Chapter 270 Arthur King Altoria Descends!!

After the end of the lunch break.

The class bell rings again.

Naturally, Tosaka returned to his classroom to continue his class.

To this.

Of course, Kitahara Hakuaki shamelessly followed Tosaka Rin into the classroom and sat next to her.

Smiling and squinting together to listen to her class.

Naturally, this matter had already been approved by Hotaru Hara Gakuen.

As for how to agree………

Isn’t that too many ways to count? He’s a master who is very interesting.

How could Kitahara Baiqiu let Tosaka go back obediently.

This also succeeded in making Tosaka’s face flushed.

I didn’t know what kind of trouble Kitahara Bai Qiu really wanted to make.

Unable to stop her own servant, she could only accept it helplessly in the end.

Everyone in the class looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and Tosaka Rin so intimately.

I was also more convinced of my inner guess.

You say this is not a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, not a couple no one believes it.

Tosaka is unlovable.

She knew that her reputation was gone.

When Kitahara Baiqiu was in class, the whole person was basically wandering in the sky.

Rinji Tosaka was actually a little confused about this.

Because she also thought that Kitahara Baiqiu had worked hard to go to class with her, and was still sitting next to her, he would definitely do something to her.

I didn’t expect it to be so honest.

This made the already mentally prepared Tosaka Rin somewhat unexpected after the afternoon class.

Tosaka couldn’t help it, and asked Kitahara Hakuaki, “What are you doing this afternoon?” ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard the words and replied, “Huh? Do? It’s in class. ”

“Do you believe this yourself…… Didn’t you spend an afternoon in a daze? ”

Tosaka was speechless.

I was still in class, and I really thought I was a student.

She rubbed her eyebrows and continued, “But you can’t just be in a daze, can you?” Isn’t it convenient to say? ”

Tosaka was sure that Kitahara Hakuaki wasn’t just in a daze.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have believed that Kitahara Baiqiu wouldn’t have done anything to her.

The nature of this deity.

She had seen through it from afar!

“It’s not inconvenient to say, it’s just talking to two little guys.”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed lightly and stretched out a lazy waist and said casually.

It’s really two little guys.

It’s just that one of them is called Gaia and the other is called Alaya.

They are the Earth consciousness and human consciousness of the lunar world.

As a Hokuhara White Autumn with the status of a Terran Holy Emperor.

He is a being capable of bringing human consciousness to Alaya close. And as a guardian of the world, Kitahara Hakuaki. There are also conditions that bring the planetary consciousness Gaia closer.

These two little Lolitas.

However, it has been entangled in the Northern Plains White Autumn for a long time.

Kitahara Hakuaki also communicated with them about his arrival and some other things.

As the only god of the Kitahara White Autumn.

His presence.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is still above Gaia and Alaya, which is equivalent to the root of the moon world.

Both he and the root represent a world.

It’s just that he’s conscious.

The root of the moon world is not conscious, only to see the incarnation.

“Two little guys?”

Tenzaka was a little puzzled and subconsciously asked, “Who?” ”

“Gaia and Alayah.”

Kitahara Baiqiu also answered without scruples.

Tosaka: “………”

Well, when she didn’t ask.

Tosaka Rin Forehead.

I don’t want to dwell on whether this is true or not.

Instead, he directly changed the topic and asked, “Kitahara, do you have any plans for the next step?” In my words, I want to at least find out who are the heroes of the Holy Grail War this time…”

“Don’t bother.”

Kitahara shook his head and interrupted Tosaka Rin’s words, but said directly to Tosaka Rin, “Follow me.” ”

Tosaka was stunned.

But in the trust of her own servant, she did not ask, and nodded directly.

Then, in Tosaka’s incredibly surprised gaze. Kitahara Hakuaki took Tosaka Rin to find Shiro Eisukawa.

For Shiro Emiya, Tosaka Rin knew.

However, not cooked.

She didn’t understand why Kitahara Hakuaki had brought her to find Shiro Uemiya, and looked at Kitahara Hakuaki in doubt.

“Classmate Tosaka?” That one……… And Mr. Kitahara? Do you have anything to do with me? ”

Wei Gong Shiro looked at Kitahara Shiaki and Tosaka Rin who had found him, and his face was also full of surprise.

“That’s right, Classmate Wei Gong, I want to ask you for something, of course, not in vain, I will compensate you.”

Kitahara Shiro looked at Wei Gong Shiro with a smile and spoke.


Shiro Weigong was a little confused.

“A sword scabbard, if you carry it, you may be involved in a war next.”

Hihara said.

Scabbard? In this moment.

Both Tosaka Rin and Emiya Shiro were stunned.

Wei Gong Shilang was even more nervous, would he even be involved in the war?

He wasn’t a complete ordinary person, he still knew something.

So……… He did not doubt Kitahara Hakuaki’s words.

Wei Gong Shiro was silent for a long time and asked, “If I give that thing to you, Higagi City… Will something go wrong? ”

“I can assure you that nothing will happen.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled slightly and opened his mouth.

Shiro Weigong was silent again.

He could feel that there was really no malice in Kitahara Baiqiu.

And, as the Terran Holy Emperor.

As long as he is a human, his trust in Kitahara Baiqiu is really unimaginable.

Wei Gong Shiro finally nodded and said, “Well, I agreed, I don’t need any compensation, you can keep Winterwood City safe, that’s enough.” ”

As an old and good man, it is naturally impossible to ask for any compensation.

He was the only survivor of the fires caused by the Fourth Holy Grail War in Winterwood City ten years ago.

He knew how terrifying something really was.

“One word is enough.”

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally smiled and agreed.

Immediately, Kitahara Shiaki came from the body of Wei Gong Shiro.

Took out the sword scabbard of Arthur King Altoria’s holy relic, the Eternal Aaron.

Originally, Kitahara Bai Qiu wanted to kidnap Wei Gong Shiro tonight and let him summon the Dumb Mao King.

Only after talking to Gaia Alaya.

There is no need for this………


Tosaka looked at the glowing spell pupils in Eimiya Shiro’s hand and shrunk.

She understood why Kitahara Hakuaki had brought her to find Wei Gong Shiro.

Because Wei Gong Shiro turned out to be the last seventh person?!!

Only with the removal of the sword sheath Avalon.

The spell in Wei Gong Shilang’s hand had also begun to slowly dissipate.

Wei Gong Shiro said that he did not want to compensate, and gave the sword sheath Avalon to Kitahara Hakuaki, but how could Kitahara Hakuaki not give it?

He also casually gave Wei Gong Shiro three ways to protect him.

No matter what danger he encountered, these three forces could protect him three times. With Kitahara White Autumn present, the sword sheath Avalon naturally had no surprises.

The stripping of the sword scabbard Avalon also had no effect on Shiro Uemiya.

“Thank you.”

Kitahara Shiaki smiled slightly and said to Shiro Eimiya.

Then he took Tosaka Rin with him, and he also disappeared directly in the same place.

The scene where Wei Gong Shiro watched the two disappear in place was also a constriction of his pupils.

He looked at his hand in a daze.

I can only pray that there will be no more accidents in Winterwood City, that there will be no more tragedies like the one that once was…

And the other side.

Kitahara White Autumn after the disappearance.

When he reappeared, he also appeared in the basement of the Tosaka family.

Rin Tosaka also feels very magical.

After all, it is the spatial ability, even if it is a lot of heroic spirits, it is something that cannot be done at all.

This is one of the reasons why the spell is very important to the Lord.

Once the lord is in danger, the spirit is not around.

The effect of the mantra can be manifested.

It can make the heroic spirit appear next to the lord in an instant to protect the lord.


The Kitahara White Autumn bug seems to have abolished the important role of the spell again.

“Kitahara, what do you want to do?”

Tosaka Rin gently let go of the hand that was holding Kitahara Bai Qiu and asked in doubt.

“What? Of course, it is to summon heroic spirits. ”

Kitahara smiled softly and spoke.


Tosaka’s face was stunned.

Immediately followed by a direct exclamation.

Can the heroic spirit still summon the heroic spirit? Never heard of it!

Her face showed an expression of disbelief. Kitahara Shiraaki was not surprised by Tosaka’s reaction. But……… Heroic spirits, of course, can summon heroic spirits.

In the original book, Caster summoned the assassin Sasaki Kojiro.

Kitahara White Autumn naturally can also do it.

Moreover, having consulted with Gaia Alaya and still having the sword sheath Avalon in his hand, he did not have to worry about summoning the wrong person.

It can be said that it is arbitrary to specify.

It is no exaggeration to say that he would be willing to sacrifice himself to sell himself.

Gaia Alaya had no problem even handing over the entire Hall of Heroes to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Rules are for the average person to follow.

Honestly, if Kitahara is willing, he can not follow any rules.

But……… Not necessarily.


“The body of Ru is entrusted to my command; My destiny is attached to the sword. ”

“Respond to the call of the Holy Grail, obey this will, the Reasoner, and respond to Me!”

“I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds of the world, and I am the one who gathers all the evils of the world.”

“Seven days of entanglement with the three great spirits.”

“Cross the Wheel of Inhibition, Guardian of the Scales.”

The familiar spirit of words sounded again.

With the sound of the spirit of speech, the entire magic array also began to emit a huge light.

A beautiful figure.

It also slowly walked out of the magic circle.

King Arthur——— Altoria!

“I ask, is Ru my master?”

“ServantSaber, come by summons.”

The heroic young girl looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and said so.

Tosaka’s eyes widened.

His face was full of excitement.

Summoned out!

It was really summoned! saber!

It’s Saber!

Her servant summoned Saber, what is the difference between that and her summoning Saber!

Look at the saber of your dreams.

Tosaka was simply excited.

The most crucial thing is the successful summoning of Kitahara Hakuaki.

It means that there are two servants on their side now! Two servants!

One is the strongest saber, and the other is a legendary deity.

This is……… What kind of fairy is this!!!

Tosaka’s feeling of happiness was about to faint.

“After that, my sword was with Ru. The fate of Ru coexists with Me. ”

“Here, the contract is done, master.”

The knight maiden looked at Kitahara Baiqiu seriously, and the announcement was completed.

She will bring victory to Kitahara Hakuaki!

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