sent back to the sixteen nights to look at you with fiery eyes】

You are undoubtedly the strongest of all the people they have met so far. 】

【In the future.】 】

Probably the strongest of all the people they met from start to finish. 】

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