Chapter 251 If I Like You Too…!!

“Sister Yang Nai got up quite early.”

Although there were some accidents in the northern plains of the white autumn, the sun under the snow was actually up so early.

But on the surface, he still did his own thing, and said casually.

“Well, because I’m used to it. ~”

Under the snow Yang Nai smiled lightly and spoke.

As the big lady of the family under the snow.

Although Yang Nai under the snow is only twenty years old, the pressure on his body is not small.

Often need to be busy for things at home.

Compared with.

Snow under the snow can even be said to be much happier.

“Bai Qiu Xuedi, Xue Nai, is very cute, right?”

Under the snow, Yang Nai looked at Kitahara Baiqiu’s room for a moment, and then asked softly to Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Of course, it’s cute enough to foul.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled softly, and his face couldn’t help but smile.

Snow Under the Snow is herself a cute girl from childhood to adulthood, incomparably excellent.

She loves cute cats.

In Kitahara’s view, I am definitely countless times cuter than the cutest cat in the world.

I can get the love of the snow under the snow.

Even if it was Kitahara Baiqiu, his heart was full of emotions.

“You can rest assured, Sister Yang Nai, I will take care of Xue Nai for a lifetime and take care of her for a long time.”

The girl’s heart.

Kitahara White Autumn will naturally not fail to live up to it.

In front of the snow under the sun as a sister, he also directly assured the Tao.

“Then I’ll be relieved.”

Under the snow, Yang Nai smiled softly and responded as a sister.

She could see it.

Kitahara Hakuaki really likes snow under the snow.

With the existence of the Northern Plains White Autumn, this is how rare it is.

Coupled with the fact that the two are still in love, how lucky it is.

Under the snow the sun thought in his heart.

She found her own happiness for her sister and silently offered blessings in her heart to have this person present.

Snow is really after that……… Just don’t worry about anything.

Don’t worry about growing up to be like her.

Don’t worry about political marriages and the like when you grow up.

Under the snow Yang Nai thought so.

All of a sudden.

The two were also caught in the cold.

“Brother Kitahara, what would you do if I said that I also want to chase you?”

After a moment of silence.

Under the snow, Yang Nai suddenly smiled and said to Kitahara Bai Qiu.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned for a moment.

Subconsciously look at Yang Nai under the snow, the sister of the snow under the snow.

Have to say.

The genes of the family under the snow are very good.

If you say that sister Xue is an incomparably cute existence.

That sister Yang Nai was the evolved version of Xue Nai, an incomparably beautiful and mature existence that Kitahara Bai Qiu did not expect.

This one would confess to him at this time.

This feeling is really novel.

In the past, he only confessed to him after carefully improving the girls’ favor.

And under the snow, Yang Nai, he didn’t do anything.

“May I ask, why?”

Kitahara asked with a light smile.

Under the snow, Yang Nai’s heart was beating fast and nervous.

Seeing Kitahara Baiqiu’s smile, he was relieved and said with the same smile, “Why…”

“Actually, there is no other reason for that, right?” Or is it actually quite ordinary? ”

“If it weren’t for the relationship between the Snow Family, I wouldn’t have planned to get married, and I would have been tired enough just to run the Snow Family.”

“It wasn’t until I saw you at the banquet that day that I changed my mind, and I knew that you could help me get rid of everything and be the one who could save me from the sea of suffering.”

“Plus, Brother Kitahara, you’re good enough aren’t you?” Whether it is appearance or other aspects, it is too good to be excessive. ”

“Under so many factors, I am also a young girl, and I am only twenty years old, so I am naturally moved by the face of Kitahara students.”

Under the snow Yang Nai said very calmly.

In front of Kitahara Baiqiu, there was not a single bit of concealment.

Whether it was good or bad, she said it in front of Kitahara Baiqiu.

“But the distance between me and Brother Kitahara is so great that it’s almost desperate.”

“Just thinking about how to meet you naturally, I struggled and exhausted my brain.”

“Finally, as you expected, I met you through Xuenai.”

“Originally, I also planned how to improve my good feelings with you and let you notice me, but in the end, I felt that it was better to say it calmly.”

“Calculate this and that, you don’t necessarily like this kind of me, and I admit that I am a little calculating, because I am used to it.” 」

Under the snow, Yang Nai had a bitter smile on his face.

It’s really used to it.

She runs a home under the snow outside.

In many occasions, if you do not calculate, it is estimated that even the bones will be eaten.

She’s not a character either.

No one is born to be calculating.

It’s the environment that makes her look like this.

“Of course, if I want a person to like me, I have only done it to Kitahara students.”

“Like a person, in this case, you have only said it to Kitahara students.”

“Kitahara is really good, to be honest, sometimes I’m a little jealous of Yukino and Kosei.”

Under the snow the sun is said to have been said.

It is natural to simply say that everything is in front of Kitahara Hakuaki and frankly say that the snow under the snow is and that of Hirata Shizuka is undoubtedly special.

The sun under the snow knows this.

At that banquet, there were not many excellent ladies who liked Kitahara Baiqiu and fell in love at first sight, and she was just one of them.

But it does not mean that if you like Kitahara Hakuaki, you will get a response.

Only those who like Kitahara White Autumn and Kitahara White Autumn also like it will get a response.

“So, I said, if I liked you too, what would happen to you?”

Kitahara disciple.

Under the snow, Yang Nai said with a calm smile on his face.

In my heart, I was unusually nervous.

Once is good, once is good.

Even if Kitahara Baiqiu deceived her, Yang Nai under the snow was willing to be deceived by Kitahara Baiqiu.

Xue Nai had already come to this point with him.

There was no need for her to drag on any longer.

Under the snow the sun is looking forward to it.

Kitahara smiled and said, “Yes.” ”

Snow under the sun heard the answer he dreamed of, but he was a little stunned, and subconsciously asked, “What?” ”

“I said, yes.”

With that said, Kitahara Baiqiu also came to the front of Yang Nai under the snow, kissed it directly, and began to sign a contract with him.

Since the girls had confessed to him.

What does he have to be sentimental about, naturally he will not refuse. Under the snow, Yang Nai was kissed by Kitahara Baiqiu and did not resist.

But his face was full of disbelief and shock.

She didn’t expect that since things would go so smoothly…

Feeling that his contract with Kitahara Bai Qiu began to form, a powerful force appeared in his body.

Under the snow Yang Nai understood.

It turns out that she is also special!

In Kitahara’s Bai Qiu’s heart, she is also special! That’s why it goes so well.

After understanding it, Yang Nai under the snow was also very surprised in his heart, and even shed some tears.

She had always admired the special nature of the snow under the snow and the tranquility of Hirazuka, and had never thought that she was also special.

After learning about it at this moment, it really made her very excited. Under the snow, Yang Nai hugged very tightly, deeply immersed in it.

For a long time, after the contract is made.

Under the snow, Yang Nai blushed and said to Kitahara Bai Qiu, “Lord Bai Qiu, in the future, you will also be responsible for me.” ”

“Of course.”

Kitahara smiled and made a promise.

Immediately, he also kissed the beautiful girl again.

Since then.

After the snow under the snow.

Yukishita Yono also signed a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki.

The two sisters undoubtedly chose the same person to entrust the spoon for life…

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