Chapter 274 The Maiden Called King! Jealous Morgan Lefey!!

Where the sword in the stone is located.

It wasn’t that far from the kingdom of Camelot.

Because too many people and even countless famous knights have drawn their swords and failed.

Some people have begun to doubt the authenticity of being able to claim the king by pulling out the sword in the stone.

But when they heard that Arthur Pendragon was also going to try, they were certainly not in a daze.

Due to the existence of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Artoria undoubtedly grew up in full view.

She also didn’t live up to everyone’s expectations of her.

It has become the most eye-catching existence even among many knights.

Has great prestige.

If only someone in this world could pull out the sword in the stone.

Then in the hearts of countless people.

This man must be Arthur Pendragon Dragon.

Cloaked in silver horse armor, Altoria bathed in sunlight and entered the eyes of the people under the eyes of everyone.

The fine wind blew Artoria’s blond hair slightly, revealing her fair forehead, and the perfect face, which seemed to be the magic of nature, was also exposed to everyone.

All eyes were on Artoria at this moment.

The square that was originally a mess, because of the appearance of Artoria, unconsciously all quieted down.

Even if he is not yet king.

Even if the sword in the stone has not yet been drawn.

The kingly power of Artoria was unmistakable in front of everyone.

Recall the legend of this person from childhood to adulthood.

Everyone was sighing, feeling that Artoria was no wonder she had been accepted as a disciple.

She is a natural king.

Under the eyes of everyone, Artoria also came to the sword in the stone

Curious gazed at this rumored King’s Sword.

In the sky.

You and Merlin are also watching this scene. Merlin smiled at you. You gave this guy a blank look.

Continue to look at Artoria.

You know, it’s a historic scene.

After Artoria stared at the sword in the stone for a moment, she did not have the slightest nervousness.

Just the usual dismounting, the usual glance at everyone again.

“Dear people of Carmello, and distinguished guests from other city-states and dependencies, I am Prince Arthur Pendragon!”

Everyone held their breath at this moment, looking at the incomparably dazzling king on the high platform.

“Today, I will draw the sword in the stone before your eyes!” According to the law and consensus, become the new king of the whole of Britain! ”

The sword has not yet been drawn.

Artoria swore an oath, which shocked countless people.

Altoria is very confident, though.

Because you said that if Artoria wanted to draw her sword, she would succeed in pulling it out and become the most perfect king who would lead the whole of Britain.

Also as Altoria’s mentor.

Merlin actually told Artoria that she could pull out the sword in the stone.

But once she picks up the sword, Artoria will no longer be human, and she will be hated by all humans in the future, and eventually meet the tragic death.

Artoria didn’t know if what Merlin said was true or not.

But she undoubtedly believes in you more.

She had been a little girl who had studied hard to become a king since she was a child, and the little girl who trained was now in front of her with the sword in stone, she naturally had no reason to back down.

She will not be afraid of her end, and at best may be afraid of whether her decision is the right one.

But you exist.

No doubt it gave Artoria a reassuring pill.

No more hesitation.

Artoria seemed to take it for granted.

Pull out the ‘Golden Sword of Choice’.

Immediately, the river of time freezes for the king.

The king’s body and countenance stopped growing and aging, and remained forever at the age of 15.

Everyone present watched Artoria pull out the sword in the stone, and all of a sudden it all boiled.

“King Arthur!”

“King Arthur!”

“King Arthur!”

The sword in the stone glowed tremendously in Artoria’s hand.

At this moment, the blue sky and white clouds, the sun, the moon, the stars, and everything else seemed to be congratulating and crowning the birth of the chosen king.

Make Artoria’s body look so extraordinary.

All the people, watching this miracle-like scene, also shouted with excitement.

Artoria’s momentum and prestige also reached a peak at this moment and it was at this time.

Your figure also began to appear slowly in front of Artoria.

Everyone present saw you, and the expression on their faces was even more shaken.

For your existence, in the hearts of countless people, is a more noble being than a king

Don’t look at the two sisters, Altoria and Morgan Lefe, who want to see you from time to time.

But except for their two sisters.

Your existence is like a legend to them, a legend from above.

You never appeared again after you were called holy.

Now that your disciple has become king, you are once again in the public eye.

All are looking at you reverently.

Artoria saw you appear, and her face was full of smiles, looking very happy.

Merlin was in heaven.

He didn’t pay attention to when you went down, and could only smile helplessly.

“Now that you’ve become a king, there’s no need to hide it, right?”

Kitahara came to Artoria, looked at her and smiled.

“What’s hidden?”

Artoria was stunned, and asked subconsciously with a confused expression on her face.

“Nature is your identity.”

Kitahara said so.

That’s right, identity.

Artoria was in the eyes of everyone outside. Nowadays they are all recognized as men.

Count all the tragedies that Britain eventually caused.

It can be said that it was caused by Artoria’s concealment of female identity.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not think that what would happen if a woman became a king.

These are the best times for Artoria to confess to all.

“But… Teacher Bai Qiu, my identity, my father called me to hide from childhood, Teacher Merlin also told me to hide from childhood, even my sister told me not to expose…”

Artoria heard that Kitahara had understood and knew what he was referring to.

But there was some hesitation on her face and said to Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Do you want to hide it yourself?”

Kitahara asked again.

“I don’t want to.”

Artoria shook her head.

Obviously female, but she wants to appear in the eyes of others as a man

Only when you get along with Kitahara Hakuaki can you release your nature as a woman………

Naturally, Artoria did not want to do this.

But Artoria also knew what was more important than not.

She knew that hiding her identity would help her avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

So even if you don’t want to.

Artoria was also receptive.

After all, at least there is still a sister and Teacher Bai Qiu, isn’t there? In front of Teacher Bai Qiu, she was still able to play as much as she wanted.

“Since you don’t want to, don’t hide it,” Kitahara said again.

Artoria froze again.

Everyone told her to hide, but Kitahara told her that she didn’t need to hide.

“Rest assured, no matter what happens, I will stand by your side to help Kitahara Baiqiu look at Artoria with a smile.”

Artoria heard this and immediately laughed.

With this promise from Kitahara Hakuaki, what else does she need? Ultimately.

Under the watchful eye.

Artoria also revealed to everyone the fact that she was a woman.

This undoubtedly caused the consternation and sensation of everyone present.

Merlin looked at this scene and was also stunned and mad.

He had no idea that you were going down to do such a thing, and he didn’t know what you were trying to do.

King Arthur, who had just pulled out his sword in the stone, was actually a woman? The impact on everyone is undoubtedly enormous.

However, recall the legends and great achievements of King Arthur’s past.

Some people feel that even women don’t seem to be a big deal.

At best, it was from king to queen.

In this world, there is no precedent for the queen to ascend the throne.

Not to mention, you’re still on King Arthur’s side.

As the king of your choice, Artoria naturally has the support of countless people, so although the revelation of Artoria’s identity has caused some sensation.

But it did not cause any riots, rebellion.

As you might expect.

King Arthur is still the same King Arthur.

It’s just King Arthur, who has been released and no longer hides his identity.

Belongs to the time of King Arthur.

At this moment also began.

After the end of the Sword in the Stone Incident.

The pavilion that has long been out of the sky, the beautiful and moving Morgan Lefey. After hearing the whole thing, I also found you.

She was jealous.

“A long time ago, I knew that whether it was Father King, or Merlin, or Teacher Bai Qiu, you should pay more attention to Leia and care more about Leia than I do.”

“The others have already calculated, Teacher Bai Qiu, you like Leia more than I do, but I have always been very jealous.”

“I didn’t expect that, Teacher Bai Qiu, in order to prevent Leia from being bound in the future, you would now even openly stand behind her and stand for her.”

“To be honest, even if I see that you are so good to Leah, I will be unconvinced Teacher Bai Qiu.”

“Although Teacher Bai Qiu is very kind to me, but from Teacher Xiao Baiqiu, you are better to Liya than to me, well, jealousy is jealousy, and now I am even more jealous.”

“Before, you always thought that I was still young, I was still young, and rejected my will again and again, this time, I am an adult, so you are not allowed to refuse me again Teacher Bai Qiu.”

“Otherwise……… I don’t know what I’m going to do to Leah because I’m jealous……”

The beautiful and seductive Morgan Lefey is also constantly speaking in front of you.

The silver-haired girl looks so beautiful and noble, but she has been very fascinated by you since she was a child and has been obsessed with you.

She was also a princess of the Kingdom of Camello.

Known as a goblin, a beautiful girl like a fairy.

For the cute and jealous Morgan Lefey in front of you, your face is full of helplessness.


You didn’t turn down the girl again.

You played poker with Morgan Lefey…

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