Chapter 267 The First Sight of Ryuka Saka! Why don’t you make a wish to me!!

Tosaka Rin looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

At this moment, the face is also unbelievable.

Before summoning the heroic spirit, she was very confident that she could summon a powerful heroic spirit.

When summoning the heroic spirit, her premonition that she could summon the strongest heroic spirit also became stronger and stronger.

But she didn’t think of it at all.

I would summon such a heroic spirit who broke the specifications! Handsome!

It’s so handsome!

This guy is handsome, it’s just stunning.

The charm of the body is also that people can’t help but immerse themselves in it.

Rin Tosaka felt.

If it was another little girl, I am afraid that she would completely fall in an instant, even if it was her, she had to admit it.

I just met him for the first time and I became fond of it.

After all, people are visual animals, and appearance is always the key to others’ first impression of you.

Like Kitahara Hakuaki.

Tosaka Rin felt that I was afraid that no one of the opposite sex would have malicious intentions towards him at first sight.

Of course.

And that’s not the most critical thing.

The most important thing is………

Tosaka looked at Kitahara’s data and only felt his scalp tingle.


【Real name】:???




【Ability value】:???



A series of question marks appeared in front of Tosaka’s eyes.

This value……… Is it really there?

It’s all question marks and what’s the hell.

Don’t say I’ve seen it, I’ve never even heard of it before.

Either this guy has some hidden attribute skills, or this guy is strong and simply perverted.

And the greater possibility is strong perversion…

Because the general heroic spirit, even if it is the ability to hide attributes, does not ask if it can hide all the information.

Tosaka Rin nodded his scalp and looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu straight to his throat.

What she drew was not an SSR card at all.

And the direct is a veritable bug card ah………

“That… Hello, my name is Tosaka Rin, what is your name, what is your occupation? ”

Tosaka is very well-behaved at this moment.

After all, in the face of this kind of existence, even if she didn’t understand the situation, she didn’t dare to be reckless.


Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, smiled and said, “You just call me Kitahara Baiqiu, as for the profession, I haven’t chosen it yet.” ”

“I’ll see… Well? There are only two professions left, Archer and Saber. ”

There was some surprise in Kitahara Bai Qiude’s voice.

But when he heard Tosaka’s ears, he was directly stunned.

Occupation……… Not yet selected?

Can this thing still be chosen?!!

Isn’t it random for heroic spirits?!!

You’re playing the game! You can also choose a career?!! Tosaka Rin was madly vomiting in his heart.

However, although she did not know what was going on, her face was also full of surprise at this moment, and she quickly said: “Choose saber, please, be sure to choose saber!” ”

Saber is recognized as the strongest of the seven professions.

Since he can choose, Tosaka Rin naturally likes his own heroic soul to choose saber as a profession.

“It’s late, I’ve already chosen Archer.”

Kitahara smiled softly and said to Tosaka.

He could of course have chosen Saber, but if he had taken Saber

The location, whether the knight king Artoria will come or not, is not known

What profession had no impact on Kitahara Baiqiu at all, he naturally couldn’t

Can go grab the position of Aalto dysentery.

Tosaka Rin’s face froze when he heard Kitahara Hakuaki’s words.

Then she saw that Kitahara Baiqiu’s career had changed.


Tosaka’s heart was full of tears, and he was almost bleeding.

Why……… Don’t choose Saber.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Tosaka Rin’s gray and white flowers, and also shook his head amusedly.

“You may have misunderstood, what profession actually has no impact on me, if you want to win, it is a breeze.” 」

“In the end, it’s just a bunch of kids fighting, you can summon me, I have to say it’s just a burst of luck, a lifetime of luck may be used here.” 」

Holy Grail War?

Kitahara Bai Qiu had never been in his eyes. In his opinion, it was really just a bunch of children fighting.

Grail? What’s the use of that thing?

Do you use it as a cup?

“Who wouldn’t say a big deal……”

Tosaka muttered quietly, although she felt that she must have drawn a good card, but she was not arrogant enough to win with a card.

Still children fighting………

The heroic spirit is a very terrifying existence in this world.

Aren’t you a hero yourself?

Tosaka Rin felt that the heroic spirit he had summoned was really arrogant enough.

The voice of this remark from Tosaka Rin is very small.

But Kitahara Baiqiu still heard it, and at this moment, Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of kind smiles.

“In other words, what kind of heroic spirit are you, is it convenient to reveal it?”

Tosaka Rin looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and asked weakly.

Although summoned a powerful heroic spirit.

But this heroic spirit actually chose Archer over Saber in front of her.

Or let Tosaka Rin hurt too much.

Saber……… But Tosaka had been thinking about the heroic spirit for a long time.

“Me? In your world, it should be regarded as an empty hero, as for my identity… It is a deity. ”

Kitahara Shiraaki looked at Tosaka and smiled.

[Faction]: Gods.

[Identity]: King of the gods.

When Tosaka heard this, he simply froze.

Immediately afterward, he exclaimed, “The gods?!!” ”

This and this……… That’s a foul on that too!

O gods! This is a god!

Tosaka’s heart was extremely excited, and he looked at Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyes glowing.

Even if it’s herself.

They all felt like they were too foul.

Summoning a god or something, isn’t that a random killing? Not arrogant, really not arrogant.

As a deity… It is only natural to think that the Holy Grail War is just a small fight!

Saying……… Summoning heroic spirits can summon gods.

At the same time that Tosaka’s heart was beating faster, it was even more incredible.

Me me me me… I’m so good!


Tosaka thought ecstatically in his heart.

Kitahara Shiraaki smiled as he watched Tosaka Rin’s face change so quickly, and continued, “But to be honest, I have no interest in the Holy Grail at all.” ”

“Do you have any wishes that you want to fulfill?” If so, tell me and I can help you achieve it. ”

Indeed, instead of making a wish for the so-called almighty wishing cup, it is better to make a wish with Kitahara Baiqiu.

In this world, there are not too many wishes that Kitahara Baiqiu cannot fulfill.

When Tosaka heard the words, his heart was moved at the first time.

After all, she was looking at the gods in front of her, but in the end she thought about it, shook her head, and said, “Not interested in the Holy Grail?” How is it possible that only heroic spirits with wishes will be summoned by the Holy Grail and participate in the Holy Grail War…”

Yes, only heroes with wishes can participate in the Holy Grail War.

Although Tosaka Rin felt that Kitahara Hakuaki was very strong, her wish was not so easy to achieve.

Kitahara Hakuaki himself must have a wish, otherwise he could not have been summoned by the Holy Grail, so Tosaka Rin felt it.

Compared to Kitahara Hakuaki, who also has a wish that cannot be realized.

Or it is more reliable to make a wish with the Almighty Wishing Machine Holy Grail.

Her wishes, apart from the Holy Grail, are extremely difficult or even impossible for the gods to fulfill.

In this regard, Kitahara Baiqiu just smiled and did not explain. If you insist on saying whether he has a desire or not, it is not impossible. The purpose of his coming to the Moon World was to meet Artoria.

This, for a moment, is his wish.

And for this little thing, Kitahara Hakuaki can easily realize it directly and then Tosaka Rin will know it.

Having not yet seen Artoria, Kitahara Hakuaki was not in a hurry.

“Okay, now that you don’t believe me, forget it, my promise to you will always be valid.”

Kitahara Shiroaki smiled slightly.

Then he slowly stepped forward and gently picked up Tosaka Rin who was still thinking in the form of a princess hug.

“Huh? What do you do with you? ”

Tosaka Rin was still thinking, when he was suddenly picked up by Kitahara Hakuaki to see Kitahara Hakuaki’s face close at hand.

His face immediately turned red and he shouted in panic.

This guy is really handsome.

At the same time that Tosaka was flustered, he couldn’t help but think in his heart.

“Nothing, just want to take a closer look at the cute master, after all, Rin you can be considered my master now, aren’t you?”

“This feeling is really novel, I can only say that I have not experienced it, but I will tell you in advance.”

“Although you are my master, and you are good enough as a magician, but… The spell had no effect on me at all. ”

Kitahara Shiraaki looked at Tosaka Rin and said slowly.


Tosaka’s face froze for a moment.

Spells, useless?

Think of the identity of the Kitahara White Autumn Deity.

Tosaka’s face was suddenly relieved.

In the face of the gods, it may be useless to make such a thing as a spell.

“If there is no effect, there is no effect, anyway, I am not going to use the spell to let you do anything, specifically tell me why this?”

When Tosaka Rin heard this, he didn’t care, but instead asked Kitahara Hakuaki in confusion that if he could draw the gods, it was already the beginning of the Heavenly Hu.

Naturally, Tosaka Rin didn’t intend to ask for too much, and it was useless for the spell.

Although there are some regrets, I don’t care at all.

There are gods and spirits, what else do you want? Tosaka thought excitedly in his heart.

“Of course, I want to tell Rin that although you are now my master, I can always be anti-guest-oriented.”

Kitahara laughed softly and whispered in Tosaka’s ear.

Tosaka only felt some itching in his ears.

After hearing Kitahara Baiqiu’s words, the expression on his face was once again stunned.


These words came out of the mouth of Kitahara Hakuaki, and with the fact that Tosaka Rin was being held in the arms of Kitahara Hakuaki in the form of a princess, there was also an intimate form…

It’s almost impossible to think about it!

Tosaka Rin looked at Kitahara Hakuaki’s handsome face that could no longer be handsome.

His face was flushed with redness, and his heart was racing.

The spell is useless.

She inexplicably felt that her situation had suddenly become so dangerous.


The gods probably wouldn’t be interested in her?!!

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