Chapter 271 The Holy Grail War Is Over? I’m not playing anymore!!

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at it and appeared in front of his eyes.

She has a shawl of blond hair and turquoise eyes.

The skin is better than the snow, and the face is very beautiful without makeup, Artoria.

On his face, a satisfied smile also appeared.

The girl’s hair is curled up and looks so gentle and elegant, dignified and beautiful.

The silver armor on her body like the hem of the skirt also gives her extraordinary charm.

In many worlds.

There are many legends about King Arthur.

But in the moon world.

The famous King Arthur, the King of Knights.

No doubt it was a young girl named Artoria.

She is both a maiden and a veritable king.

“The Holy Grail War, it’s over.”

Kitahara watched Artoria’s appearance and spoke softly.

These words made Artoria stunned.


Tosaka Rin also exclaimed in amazement, looking at Kitahara Hakuaki in disbelief, and said in a panicked voice, “No, Kitahara, there are you and the strongest saber, it is not impossible to say that it is over…”

“But shouldn’t we wipe out all the other lords and heroic spirits, and then say this?”

“After all, the Holy Grail hasn’t been obtained yet, and even if it is a steady win, it should be won and then the end is over, isn’t it?”

Tosaka Rin mistakenly thought that Kitahara Hakuaki felt that the victory was in his hands, and all of them would say such things.

To be honest, she herself actually felt that the victory was in her hands.

However, the more this time comes, the more it cannot be taken lightly.

Otherwise, if there is any accident in the end, there is no place to cry.

Rin Tosaka was very excited now.

But there will be no arrogance, inflated emotions.

“Does the master believe in my strength?”

Saber Artoria heard Tosaka’s words, but also understood, and her face was full of seriousness: “Please rest assured, I will not fail to live up to the master’s expectations, and will definitely bring the final victory to the master!” ”

Serious girl.

At this moment it is almost as beautiful as a painting.

Kitahara White Autumn heard the words.

He smiled at Artoria and nodded.

Only then did he look at Tosaka Rin.

“Rin, remember when I said that you would make a wish to the Holy Grail, or else make a wish to me?”

Kitahara asked softly.

Tosaka was stunned.

Of course she remembered, didn’t that just say that not long ago?

But Tosaka Rin couldn’t understand what Kitahara was saying at this time.

Kitahara continued, “When you didn’t believe me, you told me that the reason why I came as a heroic spirit was because I also had my own wishes. ”

“So you don’t think that I, who can’t even fulfill my own wishes, can help you achieve your wishes.”

“Well, I tell you now that my wish has been fulfilled, because my wish to come is for some special reason to see Artoria.”

Tosaka was stunned.

Meet Artoria? Is this Miss Saber in front of you? How could Tosaka Rin have thought of it.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s wish turned out to be this??? Altoria was also stunned.

Master wants to see her…? Why do you want to see her?

She looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

Well, very handsome.

But it is precisely because of this handsomeness.

If she had seen it, Artoria thought it would be impossible to forget.

Artoria was convinced that she should not have seen Kitahara Hakuaki before.

Why did Kitahara Bai Qiu want to see her?

Kitahara Baiqiu continued to speak with a smile under the stunned expressions of the two young girls: “Now my wish has come true, easily realized, so you can also say your wish, Rin.” ”

“You asked me what kind of god I was before, and it is not an exaggeration to say… In a way, I am an Almighty God. ”

“The Holy Grail War is nothing more than that for me, and since I met Artoria, it is naturally over, and it is not over.”

Almighty God………

Rin Tosaka and Artoria glanced at each other.

There was a shock in his eyes.

But their faces were dumbfounded.

For a moment, there was still no talking.

After a few moments.

“Your Majesty…… Can you really fulfill any wish? ”

Artoria’s face was full of disbelief.

She did not expect that the master who summoned her this time was actually a god.

And an Almighty God.

What a sublime existence this is.


Kitahara looked at Artoria with a smile and replied.

And then.

Artoria and Rin Tosaka fell silent again.

It was a shock.

Their brains are so messy.

Altoria, in particular, was told of this kind of thing when she had just arrived.

The whole person is naturally chaotic.

They need a certain amount of time to digest the news that Kitahara Bai Qiu said.

“Well, I don’t know why you care so much about form.”

Kitahara Baiqiu sighed at this.

And then………

He struck.

A huge amount of magic.

It was also gathered in the hands of Kitahara Hakuaki.

The countless heroic spirits and lords of Dongmu City were all shaken at this moment, and subconsciously looked at that place.

“How can that be?!!”

The heroic king Gilgamesh felt the power.

His pupils shrank sharply, and his face showed an expression of disbelief.

“The Holy Grail…… Coming? ”

That’s right, the Holy Grail has arrived!

But now the war of the followers has not yet begun, and the war of the followers has not yet broken out even one.

Why does something like the Holy Grail appear?!!

Without the slightest hesitation, Gilgamesh went directly to the place where the Holy Grail had come

The rest of the heroes felt the power of the Holy Grail.

The same is true at this moment, and the gaze begins to go directly in that direction.

Kitahara felt it, but he didn’t care at all.

Just a holy grail.

To be honest, creating one for Kitahara Hakuaki is really easy. Even in the Godkiller World of Genivia she has a holy grail.

In order to make the two girls in front of him completely believe his words.

Kitahara Baiqiu also had no scruples.

And when the Holy Grail was fully manifested and appeared in the hands of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Atsusaka Rin and Artoria did have their pupils constricted, and both of them exclaimed in disbelief at the same time, “Holy Grail?!!” “x2。

Feel the power of the Holy Grail.

Whether it’s Rin Tosaka or Artoria.

As masters and servants, they can be sure that this is the real Holy Grail.

Tosaka was stunned.

How is this possible!

What kind of monster did she summon out? Rubbing the Holy Grail in your hands?

Really fake sleeper! That’s an exaggeration, right? Artoria also fainted.

What kind of master did she meet this time?

Obviously it has just arrived.

The battle that should have been fought has not yet been fought.

The Holy Grail that everyone had dreamed of was in front of them?!! Tosaka understood.

Why did Kitahara Baiqiu never take the Holy Grail War seriously.

This is all about this capital.

The existence of this guy is simply unimaginable.

Artoria understood, too.

Why did Kitahara say that the Holy Grail War was over after seeing her?

It’s not that I believe in her strength or anything.

Instead, the wish came true, and Kitahara Baiqiu directly unveiled the table and didn’t want to play! And Kitahara Baiqiu’s wish was to see himself inexplicably.

Artoria couldn’t understand.

What could she do to make Kitahara Bai Qiu’s existence worry?

“I don’t know why you care so much about form.”

“If I say that an ordinary coin can fulfill a wish, then he can fulfill a wish.”

“If I say that other things can fulfill wishes, then other items can naturally fulfill wishes.”

“The fundamental and fundamental strength to fulfill one’s wishes lies in me, not in its superficial form.”

“I said yes, of course it worked, and it was easy.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the shocked expressions of the two young girls and also laughed twice.

“Well, the Holy Grail has arrived, and it’s time to make a wish, two maidens.”

Rin Tosaka and Artoria glanced at each other.

They all saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

Sure enough, anyway.

It’s still hard to believe it!

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