Chapter 244 Destroy the Greek Divine System!!

[After staying in Leticia.] 】

[She who thinks that everything she has is already your possession, that she already belongs to you, and she has also volunteered to be your maid.] 】

[In this regard, the rest of the people did not have any opinions, only the black rabbit wanted to talk and stopped, and finally accepted this reality with tears in his eyes.] 】

[You smiled slightly at the little maid who had harvested Leticia, but after just touching her head, you did not do Ren Yi to her as Shedicia expected.] 】

[Yingtisia feels very magical, looking at you curiously, thinking that although you are somewhat similar to the god king Zeus in Greek mythology, you are indeed very different.] 】

You are more patient than Zeus and more respectful of the wishes of the maidens themselves. 】

[Undoubtedly, the outward identity strength of your kind is itself a foul existence, and with such a personality, it will be easier to make the girls feel moved, so that the girls are really engaged.] 】

[In the following days.] 】

[You’re also reading in NoName’s library as always.] 】

[Your identity is very noble, this is what Black Rabbit and Ren both know is that naturally no one will come to fight you.] 】

Of course. 】

[You have not forgotten to continue to instruct Kasugabe Yoshi and Hisato Asuka.] 】

[Under your guidance, the strength of the two young girls has grown by leaps and bounds, and the relationship with you has become more and more intimate under the day and night. 】

[The maid Leticia saw all this in her eyes and once again felt that there was nothing wrong with being able to be looked up to by you, but rather, she was really very lucky.] 】

[Sending back the Sixteen Nights is also very surprised by the huge improvement in the strength of Kasuga Yoshi and the Hisato Asuka Bird, and I want to find you to improve your strength.] 】

Naturally, you told him the nature of the gift as you wished to return the sixteen nights, but the gift of the sixteen nights is special, and you tell the sixteen nights that he had better develop it himself, and you have nothing to teach him. 】

[Sending back the Sixteen Nights nodded, and I was also very excited to learn the nature of my gift.] 】

[Such days did not last long.] 】

[Due to the disappearance of Camp Tisia.] 】

[As the community that now nominally owns Camp Tisia, ‘Perseus’ also moved.] 】

This community is a community founded by the famous hero of Greek mythology, Perseus.] 】

[The leader Luos Pasius is a descendant of the great hero Parsius, and in the face of the little ‘NoName’, he naturally has no concern.] 】

[But that’s what Leticia expected.] 】

[It’s okay if ‘Perseus’ doesn’t come looking for them, and if ‘Perseus’ doesn’t come looking for them, then you can only be naturally unlucky.] 】

The camp tisia you left behind is naturally not the former camp tisia, but your possessions. 】

[And having Campticia is what you left behind, and it was also your maid.] 】

[Obviously going back to the sixteen nights, the birds that have been flying for a long time, and the things that Kasuga Yao can solve, but this time you have chosen to do it yourself.] 】

It is no exaggeration to say that ‘Perseus’ is extremely unlucky, and under your hands, the entire community collapses without resistance.] 】

From the beginning to the rout, they didn’t even know who you were, didn’t see what kind of strength you really were, and then they lost, which made their leader, Luos Pasius, desperate. 】

[After solving Perseus, you also harvested one of the three troubled children from Luos Pasius——— the fierce star Alger.] 】

After you harvested the fierce star Alger, you also directly helped her recover some of her spirituality.] 】

[Allowing Argel to regain some of his strength, as well as his former beauty.] 】

“Alde! Regression! ”

Alger regained his sanity from that fury.

After restoring the beautiful appearance of the past, it is also restored.

At the first time, he shouted a question full of energy.

Then she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu curiously and asked, “Are you my current master?” ”

“Hmm! Not bad! ”

“It looks pretty handsome, as beautiful as Alder!”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the energetic Argel and his face was also crying and smiling.

For Alger.

Kitahara Baiqiu actually has a certain understanding. As one of the three major problems of general education children.

She is arguably the most tragic of these beings.

Not only was he calculated by Athena in the world of the box garden, but he was always enslaved after being defeated by the hero Parsius.

Because of the immaturity of Luos Pasius, he did not even have his own appearance and reason.

They are also children with three major problems.

Both the White Night Fork and the Queen of Halloween are still quite moist, and only Alger has become what he is now.

Is it because Alger is weak?

No, it’s because Ager is really a cause! Problem children do not necessarily mean they have brains.

Like the beautiful Alder sauce in front of you.

The calculated spirit has been weakened many times, and finally it is because of the liazine wine

When he was drunk and a mess of mud, he was directly decapitated by Parsius, and it became what he is now.

I was drunk and had my head cut off.

But any little IQ will not have this result.

After all, Alger’s strength is still extremely strong.

The whole Greek gods would find it tricky to deal with her, let alone a mere Perseus.

So the problem of Argell’s actual calendar cannot be blamed for this result.

Instead, you have to eat other aspects to find the reason.

“Hey, you guy, it’s a bit disrespectful to look at Alde’s eyes!” Don’t think you’re my master, it’s amazing! ”

Facing the look in Kitahara’s eyes, Alger felt very uncomfortable and said unhappily.

“Ah yes yes, yes, I was disrespectful.”

Kitahara replied casually.

“Well, just know it’s wrong, Alcay forgives you.”

The beautiful, intellectually anxious Alger said so.

Then she looked around with interest.

He found himself freed from the control of Perseus and the control of Greek mythology.

New host.

It’s not even those nasty guys anymore.

This surprised Alger: “Wow, is Alder free?” It’s not right, Al-Jaw just doesn’t have to listen to the orders of those disgusting guys. ”

“Can grab Aldye from the Greek gods, new master, Aldye recognizes you~”

“Anything happens in the future, Al-Sauce will do her best to help you!”

Alger’s face was full of excitement, and he said directly.

For Athena, who won her with despicable means, and won her with despicable methods, enslaved her for so long.

Alger’s heart was naturally filled with resentment.

Being able to get rid of Greek mythology, even if it was still enslaved, made Alger very happy.

“Do you want to help me with all your might?”

Kitahara smiled softly.

He restored part of Linga Argel.

There should be four-figure strength now.

It is indeed not weak, but it is too far away from her heyday.

“Of course! I will definitely help you with all my might! ”

Alger thought that Kitahara was asking her, and patted his chest to ensure it.

However, after the assurance, she added: “But although I will do my best to help you, but that’s it.” ”

“If you want to order Al-Sauce to do anything, unless you help Al Sauce get revenge!”

“Destroy the whole Greek mythology! Otherwise! There are some things that Alder still won’t agree with! ”

Destroy the entire Greek gods.

This can be said to be basically impossible.

You must know that the Greek god system is among the millions of god systems, and it is also the strongest god system, how can it be so easy to shake.

How could it be shaken.

However, in this regard, Kitahara Baiqiu only smiled lightly, “Well, then destroy the entire Greek god system.” ”

Alger heard.

When I grew my mouth, I froze.

“Really, really fake?”

Alger couldn’t believe it, she just said it casually.

After all, the annihilation of the entire Greek god lineage or something, even in her heyday, may not be able to do it, let alone now.

And, without exaggeration…… Being able to destroy the existence of the Greek god system, even in the world of the box court, there is no one at present, right?

Who would have thought about destroying one of the strongest gods?

“Of course it’s true.”

Kitahara smiled lightly and replied.

“You this… You this……… Words have no basis, and Alzhe cannot be believed. ”

After Alger was stunned, he looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with a suspicious look and said sternly.

She’s a little dumb, a little stupid, a little off-line.

But don’t really think of her as an idiot!

How could anyone be willing to accompany her in destroying the Greek gods?!!

“Can’t believe it? That being the case…”

Kitahara smiled lightly, and also put his finger on Argel’s forehead, letting her understand that part of herself was true.

With the infusion of Kitahara White Autumn memories.

Alger’s face was also full of vibration.

“Elegant Divine?!!”

“God King?!!”

Alger’s heart was unbelievable.

I never expected that Biyuan Baiqiu was actually a god king.


Its own deity was built on the destruction of Greek mythology.

In that case…

Then it is true that Kitahara Baiqiu will one day bring his own god system to fight with the Greek god system.

“It turned out to be so… It turned out to be so…”

Alger was incredible.

How could an otherwise unintelligent head understand such a thing?

But what she knew.

Kitahara White Autumn.

The future is indeed destined to destroy the Greek gods!

“If that’s the case!”

“Good! Master! ”

“When you have destroyed the Greek gods, Al-Sauce will listen to you no matter what!”

Alger said with great interest, his eyes lit up.

She was a problem child, and naturally wanted to make trouble, especially in the Greek gods who had a vendetta against her.

Now that hope was in front of her eyes, how could she not be excited.

Although even without her, Kitahara Baiqiu was destined to have a great war with the Greek gods.

But at least for now the purpose is the same, isn’t it?

“Yikes! I know! ”

Alger suddenly thought of something, and another exclamation.

“What do you know?”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at this stunned Alger in confusion.

“Of course, I know why the owner is interested in finding Alder!”

Argel glanced at Kitahara Baiqiu and said confidently, “The master is the god king of the elegant god system after destroying the Greek god system, right?” ”

“Since the master’s elegant theology and the Greek god system are so closely related, then the master should also have a little resemblance to Zeus, right?”

“And as we all know, in mythology! In addition to Zeus’s great strength, it was lustful! ”

“So, Al-Sauce thinks, the host must be too!”

“And Al-Sauce! Super ~ beautiful! ”

“That’s why the master came looking for Alder, right, right?”

“Yes, as long as the master destroys the Greek gods, anything is okay, and Alcay will not refuse!”

Kitahara looked at the narcissistic Alger with a smirk.

This Nyima……

Who said Alger was stupid, isn’t that obviously smart?

Although in normal thinking.

Alger’s idea is indeed absurd, and there is no need to talk about it.

But this time she……… I guessed the truth.

However, Kitahara Hakuaki was a little upset that Argor said that he and Zeus were a bit alike.

Amusing! How could he possibly resemble a real scumbag like Zeus? He’s fundamentally different from Zeus, isn’t it!

Moreover, his lustfulness has nothing to do with Zeus! Kitahara Bai Qiulsp’s personality is obviously natural!

It existed before he became a god, what does it have to do with Zeus? Is it really an insult to innocence!!!

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