Chapter 243: The Advantage of Identity Strength! Leticia!!

As White Night Fork says, you don’t need to do anything right now. 】

[Just wait for all your power to be transformed into divine power with the help of the box court center, so that you can completely reach the true three-digit invincibility.] 】

[If you go directly to the Xeon to fight, with the concept of invincibility, you can also reach three-digit invincibility as fast as possible.] 】

[For these two choices, you yourself are inclined to the latter, because the former takes too long for you, and the latter is only a matter of World War I.]

[However, you are not in a hurry about this, and you are ready to wait until the time comes.]

[It’s over. 】

After parting ways with the White Night Fork, you will naturally begin to return to the ‘NoName’ where the black rabbit is.] 】

[This way the black rabbit jumps and jumps, really like a free child to behave very happy.] 】

After all, the God King, the God King. 】

[And it is also the kind of god king who is unimaginably powerful.] 】

[Being able to join your own community, even if you know it’s only temporary, is enough to make people ecstatic.] 】

[The black rabbit couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of this.] 】

[Ah, I can’t help it, even before their ‘NoName’, there was no strong person of this level.] 】

[Now that ‘NoName’ has this level of existence, Black Rabbit really wants to ask, who else!] 】

[The triumphant black rabbit makes the long-distance flying bird, Kasuga shine, and send back the sixteen nights is very speechless.] 】

[However, Beiyuan Baiqiu felt very interesting, and it was estimated that it was not far from the black rabbit’s willingness to shout and smash the master.] 】

[After returning to the ‘NoName’ base.] 】

[Sixteen Nights Against the Sixteen Nights, the birds flew in the distance, and Kasugabe was once again shocked by the traces left by the destruction of the ‘NoName’ Demon King.] 】

[And you just took a look, and then you casually revived the land, and restored the daily cut of this place to its former prosperous appearance.] 】

[This made the sixteen nights of the reversal, the long distance flying birds, and the Kasuga Shine even more shocking.] 】

“Hey, is there anything else you can’t do, little brother?” “】

[Looking at the incomparably shocking scene in front of you, I can’t help but spit on you for sixteen nights.] 】

“Yes, but very few, right?” At least I can’t think of it. “】

You smile softly and say so. 】

Isn’t that omnipotent?!! 】

At this moment, everyone thinks in their hearts. 】

[This reminded them of the words of the White Night Fork, and they sighed in their hearts that they were worthy of the existence of the same person as God.] 】

[The movement that happens outside naturally causes all.’ Note from NoName’s members. 】

[Among the members of the community ‘NoName’ today, there are only some children left, and life is extremely difficult.] 】

[The leader of the “NoName” community, Ren Russell, never expected that you would bring such a big gift to ‘NoName’ when you first arrived.]

[The black rabbit directly hugged you excitedly, his body jumped and jumped, and his mouth kept saying words of thanks.] 】

[It’s no exaggeration.] 】

Your appearance is the savior of the whole “NoName.”] 】

[You asked the black rabbit to call you a master since he thanked him, and the black rabbit’s face was full of redness, but he still twisted and squeezed to meet your requirements and whispered to you master.] 】

[You know that this free child has been tamed by you, and under the shocked eyes of the black rabbit, you directly kissed the black rabbit.] 】

Black Rabbit’s face was full of redness, and she almost fell down, and she remembered what you said to White Night Fork before about coming to ‘NoName’ for her. 】

At this moment, the black rabbit couldn’t help but think, this can’t be true… If it’s true, should she accept it? Or accept it? 】

[The black rabbit’s hair changed from blue to pink, and he couldn’t help but think wildly in his heart.] 】

[That night.] 】

[There are uninvited guests coming to ‘NoName.’] 】

[Her face was also full of shock as she watched the change in ‘NoName.’] 】

Her name is Campticia de Crea.] 】

[is one of the former members of ‘NoName.’] 】

[She is also a blonde girl with a beautiful appearance, known as a “pure vampire”, “a knight of the box”, and so on.] 】

[Leticia directly approached you and asked you what the purpose of joining ‘NoName’ was, because people of your level should not be interested in ‘NoName’ without special reasons.]

[You look at the blonde Lori who came to you with great interest, bluntly saying that it is the black rabbit of the force, the bird of the long distance, and the glory of Kasugabe.] 】

Leticia’s face was full of shock, and subconsciously asked because of this? 】

[Are you surprised that answering these questions is not enough?] Looking at Leticia, you suddenly added that she is also your goal. 】

Leticia’s face was full of shock and redness. 】

[But if you think about it, it’s really possible… After all, ‘NoName’ can’t have anything else worth plotting. 】

[And your answer sounds strange, but what Leticia knows, whether it is the Odin of Northern Europe or the Zeus of Greece, as the god king, has no scruples about the women she likes.] 】

[In Leticia’s view, you may also be such a god king, compared to Odin and Zeus, your approach can be said to be quite soft…]

[Leticia finally stumbled out of your room with a red face, and you looked at Cream Tissia’s appearance and smiled slightly, but did not stop her.] 】

[The next day.] 】

[Hisato Asuka and Kasuga Hideyoshi unsurprisingly defeated ‘Fores Garo’ Giard Gaisper, and the Sixteen Nights are also very active in it, and they are tacit in not revealing your existence.] 】

Although Hisato and Kasugabe defeat Giard Gaisper and win the game of gifts, they also realize their shortcomings in this battle. 】

They ask you for ways to develop their gifts to become stronger, and you teach them as they wish. 】

[You told Kasuga Yoshi the nature of the ‘Catalogue of Life’ given by Kasuga Yoshi, and bluntly told her that her strength would not be lower than anyone else in the future.] 】

[Don’t look at this as a girl who looks calm on the surface, as if everything can be calm, but Kasuga is also a girl who is prone to inferiority.] 】

[In the original work, she felt that her strength was not as good as that of the Sixteen Nights, and she always had an inferiority complex at a critical moment when she could not help the community ‘NoName’.] 】

[As for the Bird of Hisami, you also told her the nature of her gift of ‘mighty light’, which is a rough talent that has hardly been artificially carved, and it can even give the gift of ‘simulating divine personality.’] 】

[In the original work, Almatia even bluntly said that the ancient bird with the ‘mighty light’ was a great man born to become the head of the god group, and her human body was only a temporary thing.] 】

As one of the holders of the highest human gift, the potential of the long-lived bird is also enormous.] 】

[In addition to teaching the Kuhara Asuka to use the gift, you begin to instruct the Kurano Asuka to use swordplay.] 】

[It’s just that compared to the Sixteen Nights and Kasuga Shine, this big lady’s physical ability is really too poor, and you have also helped the long-term bird improve her physique.] 】

【In this regard, the faces of Hisato Asuka and Kasugabe Ryo are full of redness.] 】

[On the night that defeated Jarder.] 】

[Leticia also appeared in front of everyone again, and the black rabbit saw Leticia, and the expression on her face was full of surprise!] 】

[Because Leticia is also one of the companions who once ‘NoName’ was taken away by the Demon King, how can the black rabbit not be surprised to see Leticia again?] 】

[The people present were also full of curiosity when they learned of Leticia’s existence, and when Leticia saw you, her face was slightly red.] 】

[In fact, no matter in which world, beautiful girls are never lacking, and it is an incomparably honorable thing to be able to be looked up to by the god king who is high above, and even to make the god king bother for you, instead of forcing you on you.] 】

This is brought about by status and strength. 】

Just as the goddess fell in love with a mortal, people would only feel that the mortal was extremely lucky to be able to get the favor of the gods.] 】

[Your current strength and status, whether you like the black rabbit, the long flying bird, Kasuga Hideyoshi, or the camp tisia, gives people the feeling that this is the case.] 】

[Leticia told the crowd of ‘NoName’ about her current situation.] 】

[You bluntly let Leticia stay.] 】

[Then Yingtisia obediently stayed.] 】

[Because she understands that once you identify with her, then the little ‘Perseus’ can’t stop you at all.] 】

[To stop you, at least come to the strongest god king, or the existence of two figures.] 】

[But how can that kind of existence come about because of such a small thing.] 】

[So, Leticia is very relieved and very happy.] 】

[In fact, if you think about it, how can this not be a good thing for Leticia?] 】

Whether your purpose is her or not, your presence is undoubtedly to save her.] 】

Even if you don’t show up, Cao Tisia’s current situation is involuntary, and even has to be sold as an item to the outside world. 】

[For Yingtisia, who is a vampire girl, once sold to the outside world, it is not only a matter of losing freedom, but it may be better to live than to die.] 】

So, even if you know that your goal may be yourself, Antisia is very glad that she can be your goal.] 】

[You are the king of the gods, and your identity is different.] 】

[And, if you stay by your side, it is logical that Jantisia will be able to stay in NoName.] Columns】

Most importantly, Cao Ticia has never felt compulsion from you, and she is a target but not forced, which means that Leticia knows very well in her heart. 】

[She is not a little girl again, and she understands very well the significance of such patience of the god king…]

There’s nothing wrong with accepting you. 】

[If the “Perseus” community dares to make trouble, then they can only consider themselves unlucky.] 】。

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