Chapter 255: The Arrival of Chishu Nishiki and Tsuna Inoue!!

Since Kitahara Baiqiu several people were all transferred to the second year A class.

The people in the second year A class also seem to be a bit much.

The school is just helpless about this.

Only a few students from the second year A class were selected to transfer to other classes.

This incident simply made the entire General Wu Gao shake, and everyone who wanted to cry without tears felt it.

Only when they come to school can they study seriously.

And Kitahara Baiqiu and his party simply came to the game world! The most critical thing is.

The results of this group of people are still too good.

You say it’s not angry.

Almost everyone can be sure.

In the future, the top ten grades of the second grade of Zongwu High School will definitely all be ruthlessly occupied by these people.

Such students are also loving and helpless in the eyes of unsuspecting ordinary teachers.

Although I don’t know why the school agrees to these things, as ordinary teachers, they can only accept it.

After all, these kids.

Not even one of them is a bad student.

No doubt.

In the future, this matter will definitely become an urban legend of the general martial arts.

Let the non-mathematical students look up.

At the same time, the other side.

A Japanese-style café ‘LYCORECO’ located in Shitamachi, Tokyo.

“Takina, are you okay?”

“Lord Bai Qiu is out of school.”

Nishiki Senshu got dressed and shouted into a room inside.

“Okay, okay.”

Inoue Takina got dressed, walked out of it with a red glow on her face, and said somewhat uncomfortably.

“Oh well, it’s Takina, it’s so pretty!”

Chishu looked at Takina Imagami who came out with his eyes shining brightly and said in amazement.

“Does this really look good?”

Inoue Takina heard the words, looked at the clothes on his body, and asked uncertainly.

“Of course, of course, this is what I picked for you, please believe my eyes, Takina, you don’t want to wear safety pants or the like to meet Lord Hakuaki.”

“After all, it’s your own benefactor, of course, you have to dress up when you meet, don’t you?”

nodded confidently, then stepped forward and grabbed Imagami Tsuna.

Inoue Takina whimpered, her face slightly red.

The set on her body at this moment really completely sets off her own beauty.

The girl who was already very beautiful is now even more beautiful.

Girls aren’t really good at dressing up.

The reason why it has become like this, of course, is also because of the reason for the Nishiki Senju in front of you… As Chiaki Nishiki said.

The girl felt that if she went to see Kitahara Hakuaki, she should be serious and dress up.


“Senbun, is it really okay for us to go directly to Lord Kitahara like this?” Shouldn’t I have spoken to him in advance? ”

Inoue Takina said with some trepidation in her heart, but still uneasy.

“Oh, nothing is nothing, it’s because you can’t say it in advance to surprise Lord Bai Qiu, isn’t it?”

“And you also know the nature of Lord Bai Qiu, he is very easy-going, and he doesn’t care about this at all.”

Nishiki Chishu waved his hand and said indifferently.

Yesterday, they met Kitahara Hakuaki again, and after knowing that Kitahara Hakuaki had returned, Chishu made up her mind to drag Ijo Takiaki to find Kitahara Hakuaki

This is to help Inoue Takina’s wish come true.

Wouldn’t it be too sad if the grace of saving lives could not be poured out well?

Naturally, Nishiki Chihoku would not allow such a thing to happen.


“Nothing to do! Let’s go! The target is always high! ”

“Huh? Qianshu, are you sure that Lord Bai Qiu will not be angry? ”

“Oh, no, no, no, Takina, you’re just too easy to worry about.”

“What if, what if, Lord Kitahara, wasn’t actually in Sobu High School today?”

“That’s just a trip in vain at most, afraid of something!”

“Uh-huh… But we still have a task. ”

“There will be no delay in the task, rest assured…”

Chiho Nishiki pulls Takina above the well.

Constantly denying Inoue Takina’s timid excuses one after another.

Went with her to Sobu Takaya.

After coming to the General Wu Gao and looking at the General Wu Gao in front of him.

Inoue’s eyes were confused, but she calmed down a little, looking forward to meeting Kitahara Hakuaki today.

She still remembers that she was saved by Kitahara Hakuaki.

It was the first time she had seen the supernatural forces of this world.

Faced with such unreasonable forces.

The original Inoue Takina felt that she must be dead.

Until a sword appeared in the Northern Plains White Autumn to overthrow that terrifying force.

Although Kitahara Bai Qiu was not the only one who saved her.

She was only one of those who were saved.

But Inoue Takina has always kept this incident in mind, and she also remembers the figure that saved her with a sword in the first place.

It’s just that Kitahara White Autumn is really too high.

Inoue Takina had no chance of contact with him at all, and had no clue at all.

That day, by chance, I met Kitahara Baiqiu, and even had the contact information of Kitahara Baiqiu.

You can imagine how surprised the girl really was.

Inoue Takina is very grateful to Chishu Nishiki.

Because if there was no Nishiki Chishu, if she was alone, she really wouldn’t dare to come to her today.

In the face of her own savior, in the face of her own grateful person, the girl’s heart is naturally slender.

“Lord Bai Qiu!!!”

And today, the ending did not disappoint the girl.

With a shout from the Jinmu Chishu around her, she successfully met Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Lord Bai Qiu!”

After school.

Kitahara Baiqiu saw the school gate shouting at himself, constantly waving, excited Nishiki Senshu.

And the quiet Inoue Takina beside her.

The expression on his face was also a little surprised.

Kitahara smiled.

After saying hello to Shiba Kasumigaoka, Yukino and the others who were traveling with them, they were also ready to go to the side of Chishu Nishiki and Takina Inoue.

“Is it the crumb jun who is out there to get a love debt?” Go for it. Who said we were used to it. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s tone was full of disgust, and she waved her hand and said casually.

Kitahara Bai Qiu didn’t hear it all.

He came to the side of Chishu Nishiki and Takina Inoue.

“Lord Bai Qiu, we didn’t bother you, did we?”

Nishiki Senshu glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu and the others, touched his head in embarrassment and asked.


In this regard, Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and shook his head.

“That’s good!”

When Nishiki Senshu heard this, he was immediately relieved.

Then she pushed Igami Takina up behind her and said in a ostentatious manner, “Dangdang, Lord Hakuaki, how’s it going?” Today’s Takina is beautiful?!! ”

Kitahara Baiqiu glanced at the nervous girl.

Nature nodded, continued to smile and said, “Well, very pretty. ”

Inoue Takina’s face was flushed.

Suddenly, it is more cute and beautiful…

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