Chapter 245 God King Zeus! Athena’s arrival!!

[After making a pact with Alger, you take her to ‘ThousandEyes.]

After all, the ‘Perseus’ Luos Pasius who was destroyed by you is a cadre of the ‘Thousands Eyes’, and you are naturally going to inform the White Night Fork. 】

[White Night Fork sees that you and Alger only feel abnormal headaches.] 】

[I knew you would be dishonest, but I didn’t expect it to be dishonest so soon]

[You know, your power fusion, but it will take a long time.] 】

[It doesn’t say anything about you defeating the Community ‘Perseus’ White Night Fork, after all, you are also the ‘Perseus’ defeated in the regular gift game.] 】

[And the White Night Fork has long been unlearned and arrogant, and Luos Pasius, who has never been happy, but the cadres who have been hindering the other party from being ‘Thousands Eyes’ have not taught him a lesson.] 】

[Of course, that’s what it says.] 】

[White night is still troublesome next time you want to do something to tell her in advance, otherwise, it is always the end of the matter to say, it is also quite a test ~ test the heart.] 】

[As a class ruler, Ziye also has its own rituals.] 】

[If all of the above is not so important.] 】

[White Night Fork looked at Alger, it was a very headache.] 】

“I said Bai Qiu, are you really going to keep this guy?”

“If you keep her, it will definitely attract the attention of those guys in the Greek gods.”

White Night looked at Argel again, pressed his temple with a headache, and asked, “How is that?” ”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and said without concern.

“You need to fuse your strength to reach three-digit invincibility, don’t you want to expose yourself so starry?”

“You left Alger behind, but it is impossible to hide it, Alger is too special, you might as well give her to me, and I will help you deal with it.”

White Night Fork glanced wordlessly at Alger.

I thought that Kitahara Bai Qiu was unaware of the peculiarities of Alger.

He was about to explain to Kitahara Hakuaki, but he was directly interrupted by Kitahara Hakuaki.

“No, I didn’t say I was ready to fuse the forces with peace of mind.”

Kitahara shook his head and spoke.

The White Night Fork was first frightened.

After returning to God, it was the forehead.

Sure enough, do you still have to do something?

The strong people from the outside world who came to the box court did not have a few peace of mind.

White Night Fork sighed and just wanted to try to persuade again.

“White Night Fork! Al-Sauce knows you, I remember you weren’t like this before, how did you get so small now? ”

At this moment, Alger suddenly opened his mouth at the side, looking at the White Night Fork curiously.

I haven’t seen you in a while, how did you become so pulled? The corner of the white night fork twitched.

I really don’t know what to say.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Bai Ye unceremoniously counterattacked: “You guys, now that you’ve become like this, do you still have the spare time to take care of me?” ”

“Do you know how much trouble you are now?” If I had to say, you should hurry up and get out of the way of yourself, and cause trouble for people. ”

As one of the three major problem children in the past.

The existence known as the ‘fierce star’ is out of the control of Greek mythology, and Greek mythology cannot be assured!

“What’s wrong with Al-Sauce now?” Still as beautiful as ever! ”

Alger looked at himself and said confidently.

White Night Fork Armrest……… Speechless.

“Also, the matter of Al-Sauce and the master does not need to be in charge of the white night and you!” Ah you sauce and the master have agreed to “together to expose the Greek gods!” What does it have to do with you! ”

Alger pointed to the White Night Fork and said fiercely.

Unveiling the Greek Mythical?!!

The White Night Fork heard the words, and his heart was full of shock! This……… How can it be?

White Night looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu fiercely.

It turned out that Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of smiles, and he did not deny it.

My heart was even more shaken.

It turned out to be…… It’s true?!!

“Bai Qiu, if you can, I don’t mind you clashing with the Greek gods, and it’s not worth it at all.”

The White Night Fork has no scruples.

Because the Greek gods are incomparably powerful even in the box.

It’s too difficult to uncover him.

Or rather… Basically impossible.

“The alder sauce was totally worth it! Al-sauce super ~ beautiful! And the master is not just for the sake of Alder! ”

Alger heard the words of the White Night Fork and said even more angrily.

But the White Night Fork paid no attention to Alger at all.

Instead, he looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kitahara smiled lightly and said, “This is impossible, or rather, a conflict between me and the Greek gods is basically inevitable.” ”

The peculiarities of the box court are indeed unavoidable!

After the God Killer World and the Box Court World merged into the Omnibus World.

To the special of the box court world.

If Kitahara Baiqiu did not kill the Greek god system, then his elegant god system would probably have to be killed by the Greek god system.

This is naturally something that Kitahara White Autumn cannot tolerate.

White Night Fork: “…”

Can’t avoid it…?

The White Night Fork was also lost in contemplation at this moment.

Naturally, she is not stupid, and she quickly realizes that it may be with you and yourself.

Since that’s the case.

Naturally, she did not persuade much.

Instead, he sighed and shook his head.

The White Night Fork said, “The Greek Divine System is very strong even among many Divine Systems, and there are many three-digit and four-digit gods. ”

“However, the most noteworthy of these is probably their king of the gods, Zeus.”

Since it is unavoidable.

Bai Yecha was also preparing to reveal a little information to Kitahara Bai Qiu: “That guy from Zeus, in ancient times, did a great thing, he admitted that all the people in the world who called themselves his sons were his children. ”

“As a result, one’s spirit was reduced for a time.”

“But God King, which one is simple?”

“Through this, the spirit he has also successfully created the feedback of the great cause has strengthened himself and made himself stronger.”

“Of course, this also led to him being tied to human history, and if human history is destroyed, then he is also destroyed.”

If human history is wiped out, will Zeus be wiped out? Kitahara Baiqiu couldn’t help but shake his head when he heard this.

No, Zeus definitely had a backhand.

You know, in the original book.

Humanity finally tried the three-headed dragon Azdakha to destroy human history, and the gods were ready to abandon the box court.

There was no movement in the entire Greek god system.


Everyone who calls himself a child of Zeus can create great deeds to feed Zeus and make Ishchi stronger.

How could there be such a coincidence?

And it is also at the risk of shrinking one’s own spirit.

It can only be said that as White Night Fork said.

God King, which one will be simple, naturally all of them are older than the white night and the eyes are solemn, and continued: “Today’s Zeus, the strength should be a three-digit breaker, but also the strongest of the breakers, the strength is close to two figures. ”

“Bai Qiu, if you want to speed up the progress of your power fusion through Zeus,” he… Certainly it can be done. ”

[The White Night Fork has told you some information about Zeus in the box world.] 】

After you thanked White Night again, you also took Alger back to ‘NoName.] 】

[Yingtisia and Black Rabbit were also shocked when they saw Alger.] 】

[In order not to involve ‘NoName’, you proposed to leave ‘NoName’ for the time being, but you were refused.] 】

Naturally, problem children will not agree, rather they are almost excited. 】

[I didn’t expect that you just went to solve Leticia’s affairs and did such a big thing.] 】

Leticia shook her head and didn’t agree to your departure, or that if you left she might choose to follow you. 】

[After the black rabbit objected, it is not so easy to say that the people above want to come down, and even if you want to do something in the future, you will not implicate them at all.] 】

[Because they are so weak, they are just a ‘NoName’ that does not even have a flag, and it is not worth the deliberate revenge of the upper gods.] 】

[In the girls’ holdings, you finally slipped down.] 】

[Because you know, with you there, with the simulator, it’s impossible to really have an accident.] 】

[As everyone expected.] 】

[Argor was out of control, which also caused a tremor in the upper Greek gods].

Although today’s Alger is far less than the heyday of the past, after all, he is the fierce star who once turned the whole box court upside down. 】

[The Greek deity naturally attracted attention and sent people to the lower levels to see what was going on.] 】

[And the one who sent out.] 】

[Undoubtedly the world of the box court.] 】

[Wisdom and War, Goddess of Wisdom and War, Athena.] 】

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