Chapter 252 Relationship Exposed! Cooperation canceled!!

After signing a contract with Yukishita Yono.

The two are also in the kitchen preparing breakfast for everyone.

As the big lady of the family under the snow.

Under the snow, Yang is naturally knowledgeable and proficient.

Helping you lay the groundwork is naturally not a problem.

Young girls sit together in the kitchen to cook, laughing and playing from time to time, which is also as beautiful as a picture.

Under the snow, Yang Nai’s heart was full of happiness at this moment, glad that she was also special to you, she had never asked for anything extravagant before.

It is precisely because she has not had the luxury of asking for herself to be also special, and she will once go to great lengths just to get close to you.

Of course, she didn’t regret it.

“Wow! What a day it is! Bai Qiu actually made a big meal for a long time! ”

In everyone up.

When sitting at the table.

Hestia looked at the simply sumptuous breakfast in front of her.

His eyes lit up and he asked directly.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally cooked at home.

But it’s really very rare.

That’s why Hestia looked at the food in front of her and exclaimed.

Hear Hestia’s words.

Snow under the snow and Yang under the snow are red at the same time.

Both sisters were a little shy at this moment and bowed their heads at the same time.

Fortunately, Hestia only casually asked.

I didn’t care, so I just started cooking.

In front of the food, no matter what the reason is.

Only Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the abnormal snow under the snow and immediately understood something.

Directly to the north of the white autumn after rolling a white eye.

However, even Kasumigaoka Shiyu probably wouldn’t have thought that Kitahara Hakuaki had signed a contract with Yukishita Yono.

As a maid in the house, Estes originally thought she could not come to the table.

However, at the invitation of Kitahara Hakuaki.

She was still happy to sit down and eat together.

After all, Esther is not a real maid, and naturally will not be too strict or even harsh on herself.

And such an ice queen.

It’s also cute.

After Kitahara returned from the White Autumn.

Under the snow, it was naturally impossible for him to continue to live in a room with Kitahara Baiqiu and so many people in the family.

Bright and upright and Kitahara Bai Qiu live in a room, even under the snow Snow will be shy and embarrassed.

So she was also bothering Esther to open a new room for her. As a maid, Esther naturally agreed.

To this.

Kitahara Bai Qiu opened a sentence and opened a room for Yang Nai under the snow.

This stunned Esthers.

However, she thought that under the snow Yang Nai would run to this side every day anyway, and it seemed normal to open one.

So I didn’t ask much and agreed again.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard that she was going to open a room for Yang Nai under the snow, and at this moment she was also frightened.

Subconsciously glanced at the sun under the snow.

Under the snow, Yang Nai seemed to perceive Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s gaze and smiled at her slightly.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu Fue.

She didn’t understand what was happening.

“Sure enough… And Ti sisters flowers? ”

“Huh? Shi Yu what are you talking about? ”

Next to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Hestia did not hear the thunder hill Shiyu say that Shi Shi was eating while he asked in doubt.


Kasumigaoka rolled her eyes, then took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Kitahara Hakuaki.

【Kasumi Shiko: Crumb Jun!!! 】

Kitahara picked up the phone and looked at it.

Then he looked at the Kasumigaoka Shiyu who seemed to be breathing on the other side.

It just feels incredibly cute.

Kitahara replied.

[White Night: Ah yes yes, I am Crumb Jun, then you are the Kasumi Shizi teacher who likes Crumb Jun. 】

Kitahara Bai Qiu replied to the news and looked up again.

What I saw was a girl holding herself and looking at the screen of her mobile phone with a flushed face.

Except for Kasumigaoka Shiba.

Under the snow, Yuki also felt strange between his sister and Kitahara Hakuaki.

In this regard, after successfully signing a contract with you, Snow Under Yang Nai did not want to hide Snow Snow itself.

Faced with the doubts of the snow under the snow.

Snow Under the Snow Yang Nai naturally told the Snow Snow about this.

Under the snow Snow his face was full of shock.

I looked at my sister, and then at Kitahara Baiqiu, my face was in disbelief as my sister……… Did you even sign a contract with Bai Qiu?

Obviously, she thought that she had misunderstood her sister before, but now it seems that there is still no misunderstanding.

The reason why her sister paid so much attention to Bai Qiu before was that she was plotting against Bai Qiu Xuedi!

Snow under the snow is a mess in the mind at this moment.

But who is the sun under the snow?

After telling the snow under the snow, it is natural to be able to appease the snow under the snow.

The sun under the snow is even indicated.

In the future, she will always stand behind Yukino under the snow and fully support her and Kitahara Hakuaki.

This made the snow under the snow that was still a little chaotic in the brain turn red.

Overwhelmed even less know what to say.

After breakfast.

Kitahara White Autumn and Snow Under the Snow, as well as Kasumigaoka Shiyu naturally went together.

Kitahara White Autumn is very measured.

Naturally, although there were still some sore spots under the snow, it did not affect her actions.

On the way, several people also met Miko Yotsuya.

For the return of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Miko Yotsuya was also very surprised.

Later, the four of them naturally walked all the way.

Along the way, the four people also attracted passers-by to turn back.

Because the appearance is too high.

Whether male or female.

Casually pull out and pull out a super high-value existence.

And now the four of them are walking together. How can it not attract the attention of passers-by.

Kasumigaoka Shiba and Miko Yotsuya are fine.

Snow under the snow is this way because of the relationship between the sun under the snow is thinking wildly

From time to time, my face blushed like a red apple, and it looked very cute and seductive.

When the four of them arrived at the General Takedaka.

The people of the General Wu Gao saw that several people were already numb.

It’s true……… Don’t cover it up.

The prettiest girls of all grades……… Since they all began to go to school with Kitahara Hakuaki without scruples!!!

Everyone is born out of love.

And it wasn’t long before Kitahara returned to school.

He was undoubtedly called to the office again by Shizuka Hirazuka.

After coming to the office.

Shizuka Hiratsuka and Kitahara Hakuaki stared wide-eyed.

After looking at each other for a long time.

Hiratsuka sighed, waved his hand, and finally said, “Oh, forget it, you better go.” ”

“Huh? Jing Cute, this is what is wrong with you, call me over and don’t say anything and ask me to go? ”

Kitahara Shiroaki’s face was full of speechlessness, and he looked at Hiratsuka in front of him and said.

“The point is that you will listen to what I said?” Since you can’t listen, it’s better not to say it. ”

“And although I don’t know why, the above tells me not to worry too much about your business, so forget it.”

Hiratsuka’s face was full of helplessness.

She really couldn’t understand herself as a student.

If not he still came to school.

Shizuka Hiratsuka had to wonder if Kitahara Hakuaki was a student after all.

“Cough, I really can’t listen to the lectures, but if you can increase your chances of being alone with Teacher Shizuka Hirazuka, then I can still listen to them.”

Kitahara Shiroku’s face was a little distressed at first, and then he looked at the calm in front of him.

The tone of his voice changed, and he opened his mouth with a smile.

“Do you want to die!” How dare they flirt with the teacher?!! ”

Hiratsuka Shizuka blushed slightly and stared at Kitahara Hakuaki and said angrily.

They all blamed the woman under the snow for saying inexplicable things in front of her all day and night recently.

I can’t keep my peace in front of my own students.

Hiratsuka blushed and thought in her heart.

“Roll on, don’t keep getting in the way here, go to class.”

Hiratsuka stared at Kitahara Hakuaki and said without anger.

“Okay, then I’ll go first, quiet and cute.”

Kitahara Shiraaki also smiled and looked at the calm in front of him.

Before leaving, he continued: “Again, if you want to find a boyfriend, think more about me, Jing Cute, I think, you can’t find other boyfriends…”


Hiratsuka smirked and looked at the gate and said again.

Kitahara smiled slightly at Hiratsuka before leaving the room.

After leaving the room.

Hiratsuka quietly rubbed his eyebrows, and he really didn’t know what to say.

Although it is true that it is not her intention to find a boyfriend, but the family is so tight that she has to find it.

But I can’t find anything, and it’s too absolute.

Is she that bad?

Hiratsuka sighed and couldn’t help but spit it out.

As for Kitahara Baiqiu who has always called her quiet and cute, she is even more powerless to throw up.

She had not failed to use hardcore education for Kitahara Baiqiu before, showing the majesty of the teacher.

And then……… Laugh to death, you can’t beat it at all.

So now Hiratsuka Shizuka except to simply use his status as a teacher to suppress Kitahara Hakuaki.

She really couldn’t do anything with Kitahara Baiqiu at all.

And at this very moment.

Shizuka Hirazuka’s phone rang as well. Look at the nickname of Yang Nai under the snow above.

Shizuka Hiratsuka had even more headaches.

Did she come to find a way to attack her own students? Let’s be honest.

Hiratsuka Shizuka is now always unable to help her heart beat faster in front of Kitahara Hakuaki, and her mind is confused, and she is completely unable to preserve her peace.

Aside from the excellence of Kitahara Hakuaki itself.

It can be said that eighty percent is related to the sun under the snow.

Every day someone whispers in your ear that the person is very good, very suitable for being your boyfriend, can you not let people think more!

Look at the caller ID above.

Shizuka Hiratsuka also helplessly picked up the phone.

“Xiao Jing, our cooperation has been canceled, because I have now succeeded!”

Just picked up the phone.

From the other side of the phone came the happy voice of Yang Nai under the snow.

Without hearing the expected words, Hiratsuka Shizuka’s face was also full of surprise, and subconsciously asked, “Success, what success?” ”

“Ah, of course, I told you about Bai Qiu before, I have now succeeded, so I don’t need to cooperate with you.”

Under the snow Yang Nai said.

Hiratsuka heard the words and his heart was full of shock! What about Kitahara Hakuaki?

It wasn’t the two of them who had made a bet.

If the sun under the snow keeps Shizuka and Kitahara Hakuaki together, does Hiratsuka Shizuka also help Yono under the snow to make Kitahara Hakuaki like Yono under the snow?

It worked……… No need to cooperate means…

“Wait, Yang Nai, don’t you mean to say that you and Kitahara Hakuaki are already together?!!”

Shizuka Hiratsuka thought of a terrible possibility and asked in disbelief.


The sun under the snow is an unscrupulous admission.

“The relationship between the white autumn of the northern plains and the snow under the snow is extremely close! Most likely, it will be your future brother-in-law! ”

Shizuka Hirazuka couldn’t help but say.

“So what? Who said I couldn’t be with Xuenai? ”

Yukishita Yang Nai first asked in surprise, and then said extremely firmly, “And as a sister, I will definitely help my sister in the future!” ”

Shizuka Hirata: “………”

“Okay Xiao Jing, the thing I want to tell you is this, you also have to refuel, although I think you definitely can’t run away, but there must be a difference between a little earlier and a little later, I still have something, just hang up.”

After the snow was over, Yang Nai also hung up the phone directly.

I could see that she did have something to do, but she was very happy.

At this moment, Hira Tsukasa was full of confusion.

I only felt as if the tendons in my head were broken at this moment.

Under the snow Yang Nai made a phone call.

It was to tell her to stop that ridiculous cooperation.


Who can tell her what’s going on now? Two sisters of the Snow Family.

How to listen, they have become the girlfriend of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Hiratsuka’s face was full of confusion, and she didn’t understand what was going on.

Under the snow the sun is even……… Tell her to hurry up?!!

What was the feeling that only she didn’t understand the truth!!! Shizuka Hiratsuka is a little mad…

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