Chapter 273 King Arthur thousands of years ago! Sword in the Stone!!

The two girls made their own wishes.

And Kitahara Baiqiu, who promised the girls, naturally needed to take the girls’ wishes to the eye.

Only to see Kitahara Bai Qiu smile slightly, directly launched the Golden Talent Time and Space Traveler.

This talent reaches golden age.

You can not only move freely through the space.

In terms of time, it is also possible to act arbitrarily.

However, to what extent can it be achieved.

That also depends on the strength of Kitahara Baiqiu himself and the strength of the world in which he lives.


The strength of the Moon World is not much under the influence of power for the current Kitahara White Autumn.

He came directly to the time when Britain was not born thousands of years ago.

This era.

Extremely confusing.

As the Holy Emperor of the Terran Race, Kitahara Baiqiu walked in this era.

Soon, it also began to have a reputation.

This prestige, after its appearance.

It also began to prolong rapidly at an extremely frightening, jaw-dropping speed.

After reaching a kind of peak.

The status of Kitahara Baiqiu is also beginning to be unshakable.

People began to call Kitahara Baiqiu ‘holy’.

The existence of Kitahara White Autumn is full of longing and worship.

And during that time.

A young girl named Altoria Pendragon, also quietly born.

The girl soon began to grow up slowly.

After the girl reaches a certain age.

Kitahara Hakuaki went to the territory of the Pendragon family and began to instruct the maiden as the maiden’s swordplay teacher.

This matter.

It caused a sensation among countless people.

No one expected that Kitahara Baiqiu would actually become a child’s master.

The father of the girl.

Naturally, Uther Pancragun was also ecstatic, and received Kitahara Hakuaki with the highest treatment.

And let his subordinates amnesty the world and celebrate the whole country.

Because of the existence of the Northern Plains White Autumn, it is too noble to say that it has even been mythologized now.

How to get the guidance of Kitahara Baiqiu, how not to shock and ecstasy Uther Pendragon.

That year.

The girl was only five years old.

Hiding behind his father and king, he looked at Kitahara Baiqiu timidly.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled at the young girl.

After all, it was a man with the talent of the Dragon King.

Just after a short time together.

Artoria began to become intimate with Kitahara Hakuaki, and even became extremely dependent on Kitahara Hakuaki.

You perform your duty to teach the art of watching Artoria swordsmanship.

In this world.

Your sword, it is not an exaggeration to say that the world is invincible.

Under your guidance, Artoria’s swordplay naturally improved by leaps and bounds.

In addition to teaching Artoria swordplay.

Kitahara Hakuaki didn’t do anything else either.

Instead, I watched Artoria’s heartfelt smile every day.

It was as if I was infected, and my smile was surprisingly much more every day.

During this period.

Kitahara Hakuaki also met Merlin and Morgan Lefey.

As Altoria’s sister Morgan Lefey.

She was different from Artoria.

After spending a lot of time with Kitahara Baiqiu, he developed a crush on him.

Without scruples, he bluntly said that he liked Kitahara Baiqiu, and said that when he grew up, he must marry Kitahara Baiqiu.

This caused a sensation throughout the Pendragon family.

The young Altoria was stunned, her face flushed.

She was different from her sister.

Even if he likes to get along with Kitahara Hakuaki.

But she did not dare to say such a thing, so she admired her sister greatly.

Uther Pendragon, on the other hand, was directly alarmed.

Because he didn’t know how you’d react to Morgan Lefey’s words.

It wasn’t until I saw that you didn’t react and still did as usual, that I was relieved.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally cried and laughed at this.

However, for the little guy Morgan Lefey, Kitahara Baiqiu is naturally also very fond of it.

The culprit whose future will lead to the destruction of the whole of Britain.

Now I am also innocent and extremely cute.

From her body, it is not difficult to see that the pavilion that will fall in the future is a unique beauty.

As for the future that will destroy Britain or something. This was nothing in Kitahara’s view to Bai Qiu.

The future is only the future after all.

Kitahara Baiqiu is here, and the future can naturally be changed.

Just start now.

Good guidance to change the girl.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Artoria and Morgan Lefey, who were happily nestled in their arms together, with a smile on their faces.

The fate of these two sisters.

He’s going to change that.

Over time.

Artoria slowly began to grow up.

As your apprentice, she naturally began to make a lot of noise, causing an uproar in the outside world.

Everyone was sighing.

Artoria is worthy of being a knight under your guidance.

Next year is not very old.

However, the height of martial arts seems to be unmatched.

Of course, under the deliberate concealment of Merlin and others.

The identity of Artoria’s female has also not been revealed.

Only in front of you.

She can release her girlish side to the fullest.

During this period, Uther Pendragon also died of exhaustion.

At the time of his death.

He held on to his breath until he saw you, and with expectant eyes, he said hard that he wanted to entrust his two daughters to you.

After you nodded.

Uther Pendragon was relieved and walked away with a serene look on his face.

With your promise, he walked with confidence.

The death of the father.

Both Artoria and Morgan Lefey were very sad and grief-stricken.

Death of the King.

It also made the entire kingdom of Camelot mourn.

After the death of Uther Pendragon.

Since you are there, nothing big has happened in the kingdom of Carmello.

Time passes slowly.

When Artoria was fifteen years old.

As you might expect.

The two young girls are also very beautiful now

The relationship between Artoria and Morgan Lefey is also as good as ever.

The two sisters often played and played together.

And the closest to them is undoubtedly you.

Morgan Lefey’s love for you has not faded with the passage of time, but has intensified.

Now she has grown up.

Morgan Lefey even pestered you a lot, excitedly asking when you could get married and how many children you would have after marriage.

Every now and then at this time.

Artoria stood at a loss for words and blushed.

Growing up Altoria.

In fact, I am no longer as ignorant as I was when I was a child, and I am also aware of the love in my heart for you.

But……… She is really not as bold as her sister!

And not long after Artoria’s fifteenth birthday.

Rumors of the sword in the stone.

It also began to extend throughout the whole of Britain.

Legend has it that whoever can pull out the sword stuck in the stone will become the king of all of Britain!

Hearing this rumor, countless people, countless well-known knights, tried to pull out this sword.

But they are without exception……… All failed.

When Artoria heard this rumor, she longed for it, and naturally asked you to try it.

You smile slightly.

Nature agreed with Artoria…

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