Chapter 258 Justifying the Girl’s Name! A thousand bunches of fox fake tiger might!!

“Hey hey ~ ”

Chishu Nishiki didn’t care about Hisayoshi and Riki Nakahara at all.

And watching Igami Tsuna who was dressed in a maid costume to serve Kitahara Hakuaki kept smirking.

Such Takina.

It’s so funny, it’s so cute.

Worthy of her, is to have vision.

As the initiator of getting Inoue Takina to wear a maid costume.

Nishiki Chishu’s heart was very proud at this moment.

“Ah, by the way, Lord Bai Qiu, are you in a hurry to go back after drinking your coffee?”

Chishu suddenly thought of something.

Turning his head, his eyes lit up as he looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and asked.

“This… It’s not too urgent. ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned and replied with a smile.

“If that’s the case, are you interested in going with me and Takina to Lycoris headquarters DirectAttack?”

“Hmmm… DirectAttack’s words are also places to deal with people from other worlds, as well as some other things, although they are not as powerful as Lord Baiqiu. ”

Chishu Nishiki said excitedly to Kitahara Hakuaki.

I think Kitahara may not know about DirectAttack, she is embarrassed to introduce it.

Hearing the words of Chihiro Nishiki.

Riki Nakahara, Hisayoshi Kuruto, and Takina Inoue are all stunned.

None of the three girls were stupid.

Combined with the character of Nishiki Chibou, it is quick to think of what Nishiki Senshu means.

“Wait, Chishu, don’t you want Lord Hakuaki to help Takina’s name?”

Nakahara Rishi asked in disbelief, uncertainly.

“Yeah, yeah, isn’t it unjust because Takina was kicked out?”

“Obviously she didn’t do anything wrong in that mission, and although she disobeyed the order, she also made the right judgment and saved others, didn’t she?”

“Also, that’s DirectAttack’s problem, but it was just throwing the pot to Takina, which I don’t agree with.”

“I just want them to see that even if Takina leaves DirectAttack, she is still doing well and has a relationship with Lord Hakuaki.”

Nishiki Senshu said of course.

In front of Kitahara Baiqiu, she had never thought of hiding it.

And the cause of the matter.

In fact, it was Inoue Takina who disobeyed orders and shot during a mission.

But she solved the enemy perfectly and rescued the hostages.

The reason why the order was delayed in the first place was that DirectAttack itself had a problem.

Chishu Nishiki made the right judgment about Inoue Takina at the right time, and was thrown out of DirectAttack and punished

But very unconvinced.

The adult world never cares about right or wrong, only gains and losses.

Since that’s the case.

It was not easy to meet Kitahara Baiqiu again, and to meet someone who could master the special righteousness.

So why can’t Lord Shiraaki go and justify Inoue Takina’s name?

And she’s just proposing! Suggest!

It is not that he will ask Lord Bai Qiu to go.

If Lord Bai Qiu did not agree, she would not make unreasonable trouble.

Lord Bai Qiu’s personality is obviously so good.

Chishu Nishiki felt that it was okay for her to just make a proposal.

If Lord Bai Qiu can agree, it is super lucky.

“A thousand bunches…… Do you know what your name is? You are called Fox Fake Tiger Wei, and you really have the meaning of Fox Fake Tiger Wei villain. ”

Kuyumi held her forehead and also opened her mouth to spit out.

“What fox fake tiger might, so ugly, obviously just rely on it.”

Chishu Nishiki hugged Kitahara’s arm and grimaced at Hisayoshi, unconvinced.

“That… That one……… I’m okay, Thousand Bunches. ”

As the master of the incident, Inoue Takina, dressed in a maid costume, also spoke at the moment.

When she was first kicked out, she was really eager to go back.

But then slowly.

Inoue’s desire to return to DirectAttack is not so strong.

Because, if not driven out of DirectAttack.

She couldn’t have met Chishu Nishiki, Lord Bai Qiu, and everyone else wouldn’t they?

In a way.

Inoue Takina felt very lucky, too.

“Takina is not allowed to speak!”

At this moment, Chishu pointed at Takina above the well and said in a menacing manner.


Inoue’s face was full of surprise.

“At this time, only Lord Bai Qiu can decide.”

Nishiki Senshu looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and said of course.

If you don’t care, can you be wronged? Senbun is not recognized.

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked almost amused.

No matter how you look at it, this is like the feeling of coming back to your parents after being wronged outside.

If Chishu Nishiki and Tsuna Inoue were children.

Then, Inoue Takina is the type who can’t say it if he’s wronged, and Chihiro Nishiki, who complains to adults about being spoiled when he’s wronged.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly and subconsciously touched the head of Jinmu Qianshu, who was stunned at this moment.

“Okay, there’s nothing I can do right now anyway, and if I just go to DirectAttack, it doesn’t matter.”

Being trusted and relied upon by young girls is actually a joy of life.

Not to mention.

This is nothing for Kitahara Hakuaki.

Naturally, he agreed.

“Yay! Lord Bai Qiu is the best! ”

When Nishiki Senshu heard the words, he also came back from touching his head and said happily

Rishi Nakahara and Hisayoshi were also a little stunned at this moment.

It’s really good.

Rather, the two felt that Kitahara Hakuaki was even a little spoiled by Chiaki Nishiki and Inoue Takina.

This made them a little envious.

“That… That……”

Inoue’s face was full of panic, wanting to say something.

She still felt that it was too much trouble for Kitahara Baiqiu.

Although Kitahara Bai Qiu didn’t seem to feel anything.

“Hey, Takina, go in this maid outfit.”

Chishu Nishiki heard Inoue’s voice, and before she could speak, she directly smiled and proposed.


Inoue’s face froze.

“Oops? Lord Bai Qiu’s maid, what a noble status, when the time comes, no one will dare to underestimate you, by the way, when the time comes Takina, you remember to stick to Lord Bai Qiu a little tighter. ”

Chishu did not accept the rebuttal and said of course.

But it does.

Although just a maid.

But the maid of the Hakuaki family in Kitahara.

In the whole world, who dares to underestimate it?

It is estimated that anyone in the world must be respectful in front of Inoue Takina, and what is valued can no longer be valued.

Leave aside the girl’s shyness.

This is also the identity that most easily reflects identity.

That’s it.

At the suggestion of Senshu Nishiki.

After Kitahara Bai Qiu finished drinking coffee.

Chihiro Nishiki went out with Takina Inoue and Hakuaki Kitahara.

Rishi Nakahara and Hisayoshi looked stunned and stunned.

“Manager, are you sure you just let Qianshu fool around like this?” Won’t something go wrong? ”

Nakahara’s head did not return.

His face was dumbfounded, and he murmured.

“So what else can I do?”

Mika also had a cold sweat on her forehead at this moment, and said, “Now I can only pray for the blessing of the DirectAttack side.” ”

Mika thought so, and also sent a message to the commander of the DA, Nanmu, that there was only so much he could do.


DirectAttack headquarters.

Commander Nanmu was also busy at the moment.

“What happened to the otherworldly people who came this time?”

Nanmu hurried quickly to the command room, and at the same time asked the subordinates next to him.

Hearing this, his men hurriedly replied, “Report Commander, the otherworldly people who have come this time are a very gentle type, and they have not harmed anyone after their arrival, we have invited her back, and we have arranged for her to rest in the reception room.” ”

“That’s fine.”

Nanmu heard this and was relieved at first.

But the vigilance on his face did not diminish in the slightest.

“However, it cannot be ruled out that it is a deliberate disguise to call an adult, and she and I will personally receive this…… Well? ”

Nanmu just wanted to continue giving orders.

But her expression was suddenly stunned, and she took out her mobile phone.

After seeing the message sent to her by Mika above, the whole person stayed where she was.

“Your Excellency? Your Excellency? ”

The subordinates saw that Nanmu suddenly stopped, and they also kept asking with a puzzled face.

Isn’t it the other world’s people who are most critical now? How could the Commander still be in a daze?

Nanmu was also called back by his subordinates, and the expression on his face was also extremely headache.

She turned her head back, also looked at her own men, and hurriedly ordered: “Forget it, don’t call people for the time being, let everyone drop everything in their hands and get ready.” ”


His men were stunned.

All of them…… Put down everything in your hand?

“There are adults, I’m coming to DirectAttack.”

Nanmu looked out the door and spoke.

And it’s a big man.

My lord? Inspection?

The men fainted, and they didn’t understand it any more.

But she immediately gave orders to all the members of the DirectAttack.

The whole DirectAttack suddenly boiled over.

Totally confused.

There was something big about it that all of their Lycoris had come out to greet until after learning the identity of that one.

One by one, the girls’ faces were full of shock and boiled over.

DirectAttack is an organization formed by female Lycoris.

Including Commander Nanmu.

The whole DirectAttack, of course, is also all women when the three of them came to DirectAttack in Kitahara.

“Lord Kitahara! Welcome! ”

The three saw all the members of the DirectAttack bowing to the three.

All Lycoris’ faces were filled with excitement.

His eyes were like a torch looking at Kitahara Baiqiu.

After all, this is the adult, the adult.

For people like them, it is basically impossible to meet each other.

But now.

The adult was right in front of him.

How this does not excite these secret service girls.

It’s just that Nishiki Kanshu is a little unhappy about this.

Originally, she wanted to hide the identity of Kitahara Baiqiu and dress up as a pig to eat a tiger.

Then exposing the identity of Kitahara Baiqiu made these guys, especially the commander Nanmu, frightened.

Now that the identity has been exposed at the beginning, how can it be carried out?

Damn it.

One of them was a traitor.

Nishiki Chishu gritted his teeth in his heart and thought…

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