Chapter 268: Even if I dare to marry you, do you dare to marry?!!

The next day, early in the morning.

Tosaka’s face turned red.

Coming to the Hotaru Gakuen with great momentum.

The expression on his face was obviously a little angry.

Because last night Kitahara Bai Qiu teased her for a while.

But on the other hand….

Nothing was done to her! For Kitahara Hakuaki.

He and Tosaka Rin had known each other for a short time.

Naturally, it is impossible to force or threaten a girl.

When the world is in full swing.

Face the girls who have descended into the world.

Kitahara Baiqiu at least has an excuse to solve the doubts of the girls……… Cough cough cough, no, it should be said to be the truth!

To be precise, it is indeed true! That’s why he behaved more directly.

Most of the girls are understanding.

Then coupled with the fact that Kitahara Baiqiu itself is born to make people feel good, it is simply a charm and talent against the sky.

Therefore, although they will be shy, they will basically not resist Kitahara Baiqiu too much, because this is all for the sake of the right thing.

But if it’s in another world.

Kitahara Bai Qiu had no such excuse.

So apart from flirting, Kitahara Baiqiu didn’t do anything too much last night.

After all, he wasn’t in a hurry.

Admire some of the girl’s other reactions, that’s also an endless pleasure, isn’t it?

But for Rin Tosaka.

This is very angry! She felt insulted!

Thanks to her struggle last night about whether to accept or accept, or accept…

Didn’t even sleep well for this.

And that’s the result?

Tosaka Rin felt that his servant personality was so bad that he could flirt with his master so brazenly!

The only spell used to suppress the spirit had no effect on him.

I really can’t do anything with him.

So Tosaka Rin was even more angry.

“Sister Tosaka doesn’t seem to be in a good mood today.”

“Yeah, yeah, what’s going on?” The angry Tosaka sister is really rare. ”

“Ah, it is worthy of being a Tosaka sister, even if she is angry, she is as beautiful and noble as ever.”

Other students of Hotaru Gakuen.

After seeing Tosaka Rin, it is natural to see that Tosaka Rin is obviously not in a very good mood today.

However, even if the mood is not very good.

Tosaka Rin is still that Tosaka Rin ah.

The first beauty of Hotaru Hara Gakuen is still so dignified, very temperamental and beautiful.

“Huh? Tosaka? What’s wrong? Today seems to be different from before, and I am in a bad mood. ”

Rin’s friend Tosaka.

After seeing Tosaka Rin, Ayako asked with a surprised expression on her face.

“Nothing! Just yesterday met a rather bad character! Quite a nasty person! ”

Tosaka snorted coldly, and replied to Ayako Mizuki.

“Yesterday… It’s really rare to make Tosaka remember for so long. ”

There was some surprise on Ayako’s face, yesterday remembered to today?

She couldn’t help but shake her head, and a smile couldn’t help but appear on her face.

The two talked and laughed and went back to their respective classes.

The whole thing is basically Tosaka Rin is spitting up, and then Mitsuru Ayako smiles at Eiwa.

No way, think back to what happened last night.

Tosaka couldn’t help it.

Abominable! It’s so bad! Bad! Bad! Bad!

Tosaka kept scolding in his heart.

After all, he is the hero of the school.

Along the way, there are also many people who greet Tosaka Rin and say hello.

Tosaka responded with a smile.

Until after three classes have passed.

Tosaka looked out the window.

The mood finally calmed down a lot.

To be able to summon such a servant, what else could she ask for?

A bad personality is a bad personality, just a little patience.

And I have to say.

Her servant is also very handsome.

Although he has a bad personality, it should be very good if he is regarded as an eye-catching being.

And at this very moment.

Suddenly there was some commotion in the class.

Countless students began to run outside.

A surprised expression appeared on Tosaka’s face.

Start listening carefully to what really happened.

“Hey, there’s a very handsome boy from our school, it’s amazingly handsome!”

“What! Are you sure? How handsome is it? ”

“That’s 10,000 times more handsome than any boy I’ve ever met, even a TV star or something!”

“Aaaah! Really fake?!! ”

“Of course it’s true! Let’s hurry up! It’s too late to go! Maybe people are gone! ”

The screams of joy of the girls, the chatter of discussion also sounded at this moment.

Tosaka listened with a slight smile and couldn’t help but shake his head.

Handsome boys………

Is there a handsome servant of her house?

No matter what that person looks like, it’s impossible to think about it.

When Tosaka thought of this, the expression on his face was suddenly stunned.

Wait a minute……… Wouldn’t it be her servant?

After all, her servant had just arrived, and the school had a handsome enough boy to cause a sensation.

What a coincidence!

When Tosaka thought of this, he also got up in a hurry and also began to run outside the classroom.

Don’t understand why servant is coming!

She obviously left the servant at home! And wait for Tosaka Rin to come outside the classroom.

What you see, it is indeed their own servant – Kitahara Baiqiu! The current Kitahara White Autumn.

It has been surrounded by countless enthusiastic maidens in Hotahara Gakuen.

In the view of Tosaka Rin Rin.

Kitahara Baiqiu was smiling, talking and laughing with countless girls

I don’t know what he said, the girls’ faces were still full of redness, looking extremely excited.

This made Tosaka Rin almost full of black lines, and he really couldn’t stand it.

“Kitahara White Autumn!!!”

Tosaka just shouted.

This shout directly made the scene suddenly quiet.

Everyone’s eyes were on Tosaka Rin Rin.

Kitahara Shiraaki also waved at Tosaka Rin with a smile.

Tosaka came to Kitahara Hakuaki with great momentum.

The girls who surrounded Kitahara Baiqiu along the way also unconsciously gave her a way.

After coming to the front of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Tosaka Rin pulled Kitahara Shiraaki and also went directly to other places.

This move.

Directly let all the girls present in an uproar.

“Is this gentleman actually related to Tosaka’s classmates?”

“Sure, after all, he’s so handsome, and Tosaka’s classmates are so pretty, it’s normal for the two of them to be related.”

“Indeed… The two look like a good match, and only Sister Tosaka is worthy of him, it is completely male and female. ”

“Yeah, yeah, isn’t that a natural pair at all?”

Tosaka Rin wants to drag Kitahara Hakuaki away from this place of right and wrong.

Hearing the discussion of the girls around her, her face was full of redness.

Do these people only have love in their minds? Wonder what to do.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the young girl who was pulling her with red ear roots, and her face was full of smiles, naturally she would not resist.

Wait to pull Kitahara Hakuaki to the roof of the school.

After there was finally no one around, Tosaka was relieved.

“How did you get here?”

Tosaka Rin let go of Kitahara Hakuaki and asked with his hands on his chest.

“I see you didn’t bring a bento in the morning, isn’t it noon?” So I’ll send it to you. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly, lifted the bento box on the handle, and said in a gesture.

“Huh? I didn’t make a bento box at all. ”

Tosaka was surprised and looked at the bento in Kitahara’s hand.

“That’s right, so I made it, you know, not many people can eat my bento, Rin.”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and spoke.

But no, for such a long time, those who can eat Kitahara Baiqiu bento are undoubtedly not all girls who are close to Kitahara Baiqiu.

Eating the bento I made means that you will be my person in the future.

Tosaka was stunned when he heard this, and he was indeed a little shocked.

Did the gods make bento?

That, that’s really rare.

Obviously he is only a nominal master, and he can always oppose the guest as the master.

As a result, he would deliberately prepare a bento box for her.

There was also a warm current in Tosaka’s heart.

“But… Just send a bento, as for making such a big sensation? ”

Tosaka muttered quietly.

Then he drummed his cheeks and turned his head with a snort: “And I see that you are still quite happy to talk with those people, won’t you refuse?” ”

At this moment, this big lady also looks a little jealous.

Kitahara laughed softly and whispered into Tosaka Rin’s ear, “Then you say, Rin, is there such a possibility that I deliberately did this to attract your attention, and your attention was deliberately done?” ”

“After seeing Rin, I decided that Rin was, but I can’t let Rin escape from the palm of my hand.”

Tosaka’s face froze for a moment, and a panicked expression appeared on his face.

Frozen……… Whatever!

It’s so intimate!

Although Kitahara Bai Qiu has always been called this after seeing her.

But Rin Tosaka still felt too close!

Cooperate with Kitahara Hakuaki’s bad character and intimate actions. It’s really easy to get your heart racing and your mind racing.

Tosaka’s face turned red.

But I felt as if I was weak!

Regaining his spirits, Tosaka said in a menacing tone, “Well said! Even if I dare to marry, do you dare to marry? ”

“You heroic spirits, but there is no way to stay in this world for long.”

“You don’t really want to be an irresponsible bad deity, do you?”

“Even if you want to! I don’t allow it yet! ”

Yes, after the Holy Grail War.

Heroic spirits, but there is no way to stay in this world for long.

Enzaka Rin’s words did not mean that he really wanted to marry Kitahara Hakuaki.

Rather, it is stating a fact.

A very harsh fact.

“Of course you dare.”

In this regard, Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and said without hesitation.

Ying Ling can’t stay in this world for a long time, what does it have to do with his Northern Plains White Autumn? Therefore, Kitahara Baiqiu is naturally full of self-confidence.

Tosaka was completely stunned when he heard this, and his heart was full of turbulence.

This man……… I really want to be a bad god who doesn’t want to be responsible!

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