Chapter 254: The Arrival of the Three Daughters! Upgrade & Downgrade!!

Kitahara and Kei Kato sign an eternal pact in front of everyone.

For other teenage girls.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally had no high hopes, and with a bad smile on his face, he made up a kiss.

Yotsuya Miko is the best solution.

When she was shy, Kitahara Baiqiu took it directly under her shocked gaze.

Snow under the snow is very embarrassing.

But it was still under the sweet words of the Northern Plains White Autumn and the sugar-coated shells that fell.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is direct.

With a disgusted and contemptuous look on his face, he took the initiative to kiss Kitahara Baiqiu as if he was reluctant.

Ying Pear is the most panicked.

She wasn’t as naturally cute as Kato, and no one else was as close as Kitahara Hakuaki.

Finally, I closed my eyes, and after being kissed by Kitahara Baiqiu, smoke came out of the top of my head, and I almost fainted shyly.

Kato’s face was flushed.

This is the Lord of the Gods.

And she, too, is one of them…

During the lunch break, Kitahara Hakuaki spent time with the girls in the service department.

Kitahara Hakuaki will always be able to feel the joy of going to school.

Naturally, the afternoon class continues.

Unsurprisingly, though.

Total Wu Gao.

Naturally, there are some small things again………

“Aha! Lord Bai Qiu! Here we are! ”

“White, Lord Bai Qiu, please give me more advice in the future.”

“I’m sorry, Lord Bai Qiu, I can’t stop Miss Hui Ye…”

With the sound of three figures.

Shinomiya Katsunomi, Ai Hayasaka, Chika Fujiwara.

The three of them were also wearing the school uniform of Sobu High School, and Fujiwara Chika appeared in front of Kitahara Hakuaki with a smile on her face.

Fujiwara Hideyoshi in Kitahara’s white autumn class.

I saw that my cousin had actually transferred schools.

He stood up from his seat with shock on his face.

The Fourth Palace Huiye had a red halo on his face and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu’s heart full of trepidation.

Ai Hayasaka stood helplessly next to Shinomiya Keiye.

It’s three super girls again.

And it was a surprise attack, and suddenly transferred schools at noon. I hadn’t heard the slightest wind before.

In this regard, everyone in the class was numb.

“The big lady of the Four Palaces…”

“The big lady of the Fujiwara family……”

“Speaking of Fujiwara, isn’t the big lady of the Fujiwara family your cousin?”

“Yeah, yeah, why did your cousin transfer here?” Did your cousin also fall at the hands of the Great Demon King? ”

“Sizzle! That’s miserable, isn’t it! The girl you like doesn’t like to like the big devil, and now even her cousin likes the big devil? ”

“Not only is it too tragic, it’s the first miserable in the world.”

Fujiwara Hideyoshi: “………”

Fujiwara Hideyoshi was in tears, and his heart was dripping blood.

Don’t swear, don’t swear.

Scolding the child again will be stupid.

Fujiwara Hideyoshi felt endless sadness in his heart.

If you want to say who is the most miserable in the general martial arts, it is definitely him.

Others are living in the depths of the water, then he is simply living in hell, he did not think of transferring schools to get rid of Kitahara White Autumn.

But when the family heard his request, they directly scolded him.

Saying that he can be in the same school or the same class as the one, how many people can’t ask for it, he is simply in the blessing and does not know what the blessing is.

The Fujiwara couple was so angry that they even wanted to hit him.

This made Fujiwara Hideyoshi say it in tears.

But I have to admit that it is indeed very reasonable… But, but…

His heart was bitter.

His cousin had joked with him before to seduce Kitahara Baiqiu to help him.

Now it seems that there is no temptation to Kitahara Baiqiu does not know, he only knows that his cousin must have fallen into the white give.

Since meeting with Kitahara Hakuaki.

The most that his cousin talked to him about was Kitahara Baiqiu.

At the beginning, Fujiwara Hideyoshi was vaguely aware of his cousin’s thoughts, but he did not expect that his cousin would deliberately transfer schools!

See cousin not far away.

Fujiwara Hideyoshi’s heart was also more bitter.

“How did you get here?”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the three people wearing the school uniforms of the General Martial Arts High School, and the expression on their faces was also extremely subtle.

“Of course I transferred schools!” Others can turn, why can’t we turn? ”

Fujiwara Chika replied with a full heart.

The Fourth Palace Huiye blushed and did not speak, as if he had done something wrong, and bowed his head extremely well-behaved.

Hayasaka’s face was full of helplessness, and the face of Hakuharu was also full of apologies when he saw Kitahara.

In fact, it is exactly what Fujiwara Chika said.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu transferred to that meeting, after all, it was Kitahara Baiqiu who personally ordered it.

Everyone knows that Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Kitahara Baiqiu have an unusual relationship, and Kitahara Baiqiu will let the girl transfer to the past.

Naturally, no one would dare to think about it.

But the transfer of Eiri Pear and Kato Kei has nothing to do with Kitahara Hakuaki.

After seeing that Eiri Pear and Kato Kei transferred to Sobutaka did not cause any antipathy to Kitahara Hakuaki, the two even became associated with Kitahara Hakuaki as a result.

All the big ladies of Hidechiin who learned of this rioted, and one by one wanted to transfer to Sotakeka.

Even the minds of the top brass began to come alive.

It’s just that being active is being active.

They still know the measure.

I know how much of a sensation and how much trouble it will cause if so many of the big ladies of Hidekiin are willing to transfer schools.

The most crucial thing is that it may cause Kitahara Baiqiu to be disgusted, and they naturally dare not bet on this.

It was finally discussed.

It was also only agreed that the three young girls who were closest to Kitahara Baiqiu would transfer to the school.

That is, Fujiwara Chika, Shinomiya Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai.

Shinomiya represents the Shigu family, one of the four major consortiums.

And Fujiwara Chika represents the Fujiwara family at the top of the relevant departments.

These two people transferred to the past, which naturally made all the senior executives very satisfied.

After learning that Kitahara Hakuaki had returned.

Chika Fujiwara, Keiya Yotsuya, and Ai Hayasaka also transferred schools for the first time, which is why the three of them transferred directly at noon.

Not only that.

The person above also thoughtfully arranged the three of them in a class with Yukino under the snow, Eiri pear, and Kei Kato.

Know the invasion of the other world, know the existence of the people of the other world.

They are all the top of the world.

The reason why Yukishita Yono knew about it was because Kitahara Hakuaki was in Chiba City.

Otherwise, the home under the snow is not qualified.

Ordinary people, or middle level and general high-level, are unaware of the existence of the mysterious side.

So for the big lady of the Shinomiya family and the big miss of the Fujiwara family transferred to Sotakeka.

Don’t say it’s a total martial artist.

Countless forces from the outside world were shocked.

Many people don’t understand.

What kind of person is this teenager in Kitahara Baiqiu.

The Shinomiya family and the Fujiwara family are actually willing to let their big ladies fall in love with Fujiwara Chika, Shinomiya Keiye, Hayasaka Ai transferred from Hidechika, and Kitahara Hakuaki is also a bit supportive.

But he knew.

This is the reason why he is in the total martial arts.

The girls associated with him did not arouse his disgust when they saw the transfer, and naturally they all wanted to transfer schools.

After all.

Who doesn’t want to be closer to someone they admire?

If the top management really transferred others to Kitahara Baiqiu, he might really have a little opinion.

But the words of these three people.

Kitahara Baiqiu really didn’t have any objections.

It is better to say that looking at the three lovely girls in front of him, Kitahara Baiqiu was still a little touched in his heart.

I have to say that those who can become high-level are all human spirits, not fools.

Know what to do and what not to do.

Heard of Fujiwara Chika, Shinomiya Katsunomi, Hayasaka Ai.

Now Yukino under the snow, Eiri pear, and Kei Kato are all in the A class of the working year.

Kitahara Baiqiu suddenly asked Miko Yotsuya, “Miko, are you interested, let’s go to the next level?” ”

Upgrades, too, can be said to be skips.

In high school, you can skip grades, which can be said to be something that geniuses can do, but learning what is not much for Kitahara Hakuaki is nothing.

He also liked school because of the girls.

Since most of the girls close to him are in the second grade.

Naturally, he also jumped to the second grade.


Miko Shitani let out an exclamation, and after a moment of surprise, he smiled and said, “Yes, Bai Qiujun, I will listen to you.” ”

For Miko Yotsutani.

Learning is nothing for a long time.

The happiest day at school is also to get along with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Since it was Kitahara Baiqiu who was so willing, then naturally she had no opinion

When all the students in the class heard the words of the two men, their faces were full of surprise and black lines.

What you say is so understated will make others think that skipping is very simple.

However, for Kitahara Shirayaki and Yotsuya Miko.

It’s really simple.

After consulting with the school and passing the exam.

The two also directly promoted to the second year A class.

When Kitahara Shiraaki and Yotsuya Miko came to the second year A class.

Under the snow, Yukino, Eiri pear, Kato Kei’s face was first stunned, and then one by one full of surprises.

For the girls.

Although they are in the same school as Kitahara Baiqiu, which class is happy.

Fujiwara Chika, Shinomiya Keiyuki, Hayasaka love is also very happy.

Shinomiya Huiye, who has a love brain, is full of red.

I can’t help but wonder if there is a reason for her, whether there is a reason for her, even if it is only a little bit of her reason.

As a young girl who is close to Kitahara Baiqiu, it is naturally the reason why there are four palaces.

Third-year Kasumigaoka Shiba heard that Kitahara Hakuaki had risen to the second grade.

There was no root Kitahara Bai Qiu to discuss, and without hesitation, he found the school.


That’s right! Demote!

Everyone was in the same class, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu naturally didn’t want to be left alone.

So she chose to downgrade.

For them, this kind of thing is so much care, and it is more important to be with people close to them.

“The amount…… That, Kasumigaoka classmate. ”

A female teacher of the General Wu Gao was sweating profusely, and subconsciously wanted to persuade Lei Zhiqiu Shiyu’s outrageous request.

Although the school had already instructed her to pay attention to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, she should not be wronged even a little.

But downgrade or something……… It’s also outrageous, right?


Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn’t care, but still said so.

“However, but Kasumigaoka classmate, your grade is the first in your grade… I don’t think there’s a need for downgrades. ”

The female teacher said with a heavy sweat.

Yeah, grade number one.

Teenage girl with self

In the past, I was the first in Toyonosaki.

Even when he reached the total martial arts height, Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s grades were as good as ever in the first grade.

Age first downgrade or something……… I’ve never heard of it.


Kasumigaoka shook her head, still firmly.

In the end, the female teacher still couldn’t bear the pressure.

After consulting the school, he agreed to Kasumigaoka’s demotion.

This caused an uproar among Chief Wu Gao.

If it is Kitahara Shiraaki and Yotsuya Miko upgrade, it still makes sense.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu as the first relegation of age, that is completely impossible to say.

Everyone was shocked by this.

At last.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu naturally entered the second-year A class as she wished.

All the maidens, and Kitahara Hakuaki.

By downgrading and upgrading, it is natural to be in the same class.

Kitahara Baiqiu heard about Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and the expression on his face was crying and laughing.

In fact.

Compared to Kasumigaoka Shiyu downgrade.

He could have taken all the girls up one level again.

The results are not yet time.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu lowered herself to the pass.

“Hmmm, I’m willing, how’s that?”

The girl snorted cutely and said to Beiyuan Baiqiu.

After shaking her head and leaving, she left.

In the eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Not only cute, but also beautiful…

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