Chapter 253: Happy New But No Possibility of Getting Tired of the Old! Contract Sage Hui!!

“How’s it going?”

“What how?”

“Great Demon King of the Northern Plains, Great Demon King of the Northern Plains, he didn’t come for three days for no reason, can’t he be okay?”

“What is it that you haven’t come for three days without a reason?” Didn’t he take time off? ”

“Huh? There is no reason, the school has run away before it agrees, then it can also be called a leave? You go try you please do not please get. ”

“Then didn’t you all say that he was the Great Demon King?” The Great Demon King must be different from us, and Teacher Shizuka Hiratsu has already let him go. ”

“Yes, abominable! Is this the Great Demon King? ”

“The brothers want me to say, don’t worry about these three women, this morning I heard that Sister Xuexia, Classmate Shitani, and Sister Kasumigaoka all came to school with the Great Demon King of Kitahara. As we all know, the three-dimensional woman cannot escape the demon grasp of the Great Demon King of the Northern Plains, entering my second dimension, compared to the third dimension of garbage, all the beauty of the second dimension is waiting for you. ”

“Brother, missionary?” I have here a light novel from Teacher White Night’s latest volume, do you want to read it? ”

“To be wanted! White Night Teacher! I drop God! ”

After Kitahara Hakuaki came out of the office.

When the people of the school saw the intact Kitahara White Autumn, it was naturally a whisper.

The Great Demon King of the Northern Plains.

It was the people of the General Wu Gao who gave Kitahara Hakuaki the nickname.

It is said that as long as it is a young girl who is favored by the Great Demon King.

Then it will surely fall at the hands of the Great Demon King.

Nowadays, the famous Snow Snow No, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and Shiba Shiyu and Miko Shitani have all fallen.

And the other two beautiful girls transfer students Sawamura Hideori and Kato Kei are obviously not far away.

Since Kitahara Shiraaki helped Kato solve the problem of low sense of existence.

Her lovely beauty.

It has long been noticed by everyone.

This made me feel that I didn’t notice Kato’s cute and beautiful people at first.

Contrast before and after.

And Kato’s kind of personality that anyone can feel light and comfortable with her can communicate with.

It makes people think that Kato Kei is simply a treasure girl.

Unfortunately, this treasure girl ran to the ministry every day, and it was obvious that she already belonged to it.

Writing leave, reading as a three-day truancy of the Great Devil King’s fart did not matter, so that the general martial arts high people completely worried about the sky.

It was as if they were living in the shadow of the Great Demon King.

One by one, they are now beginning to escape from reality and immerse themselves in the beautiful second dimension.

And White Night Teacher.

As the half of the sky of the second dimension, nature is inevitable.

Here Kasumigaoka Shiyu has something to say.

Teacher White Night’s latest volume, that is the result of her efforts! Lunch break.

Ministry of Service.

As always, the girls were naturally all gathered here at this moment.

“Bai Qiujun obviously said that he wanted to attack me, but as a result, I only transferred to the school and disappeared for three days.”

Kato, who was known as the treasure girl, blinked and looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and said.

“Haha, isn’t that something?” Xiao Hui was already impatient? ”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and opened his mouth to tease.

“I didn’t.”

Kato Kei blushed slightly, trying to keep himself calm and said, “It’s just that I can’t escape anyway, I’m a little curious about how Bai Qiujun will make me fall in love.” ”

Kitahara Baiqiu is not an ordinary person, and he is also a very unordinary person.

Since there was no way to resist at the hands of Kitahara Hakuaki, Kato was of course curious about what Kitahara Hakuaki would do.

“What would I do…… At the beginning, I thought that it was good to go with the flow, Xiao Hui your temperament, is not suitable for going with nature? ”

Kitahara blinked and replied with a smile.


Kato thought about it and felt that his words really didn’t need anything vigorous.

“How have you been feeling lately?”

Kitahara asked.

What he asked, of course, was also what Kato Save after his sense of recovery was restored.

“I didn’t have a sense of existence before, and I’m used to it, and now it’s not used to it when I suddenly recover, but it’s also very novel.”

Kato Kei had a look of excitement on her face and answered the question of looking at Kitahara Hakuaki.

“If Xiaohui wants to change what happened to her when she was a child and make herself happier, I can help you.”

Kitahara said again.

“No, thank you Bai Qiujun.”

Kato shook her head and said, “Although I was really sad at first when I was a child, I felt that it was also a part of me, and it was also my own experience.” ”

“And, if I didn’t have those, I wouldn’t necessarily be the way Bai Qiujun likes you, would I?”

Kato had a beautiful smile on her face.

It was as if the two were just talking ordinary love words.

But if it is heard by those in the know, I am afraid that it will be directly shocking.

An understatement that if she wants to, go back to the past to change the future, turn the past into what she wants.

One shook his head and rejected such a shocking thing, refused to change the past that had made him sad and sad.

He felt that if he changed the past, he might be different from his current self, not his favorite her.

Although both of them seemed to be very calm and ordinary.

But the most affectionate love words in the world may be nothing more than that.

It’s not that Kato doesn’t have a crush on Kitahara Hakuaki.

Or that today’s Kitahara Baiqiu, it is difficult to make the opposite sex who see him not feel good.

Just as a traditional woman.

Kato felt that he should get along with Kitahara Hakuaki a little more before he liked Kitahara Hakuaki.

Isn’t that what she is now?

“What I’m more curious about than this is, Classmate Yinglili, have you already signed a contract with Bai Qiujun?”

Kato looked curiously at the Eiri pear on the side and asked.

Kato’s powers of observation are amazing.

From the beginning, I sensed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the ministry today.

I like Bai Qiujun’s Shi Yu Xuejie very quietly today.

Cute enough to foul Xue Nai’s face today is also with a red halo from time to time, some twisting and pinching is not comfortable, looking at Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyes are a little embarrassed.

Miko Xuemei is as cute as ever today, but she also blushes and bows her head in silence.

Kato didn’t know what was happening.

But she found that the Ying Pear Pear on the side was also a little strange, and from time to time she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu, and her face was full of redness.

“Yes, yes! Me, I’ve signed a contract with Teacher White Night! So what? ”

When Eiri hears Kato’s question, she reveals her cute tiger teeth and hides her inner shyness with a menacing look.

“So fast…”

Kato Kei’s face was a little surprised.

Because she remembered that Ying Pear had come with her, Kitahara Baiqiu had not been there for three days.

Other words……… The first time they met, the two signed a contract?

“Aaaah! That’s not to blame…… No, thanks! Thanks to some old woman! ”

Ying Li Pear gritted her teeth and looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

“Oh, someone really dares to say ah, I don’t feel sorry from your words, I don’t know who danced after the contract, it was really cheap and good.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu did not want to show weakness and directly returned the favor.


The pear was directly sunk.

No way, she was really happy, many people saw it.

But to say what it was like afterwards.

That is regret.

She also wants to experience a little more with Kitahara Baiqiu before selling herself! It’s too cheap to sell yourself directly at the first meeting!

After all, I was fascinated by my talent.

Ying Li Pear felt that she was a cheap woman.

“Okay, a certain golden retriever is really unaware of his bad character, do you think you can compare with Xiao Hui?” If you really become a loser dog one day, then you will regret it. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said without anger.

The character of Ying Pear is troubles after all.

Such a troublesome nature, if it were not for Kitahara Baiqiu watching anime in advance, even if others really liked her at the beginning, she might really be able to play off.

Since ancient times, arrogance and pettiness have been a failure.

“What have you counted?” This morning, a certain Junke and Xue’s sister have signed a contract. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said without anger.

Yukino’s sister? That’s not………

Eiri Pear and Kato Kei were directly stunned, looking at Kitahara Hakuaki in amazement.

Under the snow, Yukino and Yotsuya groaned at the same time, and the red face and bowed their heads even deeper.

As a class with Kitahara Shiaki, Shitani Miko.

Naturally, she knew it in advance, so she kept looking like this.

Bi, after all……… That’s a sister.

Such an identity always makes people can’t help but think wildly.

Miko Yotsuya was shocked to hear the news.

In fact, under the snow is no less shocking in the morning than Miko Yotsuya.

“Okay, great.”

Kato Kei looked stunned and muttered to himself.

I don’t know if I’m talking about Kitahara Hakuaki or if I’m talking about Yang Nai under the snow.

After all, Kato knows that not everyone can have an intimate relationship with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Otherwise, don’t say far.

How many girls does General Takego like Kitahara Hakuaki.

Snow under the snow and snow under the snow Yang Nai two sisters can make Kitahara Bai Qiu like, really powerful.

Well, in every sense.

“Although I know that I can’t escape myself, but… Now it’s just me. Didn’t sign a contract with Bai Qiujun? ”

Kato looked around and said with some distress on her face.

After Ying Li Pear also signed the contract, wasn’t she the only one who did not sign the contract?


Kato sighed and looked at Kitahara Hakuaki, “Since that’s the case, let’s also sign a contract, Hakuaki-kun.” ”

Kei Kato said it very plainly.

It was as if everyone had signed a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu, and it was not appropriate for her alone not to sign it.

“Have you thought about it?”

Kitahara smiled softly.


Kato nodded first, then tilted his head and asked with some doubt.

“Bai Qiujun should not be the kind of person who likes the new and wears the old after getting it, right?” If so, I think I’ll have to think again. ”

Kato stared at him with her moist but unwavering eyes, looking very cute, and she was a very cute beautiful girl herself.

“Hahaha, of course not, if you don’t believe it, you can ask Shi Yu.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu laughed.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s face instantly turned red.

Knowing what Kitahara Baiqiu was talking about, he glanced at Bihara Baiqiu.

Kitahara White Autumn did not care.

He always liked the girls all right.

Rather, after getting it, he will only add Zhenla.

Hi new may have.

But disgusted with the old, that absolutely could not happen to Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Then there will be no problem, contract, Bai Qiujun.”

Kato slowly closed her eyes.

Her facial features are very upright, her skin is delicate, her figure is good, and her bobbed head is very cute.

It belongs to the type of cute and beautiful girl who hesitates at first glance and her sense of existence is low, but the more she looks at it, the more she looks at it.

This is also the reason why Kato is known as a treasure girl.

And now.

This treasure girl also ushered in the other side of herself.

Kitahara Shiroaki smiled slightly.

Came to the front of the young girl and slowly kissed it.

Kato Kei also responded to Kitahara Hakuaki.

To like is to like, to accept is to accept.

There is nothing to grind, this is the character of a young girl.

The power of the contract.

Under the gaze of all people, it was also slowly achieved in the bodies of the two people.

All the people’s faces were red.

However, Kato Kei had already expected it, and they had already accepted it.

In the original work, she was praised as a saint Hui, and basically no one hated it.

“It’s awesome……”

After the contract was completed, Kato felt the power in her body and said with emotion.

She knew that Kitahara Baiqiu was very powerful.

In the few days since Kitahara Shiraaki left, I understood Kato Kei through a little understanding of everyone here.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Kitahara Baiqiu is called a god.

But she didn’t think about it.

He had only signed a contract with Kitahara Hakuaki, and he had become so powerful.

Even if she calls herself a god now, is there no problem? Kato Eki was in a trance.

I couldn’t believe how strong Kitahara Bai Qiu really was.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the trance-like maiden, smiled and said, “From now on, you will be completely mine, Xiao Hui.” ”

“Well, please give me more advice in the future, Bai Qiujun.”

Kato Kei turned his head back and looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

The most beautiful smile appeared on his face, and he said in a big way…

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