Chapter 259: Life in Another World from Scratch! Amelia!!

Kitahara Baiqiu just smiled when he saw this scene.

To tell the truth, although he knew that this world had relevant departments to deal with the arrival of people from other worlds.

But this is the first time I have actually seen it.

If it wasn’t for Chihiro bringing him over, he wouldn’t have paid much attention to it.

Inoue Takina was wearing a maid costume and hiding behind Kitahara Hakuaki, and the expression on her face was full of red.

Inside…… There were some girls she knew.

Seeing that Igami Takina was so intimate with Kitahara Hakuaki in a maid outfit.

The girls who knew Tsuna Inoue had shocked eyes.

Of course, in addition to shock, more is also envy.

Envy that Igami Takina can be so close to Kitahara Hakuaki, and envy Inoue Takina for being able to be Kitahara Haku’s maid.

“Lord Bai Qiu.”

The leader of the group, Nanki, after leading all the Lycoris maidens to bow, also walked quickly to the front of Kitahara Hakuaki.

His face was full of respect and nervousness.

“Ha! Commander Nanmu, you are miserable! Takina is now Lord Hakuaki’s maid! Lord Bai Qiu has come today to get justice for Takina! ”

Although there is no longer the cool feeling of playing a pig and eating a tiger.

But when Nishiki Senshu saw Nanmu’s arrival, he didn’t forget the right thing, and said with full momentum.

Commander Nanmu glanced at Takina, who was hiding behind Kitahara Hakuaki, and then at Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kitahara didn’t deny this, just smiled and touched Inoue’s head.

Inoue Takina’s intimacy with Kitahara Hakuaki is flushed.

She felt as if she was fooling around with Senshu, and even Lord Bai Qiu was very cooperative with Chishu…

Commander Nanmu understood when he saw this scene.

Without hesitation, she bowed to Takina above the well and said, “I’m sorry, Miss Takina, we were wrong in the first place.” ”


Nishiki Chihiro’s face froze.

This apology is also too refreshing.

The commander did not hesitate to apologize to the once little Lycoris members?

And the attitude is extremely sincere, without the slightest complaint.

“I will publish the truth of the matter later, and TD said that it was a mistake by the command at the beginning, and it has nothing to do with you, Miss Takina.”

Commander Nanmu also continued.

She knew that Inoue Takina was originally just a small member of Lycoris.

But now that Igami Takina is the maid of Kitahara Hakuaki, her identity is completely different.

Not to mention her, even the highest level did not dare to have any slack on Inoue Takina, who had such an identity.

Even if the girl is only sixteen or seventeen years old.

There is no right or wrong in the adult world, only gains and losses.

The original terrorist attack was indeed a mistake of their command, leaving Inoue Takina to back the blame.

This was the result of Commander Nanmu’s weighing.

As Commander, she must take responsibility for the entire DirectAttack and not let the Lycoris girls lose confidence in the Command.

Moreover, she actually did nothing but kick Inoue Takina out of DirectAttack.

She even placed it next to Chishu Lycoris, who had the strongest Lycoris in history, because she knew that they were sorry for Inoue Takina.

Commander Nanmu knew.

Chiboku naturally knew.

Therefore, she just wanted to give Inoue Takina a hug, and didn’t really want to make a big fuss.

Originally, according to the plan of Nishiki Senbou.

It was to make Commander Nanmu frightened, feel frightened and panicked, and make those who misunderstood Inoue Taki’s identity feel afraid.

That would be really perfect.

Now the words………

Looking at Commander Nanmu who obediently confessed his mistake so quickly in front of him, Chishu really felt strange!!!

“Aaaah, there is no such pleasure whining, Takina, you can’t accept it, can you?” Obviously we are the return of the king. ”

Chishu rushed to the Igami Takina and said with tears in her eyes.

Return of the King?

It’s a fox fake tiger will, right………

Inoue Takina looked at Chishu Nishiki and only felt a little dizzy.


Inoue Takina looked at Nanki as the commander of the hall and apologized to her in front of everyone.

In her heart, she was actually very satisfied.

This was something she didn’t dare to think about, let alone that the commander would clarify it to everyone afterwards.

Inoue Takina was in a bit of a trance, looking at Kitahara’s back in a daze.

She knew that all this was brought by Kitahara Hakuaki.

For Inoue Takina, who has a life-saving grace with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Originally, she was full of gratitude to Kitahara Baiqiu.

Nowadays, Inoue’s heart is full of warmth.

Lord Bai Qiu he………

It’s true……… It is a person who wants people to rely on and let people fall into it.

At this moment, the young girl was also completely devoted to Kitahara Baiqiu.

“If Miss Takina is not satisfied, I will resign from my position as commander afterwards and leave Miss Takina at your disposal.”

Nanmu Tongling also continued at this moment.

“How about Takina, what do you want to do?”

Kitahara smiled and touched the cute girl in the maid costume next to her and asked.

“Me, shall I decide?”

Inoue Takina was stunned and spoke.

“It’s your business, of course it’s up to you to decide.”

Kitahara Shiroaki smiled, he had only been accompanying Takina Igami on a trip.

In the final analysis, both sides have their own perseverance and beliefs, neither of which is an evil person, and it is naturally decided by the parties.

Inoue was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, “Since that’s the case, then I’ve forgiven them, is that okay?” Lord Bai Qiu. ”

After all, the girl is kind, and naturally will not choose to pursue this matter.

Kitahara smiled and said, “If you think you can, then naturally you can.” ”

“Huh? Can Takina do that? ”

Nishiki Chishu exclaimed in disbelief.

With a smile on her face, Inoue replied, “Of course, after all, I was only kicked out of the DirectAttack, and it is because I was kicked out that I can meet Chishu you, and Lord Hakuaki?” ”

“And DirectAttack is not an enemy, on the contrary, I was raised here, do I have to kill everyone?”

Speaking of the back, Inoue Takina said a little unkindly.

Naturally, Chishu did not want to kill everything, she was also a kind girl

It’s just that she feels that at this time, her side has gained momentum, and she should squeeze and squeeze more!

“But, isn’t it too easy to let them go like this?” Takina, you should at least pretend that you are very angry, and the consequences are very serious to scare them. ”

“Why do you want to do that, I’m not a thousand bunches.”

“Huh? What do you mean by that, do you mean that I like to be entangled and unforgiving? ”

“Isn’t it?”


The two girls suddenly quarreled as they talked.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the two with a smile on their faces.

He knew that Chiho was just upset with Inoue Takina.

If the two change sides, Inoue Takina will also be upset with Chishu.

They don’t care that much about their own affairs, but they care a lot about each other’s things.

“Remember to help Takina clarify it afterwards, Commander Nanmu.”

Kitahara said to Kan Nanki.

“Yes, yes, Lord Kitahara.”

Nanmu hurriedly replied, and his heart was also relieved.

Next, here it comes.

Kitahara Hakuaki also visited DirectAttack as he dealt with otherworldly people in DirectAttack

The relevant departments are still a little interested.

In a sense.

All the Lycoris girls inside DirectAttack.

It can also be regarded as a hero who guards ordinary people.

Chishu Nishiki and Takina Inoue naturally followed Kitahara Hakuaki from beginning to end.

All the girls in DirectAttack are extremely envious of both of them.

This made Chibou very proud.

Instigating Igami Taki, one of them hugged Kitahara Hakuaki’s arm on one side and showed all the Lycoris girls a decer’s expression.

This made the Lycoris girls have gritted teeth on their faces.

This is also a kind of revenge.

Of course, Inoue Takina, who was instigated by Chishu Nishiki, did hold on to Kitahara Hakuaki.

But his face was full of redness, which was very unnatural.

She also wears a maid costume like this, which makes Kitahara Baiqiu look sideways.

“Huh? This room, seems to have someone? And…… Not ordinary people. ”

When he came to the door of a room, Kitahara Baiqiu suddenly asked in surprise.

“Yes, Lord Kitahara, she is an alien who has not been in our world for a long time, and we have placed her in this room to rest, and we are preparing to talk to her when the time comes.”

Commander Nanmu heard the words and also quickly explained.

“Oh? Another worldly person? ”

Kitahara came a little interested.

Although he basically does not care about the ordinary otherworldly people who have come to this world.

But since he met it, he naturally became interested.

“Leave this matter to me, let me see, I don’t know the person who came.” Kitahara Baiqiu laughed lightly and directly pushed the door in. ”

Then he saw it.

A young girl sitting on a couch with some restraint.

The girl has long silver hair up to the waist, full of intellectual blue-purple eyes, and soft facial features that are both gorgeous and childish.

She wears a white-based costume with no ornate decorations, but the simple shape sets off the girl’s presence.

It filled her with nobility and charm, and everything seemed to be an accessory that added to the brilliance of a girl

She was as beautiful as an elf.

Not so much so.

She is an elf.


Kitahara Baiqiu saw this young girl and opened her mouth in surprise.

The young girl sitting on the sofa raised her head and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu, and some surprises appeared on her face: “That, this gentleman, do you know me?” ”


But I know it too well.

Kitahara Hakuaki thought in his heart.

Because at the moment standing in front of him.

It is Emily, the heroine of “Life in Another World from Zero———

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