Chapter 249 Willing to be calculated under the snow is snow!!

The world is in full swing.

Kitahara family.


“Brother Bai Qiu, when did you come back?!!”

Just after the Kitahara white autumn simulation ended.

After receiving the reward of the system, after completely merging the power.

The time is not too early.

At this moment, under the snow, Yuki no and Kasumigawa Shiyu had already returned home from school.

And it’s time to get ready to take a shower and go to bed…

Under the snow, the snow was as it was, and naturally it was also the time when she and Kitahara Hakuaki came to the room.

Who admits it, open the door.

I saw the figure of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Snow under the snow was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously couldn’t help but ask in surprise.

At her side.

Her sister Yukishita Yang Nai was naturally also standing there, seeing Kitahara Baiqiu, the expression on her face was also a little stunned.

“Probably back in the afternoon?”

Kitahara smiled slightly and replied.

“Tia, why didn’t they tell me…”

Snow under the snow is a little complaint.

However, it can be seen that she is also very happy about the return of Kitahara Baiqiu.

The time for Kitahara Baiqiu to leave was not as long as he thought, which made Snow under the snow very surprised.


Seeing the return of Baiqiu in the northern plains, Xuenai under the snow did not forget the formality, she said: “Brother Baiqiu, since you are back, then I will go find a room Yan to open another room, thank you for letting me live in the room these days, I am very happy.”

Snow under the snow is a smile on his face.

She slept unusually reassuringly these days.

Because this room is the place where she and Kitahara Hakuaki have bonded, and it is also the safest and most reassuring place for her once fragile people.

Although a little reluctant.

But this is after all Kitahara’s room.

After Kitahara Baiqiu returned, of course, she could no longer continue to dominate.

Although the snow under the snow is known.

Then he asked Kitahara Baiqiu for this room, and Kitahara Baiqiu will definitely satisfy her…

But, if this is not Kitahara’s room, then what is the point?

“It’s so late, it’s too much trouble to open the room, right?” Why don’t you stay here another night tonight and drive again tomorrow? ”

Kitahara shook his head and said with a smile on his face.

“Huh? What do you do with Bai Qiu Xuedi? ”

Under the snow is a stunned smell, subconsciously it is Bao Bao’s question.

Under the snow is beside the snow.

Under the snow, Yang Nai understood in seconds, and smiled: “Yes, Xue Nai, it is too much trouble to open the room so late, you will have another night tonight, I will go to find Miss Fallen Lady for one night.” ”

With that, Yang Nai under the snow also walked directly out of the room.

Although it was only three days.

But with the simple nature of Fallen Ji, who is like a blank piece of paper, Yang Naixing under the snow has a good relationship with her.

Rather, all the girls of the Kitahara family.

Under the snow, Yang Nai is now a good relationship.

Watching my sister go out under the snow.

Realizing that only he and Kitahara Hakuaki were in the same room under the snow, he finally understood something.

Her face was full of redness, and she asked shyly, “Bai Qiu, are you going to live here today?” ”

“This is my room, where do I live here?”

Hihara replied with a smile.


Snow under the snow is a mouthful.

But in that case, wouldn’t it……

Snow under the snow was a rapid heartbeat, and at this moment, she finally understood the purpose of the original white autumn.

But……… She wished she didn’t understand!

“Don’t you want to?” Xuenai? ”

Kitahara asked softly.

“No, no.”

Under the snow Snow bowed his head and whispered this answer.

“That’s enough.”

Kitahara Baiqiu came to the front of the young girl, and she could feel the girl’s heartbeat at this moment.

Without the slightest hesitation, Kitahara Baiqiu kissed the cute girl.

Snow under the snow suddenly understood something after the kiss, and Bankou said, “I, I understand, Bai Qiu disciple.” ”

“You did it on purpose, on purpose, didn’t you?”

“Deliberately lied to me that you left me and could live in your room, and then when I lived, you would be like this?”

Snow under the snow is a genius girl who is a general martial artist. All along, the result has been ranked first in the overall martial arts high.

Nature is not a stupid person.

Just after thinking about it, I thought about why Kitahara Baiqiu had tried to invite her to live in his room.

Kitahara Baiqiu must have anticipated the current situation, and then Shunshi stared at the snow under the snow, and looked at Biyuan Baiqiu breathlessly.

“Hahaha, I really didn’t expect that you could actually see it, yes, I meant it.”

Kitahara smiled when he heard this and directly admitted it.

“Are you counting on me?”

Under the snow Snow Nai’s face was full of surprise.

She was calculated.

And when I was forced by love, I didn’t see it at all, and I was directly obedient.

“This kind of thing, how can it be said to be calculated, I prefer to call it elaborate.”

Kitahara shook his head and hugged Xueno under the snow.

Snow under the snow sighed a long time, and then closed his eyes and confessed his fate.

Although it is a calculation.

However, she did not say that she did not want to be successful.

Rather, to be able to see that Kitahara Baiqiu deliberately made such a show in order to take care of her emotions, she was actually very happy to plan it………

Anyway, after she agreed to sign the contract, it belonged to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Moreover, she also likes Kitahara Baiqiu very much.

So, what is the relationship between straight?

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

The next day, early in the morning.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the cute sleeping girl next to him and her face was also full of smiles.

Another girl who was so cute that she fouled herself gave him everything.

After Kitahara Bai Qiu lowered his head and kissed the snow under the snow.

He also got up lightly and prepared to make a breakfast for everyone after a long absence.

Just what Kitahara Bai Qiu didn’t expect.

When he came to the living room, there was already someone sitting in the living room.

And the man.

It is also the sister of Yukina under the snow.

The sun is under the snow.

After Snow Yang Nai noticed that Kitahara Bai Qiu came out, he also smiled and greeted him: “Brother Bai Qiu, it is early.” ”

“Well, good morning, Sister Yang Nai.”

Xuexia Yang is a graduate of the General Martial Arts High School, and naturally can be regarded as the younger sister of Kitahara Baiqiu.

The title between the two is also correct.

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled, and Rubi also responded to the sun under the snow.

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